// HandleTreeSelectionChange
	const ClassID&				theChange,
	ISubject*					theSubject,
	const PMIID &				protocol,
	void*						changedBy)

		IControlView * nodeControlView = reinterpret_cast<IControlView*>(changedBy);

		if( !nodeControlView )

		ClassID theWidgetClass = ::GetClass( nodeControlView );
		if( theWidgetClass != kZPAssetsTVAssetNodeWidgetBoss )

		InterfacePtr<const IZPUITVNodeData> nodeData( nodeControlView, UseDefaultIID());
		const IStringData * assetID = static_cast<const IStringData *>(nodeData->GetDataObj());
		this->UpdatePreview( assetID );

	//Clear the preview
// Refresh
	InterfacePtr<const IZPUITVNodeData> nodeData(this, UseDefaultIID());
	const IPMUnknown * taskID = nodeData->GetDataObj();

	if( !taskID )

	InterfacePtr<const IZPTaskInfo> taskInfo( taskID, UseDefaultIID() );
	ASSERT( taskInfo );

	InterfacePtr<const IPanelControlData> selfPanelCtrlData( this, UseDefaultIID() );
	ASSERT( selfPanelCtrlData );

	const WidgetID & widgetStartID = kZPUITasksTVNodeSubjectWidgetID;	//First column widget ID

	//Update each column text
	int currControlCount = selfPanelCtrlData->Length();
	int i = 0;
	enTVColTasks currColID = eTVColTasks_Subject;
	WidgetID currWidgetID;
	IControlView * columnWidgetView = nil;
	PMString currColText;
	for( ; i < currControlCount ; ++i )
		columnWidgetView = selfPanelCtrlData->GetWidget( i );
		currWidgetID = columnWidgetView->GetWidgetID();
		currColID = (enTVColTasks)(currWidgetID - widgetStartID);
		ASSERT( currColID >= eTVColTasks_Subject && currColID < eTVColTasksCount );
		currColText = this->GetColumnText( taskID, taskInfo, currColID );
		this->SetColumnText( currWidgetID, currColText );
// RenameAsset
	IPMUnknown*						assetNodeWidget)
		IDialog* theDialog = Utils<IZPUIDialogFacade>()->CreateDialogRenameAsset(false);
		IControlView* dialogPanel = theDialog->GetDialogPanel();

		InterfacePtr<const IZPUITVNodeData> nodeData(assetNodeWidget, UseDefaultIID());
		const IStringData * dbAssetID = (IStringData *)nodeData->GetDataObj();

		InterfacePtr<IStringData> dbAssetName( dbAssetID, IID_IZPDATANAME );
		ASSERT( dbAssetName );
		const PMString & oldAssetName = dbAssetName->Get();

		InterfacePtr<IStringData> dlgAssetID( dialogPanel, IID_IZPDATAID );
		ASSERT( dlgAssetID );

		InterfacePtr<IStringData> dlgAssetName( dialogPanel, IID_IZPDATANAME );
		ASSERT( dlgAssetName );

		InterfacePtr<IBoolData> dlgResultBoolData( dialogPanel, UseDefaultIID() );
		ASSERT( dlgResultBoolData );
		dlgResultBoolData->Set( kFalse );

		// Open the dialog.

		//Get the dialog result
		InterfacePtr<IBoolData> dialogResult( dialogPanel, UseDefaultIID() );
		ASSERT( dialogResult );
		if (!dialogResult->Get())

		const PMString & newAssetName = dlgAssetName->Get();
		if (oldAssetName.Compare(kTrue, newAssetName) == 0)	//If both are equal then don't do anything

		Utils<IZPAMWSUtils>()->UpdateAssetName_sync( dbAssetID->Get(), newAssetName );

		//TODO: if renamed failed, then should we show the dialog again?
// CanRenameAsset
	IPMUnknown*						assetNodeWidget)
	bool toReturn = false;
		InterfacePtr<const IZPUITVNodeData> nodeData(assetNodeWidget, UseDefaultIID());
		const IStringData * dbAssetID = (IStringData *)nodeData->GetDataObj();

		InterfacePtr<const IZPAssetLockInfo> assetLockInfo( dbAssetID, UseDefaultIID());
		if (assetLockInfo && (assetLockInfo->GetLockState() == IAMLockable::enAvailable || assetLockInfo->GetLockState() == IAMLockable::enCheckedOut))
			toReturn = true;


	return toReturn;
Esempio n. 5
LoadPattern::recvSelf(int cTag, Channel &theChannel, FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)

  // get my current database tag
  // NOTE - dbTag equals 0 if not sending to a database OR has not yet been sent
  int myDbTag = this->getDbTag();

  // into an ID we place all info needed to determine state of LoadPattern
  int numNod, numEle, numSPs;
  ID lpData(11);

  if (theChannel.recvID(myDbTag, cTag, lpData) < 0) {
    opserr << "LoadPattern::recvSelf - channel failed to recv the initial ID\n";
    return -1;

  isConstant = lpData(7);


  if (isConstant == 0) { // we must recv the load factor in a Vector
    Vector data(2);
    if (theChannel.recvVector(myDbTag, cTag, data) < 0) {
      opserr << "LoadPattern::recvSelf - channel failed to recv the Vector\n";
      return -2;
    loadFactor = data(0);
    scaleFactor = data(1);
  // read data about the time series
  if (lpData(8) != -1) {
    if (theSeries == 0) {
      theSeries = theBroker.getNewTimeSeries(lpData(8));
    } else if (theSeries->getClassTag() != lpData(8)) {
      delete theSeries;    
      theSeries = theBroker.getNewTimeSeries(lpData(8));
    if (theSeries == 0) {
      opserr << "LoadPattern::recvSelf - failed to create TimeSeries\n";
      return -3;

    if (theSeries->recvSelf(cTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0) {
      opserr << "LoadPattern::recvSelf - the TimeSeries failed to recv\n";
      return -3;

  if (theChannel.isDatastore() == 1) {
    static ID theLastSendTag(1);
    if (theChannel.recvID(myDbTag,0,theLastSendTag) == 0)
      lastGeoSendTag = theLastSendTag(0);

  if (lastChannel != theChannel.getTag() || currentGeoTag != lpData(0) || theChannel.isDatastore() == 0) {

    // clear out the all the components in the current load pattern
    lastChannel = theChannel.getTag();
    currentGeoTag = lpData(0);

    numNod = lpData(1);
    numEle = lpData(2);
    numSPs = lpData(3);
    dbNod = lpData(4);
    dbEle = lpData(5);
    dbSPs = lpData(6);    

    // now we rebuild the nodal loads
    // first get the information from the domainData about the nodes
    if (numNod != 0) {
      ID nodeData(2*numNod);

      // now receive the ID about the nodes, class tag and dbTags
      if (theChannel.recvID(dbNod, currentGeoTag, nodeData) < 0) {
	opserr << "LoadPAttern::recvSelf - channel failed to recv the NodalLoad ID\n";
	return -2;

      // now for each NodalLoad we 1) get a new node of the correct type from the ObjectBroker
      // 2) ensure the node exists and set it's dbTag, 3) we invoke recvSelf on this new 
      // blank node and 4) add this node to the domain

      int loc = 0;

      for (int i=0; i<numNod; i++) {
	int classTag = nodeData(loc);
	int dbTag = nodeData(loc+1);
	NodalLoad *theNode = theBroker.getNewNodalLoad(classTag);

	if (theNode == 0) {
	  opserr << "LoadPattern::recv - cannot create NodalLoad with classTag " << classTag << endln;
	  return -2;
	if (theNode->recvSelf(cTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0) {
	  opserr << "LoadPattern::recvSelf - NodalLoad with dbTag " << dbTag << " failed in recvSelf\n";
	  return -2;

	if (this->addNodalLoad(theNode) == false) {
	  opserr << "LoadPattern::recvSelf - failed adding NodalLoad tagged " << theNode->getTag() << " into LP!\n";
	  return -3;

    // now we rebuild the ElementalLoads .. same as NodalLoads above .. see comments above
    if (numEle != 0) {
      ID eleData(2*numEle);
      if (theChannel.recvID(dbEle, currentGeoTag, eleData) < 0) {
	opserr << "LoadPattern::recvSelf - channel failed to recv the EleLoad ID\n";
	return -2;

      int loc = 0;
      for (int i=0; i<numEle; i++) {
	int classTag = eleData(loc);
	int dbTag = eleData(loc+1);
	ElementalLoad *theEle = theBroker.getNewElementalLoad(classTag);
	if (theEle == 0) {
	  opserr << "LoadPattern::recv - cannot create ElementalLoad with classTag " << classTag << endln;
	  return -2;

	if (theEle->recvSelf(cTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0) {
	  opserr << "LoadPattern::recvSelf - Ele with dbTag " << dbTag << " failed in recvSelf\n";
	  return -2;
	if (this->addElementalLoad(theEle) == false) {
	  opserr << "LoadPattern::recvSelf - could not add Ele with tag " << theEle->getTag() << " into LP!\n";
	  return -3;

    // now we rebuild the SP_Constraints .. same as nodes above .. see above if can't understand!!
    if (numSPs != 0) {
      ID spData(2*numSPs);

      if (theChannel.recvID(dbSPs, currentGeoTag, spData) < 0) {
	opserr << "LoadPattern::recvSelf - channel failed to recv the SP_Constraints ID\n";
	return -2;

      int loc = 0;
      for (int i=0; i<numSPs; i++) {
	int classTag = spData(loc);
	int dbTag = spData(loc+1);
	SP_Constraint *theSP = theBroker.getNewSP(classTag);
	if (theSP == 0) {
	  opserr << "LoadPattern::recv - cannot create SP_Constraint with classTag " << classTag << endln;
	  return -2;
	if (theSP->recvSelf(cTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0) {
	  opserr << "LoadPattern::recvSelf - SP_Constraint with dbTag " << dbTag << " failed in recvSelf\n";
	  return -2;
	if (this->addSP_Constraint(theSP) == false) {
	  opserr << "LoadPattern::recvSelf - could not add SP_Constraint with tag " << theSP->getTag()
		 << " into LP!\n";
	  return -3;

    // now set the load pattern db count
    currentGeoTag = lpData(0);
    lastGeoSendTag  = currentGeoTag;

  } else {
    if (theSeries != 0)
      if (theSeries->recvSelf(cTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0) {
	opserr << "LoadPattern::recvSelf - the TimeSeries failed to recv\n";
	return -3;

    NodalLoad *theNode;
    NodalLoadIter &theNodes = this->getNodalLoads();
    while ((theNode = theNodes()) != 0) {
      if (theNode->recvSelf(cTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0) {
	opserr << "LoadPattern::recvSelf - node with tag " << theNode->getTag() << " failed in recvSelf\n";
	return -7;

    ElementalLoad *theEle;
    ElementalLoadIter &theElements = this->getElementalLoads();
    while ((theEle = theElements()) != 0) {
      if (theEle->recvSelf(cTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0) {
	opserr << "LoadPattern::recvSelf - element with tag " << theEle->getTag() << " failed in recvSelf\n";
	return -8;

    SP_Constraint *theSP;
    SP_ConstraintIter &theSPs = this->getSPs();
    while ((theSP = theSPs()) != 0) {
      if (theSP->recvSelf(cTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0) {
	opserr << "LoadPattern::recvSelf - SP_Constraint tagged " << theSP->getTag() << "  failed recvSelf\n";
	return -9;

  // if we get here we are successfull
  return 0;
Esempio n. 6
LoadPattern::sendSelf(int cTag, Channel &theChannel)
  // get my current database tag
  // NOTE - dbTag equals 0 if not sending to a database OR has not yet been sent
  int myDbTag = this->getDbTag();

  // into an ID we place all info needed to determine state of LoadPattern
  int numNodLd, numEleLd, numSPs;
  ID lpData(11);

  numNodLd = theNodalLoads->getNumComponents();
  numEleLd = theElementalLoads->getNumComponents();
  numSPs = theSPs->getNumComponents();

  lpData(10) = this->getTag();
  lpData(0) = currentGeoTag;
  lpData(1) = numNodLd;
  lpData(2) = numEleLd;
  lpData(3) = numSPs;

  if (dbNod == 0) {
    dbNod = theChannel.getDbTag();
    dbEle = theChannel.getDbTag();
    dbSPs = theChannel.getDbTag();

  lpData(4) = dbNod;
  lpData(5) = dbEle;
  lpData(6) = dbSPs;

  lpData(7) = isConstant;

  if (theSeries != 0) {
    int dbtag = theSeries->getDbTag();
    int classtag = theSeries->getClassTag();
    if (dbtag == 0) {
      dbtag = theChannel.getDbTag();
    lpData(8) = classtag;
    lpData(9) = dbtag;
  } else
    lpData(8) = -1;

  // see if we can save sending the vector containing just the load factor
  // will happen in parallel if sending the loadPattern .. not in database

  if (theChannel.sendID(myDbTag, cTag, lpData) < 0) {
    opserr << "LoadPattern::sendSelf - channel failed to send the initial ID\n";
    return -1;
  if (isConstant == 0) {
    Vector data(2);
    data(0) = loadFactor;
    data(1) = scaleFactor;
    if (theChannel.sendVector(myDbTag, cTag, data) < 0) {
      opserr << "LoadPattern::sendSelf - channel failed to send the Vector\n";
      return -2;


  if (theSeries != 0)
    if (theSeries->sendSelf(cTag, theChannel) < 0) {
      opserr << "LoadPattern::sendSelf - the TimeSeries failed to send\n";
      return -3;

  // now check if data defining the objects in the LoadPAttern needs to be sent 

  if (theChannel.isDatastore() == 1) {
    static ID theLastSendTag(1);
    if (theChannel.recvID(myDbTag,0,theLastSendTag) == 0)
      lastGeoSendTag = theLastSendTag(0);
      lastGeoSendTag = -1;

  if (lastChannel != theChannel.getTag() || lastGeoSendTag != currentGeoTag || theChannel.isDatastore() == 0) {

    lastChannel = theChannel.getTag();

    // into an ID we are gonna place the class and db tags for each node so can rebuild
    // this ID we then send to the channel

    // create the ID and get the node iter
    if (numNodLd != 0) {
      ID nodeData(numNodLd*2);
      NodalLoad *theNode;
      NodalLoadIter &theNodes = this->getNodalLoads();
      int loc =0;

      // loop over nodes in domain adding their classTag and dbTag to the ID
      while ((theNode = theNodes()) != 0) {
	nodeData(loc) = theNode->getClassTag();
	int dbTag = theNode->getDbTag();
	// if dbTag still 0 get one from Channel; 
	// if this tag != 0 set the dbTag in node
	if (dbTag == 0 && myDbTag != 0) {// go get a new tag and setDbTag in ele if this not 0 
	  dbTag = theChannel.getDbTag();
	  if (dbTag != 0)
	nodeData(loc+1) = dbTag;

      // now send the ID
      if (theChannel.sendID(dbNod, currentGeoTag, nodeData) < 0) {
	opserr << "LoadPattern::sendSelf - channel failed to send the NodalLoads ID\n";
	return -4;

    // we do the same for elemental loads as we did for nodal loads above .. see comments above!

    if (numEleLd != 0) {
      ID elementData(numEleLd*2);
      ElementalLoad *theEle;
      ElementalLoadIter &theElements = this->getElementalLoads();
      int loc = 0;
      while ((theEle = theElements()) != 0) {
	elementData(loc) = theEle->getClassTag();
	int dbTag = theEle->getDbTag();

	if (dbTag == 0 && myDbTag != 0) {// go get a new tag and setDbTag in ele if this not 0 
	  dbTag = theChannel.getDbTag();
	  if (dbTag != 0)
	elementData(loc+1) = dbTag;

      // now send the ID
      if (theChannel.sendID(dbEle, currentGeoTag, elementData) < 0) {
	opserr << "Domain::send - channel failed to send the element ID\n";
	return -5;

    // we do the same for SP_Constraints as for NodalLoads above .. see comments above!
    if (numSPs != 0) {
      ID spData(numSPs*2);
      SP_Constraint *theSP;
      SP_ConstraintIter &theSPs = this->getSPs();
      int loc = 0;
      while ((theSP = theSPs()) != 0) {
	spData(loc) = theSP->getClassTag();
	int dbTag = theSP->getDbTag();

	if (dbTag == 0 && myDbTag != 0) {// go get a new tag and setDbTag in ele if this not 0 
	  dbTag = theChannel.getDbTag();
	  if (dbTag != 0)
	spData(loc+1) = dbTag;

      if (theChannel.sendID(dbSPs, currentGeoTag, spData) < 0) {
	opserr << "LoadPAttern::sendSelf - channel failed sending SP_Constraint ID\n";
	return -6;

    // set the lst send db tag so we don't have to do all that again
    lastGeoSendTag = currentGeoTag;
    if (theChannel.isDatastore() == 1) {
      static ID theLastSendTag(1);
      theLastSendTag(0) = lastGeoSendTag;
      theChannel.sendID(myDbTag,0, theLastSendTag);

  // now we invoke sendSelf on all the NodalLoads, ElementalLoads and SP_Constraints
  // which have been added to the LoadCase
  NodalLoad *theNode;
  NodalLoadIter &theNodes = this->getNodalLoads();
  while ((theNode = theNodes()) != 0) {
    if (theNode->sendSelf(cTag, theChannel) < 0) {
      opserr << "LoadPattern::sendSelf - node with tag " << theNode->getTag() << " failed in sendSelf\n";
      return -7;

  ElementalLoad *theEle;
  ElementalLoadIter &theElements = this->getElementalLoads();
  while ((theEle = theElements()) != 0) {
    if (theEle->sendSelf(cTag, theChannel) < 0) {
      opserr << "LoadPattern::sendSelf - element with tag " << theEle->getTag() << " failed in sendSelf\n";
      return -8;

  SP_Constraint *theSP;
  SP_ConstraintIter &theSPs = this->getSPs();
  while ((theSP = theSPs()) != 0) {
    if (theSP->sendSelf(cTag, theChannel) < 0) {
      opserr << "LoadPattern::sendSelf - SP_Constraint: " << *theSP << " failed sendSelf\n";
      return -9;

  // if we get here we are successfull
  return 0;
Esempio n. 7
void CVtkTableAlgorithm::setVtkObject(vtkObject* ptr)
    d->tableAlgorithm = dynamic_cast<vtkTableAlgorithm*>(ptr);
    nodeData()["vtkObject"] = qVariantFromValue<vtkObject*>(d->tableAlgorithm);