/* * D O _ R E G I O N _ E N D * * Called from db_walk_tree(). * * This routine must be prepared to run in parallel. */ union tree *do_region_end(struct db_tree_state *tsp, const struct db_full_path *pathp, union tree *curtree, genptr_t UNUSED(client_data)) { union tree *ret_tree; struct nmgregion *r; RT_CK_TESS_TOL(tsp->ts_ttol); BN_CK_TOL(tsp->ts_tol); NMG_CK_MODEL(*tsp->ts_m); if (RT_G_DEBUG&DEBUG_TREEWALK || verbose) { char *sofar = db_path_to_string(pathp); bu_log("\ndo_region_end(%d %d%%) %s\n", regions_tried, regions_tried>0 ? (regions_done * 100) / regions_tried : 0, sofar); bu_free(sofar, "path string"); } if (curtree->tr_op == OP_NOP) return curtree; regions_tried++; ret_tree = process_boolean(curtree, tsp, pathp); if ( ret_tree ) r = ret_tree->tr_d.td_r; else r = (struct nmgregion *)NULL; regions_done++; if (r != 0) { FILE *fp_psurf; size_t i; struct bu_vls file_base = BU_VLS_INIT_ZERO; struct bu_vls file = BU_VLS_INIT_ZERO; bu_vls_strcpy(&file_base, prefix); bu_vls_strcat(&file_base, DB_FULL_PATH_CUR_DIR(pathp)->d_namep); /* Dots confuse Jack's Peabody language. Change to '_'. */ for (i = 0; i < file_base.vls_len; i++) if (file_base.vls_str[i] == '.') file_base.vls_str[i] = '_'; /* Write color attribute to .fig figure file. */ if (tsp->ts_mater.ma_color_valid != 0) { fprintf(fp_fig, "\tattribute %s {\n", bu_vls_addr(&file_base)); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t\trgb = (%f, %f, %f);\n", V3ARGS(tsp->ts_mater.ma_color)); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t\tambient = 0.18;\n"); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t\tdiffuse = 0.72;\n"); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t}\n"); } /* Write segment attributes to .fig figure file. */ fprintf(fp_fig, "\tsegment %s_seg {\n", bu_vls_addr(&file_base)); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t\tpsurf=\"%s.pss\";\n", bu_vls_addr(&file_base)); if (tsp->ts_mater.ma_color_valid != 0) fprintf(fp_fig, "\t\tattribute=%s;\n", bu_vls_addr(&file_base)); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t\tsite base->location=trans(0, 0, 0);\n"); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t}\n"); if ( bu_vls_strlen(&base_seg) <= 0 ) { bu_vls_vlscat( &base_seg, &file_base ); } else { fprintf(fp_fig, "\tjoint %s_jt {\n", bu_vls_addr(&file_base)); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t\tconnect %s_seg.base to %s_seg.base;\n", bu_vls_addr(&file_base), bu_vls_addr(&base_seg) ); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t}\n"); } bu_vls_vlscat(&file, &file_base); bu_vls_strcat(&file, ".pss"); /* Required Jack suffix. */ /* Write psurf to .pss file. */ if ((fp_psurf = fopen(bu_vls_addr(&file), "wb")) == NULL) perror(bu_vls_addr(&file)); else { nmg_to_psurf(r, fp_psurf); fclose(fp_psurf); if (verbose) bu_log("*** Wrote %s\n", bu_vls_addr(&file)); } bu_vls_free(&file); /* Also write as UNIX-plot file, if desired */ if ( debug_plots ) { FILE *fp; bu_vls_vlscat(&file, &file_base); bu_vls_strcat(&file, ".pl"); if ((fp = fopen(bu_vls_addr(&file), "wb")) == NULL) perror(bu_vls_addr(&file)); else { struct bu_list vhead; pl_color( fp, (int)(tsp->ts_mater.ma_color[0] * 255), (int)(tsp->ts_mater.ma_color[1] * 255), (int)(tsp->ts_mater.ma_color[2] * 255) ); /* nmg_pl_r( fp, r ); */ BU_LIST_INIT( &vhead ); nmg_r_to_vlist( &vhead, r, 0 ); rt_vlist_to_uplot( fp, &vhead ); fclose(fp); if (verbose) bu_log("*** Wrote %s\n", bu_vls_addr(&file)); } bu_vls_free(&file); } /* NMG region is no longer necessary */ nmg_kr(r); } /* * Dispose of original tree, so that all associated dynamic * memory is released now, not at the end of all regions. * A return of TREE_NULL from this routine signals an error, * so we need to cons up an OP_NOP node to return. */ db_free_tree(curtree, &rt_uniresource); /* Does an nmg_kr() */ BU_ALLOC(curtree, union tree); RT_TREE_INIT(curtree); curtree->tr_op = OP_NOP; return curtree; }
/* * D O _ R E G I O N _ E N D * * Called from db_walk_tree(). * * This routine must be prepared to run in parallel. */ union tree *do_region_end(register struct db_tree_state *tsp, struct db_full_path *pathp, union tree *curtree, genptr_t client_data) { union tree *ret_tree; struct nmgregion *r; struct bu_list vhead; RT_CK_TESS_TOL(tsp->ts_ttol); BN_CK_TOL(tsp->ts_tol); NMG_CK_MODEL(*tsp->ts_m); BU_LIST_INIT(&vhead); if (RT_G_DEBUG&DEBUG_TREEWALK || verbose) { char *sofar = db_path_to_string(pathp); bu_log("\ndo_region_end(%d %d%%) %s\n", regions_tried, regions_tried>0 ? (regions_done * 100) / regions_tried : 0, sofar); bu_free(sofar, "path string"); } if (curtree->tr_op == OP_NOP) return curtree; regions_tried++; /* Begin bomb protection */ if ( ncpu == 1 ) { if ( BU_SETJUMP ) { /* Error, bail out */ BU_UNSETJUMP; /* Relinquish the protection */ /* Sometimes the NMG library adds debugging bits when * it detects an internal error, before bombing out. */ rt_g.NMG_debug = NMG_debug; /* restore mode */ /* Release the tree memory & input regions */ db_free_tree(curtree, &rt_uniresource); /* Does an nmg_kr() */ /* Get rid of (m)any other intermediate structures */ if ( (*tsp->ts_m)->magic != -1L ) nmg_km(*tsp->ts_m); /* Now, make a new, clean model structure for next pass. */ *tsp->ts_m = nmg_mm(); goto out; } } (void)nmg_model_fuse(*tsp->ts_m, tsp->ts_tol); ret_tree = nmg_booltree_evaluate(curtree, tsp->ts_tol, &rt_uniresource); /* librt/nmg_bool.c */ BU_UNSETJUMP; /* Relinquish the protection */ if ( ret_tree ) r = ret_tree->tr_d.td_r; else r = (struct nmgregion *)NULL; regions_done++; if (r != 0) { FILE *fp_psurf; int i; struct bu_vls file_base; struct bu_vls file; bu_vls_init(&file_base); bu_vls_init(&file); bu_vls_strcpy(&file_base, prefix); bu_vls_strcat(&file_base, DB_FULL_PATH_CUR_DIR(pathp)->d_namep); /* Dots confuse Jack's Peabody language. Change to '_'. */ for (i = 0; i < file_base.vls_len; i++) if (file_base.vls_str[i] == '.') file_base.vls_str[i] = '_'; /* Write color attribute to .fig figure file. */ if (tsp->ts_mater.ma_color_valid != 0) { fprintf(fp_fig, "\tattribute %s {\n", bu_vls_addr(&file_base)); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t\trgb = (%f, %f, %f);\n", V3ARGS(tsp->ts_mater.ma_color)); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t\tambient = 0.18;\n"); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t\tdiffuse = 0.72;\n"); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t}\n"); } /* Write segment attributes to .fig figure file. */ fprintf(fp_fig, "\tsegment %s_seg {\n", bu_vls_addr(&file_base)); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t\tpsurf=\"%s.pss\";\n", bu_vls_addr(&file_base)); if (tsp->ts_mater.ma_color_valid != 0) fprintf(fp_fig, "\t\tattribute=%s;\n", bu_vls_addr(&file_base)); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t\tsite base->location=trans(0, 0, 0);\n"); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t}\n"); if ( bu_vls_strlen(&base_seg) <= 0 ) { bu_vls_vlscat( &base_seg, &file_base ); } else { fprintf(fp_fig, "\tjoint %s_jt {\n", bu_vls_addr(&file_base)); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t\tconnect %s_seg.base to %s_seg.base;\n", bu_vls_addr(&file_base), bu_vls_addr(&base_seg) ); fprintf(fp_fig, "\t}\n"); } bu_vls_vlscat(&file, &file_base); bu_vls_strcat(&file, ".pss"); /* Required Jack suffix. */ /* Write psurf to .pss file. */ if ((fp_psurf = fopen(bu_vls_addr(&file), "wb")) == NULL) perror(bu_vls_addr(&file)); else { nmg_to_psurf(r, fp_psurf); fclose(fp_psurf); if (verbose) bu_log("*** Wrote %s\n", bu_vls_addr(&file)); } bu_vls_free(&file); /* Also write as UNIX-plot file, if desired */ if ( debug_plots ) { FILE *fp; bu_vls_vlscat(&file, &file_base); bu_vls_strcat(&file, ".pl"); if ((fp = fopen(bu_vls_addr(&file), "wb")) == NULL) perror(bu_vls_addr(&file)); else { struct bu_list vhead; pl_color( fp, (int)(tsp->ts_mater.ma_color[0] * 255), (int)(tsp->ts_mater.ma_color[1] * 255), (int)(tsp->ts_mater.ma_color[2] * 255) ); /* nmg_pl_r( fp, r ); */ BU_LIST_INIT( &vhead ); nmg_r_to_vlist( &vhead, r, 0 ); rt_vlist_to_uplot( fp, &vhead ); fclose(fp); if (verbose) bu_log("*** Wrote %s\n", bu_vls_addr(&file)); } bu_vls_free(&file); } /* NMG region is no longer necessary */ nmg_kr(r); } /* * Dispose of original tree, so that all associated dynamic * memory is released now, not at the end of all regions. * A return of TREE_NULL from this routine signals an error, * so we need to cons up an OP_NOP node to return. */ db_free_tree(curtree, &rt_uniresource); /* Does an nmg_kr() */ out: BU_GETUNION(curtree, tree); curtree->magic = RT_TREE_MAGIC; curtree->tr_op = OP_NOP; return(curtree); }
/** * This routine must be prepared to run in parallel. */ static union tree * draw_nmg_region_end(struct db_tree_state *tsp, const struct db_full_path *pathp, union tree *curtree, void *client_data) { struct nmgregion *r; struct bu_list vhead; int failed; struct _ged_client_data *dgcdp = (struct _ged_client_data *)client_data; RT_CK_TESS_TOL(tsp->ts_ttol); BN_CK_TOL(tsp->ts_tol); NMG_CK_MODEL(*tsp->ts_m); RT_CK_RESOURCE(tsp->ts_resp); BU_LIST_INIT(&vhead); if (RT_G_DEBUG&DEBUG_TREEWALK) { char *sofar = db_path_to_string(pathp); bu_vls_printf(dgcdp->gedp->ged_result_str, "nmg_region_end() path='%s'\n", sofar); bu_free((void *)sofar, "path string"); } else { char *sofar = db_path_to_string(pathp); bu_vls_printf(dgcdp->gedp->ged_result_str, "%s:\n", sofar); bu_free((void *)sofar, "path string"); } if (curtree->tr_op == OP_NOP) return curtree; failed = 1; if (!dgcdp->draw_nmg_only) { failed = process_boolean(curtree, tsp, pathp, dgcdp); if (failed) { db_free_tree(curtree, tsp->ts_resp); return (union tree *)NULL; } } else if (curtree->tr_op != OP_NMG_TESS) { bu_vls_printf(dgcdp->gedp->ged_result_str, "Cannot use '-d' option when Boolean evaluation is required\n"); db_free_tree(curtree, tsp->ts_resp); return (union tree *)NULL; } r = curtree->tr_d.td_r; NMG_CK_REGION(r); if (dgcdp->do_not_draw_nmg_solids_during_debugging && r) { db_free_tree(curtree, tsp->ts_resp); return (union tree *)NULL; } if (dgcdp->nmg_triangulate) { failed = process_triangulation(tsp, pathp, dgcdp); if (failed) { db_free_tree(curtree, tsp->ts_resp); return (union tree *)NULL; } } if (r != 0) { int style; /* Convert NMG to vlist */ NMG_CK_REGION(r); if (dgcdp->draw_wireframes) { /* Draw in vector form */ style = NMG_VLIST_STYLE_VECTOR; } else { /* Default -- draw polygons */ style = NMG_VLIST_STYLE_POLYGON; } if (dgcdp->draw_normals) { style |= NMG_VLIST_STYLE_VISUALIZE_NORMALS; } if (dgcdp->shade_per_vertex_normals) { style |= NMG_VLIST_STYLE_USE_VU_NORMALS; } if (dgcdp->draw_no_surfaces) { style |= NMG_VLIST_STYLE_NO_SURFACES; } nmg_r_to_vlist(&vhead, r, style); _ged_drawH_part2(0, &vhead, pathp, tsp, dgcdp); if (dgcdp->draw_edge_uses) { nmg_vlblock_r(dgcdp->draw_edge_uses_vbp, r, 1); } /* NMG region is no longer necessary, only vlist remains */ db_free_tree(curtree, tsp->ts_resp); return (union tree *)NULL; } /* Return tree -- it needs to be freed (by caller) */ return curtree; }