void PropertyWidget_Distance::handleTabs() { if (m_doc && m_item) { PageItem_TextFrame *tItem = m_item->asTextFrame(); if (tItem == 0) return; const ParagraphStyle& style(m_doc->appMode == modeEdit ? tItem->currentStyle() : tItem->itemText.defaultStyle()); TabManager *dia = new TabManager(this, m_doc->unitIndex(), style.tabValues(), tItem->columnWidth()); if (dia->exec()) { if (m_doc->appMode != modeEdit) { ParagraphStyle newStyle(m_item->itemText.defaultStyle()); newStyle.setTabValues(dia->tmpTab); Selection tempSelection(this, false); tempSelection.addItem(m_item, true); m_doc->itemSelection_ApplyParagraphStyle(newStyle, &tempSelection); } else { ParagraphStyle newStyle; newStyle.setTabValues(dia->tmpTab); m_doc->itemSelection_ApplyParagraphStyle(newStyle); } m_item->update(); } delete dia; } }
void PlacemarkTextAnnotation::paint(GeoPainter *painter, const ViewportParams *viewport, const QString &layer , int tileZoomLevel) { Q_UNUSED(layer); Q_UNUSED( painter ); Q_UNUSED(tileZoomLevel); m_viewport = viewport; GeoDataStyle::Ptr newStyle(new GeoDataStyle(*placemark()->style())); GeoDataLabelStyle labelStyle = newStyle->labelStyle(); if (labelStyle.color() != QApplication::palette().highlight().color()) m_labelColor = labelStyle.color(); if (hasFocus()) { labelStyle.setColor(QApplication::palette().highlight().color()); } else { labelStyle.setColor(m_labelColor); } newStyle->setLabelStyle(labelStyle); placemark()->setStyle(newStyle); qreal x, y; viewport->currentProjection()->screenCoordinates( placemark()->coordinate(), viewport, x, y ); m_region = QRegion( x - 10 , y - 10 , 20 , 20 ); }
void JSM_Menu::listMenus(Fl_Browser* list_browser){ debug_out("void listMenus(Fl_Browser* o)"); list_browser->clear(); std::string tempString,convertString,tempString2,convertString2,attributeValue,test1,test2; if(newStyle() == -1){ for (int i = 0; i<=9;i++){ convertString = convert(i); if(!isRootMenu(convertString)){ debug_out("Adding: "+convertString); list_browser->add(convertString.c_str()); } } } else{ debug_out("New Style Menu"); for(char i = '0';i<='z';i++){ convertString=i; if((i < ':')||(i > '`')){ if(!isRootMenu(convertString)){ debug_out("Adding: "+convertString); list_browser->add(convertString.c_str()); } } } } list_browser->redraw(); }
StyleEditor::StyleEditor(QWidget* parent, bool singleStyleEditor) : QDialog(parent), obsStyle(0) { setupUi(this); if ( singleStyleEditor ) { for(int i = 0; i < horizontalLayout_styles->count(); ++i) { QWidget* w = horizontalLayout_styles->itemAt(i)->widget(); if(w) w->setVisible(false); } pushButton_new->setVisible(false); } styleListModel = new StyleListModel(styleComboBox); styleProxyModel = new StyleSortFilterProxyModel(styleComboBox); styleProxyModel->setDynamicSortFilter(true); styleProxyModel->setSourceModel(styleListModel); styleComboBox->setModel(styleProxyModel); connect( pushButton_save, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( save() ) ); connect( pushButton_new, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( newStyle() ) ); connect( pushButton_cancel, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( clearAndClose() ) ); connect( pushButton_remove, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(removeStyle()) ); connect( styleComboBox, SIGNAL(activated( const QString& )), this, SLOT( styleSelected(const QString&) ) ); setStyle( styleListModel->at(styleComboBox->currentIndex())); }
PlacemarkTextAnnotation::PlacemarkTextAnnotation( GeoDataPlacemark *placemark ) : SceneGraphicsItem( placemark ), m_movingPlacemark( false ), m_labelColor( QColor() ) { if ( placemark->style()->iconStyle().iconPath().isNull() ) { GeoDataStyle::Ptr newStyle(new GeoDataStyle( *placemark->style() )); newStyle->iconStyle().setIconPath(MarbleDirs::path(QStringLiteral("bitmaps/redflag_22.png"))); placemark->setStyle( newStyle ); } setPaintLayers(QStringList() << "PlacemarkTextAnnotation"); }
PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> RenderFlowThread::createFlowThreadStyle(RenderStyle* parentStyle) { RefPtr<RenderStyle> newStyle(RenderStyle::create()); newStyle->inheritFrom(parentStyle); newStyle->setDisplay(BLOCK); newStyle->setPosition(AbsolutePosition); newStyle->setZIndex(0); newStyle->setLeft(Length(0, Fixed)); newStyle->setTop(Length(0, Fixed)); newStyle->setWidth(Length(100, Percent)); newStyle->setHeight(Length(100, Percent)); newStyle->font().update(0); return newStyle.release(); }
void PropertyWidget_ParEffect::disconnectSignals() { disconnect(peCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(handleParEffectUse())); disconnect(dropCapLines, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(handleDropCapLines(int))); disconnect(bulletStrEdit, SIGNAL(editTextChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(handleBulletStr(QString))); disconnect(numComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), this, SLOT(handleNumName(QString))); disconnect(numLevelSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(handleNumLevel(int))); disconnect(numFormatCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(handleNumFormat(int))); disconnect(numPrefix, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(handleNumPrefix(QString))); disconnect(numSuffix, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(handleNumSuffix(QString))); disconnect(numStart, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(handleNumStart(int))); disconnect(peOffset, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(handlePEOffset(double))); disconnect(peIndent, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(handlePEIndent(bool))); disconnect(peCharStyleCombo, SIGNAL(newStyle(QString)), this, SLOT(handlePECharStyle(QString))); }
void EditPlacemarkDialog::updateTextAnnotation() { d->m_placemark->setDescription( d->m_formattedTextWidget->text() ); //allow for HTML in the description d->m_placemark->setDescriptionCDATA( true ); d->m_placemark->setName( d->m_header->name() ); d->m_placemark->setCoordinate( GeoDataCoordinates( d->m_header->longitude(), d->m_header->latitude(), 0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ); d->m_placemark->setVisible( d->m_isPlacemarkVisible->isChecked() ); d->m_placemark->setBalloonVisible( d->m_isBalloonVisible->isChecked() ); d->m_placemark->setId( d->m_header->id() ); d->m_placemark->setTargetId( d->m_header->targetId() ); if ( !d->m_header->iconLink().isEmpty() ) { QFileInfo fileInfo( d->m_header->iconLink() ); GeoDataStyle::Ptr newStyle(new GeoDataStyle( *d->m_placemark->style() )); if ( fileInfo.exists() ) { newStyle->iconStyle().setIconPath( d->m_header->iconLink() ); } newStyle->iconStyle().setScale( d->m_iconScale->value() ); newStyle->labelStyle().setScale( d->m_labelScale->value() ); newStyle->iconStyle().setColor( d->m_iconColorDialog->currentColor() ); newStyle->labelStyle().setColor( d->m_labelColorDialog->currentColor() ); d->m_placemark->setStyle( newStyle ); } else { const OsmPlacemarkData osmData = d->m_osmTagEditorWidget->placemarkData(); const GeoDataPlacemark::GeoDataVisualCategory category = StyleBuilder::determineVisualCategory(osmData); if (category != GeoDataPlacemark::None) { d->m_placemark->setStyle(GeoDataStyle::Ptr()); d->m_placemark->setVisualCategory( category ); } } emit textAnnotationUpdated( d->m_placemark ); }
void EditPlacemarkDialog::updateTextAnnotation() { d->m_placemark->setDescription( d->m_formattedTextWidget->text() ); //allow for HTML in the description d->m_placemark->setDescriptionCDATA( true ); d->m_placemark->setName( d->m_header->name() ); d->m_placemark->setCoordinate( GeoDataCoordinates( d->m_header->longitude(), d->m_header->latitude(), 0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ); d->m_placemark->setVisible( d->m_isPlacemarkVisible->isChecked() ); d->m_placemark->setBalloonVisible( d->m_isBalloonVisible->isChecked() ); d->m_placemark->setId( d->m_header->id() ); d->m_placemark->setTargetId( d->m_header->targetId() ); if ( !d->m_header->iconLink().isEmpty() ) { QFileInfo fileInfo( d->m_header->iconLink() ); GeoDataStyle::Ptr newStyle(new GeoDataStyle( *d->m_placemark->style() )); if ( fileInfo.exists() ) { newStyle->iconStyle().setIconPath( d->m_header->iconLink() ); } newStyle->iconStyle().setScale( d->m_iconScale->value() ); newStyle->labelStyle().setScale( d->m_labelScale->value() ); newStyle->iconStyle().setColor( d->m_iconColorDialog->currentColor() ); newStyle->labelStyle().setColor( d->m_labelColorDialog->currentColor() ); d->m_placemark->setStyle( newStyle ); } else { QString suitableTag = d->m_osmTagEditorWidget->suitableTag(); if ( !suitableTag.isEmpty() ) { GeoDataFeature::GeoDataVisualCategory category = OsmPresetLibrary::osmVisualCategory( suitableTag ); d->m_placemark->setVisualCategory( category ); d->m_placemark->setStyle(GeoDataStyle::Ptr()); } } emit textAnnotationUpdated( d->m_placemark ); }
std::string Theme::getTheme(std::string whichTheme){ debug_out("std::string getTheme(std::string "+whichTheme+")"); std::string stringTheme = whichTheme; std::string themeTest; std::string theme; std::string themePATH=sysThemeDir(); std::string OLDthemePATH=themePATH+"2.3.0/"; std::string themePATH230=themePATH+"old/"; int isOLDjwmrc = newStyle(); bool existant = false; switch(isOLDjwmrc){ case -1: existant = oldThemesExist(); theme = OLDthemePATH + stringTheme + "/" + stringTheme; themeTest = OLDthemePATH + stringTheme + "/"; break; case 0: existant = oldThemesExist(); theme = themePATH230 + stringTheme + "/" + stringTheme; themeTest = themePATH230 + stringTheme + "/"; break; default: existant = themesExist(); theme = themePATH + stringTheme + "/" + stringTheme; themeTest = themePATH + stringTheme + "/"; } if (existant){ existant = checkForTheme(themeTest); if (!existant){ errorOUT("Theme doesn't exist, cannot get it\n"); return "ERROR"; } return (themeTest.c_str()); } else {errorOUT("Theme directory doesn't exist, cannot GET THE THEME\n");} return "Themes don't exist"; }
void TestPageCommands::testPageStylePropertiesCommand2() { /* make setup where multiple, interspaced pages use the style we want to change. add some frames. check if the frames moved properly when the page gets a new size check that all pages got their new size check that the name of the style did not change */ KWDocument document; KWPageManager *manager = document.pageManager(); KWPageStyle style("pagestyle1"); KoPageLayout lay = style.pageLayout(); lay.width = 300; lay.height = 500; style.setPageLayout(lay); KWPageStyle style2("pagestyle2"); lay = style.pageLayout(); lay.width = 400; lay.height = 400; style2.setPageLayout(lay); KWPage p1 = manager->appendPage(style2); KWPage p2 = manager->appendPage(style); KWPage p3 = manager->appendPage(style); KWPage p4 = manager->appendPage(style2); KWPage p5 = manager->appendPage(style2); KWPage p6 = manager->appendPage(style); KWPage p7 = manager->appendPage(style); KWPage p8 = manager->appendPage(style); KWPage p9 = manager->appendPage(style2); QCOMPARE(manager->pageCount(), 9); KWFrameSet *fs = new KWFrameSet(); for (int i = 1; i <= manager->pageCount(); ++i) { // create one frame per page. Positioned relative to the top of the page. KWPage page = manager->page(i); QVERIFY(page.isValid()); MockShape *shape = new MockShape(); new KWFrame(shape, fs); shape->setPosition(QPointF(-10, page.offsetInDocument() + 10)); } document.addFrameSet(fs); // lets prepare to change the style to a new page size. KWPageStyle newStyle("foo"); lay = newStyle.pageLayout(); lay.width = 350; lay.height = 1000; newStyle.setPageLayout(lay); KWPageStylePropertiesCommand command(&document, style, newStyle); // nothing happens in constructor before redo; for (int i = 1; i <= manager->pageCount(); ++i) { KWPage page = manager->page(i); QVERIFY(page.height() <= 500); // not 1000 yet QVERIFY(page.isValid()); KoShape *shape = fs->frames().at(i-1)->shape(); QCOMPARE(shape->position(), QPointF(-10, page.offsetInDocument() + 10)); } const qreal lastPageOffset = p9.offsetInDocument(); command.redo(); QCOMPARE(manager->pageCount(), 9); QCOMPARE(p1.height(), 400.); QCOMPARE(p4.height(), 400.); QCOMPARE(p5.height(), 400.); QCOMPARE(p9.height(), 400.); QCOMPARE(p2.height(), 1000.); QCOMPARE(p3.height(), 1000.); QCOMPARE(p6.height(), 1000.); QCOMPARE(p7.height(), 1000.); QCOMPARE(p8.height(), 1000.); QCOMPARE(lastPageOffset + 2500, p9.offsetInDocument()); for (int i = 1; i <= manager->pageCount(); ++i) { KWPage page = manager->page(i); QVERIFY(page.isValid()); KoShape *shape = fs->frames().at(i-1)->shape(); QCOMPARE(shape->position(), QPointF(-10, page.offsetInDocument() + 10)); } }
bool AutoVersioner::consume(IAaptContext* context, ResourceTable* table) { for (auto& package : table->packages) { for (auto& type : package->types) { if (type->type != ResourceType::kStyle) { continue; } for (auto& entry : type->entries) { for (size_t i = 0; i < entry->values.size(); i++) { ResourceConfigValue* configValue = entry->values[i].get(); if (configValue->config.sdkVersion >= SDK_LOLLIPOP_MR1) { // If this configuration is only used on L-MR1 then we don't need // to do anything since we use private attributes since that version. continue; } if (Style* style = valueCast<Style>(configValue->value.get())) { Maybe<size_t> minSdkStripped; std::vector<Style::Entry> stripped; auto iter = style->entries.begin(); while (iter != style->entries.end()) { assert(iter->key.id && "IDs must be assigned and linked"); // Find the SDK level that is higher than the configuration allows. const size_t sdkLevel = findAttributeSdkLevel(iter->key.id.value()); if (sdkLevel > std::max<size_t>(configValue->config.sdkVersion, 1)) { // Record that we are about to strip this. stripped.emplace_back(std::move(*iter)); // We use the smallest SDK level to generate the new style. if (minSdkStripped) { minSdkStripped = std::min(minSdkStripped.value(), sdkLevel); } else { minSdkStripped = sdkLevel; } // Erase this from this style. iter = style->entries.erase(iter); continue; } ++iter; } if (minSdkStripped && !stripped.empty()) { // We found attributes from a higher SDK level. Check that // there is no other defined resource for the version we want to // generate. if (shouldGenerateVersionedResource(entry.get(), configValue->config, minSdkStripped.value())) { // Let's create a new Style for this versioned resource. ConfigDescription newConfig(configValue->config); newConfig.sdkVersion = minSdkStripped.value(); std::unique_ptr<Style> newStyle(style->clone(&table->stringPool)); newStyle->setComment(style->getComment()); newStyle->setSource(style->getSource()); // Move the previously stripped attributes into this style. newStyle->entries.insert(newStyle->entries.end(), std::make_move_iterator(stripped.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(stripped.end())); // Insert the new Resource into the correct place. entry->findOrCreateValue(newConfig, {})->value = std::move(newStyle); } } } } } } } return true; }
void SetAppearance(QApplication *app, AppearanceAttributes *aa) { const char *mName = "SetAppearance: "; // Get the current appearance attributes. AppearanceAttributes currentAtts; GetAppearance(app, ¤tAtts); // // Set the style // std::string newStyle(aa->GetStyle()); if(aa->GetUseSystemDefault()) newStyle = aa->GetDefaultStyle(); bool changeStyle = newStyle != currentAtts.GetDefaultStyle(); if(changeStyle) { debug1 << mName << "Setting style to: " << newStyle << endl; // Set the style via the style name. app->setStyle(newStyle.c_str()); } // // Set the font. // std::string newFont(aa->GetFontName()); if(aa->GetUseSystemDefault()) newFont = aa->GetDefaultFontName(); bool changeFont = (newFont != currentAtts.GetDefaultFontName()) || changeStyle; if(changeFont) { QFont font; bool okay = true; if(newFont.size() > 0 && newFont[0] == '-') { // It's probably an XLFD font = QFont(newFont.c_str()); debug1 << mName << "The font looks like XLFD: " << newFont << endl; } else okay = font.fromString(newFont.c_str()); if(okay) { debug1 << mName << "Font okay. name=" << font.toString().toStdString() << endl; app->setFont(font); // Force the font change on all top level widgets. // for each top level widget... foreach(QWidget *w, QApplication::topLevelWidgets()) w->setFont(font); } else debug1 << mName << "Font NOT okay. name=" << font.toString().toStdString() << endl; } // // Set the application colors // std::string newBG(aa->GetBackground()); std::string newFG(aa->GetForeground()); if(aa->GetUseSystemDefault()) { newBG = aa->GetDefaultBackground(); newFG = aa->GetDefaultForeground(); } bool changeColors = newBG != currentAtts.GetDefaultBackground() || newFG != currentAtts.GetDefaultForeground(); bool colorStyle = newStyle != "macintosh"; if(changeColors && colorStyle) { QColor bg(newBG.c_str()); QColor fg(newFG.c_str()); QColor btn(bg); // Put the converted RGB format color into the appearance attributes // in case the colors were given as color names. if(!aa->GetUseSystemDefault()) { char tmp[20]; sprintf(tmp, "#%02x%02x%02x", bg.red(), bg.green(), bg.blue()); aa->SetBackground(tmp); sprintf(tmp, "#%02x%02x%02x", fg.red(), fg.green(), fg.blue()); aa->SetForeground(tmp); } debug1 <<mName << "Setting BG color to: " << newBG << endl; debug1 <<mName << "Setting FG color to: " << newFG << endl; int h,s,v; fg.getHsv(&h,&s,&v); QColor base = Qt::white; bool bright_mode = false; if(v >= 255 - 50) { base = btn.dark(150); bright_mode = true; } QPalette pal(fg, btn, btn.light(), btn.dark(), btn.dark(150), fg, Qt::white, base, bg); // pal.setCurrentColorGroup(QPalette::Normal); if (bright_mode) { // pal.setColor(QPalette::Text, fg); // pal.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, fg); pal.setColor(QPalette::Normal, QPalette::HighlightedText, base ); pal.setColor(QPalette::Normal, QPalette::Highlight, Qt::white ); } else { // pal.setColor(QPalette::Text, fg); // pal.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, fg); pal.setColor(QPalette::Normal, QPalette::HighlightedText, Qt::white ); pal.setColor(QPalette::Normal, QPalette::Highlight, Qt::darkBlue ); } // Set inactive colors // pal.setCurrentColorGroup(QPalette::Inactive); if (bright_mode) { // pal.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Text, fg); // pal.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::WindowText, fg); pal.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::HighlightedText, base ); pal.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Highlight, Qt::white ); } else { // pal.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Text, fg); // pal.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::WindowText, fg); pal.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::HighlightedText, Qt::white ); pal.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Highlight, Qt::darkBlue ); } // Set disabled colors QColor disabled((fg.red()+btn.red())/2, (fg.green()+btn.green())/2, (fg.blue()+btn.blue())/2); // pal.setCurrentColorGroup(QPalette::Disabled); pal.setColor(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::WindowText, disabled); pal.setColor(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Light, btn.light( 125 )); pal.setColor(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text, disabled); pal.setColor(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Base, Qt::white); if (bright_mode) { pal.setColor(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::HighlightedText, base); pal.setColor(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Highlight, Qt::white); } else { pal.setColor(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::HighlightedText, Qt::white); pal.setColor(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Highlight, Qt::darkBlue); } app->setPalette(pal); } }
UStyle* obtainStyle() const {return style ? style : (style = newStyle());}