Esempio n. 1
void Actor::Move( const D3DXVECTOR3& direction )
    // 가속 시작 시점 기록 - 타임 스탬프로 문제 해결
    // 나중에는 타이머 만들어서 써볼까?
    m_AccelerationStartTime = timeGetTime();
    SetIsAccelerating( true );

    D3DXVECTOR3 normalVec( 0, 0, 0 );
    D3DXVec3Normalize( &normalVec, &direction );

    m_Rigidbody.m_Acceleration += ( normalVec * ACCELERATION_WEIGHT );
void PlayerCharacter::SetAcceleration()
	// 가속 시작 시점 기록 - 타임 스탬프로 문제 해결
	// 나중에는 타이머 만들어서 써볼까?
	m_AccelerationStart = timeGetTime();
	m_IsAccelerating = true;

	D3DXVECTOR3 normalVec( 0, 0, 0 );
	D3DXVECTOR3 viewDirection( GetViewDirection() );
	Physics::GetNormalVector( &viewDirection, &normalVec );

	// 조심해!
	// 가속도 가중치 하드 코딩 수정 할 것
	m_Acceleration += ( viewDirection * 1.0f );
Esempio n. 3
	void CLineEmitter::InitParticle(ParticlePtr &particle)
		math::vec2f ws_pos = mPos + mPositionOffset;
		math::vec2f dir = this->mDirection.Rotate(util::Rand::Get()->Randomf(-this->mEmisionAngle, this->mEmisionAngle));
		math::vec2f ws_end_pos = ws_pos + this->mPosEnd;
		math::vec2f normalVec(ws_pos - ws_end_pos);
		math::float32 len = normalVec.Length();
		//len = static_cast<math::float32>(rand()%static_cast<math::int32>(len));
		len = util::Rand::Get()->Randomf(len);
		math::float32 speed = util::Rand::Get()->Randomf(mParticleSpeed-mParticleSpeedVariation, mParticleSpeed+mParticleSpeedVariation);

		math::CColorRGBA clr = RandomiseColor();

		particle->Init(ws_pos + (normalVec * len), dir, speed, util::Rand::Get()->Randomf(this->mLiveTime-mLiveTimeVariation, this->mLiveTime+mLiveTimeVariation), clr, 0, mScale);
Esempio n. 4
static bool
const buildCircleData (float radius, const unsigned int subdivisions, const osg::Vec3& orientation, osg::Geometry* geom, const bool wire )
    unsigned int numSub( subdivisions );
    unsigned int totalVerts(0);
    if( numSub < 3 )
        numSub = 3;
    if( numSub > 65530 )
        // Would create index array too large for use with DrawElementsUShort. Clamp.
		numSub = 65530; // leave headroom for a few spares
        osg::notify( osg::WARN ) << "buildCircleData: Clamping subdivisions to " << numSub << std::endl;
    totalVerts = ( (numSub+2) ); // +2: Center, and final, closing vertex
    osg::notify( osg::INFO ) << "buildCircleData: totalVerts: " << totalVerts << std::endl;

    // Create data arrays and configure the Geometry
    osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > vertices( new osg::Vec3Array );
    vertices->resize( totalVerts );
    geom->setVertexArray( vertices.get() );

    osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > normals;
    osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec2Array > texCoords;
    if( !wire )
        normals = new osg::Vec3Array;
        normals->resize( totalVerts );
        geom->setNormalArray( normals.get() );
        geom->setNormalBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

        texCoords = new osg::Vec2Array;
        texCoords->resize( totalVerts );
        geom->setTexCoordArray( 0, texCoords.get() );

        osg::Vec4Array* osgC = new osg::Vec4Array;
        osgC->push_back( osg::Vec4( 1., 1., 1., 1. ) );
        geom->setColorArray( osgC );
        geom->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_OVERALL );

    // Create the vertices, normals, and tex coords.
    unsigned int idx( 0 );
    unsigned int subCounter;
    const osg::Vec3 centerVecZero( 0., 0., 0. );
    osg::Vec3 normalVec( orientation );

	// center: idx=0
	(*vertices)[ idx ] = centerVecZero;
    if( !wire )
        (*normals)[ idx ] = normalVec;
        (*texCoords)[ idx ].set( centerVecZero.x(), centerVecZero.y() );
    } // if

    // Find ideal base vector (at 90 degree angle to normalVec)
    osg::Vec3 crossVec( 1., 0., 0. );
    if( osg::absolute( normalVec * crossVec ) > .9 )
        crossVec = osg::Vec3( 0., 1., 0. );
    osg::Vec3 baseVec = normalVec ^ crossVec;

	// circle-loop
	for( subCounter=0; subCounter<=numSub; subCounter++ )
        const double t( (double)(subCounter) / (double)numSub );
        const double subAngle( t * 2.0 * osg::PI);  // subAngle is in range (0,2pi) radians.
        osg::Matrix m( osg::Matrix::rotate( subAngle, normalVec ) );
        osg::Vec3 v( baseVec * m );

        (*vertices)[ idx ] = ( v * radius );
        //osg::notify( osg::ALWAYS ) << v << std::endl;

        if( !wire )
            (*normals)[ idx ] = normalVec;
			const osg::Vec3 vRad(v * radius);
            (*texCoords)[ idx ].set( vRad.x(), vRad.y() );
        } // if



    if( idx != totalVerts )
        osg::notify( osg::WARN ) << "buildCircleData: Error creating vertices." << std::endl;
        osg::notify( osg::WARN ) << "  idx " << idx << " != totalVerts " << totalVerts << std::endl;

    // Create PrimitiveSets.

    if( !wire )
        // Solid -- Use GL_TRIANGLE_FAN

        // Create indices -- top group of triangles
        osg::DrawElementsUShort* fan( new osg::DrawElementsUShort( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN ) );
        fan->resize( numSub+2 ); // center, 1...n, 1 again to close
		idx = 0;

		// push center
        (*fan)[ idx ] = 0;

		// circle loop
		for( unsigned int subCount=0; subCount<numSub+1; subCount++ )// numsub+1 gets us start, ring and end (which duplicates start)
            (*fan)[ idx ] = idx;
        geom->addPrimitiveSet( fan );
    } // if !wire
        // Wire -- Use GL_LINE_LOOP
		// we skip vertex #0 (center) when drawing the LINE_LOOP

        // Create indices
        osg::DrawElementsUShort* ring;
        ring = new osg::DrawElementsUShort( GL_LINE_LOOP );
        ring->resize( numSub+1 );
        unsigned int loopIdx;
        for( loopIdx=0; loopIdx<numSub+1; loopIdx++ ) // numsub+1 gets us start, ring and end (which duplicates start)

            (*ring)[ loopIdx ] = loopIdx + 1; // skipping #0, center

        } // for
		geom->addPrimitiveSet( ring );

    } // wire

    return( true );
} // buildCircleData