Esempio n. 1
esvmOutput *esvmSIME(esvmParameters *params, IplImage *img, esvmModel *model)

	//userTasks needs to be greater than 4.
	//This is for performance. less than 4 threads doesn't make sense!
	//Also I think (there was an assumption made in some version
	//, I forget if it is still there or not.)
	//otherwise binning histograms (binHists)
	//will not work properly.
	//this can be fixed, but I haven't done it.
	assert(params->userTasks >= 4);

	//computing hog pyramid and reading whogs can be made parallel
	double hogTime = CycleTimer::currentSeconds();
	esvmHogPyr *hogpyr = computeHogScale(img,params->cellWidth,params->maxHogLevels,params->minHogDim,
	hogTime -= CycleTimer::currentSeconds();

	const esvmHogPyr *whogpyr = model->hogpyr;
	const esvmHog **whogs = (const esvmHog **) whogpyr->hogs;
	const int numWeights = whogpyr->num;
	const float *bWeight = model->b;

	double convTime = CycleTimer::currentSeconds();
	esvmArr2_f *convResults = convolvePyramids(hogpyr,whogpyr,params->convEnablePadding,

	convTime -= CycleTimer::currentSeconds();
	//allocate memory for bounding boxes per exemplar
	esvmBoxes *boxesArr = (esvmBoxes *)esvmCalloc(numWeights*hogpyr->num,sizeof(esvmBoxes));

	assert(params->maxTotalBoxesPerExemplar > params->maxWindowsPerExemplar);

	for(int w=0;w<numWeights;w++) {
		boxesArr[w].arr = (float *)esvmMalloc(params->maxTotalBoxesPerExemplar*ESVM_BOX_DIM*sizeof(float));
		boxesArr[w].num = 0;

	float *maxers = (float *)esvmMalloc(numWeights*sizeof(float));
	float *negScores = (float *)esvmMalloc(params->maxTotalBoxesPerExemplar*sizeof(float));
	float *topScores = (float *)esvmMalloc(params->maxTotalBoxesPerExemplar*sizeof(float));
	int *topInds = (int *)esvmMalloc(params->maxTotalBoxesPerExemplar*sizeof(int));
	float *topBoxes = (float *)esvmMalloc(params->maxTotalBoxesPerExemplar*ESVM_BOX_DIM*sizeof(float)); 

	//parallel loop.

	int numBoxes = 0;

	double nmsTime = CycleTimer::currentSeconds();

	//serial loop because maxers are maintained from higher levels!
	for(int i=hogpyr->num-1;i>=0;i--) {

		//serial loop	
		for(int w=0;w<numWeights;w++) {
			esvmArr2_f *convOut = &(convResults[i*numWeights+w]);
			int nkeep;

			//hogPadding is subtracted from the indices.
			float detectionThreshold = max(maxers[w],params->detectionThreshold);
			//float detectionThreshold = params->detectionThreshold;
			int *indices = sort2DIndex(convOut->arr,convOut->rows,convOut->cols,
			if(nkeep==0) {
			//arrays for top-k sorting
			const int topK = min(boxesArr[w].num+nkeep,params->maxWindowsPerExemplar);		

			//concatenate current boxes to the boxes already detected by exemplar
			float *bboxes = &(boxesArr[w].arr[boxesArr[w].num*ESVM_BOX_DIM]);
			int *tmpIndex = indices;
			int dim1 = convOut->rows*convOut->cols;
			float resizing = params->cellWidth/hogpyr->scale[i];
			//get the bounding boxes in the original image
			//need to rescale
			assert(boxesArr[w].num+nkeep <= params->maxTotalBoxesPerExemplar);
			//printf("NKEEP is %d\n",nkeep);
			for(int j=0;j<nkeep;j++) {
				float *bboxL = bboxes+j*ESVM_BOX_DIM;
				ARR_RMIN_P(bboxL) = ((*(tmpIndex+j))*resizing);
				ARR_CMIN_P(bboxL) = ((*(tmpIndex+j+dim1))*resizing);
				ARR_RMAX_P(bboxL) = ((*(tmpIndex+j)+whogs[w]->rows)*resizing)-1;
				ARR_CMAX_P(bboxL) = ((*(tmpIndex+j+dim1)+whogs[w]->cols)*resizing)-1;
				//Put negative of score inside.
				//This is useful for finding top-k elements
				negScores[boxesArr[w].num+j] = -convOut->arr[j];
				ARR_SCORE_P(bboxL) = convOut->arr[j];
				ARR_SCALE_P(bboxL) = hogpyr->scale[i];
				ARR_CLASS_P(bboxL) = (int)whogs[w]->classId;
				ARR_EXID_P(bboxL) = w;
			//find top-k boxes
			psort(negScores, boxesArr[w].num+nkeep, topK, topScores, topInds);

			int *tmpTop = topInds;
			bboxes = boxesArr[w].arr;
			for(int j=0;j<topK;j++) {
				float *bboxL = topBoxes+j*ESVM_BOX_DIM;
				float *bboxR = bboxes+topInds[j]*ESVM_BOX_DIM;			
				negScores[j] = -ARR_SCORE_P(bboxR);

			//now copy back the current boxes into the list of boxes for this exemplar
			boxesArr[w].num = topK;

			if(topK >= params->maxWindowsPerExemplar) {
				//update maxers if topK > threshold
				maxers[w] = -topScores[topK-1];


	//more cleanup
	//perform nms on each exemplar's boxes
	esvmBoxes *nmsBoxesArr = (esvmBoxes *)esvmCalloc(numWeights*hogpyr->num,sizeof(esvmBoxes));
	int totalBoxes = 0;
	for(int w=0;w<numWeights;w++) {	

		nms(boxesArr[w].arr,boxesArr[w].num, params->nmsOverlapThreshold,
		totalBoxes += (nmsBoxesArr[w].num);

	nmsTime -= CycleTimer::currentSeconds();
	//assign output
	esvmOutput *output = (esvmOutput *)esvmMalloc(sizeof(esvmOutput));
	//collect all the boxes together
	output->boxes = (esvmBoxes *)esvmCalloc(1,sizeof(esvmBoxes));
	output->boxes->num = totalBoxes;
		output->boxes->arr = (float *)esvmMalloc(totalBoxes*ESVM_BOX_DIM*sizeof(float));
	int count = 0;
	for(int w=0;w<numWeights;w++) {
		for(int j=0;j<nmsBoxesArr[w].num;j++) {
	if(params->saveHogPyr==false) {
		output->hogpyr = (esvmHogPyr *)esvmMalloc(sizeof(esvmHogPyr));
		output->hogpyr->num = 0;
	else {
		output->hogpyr = hogpyr;
	output->perf.hogTime = -hogTime*1000;
	output->perf.convTime = -convTime*1000;
	output->perf.nmsTime = -nmsTime*1000;
	return output;

void bus_detector_cnn::findBus(string inputImagePath)

    Mat inputImage = imread(inputImagePath);

    //Making a multiscale input image
    vector<float> processScale = {1.0,0.8,0.6,0.4,0.2};
    Mat scaledImage;
    vector<busBBox> allBusBoxes;
    for(uint scaleNo = 0 ; scaleNo < processScale.size() ; scaleNo++)

        //Suppress scale if images is smaller than CNN input size
        if(scaledImage.rows >= windowSizeH && scaledImage.cols >= windowSizeW)
            vector<Rect> scaleBboxes;
            Mat rowWindowImage;                                 //sliding windows container

            //#ifdef DEBUGF
            cout<<"Scale : "<<processScale[scaleNo]<<" Row Image Size: "<<rowWindowImage.rows<<" x "<<rowWindowImage.cols<<" Total windows:"<<scaleBboxes.size()<<endl;
            //#endif // DEBUGF
int64 t0 = cv::getTickCount();
            float *windows_h = (float*);    //pointer to sliding window in row-fashion format (NO-OP)
            float *windows_d;

            checkCudaErrors( cudaMalloc(&windows_d,scaleBboxes.size() * windowSizeH * windowSizeW * 3 *sizeof(float)));
            checkCudaErrors( cudaMemcpy(windows_d,windows_h,scaleBboxes.size() * 3 * windowSizeH * windowSizeW * sizeof(float),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

            uint nBatch = scaleBboxes.size() / concurrentWindows;

            float *output_d;
            float *output_h = new float[totalClass*scaleBboxes.size()];
            float *batchwindows_d;
            for(uint batch = 0 ; batch < nBatch ; batch++)
                int n = concurrentWindows;                      //input data to cuDNN in this project is in NCHW format (Nimages-channels-row-col)
                int c = 3;
                int h = windowSizeH;
                int w = windowSizeW;

                batchwindows_d = &windows_d[batch * (concurrentWindows * c *h * w)];
                //Start Detector

                //Copy back result (Be note that copy in block-format is faster than copy only desired elements)
                checkCudaErrors( cudaMemcpy(&output_h[batch * concurrentWindows * c],output_d,n * c * h * w * sizeof(float),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
                checkCudaErrors( cudaFree(output_d));

            int remainingWindows = scaleBboxes.size() - (concurrentWindows * nBatch);
            if (remainingWindows > 0)
                int n = remainingWindows;                      //input data to cuDNN in this project is in NCHW format (Nimages-channels-row-col)
                int c = 3;
                int h = windowSizeH;
                int w = windowSizeW;

                batchwindows_d = &windows_d[nBatch * (concurrentWindows * c *h * w)];
                //Start Detector

                //Copy back result (Be note that copy in block-format is faster than copy only desired elements)
                checkCudaErrors( cudaMemcpy(&output_h[nBatch * concurrentWindows * c],output_d,n * c * h * w * sizeof(float),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
                checkCudaErrors( cudaFree(output_d));
int64 t1 = cv::getTickCount();
double secs = (t1-t0)/cv::getTickFrequency();
            cout<<"GPU Time: "<<secs<<endl;
            checkCudaErrors( cudaFree(windows_d));
            delete [] output_h;
        //inputImage too small

    //Non-correct version of nms (???)

    //Display only high score box
    for(uint box = 0 ; box < allBusBoxes.size() ; box++)
        if(allBusBoxes[box].keep && allBusBoxes[box].score > 0.6)
            cout<<"["<<allBusBoxes[box].bbox.x<<" "<<allBusBoxes[box].bbox.y<<" "<<allBusBoxes[box].bbox.width<<" "<<allBusBoxes[box].bbox.height<<"] Score: "<<allBusBoxes[box].score<<endl;
Esempio n. 3
bool Type::operator>=(const Type& t) const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return *d_typeNode >= *t.d_typeNode;
Esempio n. 4
bool Type::isSubtypeOf(Type t) const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->isSubtypeOf(*t.d_typeNode);
Esempio n. 5
Type Type::getBaseType() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->getBaseType().toType();
Esempio n. 6
Cardinality Type::getCardinality() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->getCardinality();
Esempio n. 7
bool Type::isWellFounded() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->isWellFounded();
Esempio n. 8
 * Is this a predicate type? NOTE: all predicate types are also
 * function types.
bool Type::isPredicate() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->isPredicate();
Esempio n. 9
/** Is this an array type? */
bool Type::isArray() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->isArray();
Esempio n. 10
/** Is this a datatype type? */
bool Type::isDatatype() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->isDatatype() || d_typeNode->isParametricDatatype();
Esempio n. 11
/** Is this a function type? */
bool Type::isFunction() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->isFunction();
Esempio n. 12
/** Is this the bit-vector type? */
bool Type::isBitVector() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->isBitVector();
Esempio n. 13
string Type::toString() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  stringstream ss;
  ss << *d_typeNode;
  return ss.str();
Esempio n. 14
void Type::toStream(std::ostream& out) const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  out << *d_typeNode;
Esempio n. 15
Type::~Type() {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  delete d_typeNode;
Esempio n. 16
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Type& t) {
  NodeManagerScope nms(t.d_nodeManager);
  return out << *Type::getTypeNode(t);
Esempio n. 17
size_t DatatypeType::getArity() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->getNumChildren() - 1;
Esempio n. 18
/** Cast to a sort type */
bool Type::isSortConstructor() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->isSortConstructor();
Esempio n. 19
SubrangeBounds SubrangeType::getSubrangeBounds() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->getSubrangeBounds();
Esempio n. 20
/** Is this an integer subrange */
bool Type::isSubrange() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->isSubrange();
Esempio n. 21
Expr Type::mkGroundTerm() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->mkGroundTerm().toExpr();
Esempio n. 22
Type FunctionType::getRangeType() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  CheckArgument(isNull() || isFunction(), this);
  return makeType(d_typeNode->getRangeType());
Esempio n. 23
bool Type::isComparableTo(Type t) const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->isComparableTo(*t.d_typeNode);
Esempio n. 24
const Record& RecordType::getRecord() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->getRecord();
Esempio n. 25
long detection_fprop(
    float* conf,          //score for each class for each box, num_box * num_class * bs
    float* loc,           //location for each box, box * 4 * bs
    float* res_detection, //final memory restoring boxes, bs * top_k
    float* prior_boxes,   //num_boxes * 4
    long * res_batch_len, //record count of result for each batch, bs
    const long num_boxes, //num_boxes, each is a potential object
    const long num_class, //number of class
    const long bs,        //batch size
    const long nms_topk,  //first top k box for nms result for each class
    const long image_topk,     //first top k box for input image
    const float score_threshold,  //threshold for accepting as a object for box
    const float nms_threshold)    //threshold for two overlapped boxes, too overlapped is one object
    //sorted result of index
    long* index_batch   = malloc(bs*num_boxes*num_class*sizeof(long));
    //scores to be sorted
    float* scores_batch = malloc(bs*num_boxes*num_class*sizeof(float));
    //temp result detections for each batch, grow when iterating among classes
    float* temp_res_detection_batch = malloc(bs*num_class*nms_topk*6*sizeof(float));
    //internal memory to restore sorted boxes for each class
    float* internal_detection_batch = malloc(bs*nms_topk*5*sizeof(float));
    //internal memory to restore transformed location
    float* proposal_batch = malloc(bs*num_boxes*4*sizeof(float));    

    //transpose KLN to NKL
    float* conf_t = malloc(num_boxes * num_class * bs * sizeof(float));
    float* loc_t  = malloc(num_boxes * 4* bs * sizeof(float));
    mkl_somatcopy('r', 't', num_boxes*num_class, bs, 1.0, conf, bs, conf_t, num_boxes*num_class);
    mkl_somatcopy('r', 't', num_boxes*4, bs, 1.0, loc, bs, loc_t, num_boxes*4);

    //loop for batch size
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(long b=0; b<bs; ++b)  //loop for batch
        float* scores = scores_batch + b * num_boxes*num_class;
        float* temp_res_detection = temp_res_detection_batch + b * num_class*nms_topk*6;
        long* index = index_batch + b * num_boxes*num_class;
        float* internal_detection = internal_detection_batch + b * nms_topk*5;
        float* proposal = proposal_batch + b * num_boxes*4;
        //calculate class scores for this batch using softmax
        float* conf_batch = conf_t + b * num_boxes * num_class;
        softmax(conf_batch, num_boxes, num_class);
        //store scores in an array
        mkl_somatcopy('r', 't', num_boxes, num_class, 1.0, conf_batch, num_class, scores, num_boxes);

        //transform locations in proposal
        bbox_transform_inv(prior_boxes, loc_t + b * 4 * num_boxes, proposal, num_boxes);

        long res_len = 0; //count of feasible boxes for this image
        for(long c=1; c<num_class; ++c) //loop for classes
            //for each class, sort out first nms_topk boxes, store result in index
            long sort_nums_res = get_top_N_index(scores + c*num_boxes, nms_topk,
                           num_boxes, score_threshold, index);

            //store location and score for the sorted results
            if(sort_nums_res > 0)
                //store location and score in internal_detection for overlapped check
                for(long i=0; i<sort_nums_res; ++i)
                    for(long j=0; j<4; ++j)
                        internal_detection[i*5+j] = proposal[index[i]*4+j];
                    internal_detection[i*5+4] = scores[c*num_boxes+i];

                //remove overlapped box
                sort_nums_res = nms(internal_detection, index, nms_threshold, 1, sort_nums_res);

                //store result in temp memory and add class number, thus width is 6
                for(long i=0; i<sort_nums_res; ++i)
                    float* temp = temp_res_detection + (res_len+i)*6;
                    for(long j=0; j<5; ++j)
                        temp[j] = internal_detection[index[i]*5+j];
                    //add class number
                    temp[5] = c;
                res_len += sort_nums_res;

        //sort out first top_k boxes for this image
        for(long i=0; i<res_len; ++i)
            scores[i] = temp_res_detection[i*6+4];
            index[i] = i;
        long sort_nums_res = res_len;
        if(sort_nums_res>image_topk) //sort first top_k out of res_len
            sort_nums_res = get_top_N_index(scores, image_topk, res_len, 0.0, index);

        //store sorted result in final output
        float* temp = res_detection + b * image_topk * 6;
        for(long i=0; i<sort_nums_res; ++i)
            for(long j=0; j<6; ++j)
                temp[i*6+j] = temp_res_detection[index[i]*6+j];
        res_batch_len[b] = sort_nums_res;
Esempio n. 26
string SortConstructorType::getName() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->getAttribute(expr::VarNameAttr());
Esempio n. 27
void ProofTests::SlaveBegin(TTree * /*tree*/)
   // The SlaveBegin() function is called after the Begin() function.
   // When running with PROOF SlaveBegin() is called on each slave server.
   // The tree argument is deprecated (on PROOF 0 is passed).

   TString option = GetOption();

   // Fill relevant members

   // Output histo
   fStat = new TH1I("TestStat", "Test results", 20, .5, 20.5);

   // We were started

   // Depends on the test
   if (fTestType == 0) {
      // Retrieve objects from the input list and copy them to the output
      // H1
      TList *h1list = dynamic_cast<TList*>(fInput->FindObject("h1list"));
      if (h1list) {
         // Retrieve objects from the input list and copy them to the output
         TH1F *h1 = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(h1list->FindObject("h1data"));
         if (h1) {
            TParameter<Double_t> *h1avg = dynamic_cast<TParameter<Double_t>*>(h1list->FindObject("h1avg"));
            TParameter<Double_t> *h1rms = dynamic_cast<TParameter<Double_t>*>(h1list->FindObject("h1rms"));
            if (h1avg && h1rms) {
               if (TMath::Abs(h1avg->GetVal() - h1->GetMean()) < 0.0001) {
                  if (TMath::Abs(h1rms->GetVal() - h1->GetRMS()) < 0.0001) {
            } else {
               Info("SlaveBegin", "%d: info 'h1avg' or 'h1rms' not found!", fTestType);
         } else {
            Info("SlaveBegin", "%d: input histo 'h1data' not found!", fTestType);
      } else {
         Info("SlaveBegin", "%d: input list 'h1list' not found!", fTestType);
      // H2
      TList *h2list = dynamic_cast<TList*>(fInput->FindObject("h2list"));
      if (h2list) {
         // Retrieve objects from the input list and copy them to the output
         TH1F *h2 = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(h2list->FindObject("h2data"));
         if (h2) {
            TParameter<Double_t> *h2avg = dynamic_cast<TParameter<Double_t>*>(h2list->FindObject("h2avg"));
            TParameter<Double_t> *h2rms = dynamic_cast<TParameter<Double_t>*>(h2list->FindObject("h2rms"));
            if (h2avg && h2rms) {
               if (TMath::Abs(h2avg->GetVal() - h2->GetMean()) < 0.0001) {
                  if (TMath::Abs(h2rms->GetVal() - h2->GetRMS()) < 0.0001) {
            } else {
               Info("SlaveBegin", "%d: info 'h2avg' or 'h2rms' not found!", fTestType);
         } else {
            Info("SlaveBegin", "%d: input histo 'h2data' not found!", fTestType);
      } else {
         Info("SlaveBegin", "%d: input list 'h2list' not found!", fTestType);

      TNamed *iob = dynamic_cast<TNamed*>(fInput->FindObject("InputObject"));
      if (iob) {
      } else {
         Info("SlaveBegin", "%d: input histo 'InputObject' not found!", fTestType);
   } else if (fTestType == 1) {
      // We should find in the input list the name of a test variable which should exist
      // at this point in the gEnv table
      TNamed *nm = dynamic_cast<TNamed*>(fInput->FindObject("testenv"));
      if (nm) {
         if (gEnv->Lookup(nm->GetTitle())) fStat->Fill(2.);
      } else {
         Info("SlaveBegin", "%d: TNamed with the test env info not found!", fTestType);
   } else if (fTestType == 2) {
      // We should find in the input list the list of names of test variables which should exist
      // at this point in the gEnv table
      TNamed *nm = dynamic_cast<TNamed*>(fInput->FindObject("testenv"));
      if (nm) {
         TString nms(nm->GetTitle()), nam;
         Int_t from = 0;
         while (nms.Tokenize(nam, from, ",")) {
            if (gEnv->Lookup(nam)) {
               Double_t xx = gEnv->GetValue(nam, -1.);
               if (xx > 1.) fStat->Fill(xx);
      } else {
         Info("SlaveBegin", "%d: TNamed with the test env info not found!", fTestType);
Esempio n. 28
size_t SortConstructorType::getArity() const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return d_typeNode->getAttribute(expr::SortArityAttr());
Esempio n. 29
Type Type::substitute(const Type& type, const Type& replacement) const {
  NodeManagerScope nms(d_nodeManager);
  return makeType(d_typeNode->substitute(*type.d_typeNode,
Esempio n. 30
File: model.c Progetto: devaib/cnn
int main(void){

    // minimum size(pixels) of detection object (multiple of 12)
    const int MinFaceSize = 72;

    // thresholds
    const float Threshold_12Layer = .5;
    const float Threshold_24Layer = .01;
    const float Threshold_48Layer = -.01;
    const float Threshold_12CalibrationLayer = .1;
    const float Threshold_24CalibrationLayer = .1;
    const float Threshold_48CalibrationLayer = .1;
    const float Threshold_12NMS = .3f;
    const float Threshold_24NMS = .3f;
    const float Threshold_48NMS = 1.0f;

    // detection windows
    struct Windows window[500];

    // loop counter
    int i, j, k;
    int row, col;
    int counter = 0;    // detection window counter

    // image information
    int height, width, step, channels;
    uchar *data, *data24, *data48;

    // size, x, y for calibration
    float *out_12c, *out_24c, *out_48c;     // vector carrying s,x,y
    float s, x, y;
    int cali_x, cali_y, cali_w, cali_h;

    // scores of the 12 layer
    float res_12Layer;
    float res_24Layer;
    float res_48Layer;

    // window sliding stride
    const int Stride = 4;

    // image pyramid rate
    int pyr_rate = MinFaceSize / 12;

    // image pyrimid stopping
    bool flagStop = false;

    // file path
    char file[150];
    strcpy(file, FILE_PATH);
    strcat(file, TEST_IMAGE);

    // alloc memory for 12x12 image
    float **img = malloc(12 * sizeof(float*));
    for (i = 0; i < 12; i++){
        img[i] = malloc(12 * sizeof(float));

    // alloc memory for 24x24 image
    float **img24 = malloc(24 * sizeof(float*));
    for (i = 0; i < 24; i++){
        img24[i] = malloc(24 * sizeof(float));

    // alloc memory for 48x48 image
    float **img48 = malloc(48 * sizeof(float*));
    for (i = 0; i < 48; i++){
        img48[i] = malloc(48 * sizeof(float));

    // for printing scores
    CvFont font;
    cvInitFont(&font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.3, 0.3, 0, 1, 8);
    char word[5];

    // load image
    IplImage *srcImg, *dstImg;
    srcImg = cvLoadImage(file, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);

    // original size of the image
    const int WIDTH = srcImg->width;
    const int HEIGHT = srcImg->height;

    IplImage *originImg = cvCloneImage(srcImg);
    IplImage *originImg1 = cvCloneImage(srcImg);
    IplImage *originImg2 = cvCloneImage(srcImg);
    IplImage *originImg3 = cvCloneImage(srcImg);
    IplImage *input24Img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(24, 24), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
    IplImage *input48Img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(48, 48), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);

    if (!srcImg){
        printf("Could not load image file: %s\n", file);

    // image pyramid loop starts
    while (!flagStop){
        counter = 0;

        // image pyramid down
        dstImg = doPyrDown(srcImg, pyr_rate);

        // get the image data
        width = dstImg -> width;
        height = dstImg -> height;
        step = dstImg -> widthStep;
        channels = dstImg -> nChannels;
        data = (uchar*)dstImg -> imageData;

        IplImage *detectedImg_12Layer = cvCloneImage(dstImg);

        // window sliding loop starts
        for (row = 0; row + 12 <= height; row += Stride){
            for (col = 0; col + 12 <= width; col += Stride){
                // 12 layer, 12 calibration, NMS
                preprocess(img, data, row, col, step, channels, 12);

                res_12Layer = Layer12(img, 12, 12, channels);

                // 12 layer passed
                if (res_12Layer > Threshold_12Layer){
                    // 12 calibration layer
                    out_12c = CaliLayer12(img, 12, 12, channels, Threshold_12CalibrationLayer);

                    s = out_12c[0]; x = out_12c[1]; y = out_12c[2];
                    free(out_12c);      // memory allocated in CaliLayer12

                    // ignoring returned NAN values(comparison involving them are always false)
                    if (s != s || x != x || y != y) continue;

                    // calibration
                    cali_x = col * pyr_rate - x * 12 * pyr_rate / s;
                    cali_y = row * pyr_rate - y * 12 * pyr_rate / s;
                    cali_w = 12 * pyr_rate / s;
                    cali_h = 12 * pyr_rate / s;

                    // make sure the calibrated window not beyond the image boundary
                    if (cali_x >= WIDTH || cali_y >= HEIGHT) continue;

                    cali_x = max(cali_x, 0);
                    cali_y = max(cali_y, 0);
                    cali_w = min(cali_w, WIDTH - cali_x);
                    cali_h = min(cali_h, HEIGHT - cali_y);

                    window[counter].x1 = cali_x;                    // x1
                    window[counter].y1 = cali_y;                    // y1
                    window[counter].x2 = cali_x + cali_w;           // x2
                    window[counter].y2 = cali_y + cali_h;           // y2
                    window[counter].score = res_12Layer;            // 12 layer score
                    window[counter].iou = 0.0;                      // iou ratio
                    window[counter].dropped= false;                 // if it's dropped
                    // end of 12 layer, 12 calibration

        // window sliding loop ends

        // sort the detection windows by score in descending order
        mergeSort(window, 0, counter);

        // display sorted windows surviving 12 layer
        cvNamedWindow("12 layer", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
        for (i = 0; i < counter; i++){
            cvRectangle(originImg, cvPoint(window[i].x1, window[i].y1), cvPoint(window[i].x2, window[i].y2), cvScalar(255,0,0,0), 2, 4, 0);
            // printf("[#%d] x1: %d, y1: %d, x2: %d, y2: %d, score: %f, iou: %f, dropped: %s\n", i, window[i].x1, window[i].y1, window[i].x2, window[i].y2, window[i].score, window[i].iou, window[i].dropped ? "true" : "false");

            if (window[i].dropped == false){
                sprintf(word, "%.2f", window[i].score);
                cvPutText(originImg, word, cvPoint(window[i].x1, window[i].y1), &font, cvScalar(255, 255, 255, 0));
        cvShowImage("12 layer", originImg);
        cvMoveWindow("12 layer", 10, 10);

        printf("12 layer: x1: %d, y1: %d, x2: %d, y2: %d\n", window[15].x1, window[15].y1, window[15].x2, window[15].y2);

        // NMS after 12 calibration
        nms(window, counter, Threshold_12NMS);

        // display sorted windows surviving 12 layer
        cvNamedWindow("12 layer after NMS", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
        for (i = 0; i < counter; i++){
            if (window[i].dropped == false){
                cvRectangle(originImg1, cvPoint(window[i].x1, window[i].y1), cvPoint(window[i].x2, window[i].y2), cvScalar(255,0,0,0), 2, 4, 0);

                sprintf(word, "%.2f", window[i].score);
                cvPutText(originImg1, word, cvPoint(window[i].x1, window[i].y1), &font, cvScalar(255, 255, 255, 0));
        cvShowImage("12 layer after NMS", originImg1);
        cvMoveWindow("12 layer after NMS", 500, 10);

        // 24 layer, 24 calibration, NMS
        for (i = 0; i< counter; i++){
            if (window[i].dropped == true) continue;

            cvSetImageROI(srcImg, cvRect(window[i].x1, window[i].y1, window[i].x2 - window[i].x1, window[i].y2 - window[i].y1));
            cvResize(srcImg, input24Img, CV_INTER_AREA);

            data24 = (uchar*) input24Img->imageData;

            preprocess(img24, data24, 0, 0, input24Img->widthStep, input24Img->nChannels, 24);
            res_24Layer = Layer24(img24, 24, 24, input24Img->nChannels);

            // 24 layer passed
            if (res_24Layer > Threshold_24Layer){
                // 24 calibration
                out_24c = CaliLayer24(img24, 24, 24, input24Img->nChannels, Threshold_24CalibrationLayer);
                s = out_24c[0];
                x = out_24c[1];
                y = out_24c[2];

                cali_x = window[i].x1 - x * (window[i].x2 - window[i].x1) / s;
                cali_y = window[i].y1 - y * (window[i].y2 - window[i].y1) / s;
                cali_w = (window[i].x2 - window[i].x1) / s;
                cali_h = (window[i].y2 - window[i].y1) / s;

                // make sure the calibrated window not beyond the image boundary
                if (cali_x >= WIDTH || cali_y >= HEIGHT) continue;

                cali_x = max(cali_x, 0);
                cali_y = max(cali_y, 0);
                cali_w = min(cali_w, WIDTH - cali_x);
                cali_h = min(cali_h, HEIGHT - cali_y);

                window[i].x1 = cali_x;                    // x1
                window[i].y1 = cali_y;                    // y1
                window[i].x2 = cali_x + cali_w;           // x2
                window[i].y2 = cali_y + cali_h;           // y2
                window[i].score = res_24Layer;            // 24 layer score
                window[i].iou = 0.0;                      // iou ratio
                window[i].dropped= false;                 // if it's dropped

                window[i].dropped = true;


        printf("24 layer: x1: %d, y1: %d, x2: %d, y2: %d\n", window[15].x1, window[15].y1, window[15].x2, window[15].y2);

        // NMS after 24 calibration
        nms(window, counter, Threshold_24NMS);

        // display sorted windows surviving 24 layer
        cvNamedWindow("24 layer", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
        for (i = 0; i < counter; i++){
            if (window[i].dropped == false){
                cvRectangle(originImg2, cvPoint(window[i].x1, window[i].y1), cvPoint(window[i].x2, window[i].y2), cvScalar(255,0,0,0), 2, 4, 0);

                sprintf(word, "%.2f", window[i].score);
                cvPutText(originImg2, word, cvPoint(window[i].x1, window[i].y1), &font, cvScalar(255, 255, 255, 0));
        cvShowImage("24 layer", originImg2);
        cvMoveWindow("24 layer", 10, 400);
        // end of 24 layer, 24 calibration, NMS

        // 48 layer, 48 calibration, NMS
        for (i = 0; i< counter; i++){
            if (window[i].dropped == true) continue;

            cvSetImageROI(srcImg, cvRect(window[i].x1, window[i].y1, window[i].x2 - window[i].x1, window[i].y2 - window[i].y1));
            cvResize(srcImg, input48Img, CV_INTER_AREA);

            data48 = (uchar*) input48Img->imageData;

            preprocess(img48, data48, 0, 0, input48Img->widthStep, input48Img->nChannels, 48);
            res_48Layer = Layer48(img48, 48, 48, input48Img->nChannels);

            // 48 layer passed
            if (res_48Layer > Threshold_48Layer){
                // 48 calibration
                out_48c = CaliLayer48(img48, 48, 48, input48Img->nChannels, Threshold_48CalibrationLayer);

                s = out_48c[0];
                x = out_48c[1];
                y = out_48c[2];

                cali_x = window[i].x1 - x * (window[i].x2 - window[i].x1) / s;
                cali_y = window[i].y1 - y * (window[i].y2 - window[i].y1) / s;
                cali_w = (window[i].x2 - window[i].x1) / s;
                cali_h = (window[i].y2 - window[i].y1) / s;

                // make sure the calibrated window not beyond the image boundary
                if (cali_x >= WIDTH || cali_y >= HEIGHT) window[i].dropped = true;

                cali_x = max(cali_x, 0);
                cali_y = max(cali_y, 0);
                cali_w = min(cali_w, WIDTH - cali_x);
                cali_h = min(cali_h, HEIGHT - cali_y);

                window[i].x1 = cali_x;                    // x1
                window[i].y1 = cali_y;                    // y1
                window[i].x2 = cali_x + cali_w;           // x2
                window[i].y2 = cali_y + cali_h;           // y2
                window[i].score = res_48Layer;            // 48 layer score
                window[i].iou = 0.0;                      // iou ratio
                window[i].dropped= false;                 // if it's dropped
                window[i].dropped = true;


        // NMS after 48 calibration
        nms(window, counter, Threshold_48NMS);

        // display sorted windows surviving 48 layer
        cvNamedWindow("48 layer", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
        for (i = 0; i < counter; i++){
            if (window[i].dropped == false){
                cvRectangle(originImg3, cvPoint(window[i].x1, window[i].y1), cvPoint(window[i].x2, window[i].y2), cvScalar(255,0,0,0), 2, 4, 0);

                sprintf(word, "%.2f", window[i].score);
                cvPutText(originImg3, word, cvPoint(window[i].x1, window[i].y1), &font, cvScalar(255, 255, 255, 0));
        cvShowImage("48 layer", originImg3);
        cvMoveWindow("48 layer", 500, 400);
        // end of 48 layer, 48 calibration, NMS

        printf("48 layer: x1: %d, y1: %d, x2: %d, y2: %d, dropped: %s\n", window[15].x1, window[15].y1, window[15].x2, window[15].y2, window[15].dropped?"true":"false");

        cvDestroyWindow("12 layer");
        cvDestroyWindow("12 layer after NMS");
        cvDestroyWindow("24 layer");
        cvDestroyWindow("48 layer");

        pyr_rate *= 2;
        if (dstImg->height / 2 < 12) flagStop = true;
    // image pyramid loop ends

    freeArray(img, 12);
    freeArray(img24, 12);
    freeArray(img48, 12);

    return 0;