Esempio n. 1
void operations(int op, FILE *stream, int row, int col, int grey_scale){
	int mask_dim;
	int **conv_image;
	double **mask;
	char *mask_file;
	FILE *fp;

	switch(op) {
		case 1: //Produção do negativo.
			negativeTransform(stream, row, col, grey_scale);
		case 2: //Filtragem Espacial.
			mask_file = readLine(); //Lê o nome do arquivo de máscara.
			fp = fopen(mask_file, "r");
			if(!fp) noFile(mask_file, fp);

			mask = readMask(fp, &mask_dim);//Armazena o seu conteúdo.
			//Recebe a imagem já com a filtragem espacial
			conv_image = convolution(stream, mask, row, col, grey_scale, mask_dim);
			//Libera o conteúdo relacionado com a máscara.
			freeMask(mask_dim, mask, mask_file, fp);
			printImage(row, col, grey_scale, conv_image);
			//Caso não seja digitado nenhum operador esperado
			printf("Unknown Operator.\n");
Esempio n. 2
int movie(char *command, const char *frameFile)
   int failed = TRUE;
   double step;
   LINEBUF frameData[1];
   register int j;
   static const char noDataMsg[] = "/** Data file does not define any fields **/";

   if (*command == 'R' || *command == 'D' || *command == 'I') {
      if (npnts < 1) return TRUE;

      step = (qmax - qmin) / (double) (npnts - 1);
      for (j = 0; j < npnts; j++)
         xtemp[j] = (double) j * step + qmin;

      if (extend(xtemp, npnts, lambda, lamdel, thedel) == NULL)
         return TRUE;
   if (openBuf(frameFile, "r", frameData, FBUFFLEN) == NULL)
   else {
      int frames;
      long headerOffset;

      frames = countData(frameData);
      headerOffset = locateHeader(frameData);
      if (headerOffset == -1)
      else {
         int numFields;

         setNextLine(frameData, headerOffset);
         numFields = loadFields(frameData, frameData->buffer+1);
         if (numFields == 0)
         else if (numFields > 0) {
            FILE *gnuPipe;

            genva(fields, 1, fitlist);
            gnuPipe = popen("gnuplot", "w");
            if (gnuPipe != NULL) {
               failed = runMovie(npnts, frames, numFields, frameData, gnuPipe, command);
      closeBuf(frameData, 0);
   return failed;
Esempio n. 3
int movie(char *command, int xspin[4], const char *frameFile)
   int failed = TRUE;
   LINEBUF frameData[1];
   static const char noDataMsg[] = "/** Data file does not define any fields **/";

   /* Determine reflectivities to print */
   setPspin(pspin, xspin, command + 1);

   if ((*command == 'R' || *command == 'D' || *command == 'I') && (
         loadData(infile, xspin) ||
         extend(q4x, n4x, lambda, lamdel, thedel) == NULL
   ) return TRUE;

   if (openBuf(frameFile, "r", frameData, FBUFFLEN) == NULL)
   else {
      int frames;
      long headerOffset;

      frames = countData(frameData);
      headerOffset = locateHeader(frameData);
      if (headerOffset == -1)
      else {
         int numFields;

         setNextLine(frameData, headerOffset);
         numFields = loadFields(frameData, frameData->buffer + 1);
         if (numFields == 0)
         else if (numFields > 0) {
            FILE *gnuPipe;

            genva(fields, 1, fitlist);
            gnuPipe = popen("gnuplot", "w");
            if (gnuPipe != NULL) {
               failed = runMovie(frames, numFields, frameData, gnuPipe, command);
      closeBuf(frameData, 0);
   return failed;
Esempio n. 4
getR8(int xdim, int ydim, char *image, char *pal, int compress)
    FILE       *fp;
    int32       length;
    char       *buf;

    if (!fileOpen())
          return FAIL;
    if (pal)
        if (setPal(pal) < 0)
            /* Error already signalled by setPal */
            return FAIL;

    length = xdim * ydim;
    buf = (char *) HDmalloc(length);

    if ((fp = fopen(image, "r")) == NULL)
          fprintf(stderr, "Error opening image file: %s.\n", image);
          return FAIL;
    if (fread(buf, (size_t)xdim, (size_t)ydim, fp) < (size_t)ydim)
          fprintf(stderr, "Error reading image file: %s.\n", image);
          return FAIL;

    if (DFR8addimage(he_file, buf, (int32) xdim, (int32) ydim, (uint16) compress) < 0)
          HEprint(stderr, 0);
          return FAIL;

    if (updateDesc() < 0)
        return FAIL;

    return HE_OK;
Esempio n. 5
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int op, row, col, grey_scale;
	char *image_file;
	FILE *fp;

	scanf("%d\n", &op); //Recebe a operação desejada.
	image_file = readLine(); //Lê o nome do arquivo.
	fp = fopen(image_file, "r");
		//executa a função caso o arquivo esteja vazio:
		if(!fp) noFile(image_file, fp);
	imageDim(&row, &col, &grey_scale, fp); //Recebrá as dimensões.
	operations(op, fp, row, col, grey_scale);//Executa a operação desejada.


	return 0;
Esempio n. 6
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

	int i, tamanho;
	unsigned int *file = NULL;
	char *nome;
	FILE *fp_input;
	nome = readLine(); //recebe o nome do arquivo
	fp_input = fopen(nome, "rb");//abre o arquivo com o nome informado
										 //usa-se "rb" pois o arquivo está salvo como binário(.bin)
		if(fp_input == NULL) noFile(nome, fp_input);//executa a função caso o arquivo esteja vazio

	tamanho = size(fp_input); //recebe o tamanho, em bytes, do arquivo
	file = alocateFile(tamanho, fp_input); //recebe o conteúdo do arquivo
	reverseVec(file, tamanho); //Função para desinverter o vetor

	chooseFunction(file, tamanho, nome); //Função para o usuário escolher a operação a ser executada

	//É liberado tudo que foi salvo na Heap.

	return 0;
Esempio n. 7
   /* Convert Q4X to an array of equal intervals */
   if (n4x <= 1) {
      puts("Not enough data points");
      failed = TRUE;
   } else {
      qstep = (q4x[n4x - 1] - q4x[0]) / (double) (n4x - 1);
      qi = q4x[0];
      for (n = 0; n < n4x; n++) {
         q4x[n] = qi;
         qi += qstep;
      extres(q4x, lambda, lamdel, thedel, n4x);
      printf("Npnts: %6d\n"
             "Nlow: %6d; Qmin: %#15.7G\n"
             "Nhigh: %6d; Qmax: %#15.7G\n",
             nlow, q4x[0] - (double) nlow * (q4x[1] - q4x[0]),
             nhigh, q4x[n4x - 1] + (double) nhigh * (q4x[n4x - 1] - q4x[n4x - 2]));
   return failed;

#if 0 /* Unused code, questionable algorithm */
int calcConvolve(char *polstat)
   int failed = FALSE;
   int l, ntot, npnts;
   double qmin, qmax;
   register int j;
   FILE *unit1;

   /* Read data from INFILEs */
   l = lenc(infile);
   strcpy(filnam, infile);
   npntsa = 0;
   npntsb = 0;
   npntsc = 0;
   npntsd = 0;
   ntot = 0;
   npnts = 0;
   aspin = FALSE;
   bspin = FALSE;
   cspin = FALSE;
   dspin = FALSE;
   for (j = 0; j < (int) strlen(polstat); j++) {
      filnam[l] = polstat[j];
      filnam[l + 1] = 0;
      unit1 = fopen(filnam, "r");
      if (unit1 == NULL) {
         failed = TRUE;
      while (!feof(unit1)) {
         fgets(filebuf, FBUFFLEN, unit1);
         if (
            sscanf(filebuf, "%lf %lf %lf", &(xdat[npnts]),
                   &(ydat[npnts]), &(srvar[npnts])) == 3
         ) npnts++;
      switch (polstat[j]) {
         case 'a':
            npntsa = npnts - ntot;
            qmin = xdat[ntot];
            qmax = xdat[npnts - 1];
            aspin = TRUE;
        case 'b':
            npntsb = npnts - ntot;
            qmin = xdat[ntot];
            qmax = xdat[npnts - 1];
            bspin = TRUE;
            if (aspin) {
              if (npntsb != npntsa) {
                puts("data files must be same size");
                failed = TRUE;
            } else {
               register int nb;

               /* Shift data to appropriate location in YDAT for MANCON4 */
               for (nb = 1; nb <= npntsb; nb++)
                  ydat[npntsb + nb] = ydat[nb];
            npnts = 2 * npntsb;
        case 'c':
            npntsc = npnts - ntot;
            qmin = xdat[ntot];
            qmax = xdat[npnts - 1];
            cspin = TRUE;
            if (aspin && (npntsc != npntsa)) {
              puts("data files must be same size");
              failed = TRUE;
            } else if (bspin && (npntsc != npntsb)) {
              puts("data files must be same size");
              failed = TRUE;
            } else {
               register int nc;

               /* Shift data to appropriate location in YDAT for MANCON4 */
               for (nc = 1; nc <= npntsc; nc++)
                  ydat[2 * npntsc + nc] = ydat[npntsa + npntsb + nc];
            npnts = 3 * npntsc;
        case 'd':
            npntsd = npnts - ntot;
            qmin = xdat[ntot];
            qmax = xdat[npnts - 1];
            dspin = TRUE;
            if (aspin && (npntsd != npntsa)) {
              puts("data files must be same size");
              failed = TRUE;
            } else if (bspin && (npntsd != npntsb)) {
              puts("data files must be same size");
              failed = TRUE;
            } else if (cspin && (npntsd != npntsc)) {
              puts("data files must be same size");
              failed = TRUE;
            } else {
               register int nd;

               /* Shift data to appropriate location in YDAT for MANCON4 */
               for (nd = 1; nd <= npntsd; nd ++)
                  ydat[3 * npntsd + nd] = ydat[npntsa + npntsb + npntsc + nd];
            npnts = 4 * npntsd;
      ntot = npnts;
   if (!failed) {
      int n, noff;

      /* n4x = sortq(xdat, npntsa, npntsb, npntsc, npntsd, q4x, nqa, nqb, nqc, nqd); */
      /****** Here I will cheat because I am still lazy ******/
      fputs("Enter nlow, nhigh: ", stdout);
      fgets(filebuf,  FBUFFLEN, stdin);
      sscanf(filebuf, "%d %d", &nlow, &nhigh);
      for (j = 0; j < npntsa; j++)
         q4x[j] = xdat[j];
      n4x = npntsa;
      mancon4(q4x, lambda, lamdel, thedel, ydat, yfit, n4x - nlow - nhigh,
                       nlow, nhigh, ncross, FALSE);
      npnts = n4x - nlow - nhigh;
      ncross = aspin + bspin + cspin + dspin;

      /* Dress with intensity factors */
      for (n = 0; n < ncross; n++) {
         noff = n * npnts;
         for (j = 0; j < npnts; j++)
            ydat[j + noff] = log10(fabs(bki + bmintns * ydat[j + noff]));
      /* Send to appropriate output files */
      l = lenc(outfile);
      if (l >= 1)
         strcpy(filnam, outfile);
      else {
        l = copyBasename(filnam, infile);
        strcat(filnam, ".fit ");
        l += 4;
      for (n = 0; n < ncross; n++) {
         filnam[l] = polstat[n];
         unit1 = fopen(filnam, "w");
         for (j = 0; j < npnts; j++)
            fprintf(unit1, "%#15.7G%#15.7G\n", xdat[j + nlow], ydat[j + noff]);
   return failed;