Esempio n. 1
File: new.c Progetto: ItsJimi/42
t_mlx	*new_mlx(t_mlx *mlx, int av, char *name)
	mlx->w = 500;
	mlx->h = 500;
	mlx->av = av;
	mlx->menu = 0;
	mlx->mouse_on = 0;
	mlx->x1 = -1.5;
	mlx->x2 = 1.5;
	mlx->y1 = -1.5;
	mlx->y2 = 1.5;
	mlx->max = 20;
	mlx->movex = 0;
	mlx->movey = 0;
	mlx->zoom = 1;
	if (av == 6)
		mlx->max = 1;
	mlx->change_color = 0;
	if (!(mlx->mlx = mlx_init()))
		str_exit(-1, "new.c : Error line 75");
	if (!(mlx->win = mlx_new_window(mlx->mlx, mlx->w, mlx->h, str_maj(name))))
		str_exit(-1, "new.c : Error line 77");
	mlx->img = new_img(mlx);
	return (mlx);
Esempio n. 2
 * write_new_image -- write one output image based on component + image data;
 *                    new image contains portion of original image 
 *                    corresponding to a given color; other pixels are black
 * INPUTS: width -- image width in pixels
 *         height -- image height in pixels
 *         buf -- image data in 3-byte RGB form, top to bottom, left to right
 *                (English reading order)
 *         edge -- edge/color data (array of rows)
 *         color -- component color for image extraction
 *         img_num -- image id for output file name
 * OUTPUTS: none
 * RETURN VALUE: 0 on success, -1 on failure
 * SIDE EFFECTS: writes a file (see also save_jpeg_file for other side
 *               effects)
write_new_image (JPG_RGBImage image, const EdgeMap& edge, int32_t color, 
  int32_t img_num,const struct edge_img_info info)
  int32_t height = info.y_max-info.y_min+1;
  int32_t width = info.x_max-info.x_min+1;
  JPG_RGBImage new_img(height,width);
  char fname[30];
  int32_t x;
  int32_t y;
  int32_t mid;
  int32_t ret_val;

  for (y = 0; height > y; y++) {
    for (x = 0; width > x; x++) {
      if (color==edge[info.y_min+y][info.x_min+x]) {
        new_img[y][x].r = image[info.y_min+y][info.x_min+x].r;
        new_img[y][x].g = image[info.y_min+y][info.x_min+x].g;
        new_img[y][x].b = image[info.y_min+y][info.x_min+x].b;
  sprintf (fname, "output%03d.jpg", img_num);;
Esempio n. 3
File: draw.c Progetto: Remaii/FdF
int			draw(t_mlx *f)
	int		x;
	int		y;

	x = 0;
	if (f->draw == 1)
	while (x < f->x - 1)
		y = 0;
		while (y <= f->y - 1)
			draw_square(f, get_pt(x, y, f->map[x][y]),\
						get_pt(x + 1, y, f->map[x + 1][y]),\
						get_pt(x, y + 1, f->map[x][y + 1]));
			draw_square(f, get_pt(x + 1, y + 1, f->map[x + 1][y + 1]),\
						get_pt(x + 1, y, f->map[x + 1][y]),\
						get_pt(x, y + 1, f->map[x][y + 1]));
	f->draw = 1;
	mlx_put_image_to_window(f->mlx, f->win, f->img, 0, 0);
	return (0);
Esempio n. 4
 * Core routine for msskl_filter
 *  - suffix "np" stands for "no padding"
 *  - assumes image is properly padded!
 *  - does not trimm result
 *  - assume shp already allocated
 *  - useful inside loops
AnimalExport int
msskl_filter_np(Img *shp, Img *sklimg, annotated_skl *skl, int thresh)
   int i,j,k;
   int maxrad, r, c, *pt;
   SEDR *sedr;
   unsigned d;
   unsigned p, pf;

   r = skl->skl->rows;
   c = skl->skl->cols;
   maxrad = skl->maxradius;

   if (thresh > 0) {
      sklimg = new_img(r, c);
      for (i=0; i < r * c; i++)
         sklimg->data[i] = (skl->skl->data[i] >= (puint32) thresh);

   sedr = grow_sedr(maxrad);   
   if (!sedr)
      return false;
   pt = sedr->pt;
   for (i=maxrad; i<shp->rows-maxrad; i++) 
      for (j=maxrad; j<shp->cols-maxrad; j++)
         if ( RC(sklimg, i-maxrad, j-maxrad) == 1 ) {  // found skeleton
                Paints digital circle around the skeleton with radius equal 
                to the distance-transform value at each point. There should be a
                more efficient way to do this without using SEDR.
            d = RC(skl->dt, i-maxrad, j-maxrad);

            /* distance 0 */
            RC(shp,i,j) = FG;
            p = 2;

            for (k=1; k < (int)sedr->length && sedr->sqrd_dist[k] <= d; k++) {
               pf = sedr->npts[k];
                  do {
                     RC(shp,i + pt[p], j + pt[p+1]) = FG;

                     // unrolling
                     RC(shp,i + pt[p], j + pt[p+1]) = FG;

                     RC(shp,i + pt[p], j + pt[p+1]) = FG;

                     RC(shp,i + pt[p], j + pt[p+1]) = FG;
                  } while (p < pf);
   return true;
Esempio n. 5
File: new.c Progetto: ItsJimi/42
t_mlx	*new_mlx(t_mlx *mlx)
	mlx->w = 1280;
	mlx->h = 720;
	if (!(mlx->mlx = mlx_init()))
	if (!(mlx->win = mlx_new_window(mlx->mlx, mlx->w, mlx->h, "W O L F 3 D")))
	mlx->imgsky = new_xpm(mlx, mlx->w, mlx->h);
	mlx->imgview = new_img(mlx, mlx->w, mlx->h);
	mlx->imgmap = new_img(mlx, mlx->mapw * 10, mlx->maph * 10);
	mlx->deg = 90;
	return (mlx);
Esempio n. 6
void launch(int fd)
	t_env e;

	e.mlx = mlx_init(); = mlx_new_window(e.mlx, WIN_X, WIN_Y, "insert a funny title here");
	e.draw_img = new_img(e.mlx, WIN_X, WIN_Y);
	if (!( = new_map_with_fd(fd)))
		return (ft_putstr("Map error\n"));
Esempio n. 7
File: skl.c Progetto: mady902/animal
main(int argc, char *argv[])
   Img *img, *tmp, *overpose;
   char filename[100] = "../images/bicycle.png";
   annotated_skl *skl;
   int thresh=25, i;


   if (--argc >=1)
      strncpy(filename, argv[1],99);
   if (argc == 2)
      sscanf(argv[2], "%d",&thresh);


	// regularize the image
   tmp = img;
   img = imregularize(img, NULL);

   skl = msskl(img,INTERIOR,SKL_IFT);
   if (!skl)

   overpose = new_img(img->rows,img->cols);
   for (i=0; i<img->rows*img->cols; i++)
      overpose->data[i] =(skl->skl->data[i] >= (puint32) thresh) + img->data[i];

   if (!imshow(overpose,0,-1))

   tmp=msskl_filter(NULL, skl, thresh);
   for (i=0; i<img->rows*img->cols; i++)
      overpose->data[i] = (skl->skl->data[i] >= (puint32) thresh) + tmp->data[i];



   return 0;
Esempio n. 8
void *img_read_quantel(const T_CHAR *fname, int *w, int *h, int type) {
  FILE *fileyuv;
  IMAGE *image;
  LPIXEL *bufout1, *bufout2, *buf;
  int xsize, ysize, imgoffs, quantel_xsize;
  int y, exit = 0;

  fileyuv = _wfopen(fname, L"rb");
  if (fileyuv == NULL) {
    /*printf("img_read_quantel error: unable to open file %s\n", fname);*/
    return NIL;
  if (type == VPB_FORMAT) {
    if (!vpb_get_info(fileyuv, &xsize, &ysize, &imgoffs)) {
      return NIL;
    fseek(fileyuv, imgoffs, SEEK_SET);
    quantel_xsize = xsize;
  } else {
    if (!quantel_get_info(fname, type, &xsize, &ysize)) {
      return NIL;
    quantel_xsize = QUANTEL_XSIZE;
  image       = new_img();
  image->type = TOONZRGB;
  if (!allocate_pixmap(image, xsize, ysize)) return NIL;
  bufout1 = bufout2 = (LPIXEL *)image->buffer;
  bufout1 += ysize * xsize - 1;
  bufout2 += (ysize - 1) * xsize - 1;

  if (type == SDL_FORMAT) {
    for (y = 0; y < ysize; y += 2) {
      buf = bufout1 - (quantel_xsize - 1);
      QUANTEL_GET_YUV_LINE(fileyuv, buf, quantel_xsize)
      if (exit) break;
      bufout1 -= quantel_xsize * 2;
    for (y = 1; y < ysize; y += 2) {
      buf = bufout2 - (quantel_xsize - 1);
      QUANTEL_GET_YUV_LINE(fileyuv, buf, quantel_xsize)
      if (exit) break;
      bufout2 -= quantel_xsize * 2;
  } else {
    for (y = 0; y < ysize; y++) {
Esempio n. 9
   subtracao de media local 2D (vizinhanca circular)
   outside param: indicates value to assume outside the image
   when it will be padded.
AnimalExport Img *
smedia2d(Img *img, int radius, pixval outside)
   int i,j, cod;
   unsigned k;
   double sum;
   Img *out;
   DblM *aux;
   nhood *nh;

   /* pad image */
   img = impad(img,radius,radius,outside); 
   aux = new_dbl_m(img->rows,img->cols);

   nh = circular_nhood((double)radius);

   /* @@@@@@@
      This is better done in scilab using fft convolution by a disk
      image. This technique might be used with exact dilation
      as well as with morphological dilation.
   for (i=radius; i<img->rows-radius-1; i++)
      for (j=radius; j<img->cols-radius-1; j++) {
         for (k=0; k < nh->n; k++)
            sum += (double)RC(img,i+nh->dy[k],j+nh->dx[k])/(double)nh->n;
         RC(aux,i,j) = (double)RC(img,i,j)-(double)sum;

   /* normalize */                /* @@@ if speed is needed, maybe normalize
                                         within the above loop */
   cod = normal_dbl_m(aux,0,255);  
   if (!cod) return NULL;   

   out = new_img(img->rows-2*radius, img->cols-2*radius);
   for (i=0; i<out->rows; i++)
      for (j=0; j<out->cols; j++)
         RC(out,i,j) =(pixval) RC(aux,i+radius,j+radius);

   return out;
Esempio n. 10
 * Multiscale Shape Reconstruction using Multiscale Skeletons
 *    - if thresh is negative, assume already thresholded skeleton
 *    - if thresh is positive, sklimg is not used at all (may be null)
AnimalExport Img *
msskl_filter(Img *sklimg, annotated_skl *skl, int thresh)
   Img *shp, *result;
   int maxrad, r, c;

   r = skl->skl->rows;
   c = skl->skl->cols;
   maxrad = skl->maxradius;
   shp= new_img(r + 2*maxrad,c + 2*maxrad);

   // calls core routine
   if (!msskl_filter_np(shp, sklimg, skl, thresh))
      return NULL;

   result = imtrim(shp,maxrad,maxrad);
   return result;
Esempio n. 11
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    Img *img;
    nhood *nh;
    int i,radius=10;

    if (--argc == 1)


    nh = circular_nhood(radius);
    for (i=0; i<nh->n; i++)
        RC(img,radius+nh->dy[i],radius+nh->dx[i]) = 1;


    return 0;
Esempio n. 12
File: new.c Progetto: ItsJimi/42
t_mlx	*new_mlx(t_mlx *mlx, char *av)
	mlx->w = 2560;
	mlx->h = 1440;
	if (!(mlx->mlx = mlx_init()))
		str_exit(-1, "new.c : Error line 34");
	if (!(mlx->win = mlx_new_window(mlx->mlx, mlx->w, mlx->h, "F D F")))
		str_exit(-1, "new.c : Error line 36");
	mlx->img = new_img(mlx);
	mlx->decalx = 300;
	mlx->decaly = 300;
	mlx->perspx = 0;
	mlx->perspy = 0;
	mlx->space = 10;
	mlx->dim = 3;
	mlx->erasing = 0;
	mlx->av = av;
	mlx->menu = 0;
	mlx->change_color = 11;
	return (mlx);
Esempio n. 13
AnimalExport int
thinzs_np(Img *A)
   bool repeat;
   Img *B;
   int i,j,n;

   B = new_img(A->rows,A->cols);
   if (!B) return false;

   do {
      for (i=1; i < A->rows-1; i++)  for (j=1; j < A->cols-1; j++)
         if ((RC(B,i,j) = RC(A,i,j)) == FG) {
            n = nh8count_np(A,i,j,FG);
            if ( n>=2 && n<=6 && crossing_index_np(A,i,j) == 2 )
               if((RC(A,i-1,j)==BG || RC(A,i,j+1)==BG || RC(A,i+1,j)==BG)
               && (RC(A,i-1,j)==BG || RC(A,i+1,j)==BG || RC(A,i,j-1)==BG)){
                  RC(B,i,j) = BG;

      for (i=1; i < A->rows-1; i++)  for (j=1; j < A->cols-1; j++)
         if ((RC(A,i,j) = RC(B,i,j)) == FG) {
            n = nh8count_np(B,i,j,FG);
            if ( n>=2 && n<=6 && crossing_index_np(B,i,j) == 2 )
               if((RC(B,i,j+1)==BG || RC(B,i,j-1)==BG || RC(B,i-1,j)==BG)
               && (RC(B,i-1,j)==BG || RC(B,i,j-1)==BG || RC(B,i+1,j)==BG)){
                  RC(A,i,j) = BG;
   } while (repeat);

   return true;
Esempio n. 14
wxBitmap *PointMan::CreateDimBitmap( wxBitmap *pBitmap, double factor )
    wxImage img = pBitmap->ConvertToImage();
    int sx = img.GetWidth();
    int sy = img.GetHeight();

    wxImage new_img( img );

    for( int i = 0; i < sx; i++ ) {
        for( int j = 0; j < sy; j++ ) {
            if( !img.IsTransparent( i, j ) ) {
                new_img.SetRGB( i, j, (unsigned char) ( img.GetRed( i, j ) * factor ),
                        (unsigned char) ( img.GetGreen( i, j ) * factor ),
                        (unsigned char) ( img.GetBlue( i, j ) * factor ) );

    wxBitmap *pret = new wxBitmap( new_img );

    return pret;

Esempio n. 15
 * @brief get_img The function of getting a image buffer and it's length.
 * @param req The zimg_req_t from zhttp and it has the params of a request.
 * @param buff_ptr This function return image buffer in it.
 * @param img_size Get_img will change this number to return the size of image buffer.
 * @return 1 for success and -1 for fail.
int get_img(zimg_req_t *req, evhtp_request_t *request)
    int result = -1;
    char cache_key[CACHE_KEY_SIZE];
    char *img_format = NULL;
    int fd = -1;
    struct stat f_stat;
    char *buff_ptr;
    size_t img_size;

    MagickBooleanType status;
    MagickWand *magick_wand = NULL;

    bool got_rsp = true;
    bool got_color = false;

    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "get_img() start processing zimg request...");

    // to gen cache_key like this: 926ee2f570dc50b2575e35a6712b08ce:0:0:1:0
    gen_key(cache_key, req->md5, 4, req->width, req->height, req->proportion, req->gray);
    if(find_cache_bin(req->thr_arg, cache_key, &buff_ptr, &img_size) == 1)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Hit Cache[Key: %s].", cache_key);
        goto done;
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Start to Find the Image...");

    char whole_path[512];
    int lvl1 = str_hash(req->md5);
    int lvl2 = str_hash(req->md5 + 3);
    snprintf(whole_path, 512, "%s/%d/%d/%s", settings.img_path, lvl1, lvl2, req->md5);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "docroot: %s", settings.img_path);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "req->md5: %s", req->md5);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "whole_path: %s", whole_path);

    char name[128];
    if(req->proportion && req->gray)
        snprintf(name, 128, "%d*%dpg", req->width, req->height);
    else if(req->proportion && !req->gray)
        snprintf(name, 128, "%d*%dp", req->width, req->height);
    else if(!req->proportion && req->gray)
        snprintf(name, 128, "%d*%dg", req->width, req->height);
        snprintf(name, 128, "%d*%d", req->width, req->height);

    char color_name[128];
        snprintf(color_name, 128, "%d*%dp", req->width, req->height);
        snprintf(color_name, 128, "%d*%d", req->width, req->height);

    char orig_path[512];
    snprintf(orig_path, strlen(whole_path) + 6, "%s/0*0", whole_path);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "0rig File Path: %s", orig_path);

    char rsp_path[512];
    if(req->width == 0 && req->height == 0 && req->proportion == 0 && req->gray == 0)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Return original image.");
        strncpy(rsp_path, orig_path, 512);
        snprintf(rsp_path, 512, "%s/%s", whole_path, name);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Got the rsp_path: %s", rsp_path);

    char color_path[512];
    snprintf(color_path, 512, "%s/%s", whole_path, color_name);

    //status=MagickReadImage(magick_wand, rsp_path);
    if((fd = open(rsp_path, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
        magick_wand = NewMagickWand();
        got_rsp = false;

        if(req->gray == 1)
            gen_key(cache_key, req->md5, 3, req->width, req->height, req->proportion);
            if(find_cache_bin(req->thr_arg, cache_key, &buff_ptr, &img_size) == 1)
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Hit Color Image Cache[Key: %s, len: %d].", cache_key, img_size);
                status = MagickReadImageBlob(magick_wand, buff_ptr, img_size);
                buff_ptr = NULL;
                if(status == MagickFalse)
                    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Color Image Cache[Key: %s] is Bad. Remove.", cache_key);
                    del_cache(req->thr_arg, cache_key);
                    got_color = true;
                    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Read Image from Color Image Cache[Key: %s, len: %d] Succ. Goto Convert.", cache_key, img_size);
                    goto convert;

            status=MagickReadImage(magick_wand, color_path);
            if(status == MagickTrue)
                got_color = true;
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Read Image from Color Image[%s] Succ. Goto Convert.", rsp_path);
                buff_ptr = (char *)MagickGetImageBlob(magick_wand, &img_size);
                if(img_size < CACHE_MAX_SIZE)
                    set_cache_bin(req->thr_arg, cache_key, buff_ptr, img_size);
                buff_ptr = NULL;

                goto convert;

        // to gen cache_key like this: rsp_path-/926ee2f570dc50b2575e35a6712b08ce
        gen_key(cache_key, req->md5, 0);
        if(find_cache_bin(req->thr_arg, cache_key, &buff_ptr, &img_size) == 1)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Hit Orignal Image Cache[Key: %s].", cache_key);
            status = MagickReadImageBlob(magick_wand, buff_ptr, img_size);
            buff_ptr = NULL;
            if(status == MagickFalse)
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Open Original Image From Blob Failed! Begin to Open it From Disk.");
                del_cache(req->thr_arg, cache_key);
                status = MagickReadImage(magick_wand, orig_path);
                if(status == MagickFalse)
                    goto err;
                    buff_ptr = (char *)MagickGetImageBlob(magick_wand, &img_size);
                    if(img_size < CACHE_MAX_SIZE)
                        set_cache_bin(req->thr_arg, cache_key, buff_ptr, img_size);
                    buff_ptr = NULL;
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Not Hit Original Image Cache. Begin to Open it.");
            status = MagickReadImage(magick_wand, orig_path);
            if(status == MagickFalse)
                goto err;
                buff_ptr = (char *)MagickGetImageBlob(magick_wand, &img_size);
                if(img_size < CACHE_MAX_SIZE)
                    set_cache_bin(req->thr_arg, cache_key, buff_ptr, img_size);
                buff_ptr = NULL;

        int width, height;
        width = req->width;
        height = req->height;
        if(width == 0 && height == 0)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Image[%s] needn't resize. Goto Convert.", orig_path);
            goto convert;
        float owidth = MagickGetImageWidth(magick_wand);
        float oheight = MagickGetImageHeight(magick_wand);
        if(width <= owidth && height <= oheight)
            if(req->proportion == 1 || (req->proportion == 0 && req->width * req->height == 0))
                if(req->height == 0)
                    height = width * oheight / owidth;
                    width = height * owidth / oheight;
            status = MagickResizeImage(magick_wand, width, height, LanczosFilter, 1.0);
            if(status == MagickFalse)
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Image[%s] Resize Failed!", orig_path);
                goto err;
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Resize img succ.");
            // Note this strcpy because rsp_path is not useful. We needn't to save the new image.
            got_rsp = true;
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Args width/height is bigger than real size, return original image.");
        fstat(fd, &f_stat);
        size_t rlen = 0;
        img_size = f_stat.st_size;
        if(img_size <= 0)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "File[%s] is Empty.", rsp_path);
            goto err;
        if((buff_ptr = (char *)malloc(img_size)) == NULL)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "buff_ptr Malloc Failed!");
            goto err;
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "img_size = %d", img_size);
        if((rlen = read(fd, buff_ptr, img_size)) == -1)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "File[%s] Read Failed.", rsp_path);
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Error: %s.", strerror(errno));
            goto err;
        else if(rlen < img_size)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "File[%s] Read Not Compeletly.", rsp_path);
            goto err;
        if(img_size < CACHE_MAX_SIZE)
            set_cache_bin(req->thr_arg, cache_key, buff_ptr, img_size);
        goto done;


    if(got_color == false)
        //compress image
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Start to Compress the Image!");
        img_format = MagickGetImageFormat(magick_wand);
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Image Format is %s", img_format);
        if(strcmp(img_format, "JPEG") != 0)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Convert Image Format from %s to JPEG.", img_format);
            status = MagickSetImageFormat(magick_wand, "JPEG");
            if(status == MagickFalse)
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Image[%s] Convert Format Failed!", orig_path);
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Compress Image with JPEGCompression");
            status = MagickSetImageCompression(magick_wand, JPEGCompression);
            if(status == MagickFalse)
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Image[%s] Compression Failed!", orig_path);
        size_t quality = MagickGetImageCompressionQuality(magick_wand);
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Image Compression Quality is %u.", quality);
        if(quality > WAP_QUALITY)
            quality = WAP_QUALITY;
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Set Compression Quality to 75%.");
        status = MagickSetImageCompressionQuality(magick_wand, quality);
        if(status == MagickFalse)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Set Compression Quality Failed!");

        //strip image EXIF infomation
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Start to Remove Exif Infomation of the Image...");
        status = MagickStripImage(magick_wand);
        if(status == MagickFalse)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Remove Exif Infomation of the ImageFailed!");

        buff_ptr = (char *)MagickGetImageBlob(magick_wand, &img_size);
        if(buff_ptr == NULL)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Magick Get Image Blob Failed!");
            goto err;
        gen_key(cache_key, req->md5, 3, req->width, req->height, req->proportion);
        if(img_size < CACHE_MAX_SIZE)
            set_cache_bin(req->thr_arg, cache_key, buff_ptr, img_size);
        if(got_rsp == false)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Color Image[%s] is Not Existed. Begin to Save it.", color_path);
            if(new_img(buff_ptr, img_size, color_path) == -1)
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Color Image[%s] Save Failed!", color_path);
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_WARNING, "fail save %s", color_path);
        if(req->gray == 1)
            buff_ptr = NULL;
            goto done;

    //gray image
    if(req->gray == 1)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Start to Remove Color!");
        status = MagickSetImageColorspace(magick_wand, GRAYColorspace);
        if(status == MagickFalse)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Image[%s] Remove Color Failed!", orig_path);
            goto err;
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Image Remove Color Finish!");

        buff_ptr = (char *)MagickGetImageBlob(magick_wand, &img_size);
        if(buff_ptr == NULL)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Magick Get Image Blob Failed!");
            goto err;
        gen_key(cache_key, req->md5, 4, req->width, req->height, req->proportion, req->gray);
        if(img_size < CACHE_MAX_SIZE)
            set_cache_bin(req->thr_arg, cache_key, buff_ptr, img_size);
        if(got_rsp == false)
            if(new_img(buff_ptr, img_size, rsp_path) == -1)
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "New Image[%s] Save Failed!", rsp_path);
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_WARNING, "fail save %s", rsp_path);
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Image Needn't to Storage.", rsp_path);

    result = evbuffer_add(request->buffer_out, buff_ptr, img_size);
    if(result != -1)
        result = 1;

    if(fd != -1)
    return result;
Esempio n. 16
   void corpus_gen::sort_blocks(image_u8& img)
      const uint num_blocks_x = img.get_width() / 4;
      const uint num_blocks_y = img.get_height() / 4;
      const uint total_blocks = num_blocks_x * num_blocks_y;

      console::printf("Sorting %u blocks...", total_blocks);

      crnlib::vector<float> block_std_dev(total_blocks);

      for (uint by = 0; by < num_blocks_y; by++)
         for (uint bx = 0; bx < num_blocks_x; bx++)
            color_quad_u8 c[4 * 4];

            for (uint y = 0; y < 4; y++)
               for (uint x = 0; x < 4; x++)
                  c[x+y*4] = img(bx*4+x, by*4+y);

            double std_dev = 0.0f;
            for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++)
               std_dev += image_utils::compute_std_dev(16, c, i, 1);

            block_std_dev[bx + by * num_blocks_x] = (float)std_dev;

      crnlib::vector<uint> block_indices0(total_blocks);
      crnlib::vector<uint> block_indices1(total_blocks);

      const uint* pIndices = indirect_radix_sort(total_blocks, &block_indices0[0], &block_indices1[0], &block_std_dev[0], 0, sizeof(float), true);

      image_u8 new_img(img.get_width(), img.get_height());

      uint dst_block_index = 0;

      //float prev_std_dev = -999;
      for (uint i = 0; i < total_blocks; i++)
         uint src_block_index = pIndices[i];

         //float std_dev = block_std_dev[src_block_index];
         //crnlib_ASSERT(std_dev >= prev_std_dev);
         //prev_std_dev = std_dev;

         uint src_block_x = src_block_index % num_blocks_x;
         uint src_block_y = src_block_index / num_blocks_x;

         uint dst_block_x = dst_block_index % num_blocks_x;
         uint dst_block_y = dst_block_index / num_blocks_x;

         new_img.unclipped_blit(src_block_x * 4, src_block_y * 4, 4, 4, dst_block_x * 4, dst_block_y * 4, img);


#if 0      
      crnlib::vector<uint> remaining_blocks(num_blocks_x);

      console::printf("Arranging %u blocks...", total_blocks);

      for (uint by = 0; by < num_blocks_y; by++)
         console::printf("%u of %u", by, num_blocks_y);

         for (uint i = 0; i < num_blocks_x; i++)
            remaining_blocks[i] = i;

         color_quad_u8 match_block[16];
         for (uint bx = 0; bx < num_blocks_x; bx++)
            uint best_index = 0;

            uint64 best_error = cUINT64_MAX;

            for (uint i = 0; i < remaining_blocks.size(); i++)
               uint src_block_index = remaining_blocks[i];

               uint64 error = 0;
               for (uint y = 0; y < 4; y++)
                  for (uint x = 0; x < 4; x++)
                     const color_quad_u8& c = new_img(src_block_index*4+x, by*4+y);
                     error += color::elucidian_distance(c, match_block[x+y*4], false);

               if (error < best_error)
                  best_error = error;
                  best_index = i;

            uint src_block_index = remaining_blocks[best_index];

            for (uint y = 0; y < 4; y++)
               for (uint x = 0; x < 4; x++)
                  const color_quad_u8& c = new_img(src_block_index*4+x, by*4+y);
                  match_block[x+y*4] = c;

                  img(bx * 4 + x, by * 4 + y) = c;

Esempio n. 17
File: zimg.c Progetto: Codefor/zimg
 * @brief save_img Save buffer from POST requests
 * @param buff The char * from POST request
 * @param len The length of buff
 * @param md5 Parsed md5 from url
 * @return ZIMG_OK for success and ZIMG_ERR for fail
int save_img(const char *buff, const int len, char *md5sum){
    if(buff == NULL || md5sum == NULL || len <=0){
	return ZIMG_ERR;

    const char *image_format = get_img_format(buff);
    if(image_format == NULL){
	return ZIMG_ERR;


    char cache_key[45];
    sprintf(cache_key, "img:%s:0:0:1:0", md5sum);

    if(exist_cache(cache_key) == 1){
	LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "File Exist, Needn't Save.");
	return ZIMG_OK;

    LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "exist_cache not found. Begin to Check File.");

    char *save_path = (char *)malloc(512);
    if(save_path == NULL){
	return ZIMG_ERR;
    //caculate 2-level path
    int lvl1 = str_hash(md5sum);
    int lvl2 = str_hash(md5sum + 3);

    sprintf(save_path, "%s/%d/%d/%s/0*0p", settings.img_path, lvl1, lvl2, md5sum);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "save_path: %s", save_path);

    if(is_file(save_path) == ZIMG_OK){
	LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "Check File Exist. Needn't Save.");
	if(len < CACHE_MAX_SIZE)
	    // to gen cache_key like this: rsp_path-/926ee2f570dc50b2575e35a6712b08ce
	    set_cache_bin(cache_key, buff, len);
	return ZIMG_OK;
	char *p = strrchr(save_path,'/');
	*p = '\0';
	if(mk_dirs(save_path) == ZIMG_ERR){
	    LOG_PRINT(LOG_ERROR, "save_path[%s] Create Failed!", save_path);
	    return ZIMG_ERR;

	LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "save_path[%s] Create Finish.", save_path);

	*p = '/';
	LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "save_name-->: %s", save_path);

	if(new_img(buff, len, save_path) != ZIMG_OK){
	    LOG_PRINT(LOG_WARNING, "Save Image[%s] Failed!", save_path);
	    return ZIMG_ERR;

	//shrink as JPEG
	p = strrchr(save_path,'/');
	*(p + 6) = '\0';

	if(convert2jpg(buff,len,save_path) == ZIMG_OK){
	    LOG_PRINT(LOG_WARNING, "Convert Image to JPEG [%s] OK!", save_path);

	return ZIMG_OK;
Esempio n. 18
 * @brief get_img get image from disk mode through the request
 * @param req the zimg request
 * @param request the evhtp request
 * @return 1 for OK, 2 for 304 needn't response buffer and -1 for failed
int get_img(zimg_req_t *req, evhtp_request_t *request)
    int result = -1;
    char rsp_cache_key[CACHE_KEY_SIZE];
    int fd = -1;
    struct stat f_stat;
    char *buff = NULL;
    char *orig_buff = NULL;
    MagickWand *im = NULL;
    size_t len = 0;
    bool to_save = true;

    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "get_img() start processing zimg request...");

    int lvl1 = str_hash(req->md5);
    int lvl2 = str_hash(req->md5 + 3);

    char whole_path[512];
    snprintf(whole_path, 512, "%s/%d/%d/%s", settings.img_path, lvl1, lvl2, req->md5);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "whole_path: %s", whole_path);
    if(is_dir(whole_path) == -1)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Image %s is not existed!", req->md5);
        goto err;

    if(settings.script_on == 1 && req->type != NULL)
        snprintf(rsp_cache_key, CACHE_KEY_SIZE, "%s:%s", req->md5, req->type);
        if(req->proportion == 0 && req->width == 0 && req->height == 0)
            str_lcpy(rsp_cache_key, req->md5, CACHE_KEY_SIZE);
            gen_key(rsp_cache_key, req->md5, 9, req->width, req->height, req->proportion, req->gray, req->x, req->y, req->rotate, req->quality, req->fmt);

    if(find_cache_bin(req->thr_arg, rsp_cache_key, &buff, &len) == 1)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Hit Cache[Key: %s].", rsp_cache_key);
        to_save = false;
        goto done;
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Start to Find the Image...");

    char orig_path[512];
    snprintf(orig_path, 512, "%s/0*0", whole_path);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "0rig File Path: %s", orig_path);

    char rsp_path[512];
    if(settings.script_on == 1 && req->type != NULL)
        snprintf(rsp_path, 512, "%s/t_%s", whole_path, req->type);
        char name[128];
        snprintf(name, 128, "%d*%d_p%d_g%d_%d*%d_r%d_q%d.%s", req->width, req->height,
                req->x, req->y, 

        if(req->width == 0 && req->height == 0 && req->proportion == 0)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Return original image.");
            strncpy(rsp_path, orig_path, 512);
            snprintf(rsp_path, 512, "%s/%s", whole_path, name);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Got the rsp_path: %s", rsp_path);

    if((fd = open(rsp_path, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
        im = NewMagickWand();
        if (im == NULL) goto err;

        int ret;
        if(find_cache_bin(req->thr_arg, req->md5, &orig_buff, &len) == 1)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Hit Orignal Image Cache[Key: %s].", req->md5);

            ret = MagickReadImageBlob(im, (const unsigned char *)orig_buff, len);
            if (ret != MagickTrue)
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Open Original Image From Blob Failed! Begin to Open it From Disk.");
                del_cache(req->thr_arg, req->md5);
                ret = MagickReadImage(im, orig_path);
                if (ret != MagickTrue)
                    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Open Original Image From Disk Failed!");
                    goto err;
                    MagickSizeType size = MagickGetImageSize(im);
                    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "image size = %d", size);
                    if(size < CACHE_MAX_SIZE)
                        char *new_buff = (char *)MagickWriteImageBlob(im, &len);
                        if (new_buff == NULL) {
                            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Webimg Get Original Blob Failed!");
                            goto err;
                        set_cache_bin(req->thr_arg, req->md5, new_buff, len);
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Not Hit Original Image Cache. Begin to Open it.");
            ret = MagickReadImage(im, orig_path);
            if (ret != MagickTrue)
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Open Original Image From Disk Failed! %d != %d", ret, MagickTrue);
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Open Original Image From Disk Failed!");
                goto err;
                MagickSizeType size = MagickGetImageSize(im);
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "image size = %d", size);
                if(size < CACHE_MAX_SIZE)
                    char *new_buff = (char *)MagickWriteImageBlob(im, &len);
                    if (new_buff == NULL) {
                        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Webimg Get Original Blob Failed!");
                        goto err;
                    set_cache_bin(req->thr_arg, req->md5, new_buff, len);

        if(settings.script_on == 1 && req->type != NULL)
            ret = lua_convert(im, req);
            ret = convert(im, req);
        if(ret == -1) goto err;
        if(ret == 0) to_save = false;

        buff = (char *)MagickWriteImageBlob(im, &len);
        if (buff == NULL) {
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Webimg Get Blob Failed!");
            goto err;
        to_save = false;
        fstat(fd, &f_stat);
        size_t rlen = 0;
        len = f_stat.st_size;
        if(len <= 0)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "File[%s] is Empty.", rsp_path);
            goto err;
        if((buff = (char *)malloc(len)) == NULL)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "buff Malloc Failed!");
            goto err;
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "img_size = %d", len);
        if((rlen = read(fd, buff, len)) == -1)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "File[%s] Read Failed: %s", rsp_path, strerror(errno));
            goto err;
        else if(rlen < len)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "File[%s] Read Not Compeletly.", rsp_path);
            goto err;

    //LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "New Image[%s]", rsp_path);
    int save_new = 0;
    if(to_save == true)
        if(req->sv == 1 || settings.save_new == 1 || (settings.save_new == 2 && req->type != NULL)) 
            save_new = 1;

    if(save_new == 1)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Image[%s] is Not Existed. Begin to Save it.", rsp_path);
        if(new_img(buff, len, rsp_path) == -1)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "New Image[%s] Save Failed!", rsp_path);
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_WARNING, "fail save %s", rsp_path);
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Image [%s] Needn't to Storage.", rsp_path);

    if(len < CACHE_MAX_SIZE)
        set_cache_bin(req->thr_arg, rsp_cache_key, buff, len);

    if(settings.etag == 1)
        result = zimg_etag_set(request, buff, len);
        if(result == 2)
            goto err;
    result = evbuffer_add(request->buffer_out, buff, len);
    if(result != -1)
        result = 1;

    if(fd != -1)
    if(im != NULL)
    return result;
Esempio n. 19
 * @brief save_img Save buffer from POST requests
 * @param thr_arg Thread arg struct.
 * @param buff The char * from POST request
 * @param len The length of buff
 * @param md5 Parsed md5 from url
 * @return 1 for success and -1 for fail
int save_img(thr_arg_t *thr_arg, const char *buff, const int len, char *md5)
    int result = -1;

    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Begin to Caculate MD5...");
    md5_state_t mdctx;
    md5_byte_t md_value[16];
    char md5sum[33];
    int i;
    int h, l;
    md5_append(&mdctx, (const unsigned char*)(buff), len);
    md5_finish(&mdctx, md_value);

    for(i=0; i<16; ++i)
        h = md_value[i] & 0xf0;
        h >>= 4;
        l = md_value[i] & 0x0f;
        md5sum[i * 2] = (char)((h >= 0x0 && h <= 0x9) ? (h + 0x30) : (h + 0x57));
        md5sum[i * 2 + 1] = (char)((l >= 0x0 && l <= 0x9) ? (l + 0x30) : (l + 0x57));
    md5sum[32] = '\0';
    strcpy(md5, md5sum);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "md5: %s", md5sum);
    char cache_key[CACHE_KEY_SIZE];
    char save_path[512];
    char save_name[512];
    gen_key(cache_key, md5sum, 0);
    if(exist_cache(thr_arg, cache_key) == 1)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "File Exist, Needn't Save.");
        result = 1;
        goto done;
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "exist_cache not found. Begin to Save File.");

    if(settings.mode != 1)
        if(save_img_db(thr_arg, cache_key, buff, len) == -1)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "save_img_db failed.");
            goto done;
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "save_img_db succ.");
            result = 1;
            goto done;

    //caculate 2-level path
    int lvl1 = str_hash(md5sum);
    int lvl2 = str_hash(md5sum + 3);

    snprintf(save_path, 512, "%s/%d/%d/%s", settings.img_path, lvl1, lvl2, md5sum);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "save_path: %s", save_path);

    if(is_dir(save_path) == 1)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Check File Exist. Needn't Save.");
        goto cache;

    if(mk_dirs(save_path) == -1)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "save_path[%s] Create Failed!", save_path);
        goto done;
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "save_path[%s] Create Finish.", save_path);
    snprintf(save_name, 512, "%s/0*0", save_path);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "save_name-->: %s", save_name);
    if(new_img(buff, len, save_name) == -1)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Save Image[%s] Failed!", save_name);
        goto done;

    if(len < CACHE_MAX_SIZE)
        gen_key(cache_key, md5sum, 0);
        set_cache_bin(thr_arg, cache_key, buff, len);
    result = 1;

    return result;
Esempio n. 20
 * @brief send_document_cb The callback function of get a image request.
 * @param req The request with a list of params and the md5 of image.
 * @param arg It is not useful.
void send_document_cb(evhtp_request_t *req, void *arg)
    char *md5 = NULL;
	size_t len;
    zimg_req_t *zimg_req = NULL;
	char *buff = NULL;

    int req_method = evhtp_request_get_method(req);
    if(req_method >= 16)
        req_method = 16;
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "Method: %d", req_method);
    if(strcmp(method_strmap[req_method], "POST") == 0)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "POST Request.");
        post_request_cb(req, NULL);
	else if(strcmp(method_strmap[req_method], "GET") != 0)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "Request Method Not Support.");
        goto err;

	const char *uri;
	uri = req->uri->path->full;
	const char *rfull = req->uri->path->full;
	const char *rpath = req->uri->path->path;
	const char *rfile= req->uri->path->file;
	LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "uri->path->full: %s",  rfull);
	LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "uri->path->path: %s",  rpath);
	LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "uri->path->file: %s",  rfile);

    if(strlen(uri) == 1 && uri[0] == '/')
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "Root Request.");
        int fd = -1;
        struct stat st;
        if((fd = open(settings.root_path, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_WARNING, "Root_page Open Failed. Return Default Page.");
            evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "<html>\n<body>\n<h1>\nWelcome To zimg World!</h1>\n</body>\n</html>\n");
            if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0)
                /* Make sure the length still matches, now that we
                 * opened the file :/ */
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_WARNING, "Root_page Length fstat Failed. Return Default Page.");
                evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "<html>\n<body>\n<h1>\nWelcome To zimg World!</h1>\n</body>\n</html>\n");
                evbuffer_add_file(req->buffer_out, fd, 0, st.st_size);
        evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "<html>\n </html>\n");
        //evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", "zimg/1.0.0 (Unix) (OpenSUSE/Linux)", 0, 0));
        evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", server_name, 0, 0));
        evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Content-Type", "text/html", 0, 0));
        evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_OK);
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "============send_document_cb() DONE!===============");
        goto done;

    if(strstr(uri, "favicon.ico"))
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "favicon.ico Request, Denied.");
        //evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", "zimg/1.0.0 (Unix) (OpenSUSE/Linux)", 0, 0));
        evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", server_name, 0, 0));
        evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Content-Type", "text/html", 0, 0));
        evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_OK);
        goto done;
	LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "Got a GET request for <%s>",  uri);

	/* Don't allow any ".."s in the path, to avoid exposing stuff outside
	 * of the docroot.  This test is both overzealous and underzealous:
	 * it forbids aceptable paths like "/this/", but it doesn't
	 * do anything to prevent symlink following." */
	if (strstr(uri, ".."))
		goto err;

    md5 = (char *)malloc(strlen(uri) + 1);
    if(uri[0] == '/')
        strcpy(md5, uri+1);
        strcpy(md5, uri);
	LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "md5 of request is <%s>",  md5);
    if(is_md5(md5) == -1)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_WARNING, "Url is Not a zimg Request.");
        goto err;
	/* This holds the content we're sending. */

    int width, height, proportion, gray;
    evhtp_kvs_t *params;
    params = req->uri->query;
        width = 0;
        height = 0;
        proportion = 1;
        gray = 0;
        const char *str_w, *str_h;
        str_w = evhtp_kv_find(params, "w");
        if(str_w == NULL)
            str_w = "0";
        str_h = evhtp_kv_find(params, "h");
        if(str_h == NULL)
            str_h = "0";
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "w() = %s; h() = %s;", str_w, str_h);
        if(strcmp(str_w, "g") == 0 && strcmp(str_h, "w") == 0)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "Love is Eternal.");
            evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "<html>\n <head>\n"
                "  <title>Love is Eternal</title>\n"
                " </head>\n"
                " <body>\n"
                "  <h1>Single1024</h1>\n"
                "Since 2008-12-22, there left no room in my heart for another one.</br>\n"
            //evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", "zimg/1.0.0 (Unix) (OpenSUSE/Linux)", 0, 0));
            evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", server_name, 0, 0));
            evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Content-Type", "text/html", 0, 0));
            evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_OK);
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "============send_document_cb() DONE!===============");
            goto done;
            width = atoi(str_w);
            height = atoi(str_h);
            const char *str_p = evhtp_kv_find(params, "p");
            const char *str_g = evhtp_kv_find(params, "g");
                proportion = atoi(str_p);
                proportion = 1;
                gray = atoi(str_g);
                gray = 0;

    zimg_req = (zimg_req_t *)malloc(sizeof(zimg_req_t)); 
    zimg_req -> md5 = md5;
    zimg_req -> width = width;
    zimg_req -> height = height;
    zimg_req -> proportion = proportion;
    zimg_req -> gray = gray;

    int get_img_rst = get_img(zimg_req, &buff,  &len);

    if(get_img_rst == -1)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_ERROR, "zimg Requset Get Image[MD5: %s] Failed!", zimg_req->md5);
        goto err;

    LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "get buffer length: %d", len);
    evbuffer_add(req->buffer_out, buff, len);

    LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "Got the File!");
    //evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", "zimg/1.0.0 (Unix) (OpenSUSE/Linux)", 0, 0));
    evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", server_name, 0, 0));
    evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Content-Type", "image/jpeg", 0, 0));
    evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_OK);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "============send_document_cb() DONE!===============");

    if(get_img_rst == 2)
        if(new_img(buff, len, zimg_req->rsp_path) == -1)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_WARNING, "New Image[%s] Save Failed!", zimg_req->rsp_path);
    goto done;

    evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "<html><body><h1>404 Not Found!</h1></body></html>");
    //evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", "zimg/1.0.0 (Unix) (OpenSUSE/Linux)", 0, 0));
    evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", server_name, 0, 0));
    evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Content-Type", "text/html", 0, 0));
    evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_NOTFOUND);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "============send_document_cb() ERROR!===============");
