Esempio n. 1
void EnsembleGenerator::add_one_state(const Ensemble& init_ensemble,
                                      Ensemble& new_ensemble) {

  std::priority_queue<boost::tuple<double, int, int>,
                      Vector<boost::tuple<double, int, int> >,
                      Comparator> bestK;

  // iterate over all init MultiStateModels and try to add a new state to each
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<init_ensemble.size(); i++) {
    unsigned int first_to_search = init_ensemble[i].get_last_state()+1;
    if(first_to_search<N_) {

      if(i>0 && i%100==0 && !bestK.empty()) {
        double curr_bestK_score = boost::get<0>(;
        std::cout << "Extending ensemble: " << i << " out of "
                  << init_ensemble.size() << " last best "
                  << curr_bestK_score << std::endl;

      MultiStateModel new_model(init_ensemble[i]);

      // try all possible additions of a new state
      for(unsigned int j=first_to_search; j<N_; j++) {
        double curr_score = get_score(new_model);
        if(curr_score < 0.0) continue; // invalid model
        // add to bestK
        if(bestK.size() <= K_ || curr_score < boost::get<0>( {
          bestK.push(boost::make_tuple(curr_score, i, j));
          if(bestK.size() > K_) bestK.pop();

  // save best scoring
  new_ensemble.assign(bestK.size(), MultiStateModel(0));
  int index = bestK.size()-1;
  // generate bestK new MultiStateModels
  while(!bestK.empty()) {
    double score;
    int ensemble_index, new_state_index;
    boost::tie(score, ensemble_index, new_state_index) =;
    MultiStateModel new_model(init_ensemble[ensemble_index]);
    new_ensemble[index] = new_model;
Esempio n. 2
transform_model* random_transform(){
    transform_model* transform = new_model();

    const int size = PROGRAM_SIZE;
    transform->program = malloc(sizeof(char) * size * 2 + 1);

    int i, open_brackets = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < size; i++){
        transform->program[i] = PROGRAM_OPTIONS[rand() % PROGRAM_OPTION_COUNT];
        if (transform->program[i] == '['){
        else if (transform->program[i] == ']'){
            if (open_brackets > 0){
            else {

    for (; open_brackets > 0; open_brackets--){
        transform->program[i++] = ']';

    transform->program_size = i;
    transform->program = realloc(transform->program, sizeof(char) * i + 1);
    transform->program[i] = '\0';

    return transform;
Esempio n. 3
transform_model* transform_from_program(char *program){
    transform_model* transform = new_model();

    transform->program = strdup(program);
    transform->program_size = strlen(program);

    return transform;
Esempio n. 4
void triangulate_visitor::visit( subd_mesh_model_t& model, shape_t& shape)
    if( !shape.attributes().point().has_attribute( g_P_name))
        throw core::runtime_error( core::string8_t( "No P attribute found in triangulate visitor"));

    shape_t new_shape( shape_t::create_subd_mesh());
    subd_mesh_model_t& new_model( shape_cast<subd_mesh_model_t>( new_shape));
    do_visit( model, shape, new_model, new_shape);
Esempio n. 5
void MedSTC::load_model(char* model_root)
	char filename[100];
	int num_terms, num_topics, num_labels, num_docs;
	float x, C, dLambda, dGamma, dRho;

	sprintf(filename, "%s.other", model_root);

	FILE *fileptr = fopen(filename, "r");
	fscanf(fileptr, "num_topics %d\n", &num_topics);
	fscanf(fileptr, "num_labels %d\n", &num_labels);
	fscanf(fileptr, "num_terms %d\n", &num_terms);
	fscanf(fileptr, "num_docs %d\n", &num_docs);
	fscanf(fileptr, "C %f\n", &C);
	fscanf(fileptr, "lambda %f\n", &dLambda);
	fscanf(fileptr, "gamma %f\n", &dGamma);
	fscanf(fileptr, "rho %f\n", &dRho);

	new_model(num_docs, num_terms, num_topics, num_labels, C);
	m_dLambda = dLambda;
	m_dGamma  = dGamma;
	m_dRho    = dRho;

	sprintf(filename, "%s.beta", model_root);

	fileptr = fopen(filename, "r");

	fscanf(fileptr, "%lf\n", &m_dPoisOffset);
	for ( int i=0; i<m_nK; i++) {
		for ( int j=0; j<m_nNumTerms; j++) {
			fscanf(fileptr, "%f", &x);
			m_dLogProbW[j][i] = exp( x );

	sprintf(filename, "%s.eta", model_root);

	fileptr = fopen(filename, "r");
	fscanf(fileptr, "%lf\n", &m_dB);
	for ( int i=0; i<m_nK; i++) {
		for ( int k=0; k<m_nLabelNum; k++ ) {
			fscanf(fileptr, "%f", &x);
			m_dEta[i+k*m_nK] = x;
Esempio n. 6
void MainWindow::create_actions()
    // file menu

    new_model_action = new QAction(tr("New voxel model"), this);
    connect(new_model_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(new_model()));
    open_model_action = new QAction(tr("Open voxel model"), this);
    connect(open_model_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(open_model()));

    clone_model_action = new QAction(tr("Clone voxel model"), this);
    connect(clone_model_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clone_model()));
    save_action = new QAction(tr("&Save"), this);
    connect(save_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(save()));
    save_as_action = new QAction(tr("Save &As..."), this);
    connect(save_as_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(save_as()));
    exit_action = new QAction(tr("E&xit"), this);
    exit_action->setStatusTip(tr("Exit the application"));
    connect(exit_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(closeAllWindows()));
/*        cut_action = new QAction(tr("Cu&t"), this);
    cut_action->setStatusTip(tr("Cut the current selection's contents to the "
    connect(cut_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(cut()));
    copy_action = new QAction(tr("&Copy"), this);
    copy_action->setStatusTip(tr("Copy the current selection's contents to the "
    connect(copy_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(copy()));
    paste_action = new QAction(tr("&Paste"), this);
    paste_action->setStatusTip(tr("Paste the clipboard's contents into the current "
    connect(paste_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(paste()));*/

    // model menu

    double_size_action = new QAction(tr("Double size"), this);
    // new_action->setShortcuts(QKeySequence::New);
    connect(double_size_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, 
    half_size_action = new QAction(tr("Half size"), this);
    // open_action->setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Open);
    connect(half_size_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, 
    optimize_action = new QAction(tr("Optimize dimensions"), this);
    // save_action->setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Save);
    connect(optimize_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,

    rotate_action = new QAction(tr("Rotate 90 degrees"), this);
    // save_action->setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Save);
    connect(rotate_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,

Esempio n. 7
* learn dictionary and find optimum code.
int MedSTC::train(char* start, char* directory, Corpus* pC, Params *param)
	m_dDeltaEll = param->DELTA_ELL;
	m_dLambda   = param->LAMBDA;
	m_dRho      = param->RHO;
	m_dGamma    = m_dLambda;
	long runtime_start = get_runtime();

	// allocate variational parameters
	double ***phi = (double***)malloc(sizeof(double**) * pC->num_docs);
	for ( int d=0; d<pC->num_docs; d++ ) {
		phi[d] = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*pC->docs[d].length);
		for (int n=0; n<pC->docs[d].length; n++) {
			phi[d][n] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * param->NTOPICS);
	double **theta = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*(pC->num_docs));
	for (int d=0; d<pC->num_docs; d++) {
		theta[d] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * param->NTOPICS);
	for ( int d=0; d<pC->num_docs; d++ ) {
		init_phi(&(pC->docs[d]), phi[d], theta[d], param);

	// initialize model
	if (strcmp(start, "random")==0) {
		new_model(pC->num_docs, pC->num_terms, param->NTOPICS, 
								param->NLABELS, param->INITIAL_C);
		init_param( pC );
	} else {
		m_dC = param->INITIAL_C;
	strcpy(m_directory, directory);

	char filename[100];

	// run expectation maximization
	sprintf(filename, "%s/lhood.dat", directory);
	FILE* lhood_file = fopen(filename, "w");

	Document *pDoc = NULL;
	double dobj, obj_old = 1, converged = 1;
	int nIt = 0;
	while (((converged < 0) || (converged > param->EM_CONVERGED) 
		|| (nIt <= 2)) && (nIt <= param->EM_MAX_ITER))

		dobj = 0;
		double dLogLoss = 0;
		for ( int d=0; d<pC->num_docs; d++ ) {
			pDoc = &(pC->docs[d]);
			dobj += sparse_coding( pDoc, d, param, theta[d], phi[d] );
			dLogLoss += m_dLogLoss;

		// m-step

		dict_learn(pC, theta, phi, param, false);

		if ( param->SUPERVISED == 1 ) { // for supervised MedLDA.
			char buff[512];
			get_train_filename( buff, m_directory, param );
			outputLowDimData( buff, pC, theta );

			svmStructSolver(buff, param, m_dMu);

			if ( param->PRIMALSVM == 1 ) { // solve svm in the primal form
				for ( int d=0; d<pC->num_docs; d++ ) {
					loss_aug_predict( &(pC->docs[d]), theta[d] );
			dobj += m_dsvm_primalobj;
		} else ;

		// check for convergence
		converged = fabs(1 - dobj / obj_old);
		obj_old = dobj;

		// output model and lhood
		if ( param->SUPERVISED == 1 ) {
			fprintf(lhood_file, "%10.10f\t%10.10f\t%5.5e\t%.5f\n", dobj-m_dsvm_primalobj, dobj, converged, dLogLoss);
		} else {
			fprintf(lhood_file, "%10.10f\t%5.5e\t%.5f\n", dobj, converged, dLogLoss);
		if ( nIt > 0 && (nIt % LAG) == 0) {
			sprintf( filename, "%s/%d", directory, nIt + 1);
			save_model( filename, -1 );
			sprintf( filename, "%s/%d.theta", directory, nIt + 1 );
			save_theta( filename, theta, pC->num_docs, m_nK );
		nIt ++;
	// learn the final SVM.
	if ( param->SUPERVISED == 0 ) {
		char buff[512];
		get_train_filename(buff, m_directory, param);
		outputLowDimData(buff, pC, theta);

		svmStructSolver(buff, param, m_dMu);
	long runtime_end = get_runtime();
	double dTrainTime = ((double)runtime_end-(double)runtime_start) / 100.0;

	// output the final model
	sprintf( filename, "%s/final", directory);
	save_model( filename, dTrainTime );

	// output the word assignments (for visualization)
	int nNum = 0, nAcc = 0;
	sprintf(filename, "%s/word-assignments.dat", directory);
	FILE* w_asgn_file = fopen(filename, "w");
	for (int d=0; d<pC->num_docs; d++) {

		sparse_coding( &(pC->docs[d]), d, param, theta[d], phi[d] );
		write_word_assignment(w_asgn_file, &(pC->docs[d]), phi[d]);

		nNum ++;
		pC->docs[d].predlabel = predict(theta[d]);
		if ( pC->docs[d].gndlabel == pC->docs[d].predlabel ) nAcc ++;

	save_theta(filename, theta, pC->num_docs, m_nK);

	for (int d=0; d<pC->num_docs; d++) {
		free( theta[d] );
		for (int n=0; n<pC->docs[d].length; n++)
			free( phi[d][n] );
		free( phi[d] );
	free( theta );
	free( phi );

	return nIt;
Esempio n. 8
 * \brief Answer to a click on "New model".
 * \param event This event occured.
void bf::main_frame::on_new_model(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
  new_model( wxEmptyString );
} // main_frame::on_new_model()
Esempio n. 9
 * Loads a model from a file.
 * Returns a pointer to the bone struct containing the data loaded.
model *load_model(const char *file_name)
  FILE *fp;
  char buffer[BUFF_LEN], *arg_list[MAX_ARGS];
  int i, line = 0, arg_count;
  mesh *geo;
  bone *b_new;
  model *new_mdl = NULL;

  /* Attempt to open the requested file. Prints error message on error. */
  if((fp = fopen(file_name, "r")) == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR(load_model): Unable to open file '%s'.\n",
    return NULL;

  while(fgets(buffer, BUFF_LEN - 1, fp) != NULL)

    /* No lines should be more then the max buffer size in length. If any
     * lines do breach this contraint, then the file is corrupt and will
     * not be loaded. */
    if(buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] != '\n')
        "ERROR(load_model): Buffer overflow in file '%s' line %d\n", file_name,
      return NULL;
    buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0';

    arg_count = makeargs(buffer, SEPERATOR, arg_list, MAX_ARGS);
    if(arg_count == 0)

    /* If there's an m as the first character (which there should be at the
     * head of each model file) then we prepare the model.  */
    if(buffer[0] == 'm')
      if(arg_count != 4)

      /* Create a new model struct. */
      new_mdl = new_model(arg_list[1], atoi(arg_list[2]));
      if(new_mdl == NULL) return NULL;

      /* Initialise all the new models variables. */
      new_mdl->texture = loadTexture(arg_list[3]);

      printf("New model '%s' created. Loading Model...\n", arg_list[1]);

    /* If we have a bone, indicated by a b as the first character. Note that
     * bones can only be added if a model line has been read in. */
    else if(buffer[0] == 'b')
      if(new_mdl == NULL)
          "ERROR(load_mdl): Attempted load bone without model decl.\n");
      if(arg_count < 7) continue;

      printf("Loading bone '%s' into model '%s'.\n", arg_list[1],

      /* Allocate memory for the bone object and various chores that need
       * to be done to the bone to keep it healthy. */
      b_new = malloc(sizeof(bone));
      if(b_new == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR(load_model): Cannot allocate memory.\n");
      b_new->child = NULL;
      b_new->sibling = NULL;
      b_new->child_count = 0;

       * Allocate memory for the bone name and copy the string accross.
      b_new->name = malloc(strlen(arg_list[1]));
      strcpy(b_new->name, arg_list[1]);

      /* Parse translations from the strings and put them into the bone's
       * translation struct. */
      for(i = 0; i < TRANS_SIZE; i++)
        b_new->rot[i] = atof(arg_list[i + 2]);

      b_new->length = atof(arg_list[5]);

      /* Attempt to load a new mesh into the current bone.  */
      if(strlen(arg_list[7]) > 0)
        geo = load_obj(arg_list[7]);
        if(geo == NULL)
          fprintf(stderr, "Error loading obj %s\n", arg_list[7]);

        /* Create a vertex array out of the loaded obj and free the mesh
         * struct that was temporarily created. */
        if(strlen(arg_list[8]) > 0 && arg_list[8][0] == 'F')
          b_new->geometry = mesh_to_array(geo, NORM_FLAT);
          b_new->geometry = mesh_to_array(geo, NORM_SMOOTH);
        b_new->tri_count = geo->n_elements;
        b_new->geometry = NULL;

      /* If the root bone has not been set then this is obviously the root
       * bone, or a file format error. */
      if(new_mdl->root == NULL)
        if(strlen(arg_list[6]) == 0)
          new_mdl->root = b_new;
            "ERROR(load_model): Error, root bone must not have parent.\n");
          return NULL;
        if(!skel_add_child(arg_list[6], new_mdl->root, b_new))
          printf("Cannot add child %s.\n", b_new->name);
          return NULL;

    /* Start of an animation. */
    else if(buffer[0] == 'a')
      if(new_mdl == NULL)
          "ERROR(load_mdl): Attempted load animation without model decl.\n");
      if(arg_count != 2) continue;

      load_animation(new_mdl, atoi(arg_list[1]), fp);

  if(new_mdl != NULL)
    new_mdl->bone_array = skel_make_array(new_mdl->root, new_mdl->n_bones);

  printf("New model '%s' successfully loaded.\n", new_mdl->name);
  printf("%d bones loaded.\n", new_mdl->n_bones);
  printf("%d animations loaded.\n", new_mdl->n_anims);

  return new_mdl;