void StandardLocationService::locationUpdate(UUID source, void* buffer, uint32 length) {
    Sirikata::Protocol::Loc::Container loc_container;
    bool parse_success = loc_container.ParseFromString( String((char*) buffer, length) );
    if (!parse_success) {
        LOG_INVALID_MESSAGE_BUFFER(standardloc, error, ((char*)buffer), length);

    if (loc_container.has_update_request()) {
        Sirikata::Protocol::Loc::LocationUpdateRequest request = loc_container.update_request();

        TrackingType obj_type = type(source);
        if (obj_type == Local) {
            LocationMap::iterator loc_it = mLocations.find( source );
            assert(loc_it != mLocations.end());

            if (request.has_location()) {
                TimedMotionVector3f newloc(
                    MotionVector3f( request.location().position(), request.location().velocity() )
                loc_it->second.location = newloc;
                notifyLocalLocationUpdated( source, loc_it->second.aggregate, newloc );

                CONTEXT_SPACETRACE(serverLoc, mContext->id(), mContext->id(), source, newloc );

            if (request.has_bounds()) {
                BoundingSphere3f newbounds = request.bounds();
                loc_it->second.bounds = newbounds;
                notifyLocalBoundsUpdated( source, loc_it->second.aggregate, newbounds );

            if (request.has_mesh()) {
                String newmesh = request.mesh();
                loc_it->second.mesh = newmesh;
                notifyLocalMeshUpdated( source, loc_it->second.aggregate, newmesh );

            if (request.has_orientation()) {
                TimedMotionQuaternion neworient(
                    MotionQuaternion( request.orientation().position(), request.orientation().velocity() )
                loc_it->second.orientation = neworient;
                notifyLocalOrientationUpdated( source, loc_it->second.aggregate, neworient );

            if (request.has_physics()) {
                String newphy = request.physics();
                loc_it->second.physics = newphy;
                notifyLocalPhysicsUpdated( source, loc_it->second.aggregate, newphy );

        else {
            // Warn about update to non-local object
void SimpleCameraObjectScript::moveAction(Vector3f dir, float amount)
    // Get the updated position
    Time now = context()->simTime();
    Location loc = mSelfProxy->extrapolateLocation(now);
    const Quaternion &orient = loc.getOrientation();

    // Request updates from spcae
    TimedMotionVector3f newloc(now, MotionVector3f(Vector3f(loc.getPosition()), (orient * dir) * amount * WORLD_SCALE * .5) );
    mParent->requestLocationUpdate(mID.space(), mID.object(), newloc);
void StandardLocationService::receiveMessage(Message* msg) {
    assert(msg->dest_port() == SERVER_PORT_LOCATION);
    Sirikata::Protocol::Loc::BulkLocationUpdate contents;
    bool parsed = parsePBJMessage(&contents, msg->payload());

    if (parsed) {
        for(int32 idx = 0; idx < contents.update_size(); idx++) {
            Sirikata::Protocol::Loc::LocationUpdate update = contents.update(idx);

            // Its possible we'll get an out of date update. We only use this update
            // if (a) we have this object marked as a replica object and (b) we don't
            // have this object marked as a local object
            if (type(update.object()) != Replica)

            LocationMap::iterator loc_it = mLocations.find( update.object() );
            // We can safely make this assertion right now because space server
            // to space server loc and prox are on the same reliable channel. If
            // this goes away then a) we can't make this assertion and b) we
            // need an OrphanLocUpdateManager to save updates where this
            // condition is false so they can be applied once the prox update
            // arrives.
            assert(loc_it != mLocations.end());

            if (update.has_location()) {
                TimedMotionVector3f newloc(
                    MotionVector3f( update.location().position(), update.location().velocity() )
                loc_it->second.location = newloc;
                notifyReplicaLocationUpdated( update.object(), newloc );

                CONTEXT_SPACETRACE(serverLoc, msg->source_server(), mContext->id(), update.object(), newloc );

            if (update.has_orientation()) {
                TimedMotionQuaternion neworient(
                    MotionQuaternion( update.orientation().position(), update.orientation().velocity() )
                loc_it->second.orientation = neworient;
                notifyReplicaOrientationUpdated( update.object(), neworient );

            if (update.has_bounds()) {
                BoundingSphere3f newbounds = update.bounds();
                loc_it->second.bounds = newbounds;
                notifyReplicaBoundsUpdated( update.object(), newbounds );

            if (update.has_mesh()) {
                String newmesh = update.mesh();
                loc_it->second.mesh = newmesh;
                notifyReplicaMeshUpdated( update.object(), newmesh );

            if (update.has_physics()) {
                String newphy = update.physics();
                loc_it->second.physics = newphy;
                notifyReplicaPhysicsUpdated( update.object(), newphy );

    delete msg;
Esempio n. 4
int dtq::compProp(void)
  // need myh to proceed
  if (! haveMyh) return 1;

  // fundamental size
  ylen = 2*bigm+1;

  // start computing the propagator!
  prop = arma::sp_mat(ylen,ylen);

  // create yvec
  yvec = arma::zeros(ylen);
  for (int i=-bigm; i<=bigm; i++)
    yvec(bigm+i) = i*myk;

  // apply f and g to yvec
  fy = arma::zeros(ylen);
  gy = arma::zeros(ylen);
  for (int i=-bigm; i<=bigm; i++)
    fy(bigm+i) = (*f)(yvec(bigm+i),curtheta);
    gy(bigm+i) = (*g)(yvec(bigm+i),curtheta);

  // normalization "constant"
  arma::vec c0mod = 1.0/(sqrt(2.0*(arma::datum::pi)*myh)*gy);

  // variance
  arma::vec gy2 = gy % gy;
  arma::vec myvar = gy2*myh;

  // compute and set main diagonal
  // prop.diag() = maindiag;
  arma::vec propvals = arma::exp(-(myh/2.0)*(fy%fy)/gy2) % c0mod;
  arma::umat proploc(2, ylen);
  proploc.row(0) = arma::regspace<arma::urowvec>(0, (ylen-1));
  proploc.row(1) = arma::regspace<arma::urowvec>(0, (ylen-1));

  // superdiagonals
  bool done = false;
  int curdiag = 1;
  double mytol = 2.0e-16;
  double refsum = arma::sum(arma::abs(propvals))*myk;
  while (! done)
    arma::vec mymean = curdiag*myk + fy*myh;
    arma::vec thisdiag = arma::exp(-mymean%mymean/(2.0*myvar))%c0mod;
    thisdiag = thisdiag.tail(ylen - curdiag);
    double thissum = arma::sum(arma::abs(thisdiag));
    if ((curdiag == 1) || (thissum > mytol*refsum))
      // prop.diag(curdiag) = thisdiag;
      arma::umat newloc(2, ylen-curdiag);
      newloc.row(0) = arma::regspace<arma::urowvec>(0, (ylen-curdiag-1));
      newloc.row(1) = newloc.row(0) + curdiag;
      proploc = join_horiz(proploc, newloc);
      propvals = join_vert(propvals, thisdiag);
      if (curdiag == ylen) done = true;
    else done = true;
  int maxdiag = curdiag;
  for (curdiag=1; curdiag<=maxdiag; curdiag++)
    arma::vec mymean = -curdiag*myk + fy*myh;
    arma::vec thisdiag = arma::exp(-mymean%mymean/(2.0*myvar))%c0mod;
    thisdiag = thisdiag.head(ylen - curdiag);
    // prop.diag(-curdiag) = thisdiag;
    arma::umat newloc(2, ylen-curdiag);
    newloc.row(1) = arma::regspace<arma::urowvec>(0, (ylen-curdiag-1));
    newloc.row(0) = newloc.row(1) + curdiag;
    proploc = join_horiz(proploc, newloc);
    propvals = join_vert(propvals, thisdiag);
  prop = arma::sp_mat(proploc, propvals, ylen, ylen);
  // check normalization, should get all 1's
  // std::cout << myk*sum(prop,0) << '\n';
  haveProp = true;
  return 0;