Esempio n. 1
test_config *init_fill_test_config(char *configFile)
#define newStruct(type) (type *)MALLOC(sizeof(type))

  char params[25];

  // Create structure
  strcpy(params, "");
  test_config *cfg = newStruct(test_config);
  cfg->general = newStruct(t_general);

  // Initialize structure
  strcpy(cfg->comment, "asf_test configuration file");

  cfg->general->suite = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*100);
  strcpy(cfg->general->suite, "");
  cfg->general->type = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*25);
  strcpy(cfg->general->type, "");
  cfg->general->test_count = 0;
  cfg->general->status = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*25);
  strcpy(cfg->general->status, "");

  return cfg;
Esempio n. 2
static vector<UniformData> FindUniformStructs(const string& shaderText) {
	static const string STRUCT_KEY = "struct";
	vector<UniformData> result;

	size_t structLocation = shaderText.find(STRUCT_KEY);
	while (structLocation != string::npos) {
		structLocation += STRUCT_KEY.length() + 1; //Ignore the struct keyword and space

		size_t braceOpening = shaderText.find("{", structLocation);
		size_t braceClosing = shaderText.find("}", braceOpening);

		UniformData newStruct(
			FindUniformStructName(shaderText.substr(structLocation, braceOpening - structLocation)),
			FindUniformStructComponents(shaderText.substr(braceOpening, braceClosing - braceOpening)));

		structLocation = shaderText.find(STRUCT_KEY, structLocation);

	return result;
Esempio n. 3
int initialize()
    debug("ok: initialize().start.");


    pSession->cClientOrServer = 's';
    pSession->sCurrentPath = sDefaultCurrentPath;
    pSession->sCurrentPathForClient = "";
    pSession->readyForSubcommand = 0;

    pSession->requestQueueMax = 10;
    pSession->pLocalPort = (char*)"5570";//sftp 69 is not usable

    pSession->sLocalFileAddress = sDefaultLocalFileAddress;
    pAboutReadFile->pOpenReadType = aDefaultOpenReadType;
    pAboutWriteFile->pOpenWriteType = aDefaultOpenWriteType;

    debug("ok: initialize().end.");
    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
test_config *read_test_config(char *configFile)
  FILE *fConfig;
  test_config *cfg = NULL;
  char line[255], params[50], lib[100];
  char *test=NULL, *p;

  strcpy(params, "");
  cfg = init_fill_test_config(configFile);
  if (cfg == NULL) 
    check_return(1, "Creating configuration structure.\n");
  fConfig = fopen(configFile, "r");
  if (!fConfig) 
    return NULL;

  // Determine how many tests we actually have
  while (fgets(line, 255, fConfig) != NULL) {
    if (strchr(line, '[') && strchr(line, ']') && line[0] != '#' &&
	!strncmp(line, "[General]", 9) == 0)
  cfg->test = (t_test **) MALLOC(sizeof(t_test *)*cfg->general->test_count);
  int num = -1;

  // Read all test cases along with the general information
  fConfig = FOPEN(configFile, "r");
  strcpy(lib, "");
  while (fgets(line, 255, fConfig) != NULL) {

    if (strncmp(line, "[General]", 9) == 0) 
      strcpy(params, "general");
    if (strcmp(params, "general") == 0) {
      test = read_param(line);
      if (strncmp(test, "suite", 5) == 0)
	strcpy(cfg->general->suite, read_str(line, "suite"));
      if (strncmp(test, "type", 4) == 0)
	strcpy(cfg->general->type, read_str(line, "type"));
      if (strncmp(test, "short configuration file", 24) == 0)
	cfg->general->short_config = 
	  read_int(line, "short configuration file");
      if (strncmp(test, "status", 6) == 0)
	strcpy(cfg->general->status, read_str(line, "status"));

    if (strchr(line, '[') && strchr(line, ']') && line[0] != '#' &&
	!strncmp(line, "[General]", 9) == 0) {
      strcpy(params, "testcase");
      cfg->test[num] = newStruct(t_test);
      cfg->test[num]->test = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*100);
      strcpy(cfg->test[num]->test, "");
      cfg->test[num]->file = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*1024);
      strcpy(cfg->test[num]->file, "");
      cfg->test[num]->specs = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*100);
      strcpy(cfg->test[num]->specs, "");
      cfg->test[num]->status = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*25);
      strcpy(cfg->test[num]->status, "");
      if (strncmp(cfg->general->type, "library", 7) == 0) {
	cfg->test[num]->lib = (t_library *) MALLOC(sizeof(t_library));
	cfg->test[num]->lib->name = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*255);
      p = strchr(line, ']');
      *p = '\0';
      strcpy(cfg->test[num]->test, line+1);
    if (strcmp(params, "testcase") == 0) {
      test = read_param(line);
      if (strncmp(test, "file", 4) == 0)
	strcpy(cfg->test[num]->file, read_str(line, "file"));
      if (strncmp(test, "specs", 5) == 0)
	strcpy(cfg->test[num]->specs, read_str(line, "specs"));
      if (strncmp(test, "status", 6) == 0)
	strcpy(cfg->test[num]->status, read_str(line, "status"));
      if (strncmp(test, "library function", 16) == 0) {
	       read_str(line, "library function"));
	if (strncmp(cfg->test[num]->lib->name, "get_cal_dn", 10) == 0) {
	  init_library_function(cfg->test[num]->lib, "get_cal_dn");
	  strcpy(lib, "get_cal_dn");
      if (strlen(lib) > 0 && strcmp_case(lib, "get_cal_dn") == 0) {
	if (strncmp_case(test, "meta file", 9) == 0)
		 read_str(line, "meta file"));
	if (strncmp_case(test, "incidence angle", 15) == 0)
	  cfg->test[num]->lib->get_cal_dn->incid = 
	    read_int(line, "incidence angle");
	if (strncmp_case(test, "sample", 6) == 0)
	  cfg->test[num]->lib->get_cal_dn->sample = read_int(line, "sample");
	if (strncmp_case(test, "inDn", 4) == 0)
	  cfg->test[num]->lib->get_cal_dn->inDn = read_float(line, "inDn");
	if (strncmp_case(test, "bandExt", 7) == 0)
		 read_str(line, "bandExt"));
	if (strncmp_case(test, "dbFlag", 6) == 0)
	  cfg->test[num]->lib->get_cal_dn->dbFlag = read_int(line, "dbFlag");
	if (strncmp(test, "expected value", 14) == 0)
	  cfg->test[num]->lib->get_cal_dn->value = 
	    read_double(line, "expected value");

  if (test)
    asfPrintError("Could not find manual tests in configuration file (%s).\n"
		  "Does the configuration contains unit tests?\n", configFile);

  return cfg;