Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    SWFMovie mo;
    SWFMovieClip mc1, mc2, mc3, mc4, dejagnuclip;
    SWFDisplayItem it;
    SWFAction ac;
    SWFInitAction initac;

    const char *srcdir=".";
    if (argc > 1) srcdir = argv[1];
    else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    mo = newSWFMovieWithVersion(OUTPUT_VERSION);
    SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 800, 600);
    SWFMovie_setRate (mo, 12.0);

            "if (!_global.hasOwnProperty('arr')) { _global.arr = []; };"
            " = function(a, b) {"
            "   trace(a);"
            "   if (typeof(b)=='undefined' || (typeof(b)=='boolean' && b)) {"
            "       _global.arr.push(a);"
            "   };"
            "this.onEnterFrame = function() { "
            "'onEnterFrame', false);"


    //  MovieClip 1 
    mc1 = newSWFMovieClip(); // 1 frames 

    SWFMovie_addExport(mo, (SWFBlock)mc1, "Segments_Name");

    //  MovieClip mc3 has two frames. In each frame a different MovieClip
    //  is placed with the name Segments.
    mc3 = newSWFMovieClip(); // 2 frames 

    //  MovieClip 2 
    mc2 = newSWFMovieClip(); // 1 frames 

    // Add mc2
    it = SWFMovieClip_add(mc3, (SWFBlock)mc2);
    SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 1);
    SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "Segments");

    // Frame 2

    // Remove mc2

    // Add mc1
    it = SWFMovieClip_add(mc3, (SWFBlock)mc1);
    SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 1);
    SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "Segments");


    // End mc3

    // This is frame 1 of the main timeline

    // Put our sprite mc3 on stage.
    it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)mc3);
    SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 1);
    SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "mc");

    //  mc4 is just for executing init actions.
    mc4 = newSWFMovieClip(); 
    SWFMovie_addExport(mo, (SWFBlock)mc4, "__Packages.Bug");
    dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)get_default_font(srcdir), 10,
                0, 0, 800, 600);
    SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);

    ac = newSWFAction(
        "_global.loops = 0;"
        "_global.c = 0;"
        "if( !_global.Bug ) {"
        "   _global.Bug = function () {"
        "       this.onUnload = function() { "
        " 'dynamic unload: ' + this.c);"
        "       }; "
        "       this.onLoad = function() { "
        " 'dynamic load: ' + this.c);"
        "       }; "
        "       this.c = _global.c;"
        "'ctor: ' + _global.c);"
        "       _global.c++;"
        "   };"

    initac = newSWFInitAction_withId(ac, 4);
    SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)initac);
    ac = newSWFAction("Object.registerClass('Segments_Name',Bug);");
    initac = newSWFInitAction_withId(ac, 1);
    SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)initac);
    add_actions(mo, "'Frame ' + "
                            "_level0._currentframe + ' actions: ' "

    // Frame 2 of the main timeline
    add_actions(mo, "'Frame ' + "
                            "_level0._currentframe + ' actions: ' "
        "    if (_global.loops < 5) {"
        "        _global.loops++;"
        "        gotoAndPlay(2);"
        "   }"
        "   else {"
        "      delete this.onEnterFrame;"
        "      gotoAndPlay(4);"
        "   };"
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr.length", "20");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[0]", "'Frame 2 actions: undefined'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[1]", "'ctor: 0'");
    xcheck_equals(mo, "_global.arr[2]", "'Frame 3 actions: 0'");
    xcheck_equals(mo, "_global.arr[3]", "'dynamic load: 0'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[4]", "'Frame 2 actions: 0'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[5]", "'Frame 3 actions: 0'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[6]", "'Frame 2 actions: 0'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[7]", "'ctor: 1'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[8]", "'dynamic unload: 0'");
    xcheck_equals(mo, "_global.arr[9]", "'Frame 3 actions: 0'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[11]", "'Frame 2 actions: 0'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[12]", "'Frame 3 actions: 1'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[13]", "'Frame 2 actions: 1'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[14]", "'ctor: 2'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[15]", "'dynamic unload: 1'");
    xcheck_equals(mo, "_global.arr[16]", "'Frame 3 actions: 1'");
    xcheck_equals(mo, "_global.arr[17]", "'dynamic load: 2'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[18]", "'Frame 2 actions: 1'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[19]", "'Frame 3 actions: 2'");
    xcheck_equals(mo, "_global.arr.toString()",
		    "'Frame 2 actions: undefined,ctor: 0,Frame 3 actions: 0,dynamic load: 0,Frame 2 actions: 0,Frame 3 actions: 0,Frame 2 actions: 0,ctor: 1,dynamic unload: 0,Frame 3 actions: 0,dynamic load: 1,Frame 2 actions: 0,Frame 3 actions: 1,Frame 2 actions: 1,ctor: 2,dynamic unload: 1,Frame 3 actions: 1,dynamic load: 2,Frame 2 actions: 1,Frame 3 actions: 2'");

    add_actions(mo, "totals(21); stop();");

    // SWF_END 
    SWFMovie_save(mo, OUTPUT_FILENAME);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
main(int argc, char** argv)
    SWFMovie mo;
    SWFMovieClip mc3, mc2, dejagnuclip;
    SWFAction ac, ac1, initac;
    SWFDisplayItem it;
    SWFShape sha;

    const char *srcdir=".";
    if (argc > 1) srcdir = argv[1];
    else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    mo = newSWFMovieWithVersion(OUTPUT_VERSION);
    SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 800, 600);
    SWFMovie_setRate (mo, 12.0);

    sha = newSWFShape();

    // Character ID 2. Has 1 showframe. Is exported first.
    mc2 = newSWFMovieClip();
    SWFMovieClip_add(mc2, (SWFBlock)sha);

    // Export it.
    SWFMovie_addExport(mo, (SWFBlock)mc2, "C2");

    // Main timeline actions for frame 1
    add_actions(mo, "var c = 0; var i = 0; trace('frame 1'); gotoAndStop(3);");
    initac = newSWFAction("trace('onInitialize'); _root.i++;");
    // ID 3 is defined here. It has no showframe. It is exported immediately.
    mc3 = newSWFMovieClip();
    SWFMovie_addExport(mo, (SWFBlock)mc3, "ctor");

    dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)get_default_font(srcdir), 10,
    		    0, 0, 800, 600);
    SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);

    // Init actions for ID 3. This only exists to create the constructor
    // for mc2 in its initactions.
    ac = newSWFAction(
    "   _global.ctor = function () {"
    "       super();"
    "       trace('Object ID 2 is constructed');"
    "       c += 1;"
    "   };"
    SWFInitAction ia = newSWFInitAction_withId(ac, 3);
    SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)ia);
    // Init actions for ID 2 (registered class)
    ac1 = newSWFAction("Object.registerClass('C2', ctor); "
            "trace('Registered class');");
    ia = newSWFInitAction_withId(ac1, 2);
    SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)ia);
    // Frame 2
    add_actions(mo, "trace('Frame 2');");
    // Place object ID 2.
    it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)mc2);
    SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "mc2");
    SWFDisplayItem_addAction(it, initac, SWFACTION_INIT);

    // Frame 3

    // Remove object ID 2
    SWFMovie_remove(mo, it);

    add_actions(mo, "trace('frame 3');");
    // The class should not be constructed if the object is removed after
    // being placed. It should be constructed if it's not removed. MovieClips
    // with an onUnload handler are always constructed.
    check_equals(mo, "c", "0");
    check_equals(mo, "i", "0");
    check(mo, "_root.mc2 == undefined");
    add_actions(mo, "gotoAndPlay(5);");

    // Frame 4
    add_actions(mo, "trace('Frame 4');");
    // Place object ID 2 again
    it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)mc2);
    SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "mc2a");
    SWFDisplayItem_addAction(it, initac, SWFACTION_INIT);

    // Frame 5

    // This time the MovieClip was not removed before we get here,
    // so it should be present and the constructor should be
    // called.
    add_actions(mo, "trace('frame 5');");
    check_equals(mo, "c", "1");
    check_equals(mo, "i", "1");
    check(mo, "typeof(_root.mc2a) == 'movieclip'");
    add_actions(mo, "stop();");

    puts("Saving " OUTPUT_FILENAME );
    SWFMovie_save(mo, OUTPUT_FILENAME);

    return 0;