void CStageDrivetrain2dof::updateData( const double dt)
  float time;
  if ( mFgEnabled ) {
    applyAccelerationLimits( mStgPosition->GetPoseInterval() / 1e6);
    mStgPosition->SetXSpeed ( mVelocityLimitedCmd.mXDot );
    mStgPosition->SetTurnSpeed ( mVelocityLimitedCmd.mYawDot );

    // update odometry
    ( ( CStageOdometry* ) mOdometry )->updateData(dt);

    // stage doesn't seem to allow us access to the sensed speed of the robot
    // so we simply assume it is the commanded velocity
    mVelocityMeas = mVelocityLimitedCmd;
    time = mTimeStamp;
    mTimeStamp = mStgPosition->GetWorld()->SimTimeNow() / 1e6;
    mFgStalled = mStgPosition->Stalled();

    if (mFgStalled)
      mStalledTimer += mTimeStamp - time;
      mStalledTimer = 0.0;

Esempio n. 2
void CStageLaser::updateData( const double dt )
  //std::vector<Stg::ModelLaser::Sample>* sample;
  //tRangeData* temp;
  //uint32_t sampleCount;

  if ( mFgEnabled ) {
    // get range data from stage, if the simulation is paused at start up
    // stage returns NULL, so we store the result in a temporal variable
    // and store is only if it is any good
    Stg::ModelLaser::Config config = mStgLaser->GetConfig();
    uint32_t sampleCount = config.sample_count;

    if ( sampleCount != mNumSamples ) {
      ERROR2( "Got wrong number of laser readings from Stage, "\
              "expected %d but got %d", mNumSamples, sampleCount );
    else {
      const std::vector<Stg::ModelLaser::Sample> sample = mStgLaser->GetSamples();
      if ( !sample.empty() ) {
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < mNumSamples; i ++ ) {
          mRangeData[i].range = sample[i].range;
          mRangeData[i].reflectance = sample[i].reflectance;
    mTimeStamp = mStgLaser->GetWorld()->SimTimeNow() / 1e6;

void CStagePowerPack::updateData( const double dt)
  double prevBatteryCapacity;

  if ( ( mFgEnabled ) && ( mStgPowerPack ) ) {

    prevBatteryCapacity = mBatteryCapacity;
    if (mStgPowerPack->GetStored() < 0) {
      mBatteryCapacity = INFINITY;
      mMaxBatteryCapacity = INFINITY;
    else {
      mBatteryCapacity =  JOULES_TO_WATTHOURS ( mStgPowerPack->GetStored() );
      mMaxBatteryCapacity = JOULES_TO_WATTHOURS ( mStgPowerPack->GetCapacity() );

    mTotalEnergyDissipated = JOULES_TO_WATTHOURS (
                               mStgPowerPack->GetDissipated() );

    // take the change in battery capacity (in Ah)
    // devide by simulution step duration (converted to hours)
    mCurrent = ( prevBatteryCapacity - mBatteryCapacity ) /
               SECONDS_TO_HOURS ( mSimInterval ) / mVoltage;
    mTimeStamp = mStgModel->GetWorld()->SimTimeNow() / 1e6;
Esempio n. 4
void CStageLaser::updateData( const double dt )
  if ( mFgEnabled ) {
    // get range data from stage, if the simulation is paused at start up
    // stage returns NULL, so we store the result in a temporal variable
    // and store is only if it is any good
    Stg::ModelRanger::Sensor sensor = mStgLaser->GetSensors()[0];
    uint32_t sampleCount = sensor.sample_count;
    if ( sampleCount != mNumSamples ) {
      ERROR2( "Got wrong number of laser readings from Stage, "\
              "expected %d but got %d", mNumSamples, sampleCount );
    else {
      if ( !sensor.ranges.empty() ) { //!sample.empty() ) {
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < mNumSamples; i ++ ) {
          mRangeData[i].range = sensor.ranges[i];
          mRangeData[i].reflectance = sensor.intensities[i];
    mTimeStamp = mStgLaser->GetWorld()->SimTimeNow() / 1e6;