virtual void test() { std::vector<std::pair<boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double>, boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> > > train = DataSetMNIST::get_train(); train.resize(100); png::image<png::rgb_pixel> image(28 * train.size(), 28); for (int z = 0; z < train.size(); z++) { boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> f = f_shallow(train[z].first); for (std::size_t y = 0; y < 28; ++y) { for (std::size_t x = 0; x < 28; ++x) { double c = f[y * 28 + x] + 1; c *= 127.5; char b = c; image[y][x + z * 28] = png::rgb_pixel(b, b, b); } } } image.write("badass.png"); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < train.size(); i++) { boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> t0 = m_network->f(train[i].first); boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> t1 = f_shallow(train[i].first); std::cout << "final diff " << norm_1(t0 - t1) << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < t0.size(); i++) { // std::cout << train[i].first[i] << " " << t0[i] << " " << t1[i] << std::endl; } } }
bool operator==(const Vector& lhs, const Vector& rhs) { bool result = false; if (lhs.size() == rhs.size()){ result = (norm_1(lhs-rhs) == 0); } return result; }
matrix exp(matrix x, double ap, double rp,int ns) { matrix t = my_identity(x.cols); matrix s = my_identity(x.cols); for (int k=0; k<ns; k++) { t = t*x/k; // next term s = s + t; // add next term if (norm_1(t)<max(ap,norm_1(s)*rp)) { return s; } } cout << "error! exp: no convergence!\n"; exit(-1); }
c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM+1> Element<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::CalculateInterpolationWeightsWithProjection(const ChastePoint<SPACE_DIM>& rTestPoint) { //Can only test if it's a tetrahedral mesh in 3d, triangles in 2d... assert(ELEMENT_DIM == SPACE_DIM); c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM+1> weights = CalculateInterpolationWeights(rTestPoint); // Check for negative weights and set them to zero. bool negative_weight = false; for (unsigned i=0; i<=SPACE_DIM; i++) { if (weights[i] < 0.0) { weights[i] = 0.0; negative_weight = true; } } if (negative_weight == false) { // If there are no negative weights, there is nothing to do. return weights; } // Renormalise so that all weights add to 1.0. // Note that all elements of weights are now non-negative and so the l1-norm (sum of magnitudes) is equivalent to the sum of the elements of the vector double sum = norm_1 (weights); //l1-norm ought to be above 1 (because we scrubbed negative weights) //However, if we scrubbed weights that were the size of the machine precision then we might be close to one (even less than 1). assert( sum + DBL_EPSILON >= 1.0); //We might skip this division when sum ~= 1 weights = weights/sum; return weights; }
int main() { Vec<3,double> v0; std::cout << v0 << std::endl; Vec<3,double> v1 = Vec<3,double>(0.,1.,2); Vec<3,double> v2 = Vec<3,double>(3,4,5); Vec<3,double> v3 = v1 * (v2 + v2); std::cout << v3 << std::endl; std::cout << norm(v3) << std::endl; std::cout << norm_2(v3) << std::endl; Vec<4, double> v = Vec<4,double>(1, 2.1f, 3.14, 2u); std::cout << norm_1(v) << std::endl; std::cout << norm_2(v) << std::endl; std::cout << norm_inf(v) << std::endl; std::cout << v << std::endl; return 0; }
dgematrix expm(const dgematrix &A) { int m_vals[5] = {3,5,7,9,13}; long double theta[5] = {1.495585217958292e-002, 2.539398330063230e-001, 9.504178996162932e-001, 2.097847961257068e+000, 5.371920351148152e+000}; double normA = norm_1(A); int i; int s; int p; dgematrix F; if (normA <= theta[4]) { for (i=0;i<5;i++) if(normA <= theta[i]) { F = PadeApproximantOfDegree(A,m_vals[i]); break; } } else { s = (int)(log2(normA/theta[4])) + 1; p = (int)pow(2.,s); F = PadeApproximantOfDegree(A/p,m_vals[4]); for( i=0 ; i < s ; i++) F*=F; } return F; }
typename type_traits<typename V::value_type>::real_type asum (const V &v) { return norm_1 (v); }
double condition_number(const matrix& A) { return norm_1(A)/norm_1(inv(A)); }
bool operator==(const matrix& A, const matrix& B) { return (norm_1(A-B)<PRECISION); }
void SQPInternal::evaluate(int nfdir, int nadir){ casadi_assert(nfdir==0 && nadir==0); checkInitialBounds(); // Get problem data const vector<double>& x_init = input(NLP_X_INIT).data(); const vector<double>& lbx = input(NLP_LBX).data(); const vector<double>& ubx = input(NLP_UBX).data(); const vector<double>& lbg = input(NLP_LBG).data(); const vector<double>& ubg = input(NLP_UBG).data(); // Set the static parameter if (parametric_) { const vector<double>& p = input(NLP_P).data(); if (!F_.isNull()) F_.setInput(p,F_.getNumInputs()-1); if (!G_.isNull()) G_.setInput(p,G_.getNumInputs()-1); if (!H_.isNull()) H_.setInput(p,H_.getNumInputs()-1); if (!J_.isNull()) J_.setInput(p,J_.getNumInputs()-1); } // Set linearization point to initial guess copy(x_init.begin(),x_init.end(),x_.begin()); // Lagrange multipliers of the NLP fill(mu_.begin(),mu_.end(),0); fill(mu_x_.begin(),mu_x_.end(),0); // Initial constraint Jacobian eval_jac_g(x_,gk_,Jk_); // Initial objective gradient eval_grad_f(x_,fk_,gf_); // Initialize or reset the Hessian or Hessian approximation reg_ = 0; if( hess_mode_ == HESS_BFGS){ reset_h(); } else { eval_h(x_,mu_,1.0,Bk_); } // Evaluate the initial gradient of the Lagrangian copy(gf_.begin(),gf_.end(),gLag_.begin()); if(m_>0) DMatrix::mul_no_alloc_tn(Jk_,mu_,gLag_); // gLag += mu_x_; transform(gLag_.begin(),gLag_.end(),mu_x_.begin(),gLag_.begin(),plus<double>()); // Number of SQP iterations int iter = 0; // Number of line-search iterations int ls_iter = 0; // Last linesearch successfull bool ls_success = true; // Reset merit_mem_.clear(); sigma_ = 0.; // NOTE: Move this into the main optimization loop // Default stepsize double t = 0; // MAIN OPTIMIZATION LOOP while(true){ // Primal infeasability double pr_inf = primalInfeasibility(x_, lbx, ubx, gk_, lbg, ubg); // 1-norm of lagrange gradient double gLag_norm1 = norm_1(gLag_); // 1-norm of step double dx_norm1 = norm_1(dx_); // Print header occasionally if(iter % 10 == 0) printIteration(cout); // Printing information about the actual iterate printIteration(cout,iter,fk_,pr_inf,gLag_norm1,dx_norm1,reg_,ls_iter,ls_success); // Call callback function if present if (!callback_.isNull()) { callback_.input(NLP_COST).set(fk_); callback_.input(NLP_X_OPT).set(x_); callback_.input(NLP_LAMBDA_G).set(mu_); callback_.input(NLP_LAMBDA_X).set(mu_x_); callback_.input(NLP_G).set(gk_); callback_.evaluate(); if (callback_.output(0).at(0)) { cout << endl; cout << "CasADi::SQPMethod: aborted by callback..." << endl; break; } } // Checking convergence criteria if (pr_inf < tol_pr_ && gLag_norm1 < tol_du_){ cout << endl; cout << "CasADi::SQPMethod: Convergence achieved after " << iter << " iterations." << endl; break; } if (iter >= maxiter_){ cout << endl; cout << "CasADi::SQPMethod: Maximum number of iterations reached." << endl; break; } // Start a new iteration iter++; // Formulate the QP transform(lbx.begin(),lbx.end(),x_.begin(),qp_LBX_.begin(),minus<double>()); transform(ubx.begin(),ubx.end(),x_.begin(),qp_UBX_.begin(),minus<double>()); transform(lbg.begin(),lbg.end(),gk_.begin(),qp_LBA_.begin(),minus<double>()); transform(ubg.begin(),ubg.end(),gk_.begin(),qp_UBA_.begin(),minus<double>()); // Solve the QP solve_QP(Bk_,gf_,qp_LBX_,qp_UBX_,Jk_,qp_LBA_,qp_UBA_,dx_,qp_DUAL_X_,qp_DUAL_A_); log("QP solved"); // Detecting indefiniteness double gain = quad_form(dx_,Bk_); if (gain < 0){ casadi_warning("Indefinite Hessian detected..."); } // Calculate penalty parameter of merit function sigma_ = std::max(sigma_,1.01*norm_inf(qp_DUAL_X_)); sigma_ = std::max(sigma_,1.01*norm_inf(qp_DUAL_A_)); // Calculate L1-merit function in the actual iterate double l1_infeas = primalInfeasibility(x_, lbx, ubx, gk_, lbg, ubg); // Right-hand side of Armijo condition double F_sens = inner_prod(dx_, gf_); double L1dir = F_sens - sigma_ * l1_infeas; double L1merit = fk_ + sigma_ * l1_infeas; // Storing the actual merit function value in a list merit_mem_.push_back(L1merit); if (merit_mem_.size() > merit_memsize_){ merit_mem_.pop_front(); } // Stepsize t = 1.0; double fk_cand; // Merit function value in candidate double L1merit_cand = 0; // Reset line-search counter, success marker ls_iter = 0; ls_success = true; // Line-search log("Starting line-search"); if(maxiter_ls_>0){ // maxiter_ls_== 0 disables line-search // Line-search loop while (true){ for(int i=0; i<n_; ++i) x_cand_[i] = x_[i] + t * dx_[i]; // Evaluating objective and constraints eval_f(x_cand_,fk_cand); eval_g(x_cand_,gk_cand_); ls_iter++; // Calculating merit-function in candidate l1_infeas = primalInfeasibility(x_cand_, lbx, ubx, gk_cand_, lbg, ubg); L1merit_cand = fk_cand + sigma_ * l1_infeas; // Calculating maximal merit function value so far double meritmax = *max_element(merit_mem_.begin(), merit_mem_.end()); if (L1merit_cand <= meritmax + t * c1_ * L1dir){ // Accepting candidate log("Line-search completed, candidate accepted"); break; } // Line-search not successful, but we accept it. if(ls_iter == maxiter_ls_){ ls_success = false; log("Line-search completed, maximum number of iterations"); break; } // Backtracking t = beta_ * t; } } // Candidate accepted, update dual variables for(int i=0; i<m_; ++i) mu_[i] = t * qp_DUAL_A_[i] + (1 - t) * mu_[i]; for(int i=0; i<n_; ++i) mu_x_[i] = t * qp_DUAL_X_[i] + (1 - t) * mu_x_[i]; if( hess_mode_ == HESS_BFGS){ // Evaluate the gradient of the Lagrangian with the old x but new mu (for BFGS) copy(gf_.begin(),gf_.end(),gLag_old_.begin()); if(m_>0) DMatrix::mul_no_alloc_tn(Jk_,mu_,gLag_old_); // gLag_old += mu_x_; transform(gLag_old_.begin(),gLag_old_.end(),mu_x_.begin(),gLag_old_.begin(),plus<double>()); } // Candidate accepted, update the primal variable copy(x_.begin(),x_.end(),x_old_.begin()); copy(x_cand_.begin(),x_cand_.end(),x_.begin()); // Evaluate the constraint Jacobian log("Evaluating jac_g"); eval_jac_g(x_,gk_,Jk_); // Evaluate the gradient of the objective function log("Evaluating grad_f"); eval_grad_f(x_,fk_,gf_); // Evaluate the gradient of the Lagrangian with the new x and new mu copy(gf_.begin(),gf_.end(),gLag_.begin()); if(m_>0) DMatrix::mul_no_alloc_tn(Jk_,mu_,gLag_); // gLag += mu_x_; transform(gLag_.begin(),gLag_.end(),mu_x_.begin(),gLag_.begin(),plus<double>()); // Updating Lagrange Hessian if( hess_mode_ == HESS_BFGS){ log("Updating Hessian (BFGS)"); // BFGS with careful updates and restarts if (iter % lbfgs_memory_ == 0){ // Reset Hessian approximation by dropping all off-diagonal entries const vector<int>& rowind = Bk_.rowind(); // Access sparsity (row offset) const vector<int>& col = Bk_.col(); // Access sparsity (column) vector<double>& data =; // Access nonzero elements for(int i=0; i<rowind.size()-1; ++i){ // Loop over the rows of the Hessian for(int el=rowind[i]; el<rowind[i+1]; ++el){ // Loop over the nonzero elements of the row if(i!=col[el]) data[el] = 0; // Remove if off-diagonal entries } } } // Pass to BFGS update function bfgs_.setInput(Bk_,BFGS_BK); bfgs_.setInput(x_,BFGS_X); bfgs_.setInput(x_old_,BFGS_X_OLD); bfgs_.setInput(gLag_,BFGS_GLAG); bfgs_.setInput(gLag_old_,BFGS_GLAG_OLD); // Update the Hessian approximation bfgs_.evaluate(); // Get the updated Hessian bfgs_.getOutput(Bk_); } else { // Exact Hessian log("Evaluating hessian"); eval_h(x_,mu_,1.0,Bk_); } } // Save results to outputs output(NLP_COST).set(fk_); output(NLP_X_OPT).set(x_); output(NLP_LAMBDA_G).set(mu_); output(NLP_LAMBDA_X).set(mu_x_); output(NLP_G).set(gk_); // Save statistics stats_["iter_count"] = iter; }
void TestDistancesToCorner() throw (Exception) { TrianglesMeshReader<3,3> mesh_reader("mesh/test/data/cube_21_nodes_side/Cube21"); // 5x5x5mm cube (internode distance = 0.25mm) TetrahedralMesh<3,3> mesh; mesh.ConstructFromMeshReader(mesh_reader); unsigned num_nodes=9261u; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(mesh.GetNumNodes(), num_nodes); // 21x21x21 nodes TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(mesh.GetNumElements(), 48000u); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(mesh.GetNumBoundaryElements(), 4800u); DistributedTetrahedralMesh<3,3> parallel_mesh(DistributedTetrahedralMeshPartitionType::DUMB); // No reordering; parallel_mesh.ConstructFromMeshReader(mesh_reader); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(parallel_mesh.GetNumNodes(), num_nodes); // 21x21x21 nodes TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(parallel_mesh.GetNumElements(), 48000u); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(parallel_mesh.GetNumBoundaryElements(), 4800u); unsigned far_index=9260u; c_vector<double,3> far_corner=mesh.GetNode(far_index)->rGetLocation(); TS_ASSERT_DELTA( far_corner[0], 0.25, 1e-11); TS_ASSERT_DELTA( far_corner[1], 0.25, 1e-11); TS_ASSERT_DELTA( far_corner[2], 0.25, 1e-11); try { c_vector<double,3> parallel_far_corner=parallel_mesh.GetNode(far_index)->rGetLocation(); TS_ASSERT_DELTA( parallel_far_corner[0], 0.25, 1e-11); TS_ASSERT_DELTA( parallel_far_corner[1], 0.25, 1e-11); TS_ASSERT_DELTA( parallel_far_corner[2], 0.25, 1e-11); } catch (Exception&) { } std::vector<unsigned> map_far_corner; map_far_corner.push_back(far_index); DistanceMapCalculator<3,3> distance_calculator(mesh); std::vector<double> distances; distance_calculator.ComputeDistanceMap(map_far_corner, distances); DistanceMapCalculator<3,3> parallel_distance_calculator(parallel_mesh); std::vector<double> parallel_distances; parallel_distance_calculator.ComputeDistanceMap(map_far_corner, parallel_distances); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(distance_calculator.mRoundCounter, 1u); //Nodes in mesh are order such that a dumb partitioning will give a sequential handover from proc0 to proc1... TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(parallel_distance_calculator.mRoundCounter, PetscTools::GetNumProcs()); //Note unsigned division is okay here TS_ASSERT_DELTA(parallel_distance_calculator.mPopCounter, num_nodes/PetscTools::GetNumProcs(), 1u); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(distance_calculator.mPopCounter, num_nodes, 1u); for (unsigned index=0; index<distances.size(); index++) { c_vector<double, 3> node = mesh.GetNode(index)->rGetLocation(); //Straightline distance double euclidean_distance = norm_2(far_corner - node); // x + y + z distance double manhattan_distance = norm_1(far_corner - node); //If they differ, then allow the in-mesh distance to be in between double error_bound = (manhattan_distance - euclidean_distance)/2.0; //If they don't differ, then we expect the in-mesh distance to be similar if (error_bound < 1e-15) { error_bound = 1e-15; } TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_EQUALS(distances[index], manhattan_distance+DBL_EPSILON); TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_EQUALS(euclidean_distance, distances[index]+DBL_EPSILON); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(distances[index], euclidean_distance, error_bound); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(distances[index], parallel_distances[index], 1e-15); } // Test some point-to-point distances RandomNumberGenerator::Instance()->Reseed(1); unsigned trials=25; unsigned pops=0; unsigned sequential_pops=0; for (unsigned i=0; i<trials; i++) { unsigned index=RandomNumberGenerator::Instance()->randMod(parallel_distances.size()); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(parallel_distance_calculator.SingleDistance(9260u, index), parallel_distances[index], 1e-15); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(distance_calculator.SingleDistance(9260u, index), parallel_distances[index], 1e-15); pops += parallel_distance_calculator.mPopCounter; sequential_pops += distance_calculator.mPopCounter; TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_EQUALS(parallel_distance_calculator.mRoundCounter, PetscTools::GetNumProcs()+2); } // Without A*: TS_ASSERT_DELTA(sequential_pops/(double)trials, num_nodes/2, 300); TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN(sequential_pops/(double)trials, num_nodes/20.0); if (PetscTools::IsSequential()) { //Early termination TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(pops, sequential_pops); } else { //Early termination on remote processes is not yet possible //This may lead to multiple updates from remote //A* Leads to even more updates on average // Without A*: TS_ASSERT_DELTA(pops/(double)trials, num_nodes/PetscTools::GetNumProcs(), 700.0); TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN(pops/(double)trials, num_nodes/10.0 ); } //Reverse - to check that cached information is flushed. for (unsigned i=0; i<3; i++) { unsigned index=RandomNumberGenerator::Instance()->randMod(parallel_distances.size()); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(parallel_distance_calculator.SingleDistance(index, 9260u), parallel_distances[index], 1e-15); } }
const matrix<T, D, A_> expm( const matrix<T, D, A_>& A ) { typedef matrix<T, D, A_> matrix_type; typedef typename matrix_type::value_type value_type_; typedef typename expm_private::fix_complex_value_type<value_type_>::value_type value_type; typedef typename matrix_type::size_type size_type; assert( A.row() == A.col() ); static const value_type theta[] = { 0.000000000000000e+000, //0 3.650024139523051e-008, //1 5.317232856892575e-004, //2 1.495585217958292e-002, //3 8.536352760102745e-002, //4 2.539398330063230e-001, //5 5.414660951208968e-001, //6 9.504178996162932e-001, //7 1.473163964234804e+000, //8 2.097847961257068e+000, //9 2.811644121620263e+000, //10 3.602330066265032e+000, //11 4.458935413036850e+000, //12 5.371920351148152e+000 //13 }; value_type const norm_A = norm_1( A ); //value_type const ratio = theta[13] / norm_A; value_type const ratio = norm_A / theta[13]; size_type const s = ratio < value_type(1) ? 0 : static_cast<size_type>( std::ceil( std::log2( ratio ) ) ); value_type const s__2 = s ? value_type(1 << s) : value_type(1); /* std::cerr << "Matrix expm starting with S__2 is " << s__2 << "\n"; if ( std::abs( s__2 - 1.0 ) < 0.1 ) std::cerr << "\tencountering matrix \n" << A << "\n"; */ matrix_type const& _A = A / s__2; size_type const n = _A.row(); static value_type const c [] = { 0.000000000000000, // 0 //64764752532480000, // 1 6.4764752532480000e+16, // 1 //32382376266240000, // 2 3.2382376266240000e+16, // 2 //7771770303897600, // 3 7.771770303897600e+15, // 3 //1187353796428800, // 4 1.187353796428800e+15, // 4 //129060195264000, // 5 1.29060195264000e+14, // 5 //10559470521600, // 6 1.0559470521600e+13, // 6 //670442572800, // 7 6.70442572800e+11, // 7 //33522128640, // 8 3.3522128640e+10, // 8 //1323241920, // 9 1.323241920e+9, // 9 //40840800, // 10 4.0840800e+7, // 10 //960960, // 11 9.60960e+5, // 11 //16380, // 12 1.6380e+4, // 12 //182, // 13 1.82e+2, // 13 1 // 14 }; matrix_type const& _A2 = _A * _A; matrix_type const& _A4 = _A2 * _A2; matrix_type const& _A6 = _A2 * _A4; matrix_type const& U = _A * ( _A6 * ( c[14] * _A6 + c[12] * _A4 + c[10] * _A2 ) + c[8] * _A6 + c[6] * _A4 + c[4] * _A2 + c[2] * eye<value_type>( n, n ) ); matrix_type const& V = _A6 * ( c[13] * _A6 + c[11] * _A4 + c[9] * _A2 ) + c[7] * _A6 + c[5] * _A4 + c[3] * _A2 + c[1] * eye<value_type>( n, n ); matrix_type const& VU = V + U; matrix_type const& UV = V - U; matrix_type F = VU / UV; //matrix_type F = ( V + U ) / ( V - U ); ////!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /* matrix_type const& _A = A / s__2; matrix_type _a = _A; size_type const n = _A.row(); auto F = eye<value_type_>( n, n ); const unsigned long loops = 10; value_type factor = value_type(1); for ( unsigned long i = 0; i != loops; ++i ) { factor /= i; F = F + _a * factor; if ( i + 1 == loops ) break; _a *= _A; } */ ////!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for ( size_type i = 0; i != s; ++i ) F *= F; //std::cerr << "EXPM ends.\n"; return F; }
void Newton::solveNonLinear() { casadi_msg("Newton::solveNonLinear:begin"); // Set up timers for profiling double time_zero=0; double time_start=0; double time_stop=0; if (CasadiOptions::profiling && !CasadiOptions::profilingBinary) { time_zero = getRealTime(); CasadiOptions::profilingLog << "start " << this << ":" <<getOption("name") << std::endl; } // Pass the inputs to J for (int i=0; i<nIn(); ++i) { if (i!=iin_) jac_.setInput(input(i), i); } // Aliases DMatrix &u = output(iout_); DMatrix &J = jac_.output(0); DMatrix &F = jac_.output(1+iout_); // Perform the Newton iterations int iter=0; bool success = true; while (true) { // Break if maximum number of iterations already reached if (iter >= max_iter_) { log("evaluate", "Max. iterations reached."); stats_["return_status"] = "max_iteration_reached"; success = false; break; } // Start a new iteration iter++; // Print progress if (monitored("step") || monitored("stepsize")) { userOut() << "Step " << iter << "." << std::endl; } if (monitored("step")) { userOut() << " u = " << u << std::endl; } // Use u to evaluate J jac_.setInput(u, iin_); for (int i=0; i<nIn(); ++i) if (i!=iin_) jac_.setInput(input(i), i); if (CasadiOptions::profiling) { time_start = getRealTime(); // Start timer } jac_.evaluate(); // Write out profiling information if (CasadiOptions::profiling && !CasadiOptions::profilingBinary) { time_stop = getRealTime(); // Stop timer CasadiOptions::profilingLog << (time_stop-time_start)*1e6 << " ns | " << (time_stop-time_zero)*1e3 << " ms | " << this << ":" << getOption("name") << ":0|" << jac_.get() << ":" << jac_.getOption("name") << "|evaluate jacobian" << std::endl; } if (monitored("F")) userOut() << " F = " << F << std::endl; if (monitored("normF")) userOut() << " F (min, max, 1-norm, 2-norm) = " << (*std::min_element(, << ", " << (*std::max_element(, << ", " << norm_1(F) << ", " << norm_F(F) << std::endl; if (monitored("J")) userOut() << " J = " << J << std::endl; double abstol = 0; if (numeric_limits<double>::infinity() != abstol_) { abstol = std::max((*std::max_element(,, -(*std::min_element(,; if (abstol <= abstol_) { casadi_msg("Converged to acceptable tolerance - abstol: " << abstol_); break; } } // Prepare the linear solver with J linsol_.setInput(J, LINSOL_A); if (CasadiOptions::profiling) { time_start = getRealTime(); // Start timer } linsol_.prepare(); // Write out profiling information if (CasadiOptions::profiling && !CasadiOptions::profilingBinary) { time_stop = getRealTime(); // Stop timer CasadiOptions::profilingLog << (time_stop-time_start)*1e6 << " ns | " << (time_stop-time_zero)*1e3 << " ms | " << this << ":" << getOption("name") << ":1||prepare linear system" << std::endl; } if (CasadiOptions::profiling) { time_start = getRealTime(); // Start timer } // Solve against F linsol_.solve(&F.front(), 1, false); if (CasadiOptions::profiling && !CasadiOptions::profilingBinary) { time_stop = getRealTime(); // Stop timer CasadiOptions::profilingLog << (time_stop-time_start)*1e6 << " ns | " << (time_stop-time_zero)*1e3 << " ms | " << this << ":" << getOption("name") << ":2||solve linear system" << std::endl; } if (monitored("step")) { userOut() << " step = " << F << std::endl; } double abstolStep=0; if (numeric_limits<double>::infinity() != abstolStep_) { abstolStep = std::max((*std::max_element(,, -(*std::min_element(,; if (monitored("stepsize")) { userOut() << " stepsize = " << abstolStep << std::endl; } if (abstolStep <= abstolStep_) { casadi_msg("Converged to acceptable tolerance - abstolStep: " << abstolStep_); break; } } if (print_iteration_) { // Only print iteration header once in a while if (iter % 10==0) { printIteration(userOut()); } // Print iteration information printIteration(userOut(), iter, abstol, abstolStep); } // Update Xk+1 = Xk - J^(-1) F std::transform(u.begin(), u.end(), F.begin(), u.begin(), std::minus<double>()); } // Get auxiliary outputs for (int i=0; i<nOut(); ++i) { if (i!=iout_) jac_.getOutput(output(i), 1+i); } // Store the iteration count if (gather_stats_) stats_["iter"] = iter; if (success) stats_["return_status"] = "success"; // Factorization up-to-date fact_up_to_date_ = true; casadi_msg("Newton::solveNonLinear():end after " << iter << " steps"); }