Esempio n. 1
// Checks if data is available for reading
bool nrf24l01_dataReady()
	// See note in getData() function - just checking RX_DR isn't good enough
	uint8_t status = nrf24l01_read_register(NRF24L01_STATUS_REG);

	// We can short circuit on RX_DR, but if it's not set, we still need
	// to check the FIFO for any pending packets
	if (status & NRF24L01_RX_DR_BM)
	return true;
	// return true if rx fifo is not empty
	uint8_t fifoStatus = nrf24l01_read_register(NRF24L01_FIFO_STATUS_REG);
	return !(fifoStatus & NRF24L01_RX_EMPTY_BM);
//clears the PLOS_CNT field of the OBSERVE_TX register
//this function makes a read of the current value of RF_CH and
//  simply writes it back to the register, clearing PLOS_CNT
void nrf24l01_clear_plos_cnt()
	unsigned char data;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_RF_CH, &data, 1);
	nrf24l01_write_register(nrf24l01_RF_CH, &data, 1);
Esempio n. 3
void nrf24l01_power_off()
	// TODO: Wait that nrf finish rx_read, tx_send or tx_wait_ack
	uint8_t config_reg = nrf24l01_read_register(NRF24L01_CONFIG_REG);
	config_reg &= ~NRF24L01_PWR_UP_BM;
	nrf24l01_write_register(NRF24L01_CONFIG_REG, config_reg);
//powers up the 24L01 with all necessary delays
//this function takes the existing contents of the CONFIG register and sets the PWR_UP 
//the argument rx_active_mode is only used if the user is setting up the
//  24L01 as a receiver.  If the argument is false, the receiver will remain in
//  standby mode and not monitor for packets.  If the argument is true, the CE
//  pin will be set and the 24L01 will monitor for packets.  In TX mode, the value
//  of this argument is insignificant.
//note: if the read value of the CONFIG register already has the PWR_UP bit set, this function
//  exits in order to not make an unecessary register write.
void nrf24l01_power_up(bool rx_active_mode)
	unsigned char config;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_CONFIG, &config, 1);
	if((config & nrf24l01_CONFIG_PWR_UP) != 0)
	config |= nrf24l01_CONFIG_PWR_UP;
	nrf24l01_write_register(nrf24l01_CONFIG, &config, 1);
	if((config & nrf24l01_CONFIG_PRIM_RX) == 0)
		if(rx_active_mode != false)
//returns the value of the OBSERVE_TX register
unsigned char nrf24l01_get_observe_tx()
	unsigned char data;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_OBSERVE_TX, &data, 1);
	return data;
//returns the current RF channel in RF_CH register
unsigned char nrf24l01_get_rf_ch()
	unsigned char data;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_RF_CH, &data, 1);
	return data;
//returns the value of the CONFIG register
unsigned char nrf24l01_get_config()
	unsigned char data;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_CONFIG, &data, 1);
	return data;
//returns the current PLOS_CNT value in OBSERVE_TX register
unsigned char nrf24l01_get_plos_cnt()
	unsigned char data;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_OBSERVE_TX, &data, 1);
	return ((data & nrf24l01_OBSERVE_TX_PLOS_CNT) >> 4);
//returns the status of the CD register (true if carrier detect [CD] is
//  active, false if not)
bool nrf24l01_cd_active()
	unsigned char data;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_CD, &data, 1);
	return data;
//returns the value of the FIFO_STATUS register
unsigned char nrf24l01_get_fifo_status()
	unsigned char data;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_FIFO_STATUS, &data, 1);
	return data;
//returns true if TX_REUSE bit in FIFO_STATUS register is set, false otherwise
bool nrf24l01_fifo_tx_reuse()
	unsigned char data;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_FIFO_STATUS, &data, 1);
	return (bool)(data & nrf24l01_FIFO_STATUS_TX_REUSE);
//returns true if RX_FULL bit in FIFO_STATUS register is set, false otherwise
bool nrf24l01_fifo_rx_full()
	unsigned char data;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_FIFO_STATUS, &data, 1);
	return (bool)(data & nrf24l01_FIFO_STATUS_RX_FULL);
//returns the current ARC_CNT value in OBSERVE_TX register
unsigned char nrf24l01_get_arc_cnt()
	unsigned char data;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_OBSERVE_TX, &data, 1);
	return (data & nrf24l01_OBSERVE_TX_ARC_CNT);
//returns true if RX_EMPTYE bit in FIFO_STATUS register is set, false otherwise
bool nrf24l01_fifo_rx_empty()
	unsigned char data;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_FIFO_STATUS, &data, 1);
	return (bool)(data & nrf24l01_FIFO_STATUS_RX_EMPTY);
Esempio n. 15
// Power Up in TX Mode
void nrf24l01_primary_tx()
	PTX = 1;
	uint8_t config_reg = nrf24l01_read_register(NRF24L01_CONFIG_REG);
	config_reg |= NRF24L01_PWR_UP_BM;			// Power Up
	config_reg &= ~NRF24L01_PRIM_RX_BM;			// PTX mode
	nrf24l01_write_register(NRF24L01_CONFIG_REG, config_reg);
	//nrf24l01_write_register(NRF24L01_CONFIG_REG,NRF24L01_EN_CRC_BM | NRF24L01_PWR_UP_BM);
Esempio n. 16
// Initialize Pin and SPI like specified into config file
void nrf24l01_init()
	// Init SPI pins
	ioport_set_pin_dir(CONF_NRF24L01_SS_PIN, IOPORT_DIR_INPUT);
	ioport_set_pin_mode(CONF_NRF24L01_SS_PIN, IOPORT_MODE_PULLUP);
	ioport_set_pin_dir(CONF_NRF24L01_MOSI_PIN, IOPORT_DIR_OUTPUT);
	ioport_set_pin_mode(CONF_NRF24L01_MOSI_PIN, IOPORT_MODE_PULLUP);
	ioport_set_pin_dir(CONF_NRF24L01_MISO_PIN, IOPORT_DIR_INPUT);
	ioport_set_pin_dir(CONF_NRF24L01_SCK_PIN, IOPORT_DIR_OUTPUT);
	// Init nrf24l01 pins
	ioport_set_pin_dir(CONF_NRF24L01_CE_PIN, IOPORT_DIR_OUTPUT);
	ioport_set_pin_dir(CONF_NRF24L01_CSn_PIN, IOPORT_DIR_OUTPUT);
	ioport_set_pin_dir(CONF_NRF24L01_IRQ_PIN, IOPORT_DIR_INPUT);

	spi_deselect_device(&CONF_NRF24L01_SPI, &nrf24l01_spi_device_conf);
	spi_master_setup_device(&CONF_NRF24L01_SPI, &nrf24l01_spi_device_conf, SPI_MODE_0, CONF_NRF24L01_CLOCK_SPEED, 0);
	// Wait nrf24l01 power on reset
	// Reset registers to default state
	nrf24l01_write_register(NRF24L01_CONFIG_REG, NRF24L01_CONFIG_REG_DEF);
	nrf24l01_write_register(NRF24L01_STATUS_REG, NRF24L01_STATUS_REG_DEF);
	// TODO: reset all registers
	// Config parameters sets in CONF_NRF24L01

	uint8_t nrf24l01_rx_addr[5] = { CONF_NRF24L01_RX_ADDR };
	uint8_t nrf24l01_tx_addr[5] = { CONF_NRF24L01_TX_ADDR };

	nrf24l01_write_register(NRF24L01_RF_CH_REG, CONF_NRF24L01_RF_CHANNEL);
	nrf24l01_write_register(NRF24L01_RX_PW_P0_REG, CONF_NRF24L01_PAYLOAD);
	nrf24l01_write_register(NRF24L01_RX_PW_P1_REG, CONF_NRF24L01_PAYLOAD);
	// Power-up (Power Down -> Standby-I)
	uint8_t configReg = nrf24l01_read_register(NRF24L01_CONFIG_REG);
	nrf24l01_write_register(NRF24L01_CONFIG_REG, configReg | NRF24L01_PWR_UP_BM);
//returns true if the pipe is enabled that is offset by rxpipenum
//unsigned char rxpipenum is the pipe number (zero to five) whose address is being
//	specified.  If an invalid address (greater than five) is supplied, the function
//  returns false.
bool nrf24l01_rx_pipe_enabled(unsigned char rxpipenum)
	unsigned char data;
	if((rxpipenum > 5))
		return false;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_EN_RXADDR, &data, 1);
	return (data & (0x01 << rxpipenum));
//returns true if auto-ack is enabled on the pipe that is offset by rxpipenum
//unsigned char rxpipenum is the pipe number (zero to five) whose address is being
//	specified.  If an invalid address (greater than five) is supplied, the function
//  returns false.
bool nrf24l01_aa_enabled(unsigned char rxpipenum)
	unsigned char data;
	if(rxpipenum > 5)
		return false;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_EN_AA, &data, 1);
	return (data & (0x01 << rxpipenum));
//gets the RX payload width on the pipe offset by rxpipenum
//unsigned char rxpipenum is the pipe number (zero to five) whose address is being
//	specified.  If an invalid address (greater than five) is supplied, the function
//  does nothing.
unsigned char nrf24l01_get_rx_pw(unsigned char rxpipenum)
	unsigned char data;
	if((rxpipenum > 5))
		return 0;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_RX_PW_P0 + rxpipenum, &data, 1);
	return data;
Esempio n. 20
// Power Up in RX Mode
void nrf24l01_primary_rx()
	PTX = 0;
	uint8_t configReg = nrf24l01_read_register(NRF24L01_CONFIG_REG);
	nrf24l01_write_register(NRF24L01_CONFIG_REG, configReg | NRF24L01_PWR_UP_BM | NRF24L01_PRIM_RX_BM);
	//uint8_t statusReg = nrf24l01_read_register(NRF24L01_STATUS_REG);
	nrf24l01_write_register(NRF24L01_STATUS_REG, NRF24L01_TX_DS_BM | NRF24L01_MAX_RT_BM);
//sets up the 24L01 as a transmitter
//this function takes the existing contents of the CONFIG register and simply
//  clears the PRIM_RX bit in the CONFIG register.
//note: if the read value of the CONFIG register already has the PRIM_RX bit cleared, this 
//  function exits in order to not make an unecessary register write.
void nrf24l01_set_as_tx()
	unsigned char config;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_CONFIG, &config, 1);
	if((config & nrf24l01_CONFIG_PRIM_RX) == 0)
	config &= (~nrf24l01_CONFIG_PRIM_RX);
	nrf24l01_write_register(nrf24l01_CONFIG, &config, 1);

Esempio n. 22
// Test if chip is still sending. When sending has finished return chip to listening.
bool nrf24l01_isSending(){
		uint8_t status = nrf24l01_read_register(NRF24L01_STATUS_REG);
		//#define NRF24L01_TX_DS_BM		(1 << 5)
		//#define NRF24L01_MAX_RT_BM	(1 << 4)

		// if sending successful (TX_DS) or max retries exceded (MAX_RT).
		if((status & (NRF24L01_TX_DS_BM  | NRF24L01_MAX_RT_BM))){
			return false;
		return true;
	return false;
//powers down the 24L01
//this function takes the existing contents of the CONFIG register and simply
//  clears the PWR_UP bit in the CONFIG register.
//note: if the read value of the CONFIG register already has the PWR_UP bit cleared, this 
//  function exits in order to not make an unecessary register write.
void nrf24l01_power_down()
	unsigned char config;
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_CONFIG, &config, 1);
	if((config & nrf24l01_CONFIG_PWR_UP) == 0)
	config &= (~nrf24l01_CONFIG_PWR_UP);
	nrf24l01_write_register(nrf24l01_CONFIG, &config, 1);

//enables auto-ack is enabled on the pipe that is offset by rxpipenum
//unsigned char rxpipenum is the pipe number (zero to five) whose address is being
//	does nothing.
void nrf24l01_aa_enable(unsigned char rxpipenum)
	unsigned char data;
	if(rxpipenum > 5)
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_EN_AA, &data, 1);
	if((data & (0x01 << rxpipenum)) != 0)
	data |= 0x01 << rxpipenum;
	nrf24l01_write_register(nrf24l01_EN_AA, &data, 1);
//disables the pipe that is offset by rxpipenum
//unsigned char rxpipenum is the pipe number (zero to five) whose address is being
//	specified.  If an invalid address (greater than five) is supplied, the function
//  does nothing.
void nrf24l01_rx_pipe_disable(unsigned char rxpipenum)
	unsigned char data;
	if(rxpipenum > 5)
	nrf24l01_read_register(nrf24l01_EN_RXADDR, &data, 1);
	if((data & (0x01 << rxpipenum)) == 0)
	data &= ~(0x01 << rxpipenum);
	nrf24l01_write_register(nrf24l01_EN_RXADDR, &data, 1);
Esempio n. 26
void nrf24l01_set_crc(enum nrf24l01_crc crc)
	uint8_t config_reg = nrf24l01_read_register(NRF24L01_CONFIG_REG);
		config_reg &= ~NRF24L01_EN_CRC_BM;
		case NRF24L01_CRC_1B:
		config_reg |= NRF24L01_EN_CRC_BM;
		config_reg &= ~NRF24L01_CRCO_BM;
		case NRF24L01_CRC_2B:
		config_reg |= NRF24L01_EN_CRC_BM | NRF24L01_CRCO_BM;
	nrf24l01_write_register(NRF24L01_CONFIG_REG, config_reg);
//sets up the 24L01 as a receiver with all necessary delays
//this function takes the existing contents of the CONFIG register and sets the PRIM_RX 
//  bit in the CONFIG register.
//if the argument rx_active_mode is false, the receiver will remain in standby mode
//  and not monitor for packets.  If the argument is true, the CE pin will be set 
//  and the 24L01 will monitor for packets.
//note: if the read value of the CONFIG register already has the PRIM_RX bit set, this function
//  exits in order to not make an unecessary register write.
void nrf24l01_set_as_rx(bool rx_active_mode)
	unsigned char config;
	unsigned char status;
	status = nrf24l01_read_register(0, &config, 1);

	if((config & nrf24l01_CONFIG_PRIM_RX) != 0)

	config |= nrf24l01_CONFIG_PRIM_RX;
	nrf24l01_write_register(nrf24l01_CONFIG, &config, 1);

	if(rx_active_mode != false)
Esempio n. 28
void nrf24l01_set_data_rate(enum nrf24l01_data_rate dataRate)
	uint8_t rf_setup_reg = nrf24l01_read_register(NRF24L01_RF_SETUP_REG);
	switch (dataRate)
		case NRF24L01_250kbps:
		rf_setup_reg |= NRF24L01_RF_DR_LOW_BM;
		rf_setup_reg &= ~NRF24L01_RF_DR_HIGH_BM;
		case NRF24L01_1Mbps:
		rf_setup_reg &= (~NRF24L01_RF_DR_HIGH_BM) & (~NRF24L01_RF_DR_HIGH_BM);
		case NRF24L01_2Mbps:
		rf_setup_reg |= NRF24L01_RF_DR_HIGH_BM;
		rf_setup_reg &= ~NRF24L01_RF_DR_LOW_BM;
	nrf24l01_write_register(NRF24L01_RF_SETUP_REG, rf_setup_reg);
Esempio n. 29
void nrf24l01_set_power_amplifier(enum nrf24l01_power_amplifier pa)
	uint8_t rf_setup_reg = nrf24l01_read_register(NRF24L01_RF_SETUP_REG);
	switch (pa)
		case NRF24L01_PA_0dBm:
		rf_setup_reg |= NRF24L01_RF_PWR_BM;
		case NRF24L01_PA_less_6dBm:
		rf_setup_reg |= ((NRF24L01_RF_PWR_BM) & (0x02));
		case NRF24L01_PA_less_12dBm:
		rf_setup_reg |= ((NRF24L01_RF_PWR_BM) & (0x01));
		case NRF24L01_PA_less_18dBm:
		rf_setup_reg &= (~NRF24L01_RF_PWR_BM);
	nrf24l01_write_register(NRF24L01_RF_SETUP_REG, rf_setup_reg);
//unsigned char * data must be at least 35 bytes long
void nrf24l01_get_all_registers(unsigned char * data)
	unsigned int outer;
	unsigned int inner;
	unsigned int dataloc = 0;
	unsigned char buffer[5];
	for(outer = 0; outer <= 0x17; outer++)
		nrf24l01_read_register(outer, buffer, 5);
		for(inner = 0; inner < 5; inner++)
			if(inner >= 1 && (outer != 0x0A && outer != 0x0B && outer != 0x10))
			data[dataloc] = buffer[inner];