Esempio n. 1
void apprentissageAleatoire(fonction& g,  bool first_pass, bool record){

  BaseEtats baseEtats;
  Thetas thetarandom;
  Thetas dtheta;
  Thetas dthetamin;
  Rayon rmin;
  Rayon r;
  std::list<gaml::libsvm::Predictor<Entree,double>> predictors;
  std::array<std::string,4> filenames = {{std::string("theta1.pred"),"theta2.pred","theta3.pred","theta4.pred"}};

  for (int j=0;j< NB_TESTS_PAR_PHASE;j++){

    std::cout<<"Nouvelle boucle mise a jour de f"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"____________________"<< std::endl;
    std::cout<<"Nouvel essai random n°"<<j<<std::endl;

    r = {0,0,0};

    while(r[0] == 0 && r[1] == 0 && r[2] == 0){
      thetarandom = creationThetaRandom();
      r = vecteur_kinnect_objet();

      dtheta = {.0,.0,.0,.0};
      auto res = g({r[0],r[1],r[2],thetarandom[0],thetarandom[1],thetarandom[2],thetarandom[3]});
      dtheta = { 
    rmin = vecteur_kinnect_objet();
    std::cout<<"Thetas :"<<thetarandom<<" | Rayon :"<<r<< " | Distance :"<<norme(r)<<"  | dthetas :"<<dtheta<<std::endl;
    dthetamin = oscillations(r,thetarandom,rmin,dtheta);
    Etat etat (r,thetarandom,dthetamin);
    std::cout<<"Amelioration dthetas :  "<<dthetamin<<std::endl;


  std::cout<<"mise a jour de f"<<std::endl;
  g = calcul_f(baseEtats,record);
Esempio n. 2
SVector3 gmshFace::normal(const SPoint2 &param) const
  if(s->Typ != MSH_SURF_PLAN){
    Vertex vu = InterpolateSurface(s, param[0], param[1], 1, 1);
    Vertex vv = InterpolateSurface(s, param[0], param[1], 1, 2);
    Vertex n = vu % vv;
    return SVector3(n.Pos.X, n.Pos.Y, n.Pos.Z);
    // We cannot use InterpolateSurface() for plane surfaces since it
    // relies on the mean plane, which does not respect the
    // orientation

    // FIXME: move this test at the end of the MeanPlane computation
    // routine--and store the correct normal, damn it!

    double n[3] = {meanPlane.a, meanPlane.b, meanPlane.c};
    GPoint pt = point(param.x(), param.y());
    double v[3] = {pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z()};
    int NP = 10, tries = 0;
      double angle = 0.;
      for(int i = 0; i < List_Nbr(s->Generatrices); i++) {
        Curve *c;
        List_Read(s->Generatrices, i, &c);
        int N = (c->Typ == MSH_SEGM_LINE) ? 1 : NP;
        for(int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
          double u1 = (double)j / (double)N;
          double u2 = (double)(j + 1) / (double)N;
          Vertex p1 = InterpolateCurve(c, u1, 0);
          Vertex p2 = InterpolateCurve(c, u2, 0);
          double v1[3] = {p1.Pos.X, p1.Pos.Y, p1.Pos.Z};
          double v2[3] = {p2.Pos.X, p2.Pos.Y, p2.Pos.Z};
          angle += angle_plan(v, v1, v2, n);
      if(fabs(angle) < 0.5){ // we're outside
        NP *= 2;
        Msg::Debug("Could not compute normal of surface %d - retrying with %d points",
                   tag(), NP);
        if(tries > 10){
          Msg::Warning("Could not orient normal of surface %d", tag());
          return SVector3(n[0], n[1], n[2]);
      else if(angle > 0)
        return SVector3(n[0], n[1], n[2]);
        return SVector3(-n[0], -n[1], -n[2]);
Esempio n. 3
void normalise(MCOORD *v) {
    GLdouble norm = norme(*v);
    if(norm > 0.0000001) {
        v->x /= norm;
        v->y /= norm;
        v->z /= norm;
    } else {
        v->x = 0.0;
        v->y = 0.0;
        v->z = 0.0;
Esempio n. 4
double		calc_k_sphere(t_vect *o, t_vect *u, t_obj *obj)
  t_vect	tmp;
  double	x1;
  double	x2;

  tmp.x = (u->x * u->x + u->y * u->y + u->z * u->z);
  tmp.y = 2 * (o->x * u->x + o->y * u->y + o->z * u->z);
  tmp.z = (o->x * o->x + o->y * o->y + o->z * o->z - obj->param * obj->param);
  if (res_eq_sc(&tmp, &x1, &x2))
      if ((x1 * norme(u)) > PAS && x1 < x2 && check_limit(o, u, x1, obj))
	return (x1);
      else if ((x2 * norme(u)) > PAS && check_limit(o, u, x2, obj))
	return (x2);
	return (-1);
    return (-1);
quint8 KisCircleMaskGenerator::valueAt(qreal x, qreal y) const
    if (isEmpty()) return 255;
    qreal xr = (x /*- m_xcenter*/);
    qreal yr = qAbs(y /*- m_ycenter*/);
    fixRotation(xr, yr);

    qreal n = norme(xr * d->xcoef, yr * d->ycoef);
    if (n > 1.0) return 255;

    // we add +1.0 to ensure correct antialising on the border
    if (antialiasEdges()) {
        xr = qAbs(xr) + 1.0;
        yr = qAbs(yr) + 1.0;

    qreal nf = norme(xr * d->transformedFadeX,
                     yr * d->transformedFadeY);

    if (nf < 1.0) return 0;
    return 255 * n * (nf - 1.0) / (nf - n);
Esempio n. 6
double qmQuadrangleAngles (MQuadrangle *e) {
  double a = 100;
  double worst_quality = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  double mat[3][3];
  double mat2[3][3];
  double den = atan(a*(M_PI/4)) + atan(a*(2*M_PI/4 - (M_PI/4)));

  // This matrix is used to "rotate" the triangle to get each vertex
  // as the "origin" of the mapping in turn
  //double rot[3][3];
  //rot[0][0]=-1; rot[0][1]=1; rot[0][2]=0;
  //rot[1][0]=-1; rot[1][1]=0; rot[1][2]=0;
  //rot[2][0]= 0; rot[2][1]=0; rot[2][2]=1;
  //double tmp[3][3];

  const double u[9] = {-1,-1, 1, 1, 0,0,1,-1,0};
  const double v[9] = {-1, 1, 1,-1, -1,1,0,0,0};

  for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {

    e->getJacobian(u[i], v[i], 0, mat);
    //for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
    //  matmat(rot,mat,tmp);
    //  memcpy(mat, tmp, sizeof(mat));

    //get angle
    double v1[3] = {mat[0][0],  mat[0][1],  mat[0][2] };
    double v2[3] = {mat[1][0],  mat[1][1],  mat[1][2] };
    double v3[3] = {mat2[0][0],  mat2[0][1],  mat2[0][2] };
    double v4[3] = {mat2[1][0],  mat2[1][1],  mat2[1][2] };
    double v12[3], v34[3];
    double orientation;

    // If the if the triangle is "flipped" it's no good
    //    if (orientation < 0)
    //      return -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

    double c;
    double x = fabs(acos(c))-M_PI/2;
    //double angle = fabs(acos(c))*180/M_PI;
    double quality = (atan(a*(x+M_PI/4)) + atan(a*(2*M_PI/4 - (x+M_PI/4))))/den;
    worst_quality = std::min(worst_quality, quality);
  return worst_quality;

Esempio n. 7
static int	read_get_next_line(const int fd, char **line, char **rest)
	int			tete;

	if (*rest == NULL)
		*rest = ft_strnew(BUFF_SIZE);
	else if (ft_strchr(*rest, '\n') != NULL)
		return (ft_cop(rest, line, rest));
	else if ((*line = ft_strjoin(*line, *rest)) == NULL)
		return (-1);
	if (norme(fd, line, rest, &tete) == 1)
		return (1);
	return (tete);
Esempio n. 8
int	main(int ac, char **av)
    if (debut(ac, av[1]) == 0 && atoi(av[1]) > 0 && (av[2][0] >= 49 && av[2][0] <= 57))
        int a = atoi(av[2]);
        int b = rand()%(9+10)-9;
        int tabA[a], tabB[a] , tabAB[a], tabMult[a];
        printf("Vecteur A:\t");
        nbrAlea(a, tabA);
        affiche(tabA, a);
        if (atoi(av[1]) != 2)
            printf("Vecteur B:\t");
            nbrAlea(a, tabB);
            affiche(tabB, a);
        if (atoi(av[1]) == 1)
            printf("Vecteur A+B:\t");
            somme(a, tabA, tabB, tabAB);
            affiche(tabAB, a);
        else if (atoi(av[1]) == 2)
            printf("   B: %d\nVecteur A*B:\t", b);
            multi(a, tabA, tabMult, b);
            affiche(tabMult, a);
        else if (atoi(av[1]) == 3)
            printf("Produit Scalaire AB:\t");
            printf("%d", scal(a, tabA, tabB));
        else if (atoi(av[1]) == 4)
            printf("Norme Euclidienne A.B:\t");
            somme(a, tabA, tabB, tabAB);
            printf("%.3f", sqrt(norme(a, tabAB)));

        printf("Veuillez entrer en argument un nombre compris entre 1 et 4 suivi du nombre de coordonnee que vous voulez \n");
    return (0);

Esempio n. 9
t_vector3		unitaire(t_vector3 v)
  double	norm;
  t_vector3	uni;

  norm = norme(v);
  if (norm)
      uni.x = v.x / norm;
      uni.y = v.y / norm;
      uni.z = v.z / norm;
  return (uni);
Esempio n. 10
void jacobi (double** a, double** b, double** xInit, int n, double prec)
  int i, j, cpt;
  double residu=2*prec;
  double** xNext= (double**) malloc(n*sizeof(double*));
  double** ax;
  double** axb;
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) //initialisation xNext
    xNext[i]= (double*) malloc(sizeof(double));
  while (residu>=prec)
    for (i=0; i<n; i++)
      double somme1=0, somme2=0;
      for (j=0; j<i; j++) //avant l'élément diagonal
      { somme1=somme1+a[i][j]*xInit[j][0]; }
      for (j=i+1; j<n; j++) //après l'élément diagonal
      { somme2=somme2+a[i][j]*xInit[j][0]; }
    for(i=0; i<n; i++)
      xInit[i][0] = xNext[i][0] ; //copie de xNext dans xInit pour la prochaine itération
    ax=produitMatriciel(a, xNext, n, n, 1); //ax
    axb=difference(ax, b, n, 1); //ax - b
    residu=norme(axb, n); //norme de (ax - b)
    printf("\nVecteur à l'itération %d :\n", cpt);
    afficherMatrice(xNext, n, 1);
  //libération mémoire
  for (i=0;i<n;i++)
    free(ax[i]); free(axb[i]); free(xNext[i]);
  free(ax); free(axb); free(xNext);
Esempio n. 11
int IsoSimplex(double *X, double *Y, double *Z, double *Val, double V,
               double *Xp, double *Yp, double *Zp, double n[3])
  if(Val[0] == Val[1] && Val[0] == Val[2] && Val[0] == Val[3])
    return 0;

  int nb = 0;
  if((Val[0] >= V && Val[1] <= V) || (Val[1] >= V && Val[0] <= V)) {
    InterpolateIso(X, Y, Z, Val, V, 0, 1, &Xp[nb], &Yp[nb], &Zp[nb]);
  if((Val[0] >= V && Val[2] <= V) || (Val[2] >= V && Val[0] <= V)) {
    InterpolateIso(X, Y, Z, Val, V, 0, 2, &Xp[nb], &Yp[nb], &Zp[nb]);
  if((Val[0] >= V && Val[3] <= V) || (Val[3] >= V && Val[0] <= V)) {
    InterpolateIso(X, Y, Z, Val, V, 0, 3, &Xp[nb], &Yp[nb], &Zp[nb]);
  if((Val[1] >= V && Val[2] <= V) || (Val[2] >= V && Val[1] <= V)) {
    InterpolateIso(X, Y, Z, Val, V, 1, 2, &Xp[nb], &Yp[nb], &Zp[nb]);
  if((Val[1] >= V && Val[3] <= V) || (Val[3] >= V && Val[1] <= V)) {
    InterpolateIso(X, Y, Z, Val, V, 1, 3, &Xp[nb], &Yp[nb], &Zp[nb]);
  if((Val[2] >= V && Val[3] <= V) || (Val[3] >= V && Val[2] <= V)) {
    InterpolateIso(X, Y, Z, Val, V, 2, 3, &Xp[nb], &Yp[nb], &Zp[nb]);

  // Remove identical nodes (this can happen if an edge belongs to the
  // zero levelset). We should be doing this even for nb < 4, but it
  // would slow us down even more (and we don't really care if some
  // nodes in a postprocessing element are identical)
  if(nb > 4) {
    double xi[6], yi[6], zi[6];
    affect(xi, yi, zi, 0, Xp, Yp, Zp, 0);
    int ni = 1;
    for(int j = 1; j < nb; j++) {
      for(int i = 0; i < ni; i++) {
        if(fabs(Xp[j] - xi[i]) < 1.e-12 &&
           fabs(Yp[j] - yi[i]) < 1.e-12 &&
           fabs(Zp[j] - zi[i]) < 1.e-12) {
        if(i == ni - 1) {
          affect(xi, yi, zi, i + 1, Xp, Yp, Zp, j);
    for(int i = 0; i < ni; i++)
      affect(Xp, Yp, Zp, i, xi, yi, zi, i);
    nb = ni;

  if(nb < 3 || nb > 4)
    return 0;

  // 3 possible quads at this point: (0,2,5,3), (0,1,5,4) or
  // (1,2,4,3), so simply invert the 2 last vertices for having the
  // quad ordered
  if(nb == 4) {
    double x = Xp[3], y = Yp[3], z = Zp[3];
    Xp[3] = Xp[2];
    Yp[3] = Yp[2];
    Zp[3] = Zp[2];
    Xp[2] = x;
    Yp[2] = y;
    Zp[2] = z;

  // to get a nice isosurface, we should have n . grad v > 0, where n
  // is the normal to the polygon and v is the unknown field we want
  // to draw
  double v1[3] = {Xp[2] - Xp[0], Yp[2] - Yp[0], Zp[2] - Zp[0]};
  double v2[3] = {Xp[1] - Xp[0], Yp[1] - Yp[0], Zp[1] - Zp[0]};
  prodve(v1, v2, n);

  double g[3];
  gradSimplex(X, Y, Z, Val, g);

  double gdotn;
  prosca(g, n, &gdotn);

  if(gdotn > 0.) {
    double Xpi[6], Ypi[6], Zpi[6];
    for(int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
      Xpi[i] = Xp[i];
      Ypi[i] = Yp[i];
      Zpi[i] = Zp[i];
    for(int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
      Xp[i] = Xpi[nb - i - 1];
      Yp[i] = Ypi[nb - i - 1];
      Zp[i] = Zpi[nb - i - 1];
  else {
    n[0] = -n[0];
    n[1] = -n[1];
    n[2] = -n[2];

  return nb;
Esempio n. 12
Vector3& Vector3::normalise()
	return ((*this)/=norme());
Esempio n. 13
double qmTriangleAngles (MTriangle *e) {
  double a = 500;
  double worst_quality = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  double mat[3][3];
  double mat2[3][3];
  double den = atan(a*(M_PI/9)) + atan(a*(M_PI/9));

  // This matrix is used to "rotate" the triangle to get each vertex
  // as the "origin" of the mapping in turn
  double rot[3][3];
  rot[0][0]=-1; rot[0][1]=1; rot[0][2]=0;
  rot[1][0]=-1; rot[1][1]=0; rot[1][2]=0;
  rot[2][0]= 0; rot[2][1]=0; rot[2][2]=1;
  double tmp[3][3];

  //double minAngle = 120.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < e->getNumPrimaryVertices(); i++) {
    const double u = i == 1 ? 1 : 0;
    const double v = i == 2 ? 1 : 0;
    const double w = 0;
    e->getJacobian(u, v, w, mat);
    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
      memcpy(mat, tmp, sizeof(mat));
    //get angle
    double v1[3] = {mat[0][0],  mat[0][1],  mat[0][2] };
    double v2[3] = {mat[1][0],  mat[1][1],  mat[1][2] };
    double v3[3] = {mat2[0][0],  mat2[0][1],  mat2[0][2] };
    double v4[3] = {mat2[1][0],  mat2[1][1],  mat2[1][2] };
    double v12[3], v34[3];
    double orientation;

    // If the triangle is "flipped" it's no good
    if (orientation < 0)
      return -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

    double c;
    double x = acos(c)-M_PI/3;
    //double angle = (x+M_PI/3)/M_PI*180;
    double quality = (atan(a*(x+M_PI/9)) + atan(a*(M_PI/9-x)))/den;
    worst_quality = std::min(worst_quality, quality);

    //minAngle = std::min(angle, minAngle);
    //printf("Angle %g ", angle);
    // printf("Quality %g\n",quality);
  //printf("MinAngle %g \n", minAngle);
  //return minAngle;

  return worst_quality;
Esempio n. 14
double Vector3D::angle(const Vector3D& vec) const
        return 0;
    return acos(produitScalaire(vec)/(norme()*vec.norme()));
Esempio n. 15
PView *GMSH_SphericalRaisePlugin::execute(PView *v)
  double center[3];
  center[0] = SphericalRaiseOptions_Number[0].def;
  center[1] = SphericalRaiseOptions_Number[1].def;
  center[2] = SphericalRaiseOptions_Number[2].def;
  double raise = SphericalRaiseOptions_Number[3].def;
  double offset = SphericalRaiseOptions_Number[4].def;
  int timeStep = (int)SphericalRaiseOptions_Number[5].def;
  int iView = (int)SphericalRaiseOptions_Number[6].def;

  PView *v1 = getView(iView, v);
  if(!v1) return v;

  PViewData *data1 = v1->getData();

  // sanity checks
  if(timeStep < 0 || timeStep > data1->getNumTimeSteps() - 1){
    Msg::Error("Invalid TimeStep (%d) in view", timeStep);
    return v;

    // tag all the nodes with "0" (the default tag)
    for(int step = 0; step < data1->getNumTimeSteps(); step++){
      for(int ent = 0; ent < data1->getNumEntities(step); ent++){
        for(int ele = 0; ele < data1->getNumElements(step, ent); ele++){
          if(data1->skipElement(step, ent, ele)) continue;
          for(int nod = 0; nod < data1->getNumNodes(step, ent, ele); nod++)
            data1->tagNode(step, ent, ele, nod, 0);

  // transform all "0" nodes
  for(int step = 0; step < data1->getNumTimeSteps(); step++){
    for(int ent = 0; ent < data1->getNumEntities(step); ent++){
      for(int ele = 0; ele < data1->getNumElements(step, ent); ele++){
        if(data1->skipElement(step, ent, ele)) continue;
        for(int nod = 0; nod < data1->getNumNodes(step, ent, ele); nod++){
          double x, y, z;
          int tag = data1->getNode(step, ent, ele, nod, x, y, z);
          if(data1->isNodeData() && tag) continue;
          double r[3], val;
          r[0] = x - center[0];
          r[1] = y - center[1];
          r[2] = z - center[2];
          data1->getScalarValue(step, ent, ele, nod, val);
          double coef = offset + raise * val;
          x += coef * r[0];
          y += coef * r[1];
          z += coef * r[2];
          data1->setNode(step, ent, ele, nod, x, y, z);
          if(data1->isNodeData()) data1->tagNode(step, ent, ele, nod, 1);


  return v1;
Esempio n. 16
float		Trantorien::scalaire(const glm::vec2 &v1, const glm::vec2 &v2)
  return (acos((v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y) / (norme(v1) * norme(v2))));
void Vecteur::normaliser()
	*this /= norme();
Esempio n. 18
Vecteur normaliser(Vecteur a){
	return CreerVecteur(a.x/norme(a), a.y/norme(a));