Esempio n. 1
static boolean checkSnapOk(struct vertex *vOld, struct vertex *vNew, boolean isRev, 
	int bleedSize, int maxUncheckedSize, struct nibTwoCache *seqCache, char *chromName)
/* Load sequence that corresponds to bleed-over, and  make sure that sequence of next
 * exon is similar. */
if (vertexPartOfUncuttableEdge(vOld, isRev))
    return FALSE;
if (bleedSize <= maxUncheckedSize)
    return TRUE;
int minScore = bleedSize-2;
boolean similar = FALSE;
if (isRev)
    int oldStart = vOld->position;
    struct slRef *eRef;
    struct dnaSeq *oldSeq = nibTwoCacheSeqPartExt(seqCache, chromName, oldStart, bleedSize, FALSE, NULL);
    for (eRef = vNew->waysIn; eRef != NULL; eRef = eRef->next)
	struct edge *edge = eRef->val;
	struct vertex *vRest = edge->start;
	int newStart = vRest->position - bleedSize;
	struct dnaSeq *newSeq = nibTwoCacheSeqPartExt(seqCache, chromName, newStart, bleedSize, FALSE, NULL);
	similar = checkSeqSimilar(oldSeq, newSeq, minScore);
	if (similar)
    int oldStart = vOld->position - bleedSize;
    struct slRef *eRef;
    struct dnaSeq *oldSeq = nibTwoCacheSeqPartExt(seqCache, chromName, oldStart, bleedSize, FALSE, NULL);
    for (eRef = vNew->waysOut; eRef != NULL; eRef = eRef->next)
	struct edge *edge = eRef->val;
	struct vertex *vRest = edge->end;
	int newStart = vRest->position;
	struct dnaSeq *newSeq = nibTwoCacheSeqPartExt(seqCache, chromName, newStart, bleedSize, FALSE, NULL);
	similar = checkSeqSimilar(oldSeq, newSeq, minScore);
	if (similar)
return similar;
Esempio n. 2
struct dnaSeq *nibTwoCacheSeqPart(struct nibTwoCache *ntc, char *seqName, int start, int size,
	int *retFullSeqSize)
/* Return part of sequence. If *retFullSeqSize is non-null then return full size of
 * sequence (not just loaded part) there. This will have repeats in lower case. */
return nibTwoCacheSeqPartExt(ntc, seqName, start, size, TRUE, retFullSeqSize);
static struct dnaSeq *seqReaderGet(struct seqReader *seqReader, char *seqName, int start, int end,
                                   int *retFullSeqSize)
/* return part of a sequence from a seqReader.  dnaSeqFree result when
 * complete. */
assert(start <= end);
if (seqReader->nibTwo != NULL)
    return nibTwoCacheSeqPartExt(seqReader->nibTwo, seqName, start, end-start, gMasked, retFullSeqSize);
    return seqReaderTblGet(seqReader, seqName, start, end, retFullSeqSize);
struct dnaSeq *loadSeqStrand(struct nibTwoCache *ntc, char *seqName, int start, int end,
                             char strand)
/* Load in a mixed case sequence,  from reverse strand if
 * strand is '-'. */
struct dnaSeq *seq;
int size = end - start;
assert(size >= 0);
if (strand == '-')
    reverseIntRange(&start, &end, nibTwoGetSize(ntc, seqName));
    seq = nibTwoCacheSeqPartExt(ntc, seqName, start, size, TRUE, NULL);
    reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size);
    seq = nibTwoCacheSeqPartExt(ntc, seqName, start, size, TRUE, NULL);
return seq;