		LOG(LogLevel::Info) << "Parsing EU4 colonial regions";

		registerKeyword(std::regex("colonial_\\w+"), [this](const std::string& regionName, std::istream& theStream)
				colonialRegion newRegion(theStream);
				auto provinces = newRegion.getProvinces();
				std::for_each(provinces.begin(), provinces.end(), [this, regionName](const int& province)
						provinceToColonialRegions.insert(std::make_pair(province, regionName));
		parseFile(Configuration::getEU4Path() + "/common/colonial_regions/00_colonial_regions.txt");

		for (auto mod: Configuration::getEU4Mods())
			set<string> filenames;
			Utils::GetAllFilesInFolder(mod + "/common/colonial_regions/", filenames);
			for (auto filename: filenames)
				string modRegionsFile(mod + "/common/colonial_regions/" + filename);
				if (Utils::DoesFileExist(modRegionsFile))
Esempio n. 2
Point3D BodyRegion::getAnimateRegionPos(AnimationSprite *pSprite, Region region)
    Point3D pos = pSprite->getCenterPosition3D();
    Size size(pSprite->getCenterToSides() * 2, pSprite->getCenterToBottom() * 2);
    int faceDirection = pSprite->getFaceDirection().x;
   // log("faceDirection:%d",faceDirection);
    BodyRegion newRegion(pos,size,faceDirection);    //初始化
    Point3D ret = newRegion.getPosition(region);//相对的位置

    return  ret;
Esempio n. 3
// must be called from main thread
void GfxPainter::setRect(const QRect &rect)
    // XXX - need to support 32-bit
    if(fRect == rect)

    fRect = rect;

    width = rect.width();
    step = width;
    height = rect.height();

#if defined(Q_WS_QWS)
    linestep = QDirectPainter::linestep();
    fBuffer = QDirectPainter::frameBuffer();

    if(buffer) {
        delete [] buffer;
        buffer = 0;

    if(fRect.isEmpty()) {
        if(p) {
            delete p;
            delete pImg;
            p = 0;
            pImg = 0;
    } else {
        buffer = new uchar[width * height * 2];
        if(p) {
            delete p;
            delete pImg;
        pImg = new QImage(buffer, width, height, QImage::Format_RGB16);
        p = new QPainter(pImg);

    QRegion newRegion(rect);
    clipRegion = newRegion;
        clipRects = newRegion.rects();

//    mainThreadProxy->call();
Esempio n. 4
void TiledLayerChromium::updateBounds()
    IntSize oldBounds = m_tiler->bounds();
    IntSize newBounds = contentBounds();
    if (oldBounds == newBounds)

    // Invalidate any areas that the new bounds exposes.
    Region oldRegion(IntRect(IntPoint(), oldBounds));
    Region newRegion(IntRect(IntPoint(), newBounds));
    Vector<IntRect> rects = newRegion.rects();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i)
Esempio n. 5
void wxGTKDCImpl::DoSetClippingRegion( wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height )
    wxASSERT_MSG( width >= 0 && height >= 0,
                  "Clipping box size values cannot be negative" );

    wxRect newRegion(x, y, width, height);

    wxRect clipRegion;
    if ( m_clipping )
        // New clipping box is an intersection
        // of required clipping box and the current one.
        wxRect curRegion(m_clipX1, m_clipY1, m_clipX2 - m_clipX1, m_clipY2 - m_clipY1);
        clipRegion = curRegion.Intersect(newRegion);
        // Effective clipping box is an intersection
        // of required clipping box and DC surface.
        int dcWidth, dcHeight;
        DoGetSize(&dcWidth, &dcHeight);
        wxRect dcRect(DeviceToLogicalX(0), DeviceToLogicalY(0),
                      DeviceToLogicalXRel(dcWidth), DeviceToLogicalYRel(dcHeight));
        clipRegion = dcRect.Intersect(newRegion);

        m_clipping = true;

    if ( clipRegion.IsEmpty() )
        m_clipX1 = m_clipY1 = m_clipX2 = m_clipY2 = 0;
        m_clipX1 = clipRegion.GetLeftTop().x;
        m_clipY1 = clipRegion.GetLeftTop().y;
        m_clipX2 = clipRegion.GetBottomRight().x + 1;
        m_clipY2 = clipRegion.GetBottomRight().y + 1;
Esempio n. 6
void PositionManager::updateRegion(Movable *movable, float oldX, float oldY, uint8_t oldLayer)
	Region oldRegion(oldX, oldY, oldLayer);
	Region newRegion(movable->x, movable->y, movable->layer);

	if(oldRegion == newRegion) {

	movable->onRegionChange(&oldRegion, &newRegion);

	for(int32_t rx = oldRegion.rx - Region::VISIBILITY_RADIUS; rx <= oldRegion.rx + Region::VISIBILITY_RADIUS; rx++) {
		int32_t ryStart = oldRegion.ry - Region::VISIBILITY_RADIUS + ::abs(rx - oldRegion.rx);
		int32_t ryEnd = oldRegion.ry + Region::VISIBILITY_RADIUS - ::abs(rx - oldRegion.rx);

		for(int32_t ry = ryStart; ry <= ryEnd; ry++) {
			Region testRegion(rx, ry, oldRegion.layer);
			if(oldRegion.isVisibleRegion(testRegion) && !newRegion.isVisibleRegion(testRegion)) {
				//disappear in old region

	for(int32_t rx = newRegion.rx - Region::VISIBILITY_RADIUS; rx <= newRegion.rx + Region::VISIBILITY_RADIUS; rx++) {
		int32_t ryStart = newRegion.ry - Region::VISIBILITY_RADIUS + ::abs(rx - newRegion.rx);
		int32_t ryEnd = newRegion.ry + Region::VISIBILITY_RADIUS - ::abs(rx - newRegion.rx);

		for(int32_t ry = ryStart; ry <= ryEnd; ry++) {
			Region testRegion(rx, ry, newRegion.layer);
			if(newRegion.isVisibleRegion(testRegion) && !oldRegion.isVisibleRegion(testRegion)) {
				//appear in new region
Esempio n. 7
bool OsmAnd::WorldRegions_P::loadWorldRegions(
    QHash< QString, std::shared_ptr<const WorldRegion> >& outRegions,
    const IQueryController* const controller) const
    const std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> ocbfFile(new QFile(owner->ocbfFileName));
    if (!ocbfFile->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
        return false;

    const std::shared_ptr<ObfReader> ocbfReader(new ObfReader(ocbfFile));
    const auto& obfInfo = ocbfReader->obtainInfo();
    if (!obfInfo)

        return false;

    for(const auto& mapSection : constOf(obfInfo->mapSections))
        // Check if request is aborted
        if (controller && controller->isAborted())

            return false;

        bool idsCaptured = false;
        uint32_t nameId = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
        uint32_t idId = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
        uint32_t downloadNameId = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
        uint32_t regionPrefixId = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
        uint32_t regionSuffixId = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
        const QLatin1String localizedNameTagPrefix("name:");
        const auto localizedNameTagPrefixLen = localizedNameTagPrefix.size();
        const auto worldRegionsCollector =
            [&outRegions, &idsCaptured, &nameId, &idId, &downloadNameId, &regionPrefixId, &regionSuffixId, localizedNameTagPrefix, localizedNameTagPrefixLen]
            (const std::shared_ptr<const OsmAnd::Model::BinaryMapObject>& worldRegionMapObject) -> bool
                const auto& rules = worldRegionMapObject->section->encodingDecodingRules;
                if (!idsCaptured)
                    nameId = rules->name_encodingRuleId;

                    QHash< QString, QHash<QString, uint32_t> >::const_iterator citRule;
                    if ((citRule = rules->encodingRuleIds.constFind(QLatin1String("key_name"))) != rules->encodingRuleIds.cend())
                        idId = citRule->constBegin().value();
                    if ((citRule = rules->encodingRuleIds.constFind(QLatin1String("download_name"))) != rules->encodingRuleIds.cend())
                        downloadNameId = citRule->constBegin().value();
                    if ((citRule = rules->encodingRuleIds.constFind(QLatin1String("region_prefix"))) != rules->encodingRuleIds.cend())
                        regionPrefixId = citRule->constBegin().value();
                    if ((citRule = rules->encodingRuleIds.constFind(QLatin1String("region_suffix"))) != rules->encodingRuleIds.cend())
                        regionSuffixId = citRule->constBegin().value();

                    idsCaptured = true;

                QString name;
                QString id;
                QString downloadName;
                QString regionPrefix;
                QString regionSuffix;
                QHash<QString, QString> localizedNames;
                for(const auto& localizedNameEntry : rangeOf(constOf(worldRegionMapObject->names)))
                    const auto ruleId = localizedNameEntry.key();
                    if (ruleId == idId)
                        id = localizedNameEntry.value().toLower();
                    else if (ruleId == nameId)
                        name = localizedNameEntry.value();
                    else if (ruleId == downloadNameId)
                        downloadName = localizedNameEntry.value().toLower();
                    else if (ruleId == regionPrefixId)
                        regionPrefix = localizedNameEntry.value().toLower();
                    else if (ruleId == regionSuffixId)
                        regionSuffix = localizedNameEntry.value().toLower();

                    const auto& nameTag = rules->decodingRules[localizedNameEntry.key()].tag;
                    if (!nameTag.startsWith(localizedNameTagPrefix))
                    const auto languageId = nameTag.mid(localizedNameTagPrefixLen).toLower();
                    localizedNames.insert(languageId, localizedNameEntry.value());

                QString parentId = regionSuffix;
                if (!regionPrefix.isEmpty())
                    if (!parentId.isEmpty())
                        parentId.prepend(regionPrefix + QLatin1String("_"));
                        parentId = regionPrefix;

                // Build up full id
                if (!regionPrefix.isEmpty())
                    id.prepend(regionPrefix + QLatin1String("_"));
                if (!regionSuffix.isEmpty())
                    id.append(QLatin1String("_") + regionSuffix);

                std::shared_ptr<const WorldRegion> newRegion(new WorldRegion(id, downloadName, name, localizedNames, parentId));

                outRegions.insert(id, qMove(newRegion));

                return false;

        // Read objects from each map section
            nullptr, // Query entire world
            nullptr, // No need for map objects to be stored
            nullptr, // Foundation is not needed
            nullptr, // No filtering by ID

    return true;
Esempio n. 8
 * Initializes the region data from the ICU resource bundles.  The region data
 * contains the basic relationships such as which regions are known, what the numeric
 * codes are, any known aliases, and the territory containment data.
 * If the region data has already loaded, then this method simply returns without doing
 * anything meaningful.
void Region::loadRegionData(UErrorCode &status) {

    // Construct service objs first
    LocalUHashtablePointer newRegionIDMap(uhash_open(uhash_hashUnicodeString, uhash_compareUnicodeString, NULL, &status));
    LocalUHashtablePointer newNumericCodeMap(uhash_open(uhash_hashLong,uhash_compareLong,NULL,&status));
    LocalUHashtablePointer newRegionAliases(uhash_open(uhash_hashUnicodeString,uhash_compareUnicodeString,NULL,&status));
    LocalPointer<DecimalFormat> df(new DecimalFormat(status), status);

    LocalPointer<UVector> continents(new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status), status);
    LocalPointer<UVector> groupings(new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status), status);
    allRegions = new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status);

    LocalUResourceBundlePointer metadata(ures_openDirect(NULL,"metadata",&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer metadataAlias(ures_getByKey(metadata.getAlias(),"alias",NULL,&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer territoryAlias(ures_getByKey(metadataAlias.getAlias(),"territory",NULL,&status));

    LocalUResourceBundlePointer supplementalData(ures_openDirect(NULL,"supplementalData",&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer codeMappings(ures_getByKey(supplementalData.getAlias(),"codeMappings",NULL,&status));

    LocalUResourceBundlePointer idValidity(ures_getByKey(supplementalData.getAlias(),"idValidity",NULL,&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer regionList(ures_getByKey(idValidity.getAlias(),"region",NULL,&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer regionRegular(ures_getByKey(regionList.getAlias(),"regular",NULL,&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer regionMacro(ures_getByKey(regionList.getAlias(),"macroregion",NULL,&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer regionUnknown(ures_getByKey(regionList.getAlias(),"unknown",NULL,&status));

    LocalUResourceBundlePointer territoryContainment(ures_getByKey(supplementalData.getAlias(),"territoryContainment",NULL,&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer worldContainment(ures_getByKey(territoryContainment.getAlias(),"001",NULL,&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer groupingContainment(ures_getByKey(territoryContainment.getAlias(),"grouping",NULL,&status));

    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

    // now, initialize
    uhash_setValueDeleter(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(), deleteRegion);  // regionIDMap owns objs
    uhash_setKeyDeleter(newRegionAliases.getAlias(), uprv_deleteUObject); // regionAliases owns the string keys

    while ( ures_hasNext(regionRegular.getAlias()) ) {
        UnicodeString regionName = ures_getNextUnicodeString(regionRegular.getAlias(),NULL,&status);
        int32_t rangeMarkerLocation = regionName.indexOf(RANGE_MARKER);
        UChar buf[6];
        if ( rangeMarkerLocation > 0 ) {
            UChar endRange = regionName.charAt(rangeMarkerLocation+1);
            buf[rangeMarkerLocation] = 0;
            while ( buf[rangeMarkerLocation-1] <= endRange ) {
                LocalPointer<UnicodeString> newRegion(new UnicodeString(buf), status);
        } else {
            LocalPointer<UnicodeString> newRegion(new UnicodeString(regionName), status);

    while ( ures_hasNext(regionMacro.getAlias()) ) {
        UnicodeString regionName = ures_getNextUnicodeString(regionMacro.getAlias(),NULL,&status);
        int32_t rangeMarkerLocation = regionName.indexOf(RANGE_MARKER);
        UChar buf[6];
        if ( rangeMarkerLocation > 0 ) {
            UChar endRange = regionName.charAt(rangeMarkerLocation+1);
            buf[rangeMarkerLocation] = 0;
            while ( buf[rangeMarkerLocation-1] <= endRange ) {
                LocalPointer<UnicodeString> newRegion(new UnicodeString(buf), status);
        } else {
            LocalPointer<UnicodeString> newRegion(new UnicodeString(regionName), status);

    while ( ures_hasNext(regionUnknown.getAlias()) ) {
        LocalPointer<UnicodeString> regionName (new UnicodeString(ures_getNextUnicodeString(regionUnknown.getAlias(),NULL,&status),status));

    while ( ures_hasNext(worldContainment.getAlias()) ) {
        UnicodeString *continentName = new UnicodeString(ures_getNextUnicodeString(worldContainment.getAlias(),NULL,&status));

    while ( ures_hasNext(groupingContainment.getAlias()) ) {
        UnicodeString *groupingName = new UnicodeString(ures_getNextUnicodeString(groupingContainment.getAlias(),NULL,&status));

    for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < allRegions->size() ; i++ ) {
        LocalPointer<Region> r(new Region(), status);
        if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
        UnicodeString *regionName = (UnicodeString *)allRegions->elementAt(i);
        r->idStr = *regionName;

        r->type = URGN_TERRITORY; // Only temporary - figure out the real type later once the aliases are known.

        Formattable result;
        UErrorCode ps = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        if ( U_SUCCESS(ps) ) {
            r->code = result.getLong(); // Convert string to number
            uhash_iput(newNumericCodeMap.getAlias(),r->code,(void *)(r.getAlias()),&status);
            r->type = URGN_SUBCONTINENT;
        } else {
            r->code = -1;
        void* idStrAlias = (void*)&(r->idStr); // about to orphan 'r'. Save this off.
        uhash_put(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),idStrAlias,(void *)(r.orphan()),&status); // regionIDMap takes ownership

    // Process the territory aliases
    while ( ures_hasNext(territoryAlias.getAlias()) ) {
        LocalUResourceBundlePointer res(ures_getNextResource(territoryAlias.getAlias(),NULL,&status));
        const char *aliasFrom = ures_getKey(res.getAlias());
        LocalPointer<UnicodeString> aliasFromStr(new UnicodeString(aliasFrom, -1, US_INV), status);
        UnicodeString aliasTo = ures_getUnicodeStringByKey(res.getAlias(),"replacement",&status);

        const Region *aliasToRegion = (Region *) uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),&aliasTo);
        Region *aliasFromRegion = (Region *)uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),aliasFromStr.getAlias());

        if ( aliasToRegion != NULL && aliasFromRegion == NULL ) { // This is just an alias from some string to a region
            uhash_put(newRegionAliases.getAlias(),(void *)aliasFromStr.orphan(), (void *)aliasToRegion,&status);
        } else {
            if ( aliasFromRegion == NULL ) { // Deprecated region code not in the master codes list - so need to create a deprecated region for it.
                LocalPointer<Region> newRgn(new Region, status); 
                if ( U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
                    aliasFromRegion = newRgn.orphan();
                } else {
                    return; // error out
                uhash_put(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)&(aliasFromRegion->idStr),(void *)aliasFromRegion,&status);
                Formattable result;
                UErrorCode ps = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                if ( U_SUCCESS(ps) ) {
                    aliasFromRegion->code = result.getLong(); // Convert string to number
                    uhash_iput(newNumericCodeMap.getAlias(),aliasFromRegion->code,(void *)aliasFromRegion,&status);
                } else {
                    aliasFromRegion->code = -1;
                aliasFromRegion->type = URGN_DEPRECATED;
            } else {
                aliasFromRegion->type = URGN_DEPRECATED;

                LocalPointer<UVector> newPreferredValues(new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status), status);
                aliasFromRegion->preferredValues = newPreferredValues.orphan();
            if( U_FAILURE(status)) {
            UnicodeString currentRegion;
            //currentRegion.remove();   TODO: was already 0 length?
            for (int32_t i = 0 ; i < aliasTo.length() ; i++ ) {
                if ( aliasTo.charAt(i) != 0x0020 ) {
                if ( aliasTo.charAt(i) == 0x0020 || i+1 == aliasTo.length() ) {
                    Region *target = (Region *)uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)&currentRegion);
                    if (target) {
                        LocalPointer<UnicodeString> preferredValue(new UnicodeString(target->idStr), status);
                        aliasFromRegion->preferredValues->addElement((void *)preferredValue.orphan(),status);  // may add null if err

    // Process the code mappings - This will allow us to assign numeric codes to most of the territories.
    while ( ures_hasNext(codeMappings.getAlias()) ) {
        UResourceBundle *mapping = ures_getNextResource(codeMappings.getAlias(),NULL,&status);
        if ( ures_getType(mapping) == URES_ARRAY && ures_getSize(mapping) == 3) {
            UnicodeString codeMappingID = ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(mapping,0,&status);
            UnicodeString codeMappingNumber = ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(mapping,1,&status);
            UnicodeString codeMapping3Letter = ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(mapping,2,&status);

            Region *r = (Region *)uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)&codeMappingID);
            if ( r ) {
                Formattable result;
                UErrorCode ps = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                if ( U_SUCCESS(ps) ) {
                    r->code = result.getLong(); // Convert string to number
                    uhash_iput(newNumericCodeMap.getAlias(),r->code,(void *)r,&status);
                LocalPointer<UnicodeString> code3(new UnicodeString(codeMapping3Letter), status);
                uhash_put(newRegionAliases.getAlias(),(void *)code3.orphan(), (void *)r,&status);

    // Now fill in the special cases for WORLD, UNKNOWN, CONTINENTS, and GROUPINGS
    Region *r;
    UnicodeString WORLD_ID_STRING(WORLD_ID);
    r = (Region *) uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)&WORLD_ID_STRING);
    if ( r ) {
        r->type = URGN_WORLD;

    r = (Region *) uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)&UNKNOWN_REGION_ID_STRING);
    if ( r ) {
        r->type = URGN_UNKNOWN;

    for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < continents->size() ; i++ ) {
        r = (Region *) uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)continents->elementAt(i));
        if ( r ) {
            r->type = URGN_CONTINENT;

    for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < groupings->size() ; i++ ) {
        r = (Region *) uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)groupings->elementAt(i));
        if ( r ) {
            r->type = URGN_GROUPING;

    // Special case: The region code "QO" (Outlying Oceania) is a subcontinent code added by CLDR
    // even though it looks like a territory code.  Need to handle it here.

    r = (Region *) uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)&OUTLYING_OCEANIA_REGION_ID_STRING);
    if ( r ) {
        r->type = URGN_SUBCONTINENT;

    // Load territory containment info from the supplemental data.
    while ( ures_hasNext(territoryContainment.getAlias()) ) {
        LocalUResourceBundlePointer mapping(ures_getNextResource(territoryContainment.getAlias(),NULL,&status));
        if( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
            return;  // error out
        const char *parent = ures_getKey(mapping.getAlias());
        if (uprv_strcmp(parent, "containedGroupings") == 0 || uprv_strcmp(parent, "deprecated") == 0) {
            continue; // handle new pseudo-parent types added in ICU data per cldrbug 7808; for now just skip.
            // #11232 is to do something useful with these.
        UnicodeString parentStr = UnicodeString(parent, -1 , US_INV);
        Region *parentRegion = (Region *) uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)&parentStr);

        for ( int j = 0 ; j < ures_getSize(mapping.getAlias()); j++ ) {
            UnicodeString child = ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(mapping.getAlias(),j,&status);
            Region *childRegion = (Region *) uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)&child);
            if ( parentRegion != NULL && childRegion != NULL ) {

                // Add the child region to the set of regions contained by the parent
                if (parentRegion->containedRegions == NULL) {
                    parentRegion->containedRegions = new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status);

                LocalPointer<UnicodeString> childStr(new UnicodeString(), status);
                if( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
                    return;  // error out
                parentRegion->containedRegions->addElement((void *)childStr.orphan(),status);

                // Set the parent region to be the containing region of the child.
                // Regions of type GROUPING can't be set as the parent, since another region
                // such as a SUBCONTINENT, CONTINENT, or WORLD must always be the parent.
                if ( parentRegion->type != URGN_GROUPING) {
                    childRegion->containingRegion = parentRegion;

    // Create the availableRegions lists
    int32_t pos = UHASH_FIRST;
    while ( const UHashElement* element = uhash_nextElement(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),&pos)) {
        Region *ar = (Region *)element->value.pointer;
        if ( availableRegions[ar->type] == NULL ) {
            LocalPointer<UVector> newAr(new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status), status);
            availableRegions[ar->type] = newAr.orphan();
        LocalPointer<UnicodeString> arString(new UnicodeString(ar->idStr), status);
        if( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
            return;  // error out
        availableRegions[ar->type]->addElement((void *)arString.orphan(),status);
    ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_REGION, region_cleanup);
    // copy hashtables
    numericCodeMap = newNumericCodeMap.orphan();
    regionIDMap = newRegionIDMap.orphan();
    regionAliases = newRegionAliases.orphan();