int do_dict() { newtComponent form, label, entry, text; struct newtExitStruct es; char *entryValue, *wordlist; newtCenteredWindow(70, 20, NULL); newtPushHelpLine("输入要查找的词,回车确定,上下键滚动,^C退出"); label = newtLabel(2, 1, "请输入要查找的词"); entry = newtEntry(2, 2, "", 40, &entryValue, NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL | NEWT_FLAG_RETURNEXIT); text = newtTextbox(2, 3, 66, 17, NEWT_FLAG_WRAP | NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL); newtTextboxSetText(text, ""); form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); newtFormAddHotKey(form, Ctrl('c')); newtFormAddHotKey(form, Ctrl('\r')); newtFormAddHotKey(form, Ctrl('\n')); newtFormAddComponents(form, label, entry, text, NULL); while (1) { newtFormRun(form, &es); if ((es.u.key == Ctrl('c') || es.u.key == NEWT_KEY_F12) && es.reason == NEWT_EXIT_HOTKEY) break; wordlist = search_dict(entryValue); newtTextboxSetText(text, wordlist); } newtFormDestroy(form); newtPopHelpLine(); newtPopWindow(); return 0; }
// ======================================================= void COptionsWindow::addHotKeys() { newtFormAddComponents(m_formMain, m_btnOkay, m_btnExit, m_btnBack, NULL); newtFormAddHotKey(m_formMain, KEY_EXIT); // Exit newtFormAddHotKey(m_formMain, KEY_OKAY); // Okay newtFormAddHotKey(m_formMain, KEY_BACK); // Back }
static int ui_entry__read(const char *title, char *bf, size_t size, int width) { struct newtExitStruct es; newtComponent form, entry; const char *result; int err = -1; newtCenteredWindow(width, 1, title); form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); if (form == NULL) return -1; entry = newtEntry(0, 0, "0x", width, &result, NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL); if (entry == NULL) goto out_free_form; newtFormAddComponent(form, entry); newtFormAddHotKey(form, NEWT_KEY_ENTER); newtFormAddHotKey(form, NEWT_KEY_ESCAPE); newtFormAddHotKey(form, NEWT_KEY_LEFT); newtFormAddHotKey(form, CTRL('c')); newtFormRun(form, &es); if (result != NULL) { strncpy(bf, result, size); err = 0; } out_free_form: newtPopWindow(); newtFormDestroy(form); return err; }
static void newt_form__set_exit_keys(newtComponent self) { newtFormAddHotKey(self, NEWT_KEY_LEFT); newtFormAddHotKey(self, NEWT_KEY_ESCAPE); newtFormAddHotKey(self, 'Q'); newtFormAddHotKey(self, 'q'); newtFormAddHotKey(self, CTRL('c')); }
int ui_browser__show(struct ui_browser *self, const char *title, const char *helpline, ...) { va_list ap; if (self->form != NULL) { newtFormDestroy(self->form); newtPopWindow(); } ui_browser__refresh_dimensions(self); newtCenteredWindow(self->width, self->height, title); self->form = newt_form__new(); if (self->form == NULL) return -1; self->sb = newtVerticalScrollbar(self->width, 0, self->height, HE_COLORSET_NORMAL, HE_COLORSET_SELECTED); if (self->sb == NULL) return -1; newtFormAddHotKey(self->form, NEWT_KEY_UP); newtFormAddHotKey(self->form, NEWT_KEY_DOWN); newtFormAddHotKey(self->form, NEWT_KEY_PGUP); newtFormAddHotKey(self->form, NEWT_KEY_PGDN); newtFormAddHotKey(self->form, NEWT_KEY_HOME); newtFormAddHotKey(self->form, NEWT_KEY_END); newtFormAddHotKey(self->form, ' '); newtFormAddComponent(self->form, self->sb); va_start(ap, helpline); ui_helpline__vpush(helpline, ap); va_end(ap); return 0; }
static void nmt_newt_form_build (NmtNewtForm *form) { NmtNewtFormPrivate *priv = NMT_NEWT_FORM_GET_PRIVATE (form); int screen_height, screen_width, form_height, form_width; newtComponent *cos; int i; priv->dirty = FALSE; nmt_newt_widget_realize (NMT_NEWT_WIDGET (form)); nmt_newt_widget_size_request (priv->content, &form_width, &form_height); newtGetScreenSize (&screen_width, &screen_height); if (!priv->fixed_width) priv->width = MIN (form_width + 2 * priv->padding, screen_width - 2); if (!priv->fixed_height) priv->height = MIN (form_height + 2 * priv->padding, screen_height - 2); if (!priv->fixed_x) priv->x = (screen_width - form_width) / 2; if (!priv->fixed_y) priv->y = (screen_height - form_height) / 2; nmt_newt_widget_size_allocate (priv->content, priv->padding, priv->padding, priv->width - 2 * priv->padding, priv->height - 2 * priv->padding); if (priv->height - 2 * priv->padding < form_height) { newtComponent scroll_bar = newtVerticalScrollbar (priv->width - 1, 0, priv->height, NEWT_COLORSET_WINDOW, NEWT_COLORSET_ACTCHECKBOX); priv->form = newtForm (scroll_bar, NULL, NEWT_FLAG_NOF12); newtFormAddComponent (priv->form, scroll_bar); newtFormSetHeight (priv->form, priv->height - 2); } else priv->form = newtForm (NULL, NULL, NEWT_FLAG_NOF12); if (priv->escape_exits) newtFormAddHotKey (priv->form, NEWT_KEY_ESCAPE); cos = nmt_newt_widget_get_components (priv->content); for (i = 0; cos[i]; i++) newtFormAddComponent (priv->form, cos[i]); g_free (cos); if (priv->focus) { newtComponent fco; fco = nmt_newt_widget_get_focus_component (priv->focus); if (fco) newtFormSetCurrent (priv->form, fco); } #ifdef HAVE_NEWTFORMGETSCROLLPOSITION if (priv->scroll_position) newtFormSetScrollPosition (priv->form, priv->scroll_position); #endif newtOpenWindow (priv->x, priv->y, priv->width, priv->height, priv->title_lc); }
static void show_spans(void) { newtComponent form; newtComponent quit; newtComponent label; newtComponent sel; struct newtExitStruct es; quit = newtButton(50,14,"Quit"); sel = newtButton(10,14,"Select"); spans = newtListbox(5, 2, 10, NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL); newtListboxSetWidth(spans, 65); label = newtLabel(5,1,"Alarms Span"); newtCenteredWindow(72,18, "DAHDI Telephony Interfaces"); form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); newtFormSetTimer(form, 200); newtFormAddComponents(form, spans, sel, quit, label, NULL); newtComponentAddCallback(spans, sel_callback, NULL); newtFormAddHotKey(form, NEWT_KEY_F1); newtFormAddHotKey(form, NEWT_KEY_F10); for(;;) { /* Wait for user to select something */ do { add_cards(spans); newtFormRun(form, &es); } while(es.reason == NEWT_EXIT_TIMER); switch(es.reason) { case NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT: if ( == quit) { /* Quit if appropriate */ newtFormDestroy(form); return; } else if ( == sel) { show_span(-1); } break; case NEWT_EXIT_HOTKEY: switch(es.u.key) { case NEWT_KEY_F1: show_span(-1); break; case NEWT_KEY_F10: newtFormDestroy(form); return; } break; default: break; } } }
static void show_span(int span) { newtComponent form; newtComponent back; newtComponent loop; newtComponent label; newtComponent bitbox; newtComponent inuse; newtComponent levels; newtComponent bpvcount; newtComponent alarms; newtComponent syncsrc; newtComponent irqmisses; char s1[] = " 1111111111222222222233"; char s2[] = "1234567890123456789012345678901"; int x; int looped = 0; struct newtExitStruct es; void *ss; char info2[256]; if (span < 0) { /* Display info on a span */ ss = newtListboxGetCurrent(spans); if (ss) { span = (long)(ss); } } snprintf(info2, sizeof(info2), "%-59s F10=Back", s[span].desc); newtOpenWindow(10,2,60,20, s[span].desc); newtPushHelpLine(info2); back = newtButton(48,8,"Back"); loop = newtButton(48,14,"Loop"); form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); newtFormAddComponents(form, back, loop, NULL); span_max_chan_pos = s[span].totalchans; for (x=0;x<DAHDI_MAX_CHANNELS;x++) { DAHDI_PARAMS zp; int res; memset(&zp, 0, sizeof(zp)); zp.channo = x; res = ioctl(ctl, DAHDI_GET_PARAMS, &zp); if (!res && zp.spanno == span && zp.chanpos > span_max_chan_pos ) span_max_chan_pos = zp.chanpos; } if (span_max_chan_pos > 32) span_max_chan_pos = 32; s1[span_max_chan_pos] = '\0'; s2[span_max_chan_pos] = '\0'; bitbox = newtTextbox(8,10,span_max_chan_pos,9,0); newtFormAddComponent(form, bitbox); label = newtLabel(8,8,s1); newtFormAddComponent(form, label); label = newtLabel(8,9,s2); newtFormAddComponent(form, label); newtFormAddHotKey(form, NEWT_KEY_F10); newtFormSetTimer(form, 200); label = newtLabel(4,10,"TxA"); newtFormAddComponent(form, label); label = newtLabel(4,11,"TxB"); newtFormAddComponent(form, label); label = newtLabel(4,12,"TxC"); newtFormAddComponent(form, label); label = newtLabel(4,13,"TxD"); newtFormAddComponent(form, label); label = newtLabel(4,15,"RxA"); newtFormAddComponent(form, label); label = newtLabel(4,16,"RxB"); newtFormAddComponent(form, label); label = newtLabel(4,17,"RxC"); newtFormAddComponent(form, label); label = newtLabel(4,18,"RxD"); newtFormAddComponent(form, label); label = newtLabel(4,7,"Total/Conf/Act: "); newtFormAddComponent(form, label); inuse = newtTextbox(24,7,12,1,0); newtFormAddComponent(form, inuse); label = newtLabel(4,6,"Tx/Rx Levels: "); newtFormAddComponent(form, label); levels = newtTextbox(24,6,30,1,0); newtFormAddComponent(form, levels); label = newtLabel(4,5,"Bipolar Viol: "); newtFormAddComponent(form, label); bpvcount = newtTextbox(24,5,30,1,0); newtFormAddComponent(form, bpvcount); label = newtLabel(4,4,"IRQ Misses: "); newtFormAddComponent(form, label); irqmisses = newtTextbox(24,4,30,1,0); newtFormAddComponent(form, irqmisses); label = newtLabel(4,3,"Sync Source: "); newtFormAddComponent(form, label); syncsrc = newtTextbox(24,3,30,1,0); newtFormAddComponent(form, syncsrc); label = newtLabel(4,2,"Current Alarms: "); newtFormAddComponent(form, label); alarms = newtTextbox(24,2,30,1,0); newtFormAddComponent(form, alarms); for(;;) { /* Wait for user to select something */ do { add_cards(NULL); show_bits(span, bitbox, inuse, levels, bpvcount, alarms, syncsrc, irqmisses); newtFormRun(form, &es); } while(es.reason == NEWT_EXIT_TIMER); switch(es.reason) { case NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT: if ( == loop) { looped = !looped; do_loop(span, looped); newtFormSetTimer(form, 200); } if ( == back) { goto out; } break; case NEWT_EXIT_HOTKEY: switch(es.u.key) { #if 0 case NEWT_KEY_F1: show_span(-1); break; #endif case NEWT_KEY_F10: goto out; } break; default: break; } } out: newtFormDestroy(form); newtPopWindow(); newtPopHelpLine(); span_max_chan_pos = 0; }
// ======================================================= int CInterfaceNewt::guiInitMainWindow(char *szDevice, char *szImageFile, char *szNetworkIP, DWORD *dwServerPort, bool *bSsl) { newtComponent formMain, btnContinue, btnExit, btnAbout; newtComponent labelPartition, labelImage, editPartition, editImage, btnImage; newtComponent widgetTemp, labelAction, radioSave, radioRestore, radioMbr; newtComponent checkNetwork, labelNetwork, labelPort, editNetwork, editPort, checkSsl; newtExitStruct event; char szTemp[1024]; int nAction; int nRes; showDebug(8, "guiInitMainWindow\n"); SNPRINTF(szTemp, "Partition Image %s", PACKAGE_VERSION); newtCenteredWindow(67, 20, szTemp); labelPartition = newtLabel(1, 0, i18n("* Partition to save/restore")); editPartition = newtListbox(3, 1, 7, NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL); labelImage = newtLabel(1, 9, i18n("* Image file to create/use")); editImage = newtEntry(3, 10, szImageFile, 59, NULL, NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL); btnImage = newtCompactButton(62, 10, "*"); labelAction = newtLabel(1, 12, i18n("Action to be done:")); radioSave = newtRadiobutton(1, 13, i18n("Save partition into a new image file"), true, NULL); radioRestore = newtRadiobutton(1, 14, i18n("Restore partition from an image file"), false, radioSave); radioMbr = newtRadiobutton(1, 15, i18n("Restore an MBR from the image file"), false, radioRestore); checkNetwork = newtCheckbox(1, 17, i18n("Connect to server"), (!!(*szNetworkIP) ? 'X' : ' '), " X", NULL); #ifdef HAVE_SSL checkSsl = newtCheckbox(5, 19, i18n("Encrypt data on the network with SSL"), (*bSsl ? 'X' : ' '), " X", NULL); #else #ifdef MUST_LOGIN checkSsl = newtLabel(5, 19,i18n("SSL disabled at compile time")); #else checkSsl = newtLabel(5, 19,i18n("SSL&login disabled at compile time")); #endif #endif labelNetwork = newtLabel(5, 18, i18n("IP/name of the server:")); editNetwork = newtEntry(28, 18, szNetworkIP, 25, NULL, 0); labelPort = newtLabel(54, 18, i18n("Port:")); SNPRINTF(szTemp, "%u", *dwServerPort); editPort = newtEntry(60, 18, szTemp, 6, NULL, 0); btnContinue = newtCompactButton(50, 12, i18n("Next (F5)")); btnAbout = newtCompactButton(50, 14, i18n("About")); btnExit = newtCompactButton(50, 16, i18n("Exit (F6)")); nRes = fillPartitionList(editPartition); if (nRes == -1) RETURN_int(-1); formMain = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); newtFormAddComponents(formMain, labelPartition, labelImage, editPartition, editImage, btnImage, labelAction, radioSave, radioRestore, radioMbr, checkNetwork, labelNetwork, editNetwork, labelPort, editPort, checkSsl, btnContinue, btnAbout, btnExit, NULL); newtFormAddHotKey(formMain, KEY_EXIT); // Exit newtFormAddHotKey(formMain, KEY_OKAY); // Okay begin: /*widgetTemp = */newtFormRun(formMain, &event); widgetTemp = newtFormGetCurrent(formMain); if (((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_HOTKEY) && (event.u.key == KEY_EXIT)) || ((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT) && (widgetTemp == btnExit))) //if(widgetTemp == btnExit) return OPERATION_EXIT; if ((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT) && (widgetTemp == btnAbout)) { showAboutDialog(); goto begin; } if ((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT) && (widgetTemp == btnImage)) { char *fs_; fs_=filesel(newtEntryGetValue(editImage)); if(fs_) { newtEntrySet(editImage, fs_, 1); // free(fs_); } goto begin; } if (strcmp(newtEntryGetValue(editImage), "") == 0) // if "image" field empty { msgBoxError(i18n("The \"Image\" field is empty. Cannot continue")); goto begin; } if (newtCheckboxGetValue(checkNetwork) == 'X') { if (!(*newtEntryGetValue(editNetwork))) { msgBoxError(i18n("The \"Server IP/Name\" field is empty. Cannot continue")); goto begin; } if (!atoi((char*)newtEntryGetValue(editPort))) { msgBoxError(i18n("The \"Server Port\" field is not a valid integer. Cannot continue")); goto begin; } } // get device strcpy(szDevice, (char*)newtListboxGetCurrent(editPartition)); // image file strcpy(szImageFile, newtEntryGetValue(editImage)); // network if (newtCheckboxGetValue(checkNetwork) == 'X') // If network is activated { strcpy(szNetworkIP, (char*)newtEntryGetValue(editNetwork)); *dwServerPort = atoi((char*)newtEntryGetValue(editPort)); #ifdef HAVE_SSL *bSsl = (newtCheckboxGetValue(checkSsl) == 'X'); #endif } else // no network { *szNetworkIP = 0; *dwServerPort = OPTIONS_DEFAULT_SERVERPORT; } nAction = 0; if (newtRadioGetCurrent(radioRestore) == radioSave) { nAction = OPERATION_SAVE; } else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(radioRestore) == radioRestore) { nAction = OPERATION_RESTORE; } else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(radioRestore) == radioMbr) { nAction = OPERATION_RESTMBR; } newtFormDestroy(formMain); newtPopWindow(); return nAction; }
static int getManualModuleArgs(struct moduleInfo * mod, char *** moduleArgs) { newtGrid grid, buttons; newtComponent text, f, ok, back, entry; struct newtExitStruct es; int done = 0, i; char * buf; char *argsEntry = ""; if (*moduleArgs) { for (i = 0; (*moduleArgs)[i]; i++) argsEntry = strcat(argsEntry, (*moduleArgs)[i]); } f = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); if (asprintf(&buf, _("Please enter any parameters which you wish to pass " "to the %s module separated by spaces. If you don't " "know what parameters to supply, skip this screen " "by pressing the \"OK\" button."), mod->moduleName) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } text = newtTextboxReflowed(-1, -1, buf, 60, 0, 10, 0); entry = newtEntry(-1, -1, argsEntry, 50, (const char **) &argsEntry, NEWT_ENTRY_SCROLL); newtFormAddHotKey(f, NEWT_KEY_F12); buttons = newtButtonBar(_("OK"), &ok, _("Back"), &back, NULL); grid = newtCreateGrid(1, 3); newtGridSetField(grid, 0, 0, NEWT_GRID_COMPONENT, text, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); newtGridSetField(grid, 0, 1, NEWT_GRID_COMPONENT, entry, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); newtGridSetField(grid, 0, 2, NEWT_GRID_SUBGRID, buttons, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NEWT_GRID_FLAG_GROWX); newtGridWrappedWindow(grid, _("Enter Module Parameters")); newtGridAddComponentsToForm(grid, f, 1); do { newtFormRun(f, &es); if (es.reason == NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT && == back) { done = -1; } else { done = 1; } } while (done == 0); free(buf); newtGridFree(grid, 1); if (done == -1) { newtFormDestroy(f); newtPopWindow(); return LOADER_BACK; } logMessage(INFO, "specified args of %s for %s", argsEntry, mod->moduleName); if (strlen(argsEntry) > 0) { int numAlloced = 5; char * start; char * end; i = 0; *moduleArgs = malloc((numAlloced + 1) * sizeof(*moduleArgs)); start = argsEntry; while (start && *start) { end = start; while (!isspace(*end) && *end) end++; *end = '\0'; (*moduleArgs)[i++] = strdup(start); start = end + 1; *end = ' '; start = strchr(end, ' '); if (start) start++; if (i >= numAlloced) { numAlloced += 5; *moduleArgs = realloc(*moduleArgs, sizeof(*moduleArgs) * (numAlloced + 1)); } } (*moduleArgs)[i] = NULL; } newtFormDestroy(f); newtPopWindow(); return LOADER_OK; }
/* setup hard drive based install from a partition with a filesystem and * ISO images on that filesystem */ char * mountHardDrive(struct installMethod * method, char * location, struct loaderData_s * loaderData) { int rc; int i; newtComponent listbox, label, dirEntry, form, okay, back, text; struct newtExitStruct es; newtGrid entryGrid, grid, buttons; int done = 0; char * dir = strdup(""); char * tmpDir; char * url = NULL; char * buf, *substr; int numPartitions; char **partition_list; char *selpart; char *kspartition = NULL, *ksdirectory = NULL; /* handle kickstart/stage2= data first if available */ if (loaderData->method == METHOD_HD && loaderData->stage2Data) { kspartition = ((struct hdInstallData *)loaderData->stage2Data)->partition; ksdirectory = ((struct hdInstallData *)loaderData->stage2Data)->directory; logMessage(INFO, "partition is %s, dir is %s", kspartition, ksdirectory); /* if exist, duplicate */ if (kspartition) kspartition = strdup(kspartition); if (ksdirectory) { ksdirectory = strdup(ksdirectory); } else { ksdirectory = strdup("/images/install.img"); } if (!kspartition || !ksdirectory) { logMessage(ERROR, "missing partition or directory specification"); loaderData->method = -1; if (loaderData->inferredStage2) loaderData->invalidRepoParam = 1; } else { /* if we start with /dev, strip it (#121486) */ char *kspart = kspartition; if (!strncmp(kspart, "/dev/", 5)) kspart = kspart + 5; url = setupIsoImages(kspart, ksdirectory, location); if (!url) { logMessage(ERROR, "unable to find %s installation images on hd", getProductName()); loaderData->method = -1; if (loaderData->inferredStage2) loaderData->invalidRepoParam = 1; } else { free(kspartition); free(ksdirectory); return url; } } } else { kspartition = NULL; ksdirectory = NULL; } /* if we're here its either because this is interactive, or the */ /* hd kickstart directive was faulty and we have to prompt for */ /* location of harddrive image */ partition_list = NULL; while (!done) { /* if we're doing another pass free this up first */ if (partition_list) freePartitionsList(partition_list); partition_list = getPartitionsList(NULL); numPartitions = lenPartitionsList(partition_list); /* no partitions found, try to load a device driver disk for storage */ if (!numPartitions) { rc = newtWinChoice(_("Hard Drives"), _("Yes"), _("Back"), _("You don't seem to have any hard drives on " "your system! Would you like to configure " "additional devices?")); if (rc == 2) { loaderData->stage2Data = NULL; return NULL; } rc = loadDriverFromMedia(DEVICE_DISK, loaderData, 0, 0); continue; } /* now find out which partition has the stage2 image */ checked_asprintf(&buf, _("What partition and directory on that " "partition holds the installation image " "for %s? If you don't see the disk drive " "you're using listed here, press F2 to " "configure additional devices."), getProductName()); text = newtTextboxReflowed(-1, -1, buf, 62, 5, 5, 0); free(buf); listbox = newtListbox(-1, -1, numPartitions > 5 ? 5 : numPartitions, NEWT_FLAG_RETURNEXIT | (numPartitions > 5 ? NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL : 0)); for (i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) newtListboxAppendEntry(listbox,partition_list[i],partition_list[i]); /* if we had ks data around use it to prime entry, then get rid of it*/ if (kspartition) { newtListboxSetCurrentByKey(listbox, kspartition); free(kspartition); kspartition = NULL; } label = newtLabel(-1, -1, _("Directory holding image:")); dirEntry = newtEntry(28, 11, dir, 28, (const char **) &tmpDir, NEWT_ENTRY_SCROLL); /* if we had ks data around use it to prime entry, then get rid of it*/ if (ksdirectory) { newtEntrySet(dirEntry, ksdirectory, 1); free(ksdirectory); ksdirectory = NULL; } entryGrid = newtGridHStacked(NEWT_GRID_COMPONENT, label, NEWT_GRID_COMPONENT, dirEntry, NEWT_GRID_EMPTY); buttons = newtButtonBar(_("OK"), &okay, _("Back"), &back, NULL); grid = newtCreateGrid(1, 4); newtGridSetField(grid, 0, 0, NEWT_GRID_COMPONENT, text, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); newtGridSetField(grid, 0, 1, NEWT_GRID_COMPONENT, listbox, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); newtGridSetField(grid, 0, 2, NEWT_GRID_SUBGRID, entryGrid, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); newtGridSetField(grid, 0, 3, NEWT_GRID_SUBGRID, buttons, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NEWT_GRID_FLAG_GROWX); newtGridWrappedWindow(grid, _("Select Partition")); form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); newtFormAddHotKey(form, NEWT_KEY_F2); newtFormAddHotKey(form, NEWT_KEY_F12); newtGridAddComponentsToForm(grid, form, 1); newtGridFree(grid, 1); newtFormRun(form, &es); selpart = newtListboxGetCurrent(listbox); free(dir); if (tmpDir && *tmpDir) { /* Protect from form free. */ dir = strdup(tmpDir); } else { dir = strdup(""); } newtFormDestroy(form); newtPopWindow(); if (es.reason == NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT && == back) { loaderData->stage2Data = NULL; return NULL; } else if (es.reason == NEWT_EXIT_HOTKEY && es.u.key == NEWT_KEY_F2) { rc = loadDriverFromMedia(DEVICE_DISK, loaderData, 0, 0); continue; } logMessage(INFO, "partition %s selected", selpart); /* If the user-provided URL points at a repo instead of a stage2 * image, fix that up now. */ substr = strstr(dir, ".img"); if (!substr || (substr && *(substr+4) != '\0')) { checked_asprintf(&dir, "%s/images/install.img", dir); } loaderData->invalidRepoParam = 1; url = setupIsoImages(selpart, dir, location); if (!url) { newtWinMessage(_("Error"), _("OK"), _("Device %s does not appear to contain " "an installation image."), selpart, getProductName()); continue; } done = 1; } free(dir); return url; }
void play_wav_file(char *filename) { char *inwavbuf; short *current; short *audioend; short *audio; WAVE_HEADER *wav_info; int wavfd; int dspfd; struct stat input_fstat; size_t interval; newtComponent vu_1sec; newtComponent vu_total; newtComponent wav_length; newtComponent label_length; newtComponent mainwaveform; newtComponent label_1sec; newtComponent label_total; newtComponent rf_result; char labelstr_1sec[10] = "0"; char labelstr_total[10] = "0"; char labelstr_length[10] = ""; short one_sec_max, total_max; wavfd = open(filename,O_RDONLY,0600); if (wavfd == -1) { printf("Error: open() %s\n",strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (fstat(wavfd,&input_fstat) != 0) { printf("Error: fstat() %s\n",strerror(errno)); return; } if (input_fstat.st_size < sizeof(WAVE_HEADER)) { printf("File is not large enough to hold a .wav file header even!\n"); return; } inwavbuf = mmap(NULL,input_fstat.st_size,PROT_READ,MAP_SHARED,wavfd,0); if (inwavbuf == MAP_FAILED) { printf("Error: mmap() %s\n",strerror(errno)); exit(1); } audio = (short *)validate_wav_header(inwavbuf,0); current = audio; if (current == NULL) { printf("This program didn't like the wav file\n"); exit(1); } wav_info = (WAVE_HEADER *)inwavbuf; audioend = (short *)((char *)audio + wav_info->nDataBytes); dspfd = open_dsp(wav_info); newtCls(); newtDrawRootText(0, 0, filename); mainwaveform = newtForm(NULL, NULL, NEWT_FLAG_NOF12); vu_1sec = newtScale(9,5,68,(long long)(SHRT_MAX)); label_1sec = newtLabel(1,5,labelstr_1sec); wav_length = newtScale(9,3,68,audioend - audio); label_length = newtLabel(1,3,labelstr_length); vu_total = newtScale(9,8,68,(long long)(SHRT_MAX)); label_total = newtLabel(1,8,labelstr_total); newtFormAddComponent(mainwaveform,vu_1sec); newtFormAddComponent(mainwaveform,vu_total); newtFormAddComponent(mainwaveform,label_1sec); newtFormAddComponent(mainwaveform,label_total); one_sec_max = 0; total_max = 0; newtFormWatchFd(mainwaveform,dspfd,NEWT_FD_WRITE); newtFormAddHotKey(mainwaveform,NEWT_KEY_ENTER); newtPushHelpLine("Hit Enter to end playing"); newtCenteredWindow(78,10,"now playing .wav file"); newtRefresh(); /* presently every second */ interval = (size_t )((double )wav_info->nSamplesPerSec * interval_s * 2); while ((current) < audioend) { short *endcurrent = current + interval; if (endcurrent > audioend) { endcurrent = audioend; } one_sec_max = get_peak_value(current,endcurrent); newtScaleSet(vu_1sec,one_sec_max); sprintf(labelstr_1sec,"%1.6f",((float )one_sec_max/ (float )SHRT_MAX)); newtLabelSetText(label_1sec,labelstr_1sec); newtScaleSet(wav_length,current - audio); sprintf(labelstr_length,"%4.2f", ((double )(current - audio) / 88200)); newtLabelSetText(label_length,labelstr_length); if (one_sec_max > total_max) { total_max = one_sec_max; sprintf(labelstr_total,"%1.6f",((float )total_max/ (float )SHRT_MAX)); newtLabelSetText(label_total,labelstr_total); newtScaleSet(vu_total,total_max); } rf_result = newtRunForm(mainwaveform); if (play_buffer(dspfd,current,endcurrent) == -1) { current = audioend; } current = endcurrent; if (rf_result == NULL) current = audioend; newtRefresh(); } newtFormDestroy(mainwaveform); munmap(inwavbuf,input_fstat.st_size); close(wavfd); close(dspfd); return; }