Esempio n. 1
t_pfrac pfrac_add(t_pfrac f1, t_pfrac f2){
    if(f1.c == 0) return f1;
    if(f2.c == 0) return f2;
    t_pfrac f;
    int nod1 = gcd(f1.b, f1.c);
    int nod2 = gcd(f2.b, f2.c);
    int s1, s2;
    (f1.c < 0)?(s1 = -1):(s1 = 1);
    (f2.c < 0)?(s2 = -1):(s2 = 1);
    if (s1 == s2) {
        f.a = f1.a + f2.a;
    else {
            if (f1.a >= f2.a)
                f.a = f1.a - f2.a;
            else {
                f.a = f2.a - f1.a;
                s2 = s2 * (-1);
                //ѕри этом знак мен¤етс¤ на противоположный...
    f1.b = f1.b / nod1;
    f1.c = f1.c / nod1;
    f2.b = f2.b / nod2;
    f2.c = f2.c / nod2;
    f.c = nok(f1.c, f2.c) * s2;
    f.b = (f.c / f1.c) * f1.b + (f.c / f2.c) * f2.b;
    f.a +=  f.b / abs(f.c);
    f.b = f.b % abs(f.c);
    return f;
Esempio n. 2
int cmp_pfrac(t_pfrac f1, t_pfrac f2){
    if(f1.c == 0) return 3;
    if(f2.c == 0) return 3;
    int s1, s2;
    (f1.c < 0)?(s1 = -1):(s1 = 1);
    (f2.c < 0)?(s2 = -1):(s2 = 1);
    f1.c = f2.c = nok(f1.c, f2.c);
    f1.b = f1.b + f1.a * abs(f1.c);
    f2.b = f2.b + f2.a * abs(f2.c);
    int f1b = s1 * (int)f1.b;
    int f2b = s2 * (int)f2.b;
    if (f1b < f2b) {return -1;}
    if (f1b == f2b) {return 0;}
    if (f1b > f2b) {return 1;}
Esempio n. 3
int main()
   FILE *fp;
   int pos;
   ConfigFile *ini = new ConfigFile();
   POOL_MEM *buf;

   nok(ini->register_items(test_items, 5), "Check bad sizeof ini_items");
   ok(ini->register_items(test_items, sizeof(struct ini_items)), "Check sizeof ini_items");

   if ((fp = fopen("test.cfg", "w")) == NULL) {
      exit (1);
   fprintf(fp, "# this is a comment\ndatastore=datastore1\nnewhost=\"host1\"\n");

   nok(ini->parse("test.cfg"), "Test missing member");

   fprintf(fp, "int64val=12 # with a comment\n");
   fprintf(fp, "int64val=10 # with a comment\n");
   fprintf(fp, "int32=100\n");
   fprintf(fp, "bool=yes\n");
   fprintf(fp, "plugin.test=parameter\n");


   ok(ini->parse("test.cfg"), "Test with all members");

   ok(ini->items[0].found, "Test presence of char[]");
   ok(!strcmp(ini->items[0].val.nameval, "datastore1"), "Test char[]");
   ok(ini->items[1].found, "Test presence of char*");
   ok(!strcmp(ini->items[1].val.strval, "host1"), "Test char*");
   ok(ini->items[2].found, "Test presence of int");
   ok(ini->items[2].val.int64val == 10, "Test int");
   ok(ini->items[4].val.boolval == true, "Test bool");
   ok(ini->items[6].val.int32val == 100, "Test int 32");

   alist *list = ini->items[3].val.alistval;
   nok(ini->items[3].found, "Test presence of alist");

   fprintf(fp, "list=a\nlist=b\nlist=c\n");

   ok(ini->parse("test.cfg"), "Test with all members");

   list = ini->items[3].val.alistval;
   ok(ini->items[3].found, "Test presence of alist");
   ok(list != NULL, "Test list member");
   ok(list->size() == 3, "Test list size");

   ok(!strcmp((char *)list->get(0), "a"), "Testing alist[0]");
   ok(!strcmp((char *)list->get(1), "b"), "Testing alist[1]");
   ok(!strcmp((char *)list->get(2), "c"), "Testing alist[2]");

   system("cp -f test.cfg test3.cfg");

   fprintf(fp, "pouet='10, 11, 12'\n");
   fprintf(fp, "pint=-100\n");
   fprintf(fp, "int64val=-100\n"); /* TODO: fix negative numbers */

   ok(ini->parse("test.cfg"), "Test with errors");
   nok(ini->items[5].found, "Test presence of positive int");


   /* Test  */
   if ((fp = fopen("test2.cfg", "w")) == NULL) {
      exit (1);
           "# this is a comment\n"
           "optprompt=\"Datastore Name\"\n"
           "optprompt=\"New Hostname to create\"\n"
           "optprompt=\"Some 64 integer\"\n"

   buf = new POOL_MEM(PM_BSOCK);
   ok(ini->unserialize("test2.cfg"), "Test dynamic parse");
   ok(ini->serialize("test4.cfg"), "Try to dump the item table in a file");
   ok(ini->serialize(buf) > 0, "Try to dump the item table in a buffer");
   ok(ini->parse("test3.cfg"), "Parse test file with dynamic grammar");

   ok((pos = ini->get_item("datastore")) == 0, "Check datastore definition");
   ok(ini->items[pos].found, "Test presence of char[]");
   ok(!strcmp(ini->items[pos].val.nameval, "datastore1"), "Test char[]");
   ok(!strcmp(ini->items[pos].comment, "Datastore Name"), "Check comment");
   ok(ini->items[pos].required == false, "Check required");

   ok((pos = ini->get_item("newhost")) == 1, "Check newhost definition");
   ok(ini->items[pos].found, "Test presence of char*");
   ok(!strcmp(ini->items[pos].val.strval, "host1"), "Test char*");
   ok(ini->items[pos].required == false, "Check required");

   ok((pos = ini->get_item("int64val")) == 2, "Check int64val definition");
   ok(ini->items[pos].found, "Test presence of int");
   ok(ini->items[pos].val.int64val == 10, "Test int");
   ok(ini->items[pos].required == true, "Check required");

   ok((pos = ini->get_item("bool")) == 4, "Check bool definition");
   ok(ini->items[pos].val.boolval == true, "Test bool");

   ok(ini->dump_results(buf), "Test to dump results");
   printf("<%s>\n", buf);


   delete buf;

   exit (0);