Esempio n. 1
/* RX handler that waits for a message from the ISR */
void *nrf24l01p_rx_handler(void *arg)
    msg_t msg_q[1];
    msg_init_queue(msg_q, 1);
    unsigned int pid = thread_getpid();
    char rx_buf[NRF24L01P_MAX_DATA_LENGTH];

    puts("Registering nrf24l01p_rx_handler thread...");
    nrf24l01p_register(&nrf24l01p_0, &pid);

    msg_t m;

    while (msg_receive(&m)) {
        printf("nrf24l01p_rx_handler got a message: ");

        switch (m.type) {
            case RCV_PKT_NRF24L01P:
                puts("Received packet.");

                /* CE low */
                nrf24l01p_stop((nrf24l01p_t *)m.content.ptr);

                /* read payload */
                nrf24l01p_read_payload((nrf24l01p_t *)m.content.ptr, rx_buf, NRF24L01P_MAX_DATA_LENGTH);

                /* flush rx fifo */
                nrf24l01p_flush_rx_fifo((nrf24l01p_t *)m.content.ptr);

                /* CE high */
                nrf24l01p_start((nrf24l01p_t *)m.content.ptr);

                /* print rx buffer */
                for (int i = 0; i < NRF24L01P_MAX_DATA_LENGTH; i++) {
                    printf("%i ", rx_buf[i]);



                puts("stray message.");

    puts("nrf24l01p_rx_handler: this should not have happened!");

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 2
int nrf24l01p_init(nrf24l01p_t *dev, spi_t spi, gpio_t ce, gpio_t cs, gpio_t irq)
    int status;
    static const char INITIAL_TX_ADDRESS[] =  {0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7,};
    static const char INITIAL_RX_ADDRESS[] =  {0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7,};

    dev->spi = spi;
    dev->ce = ce;
    dev->cs = cs;
    dev->irq = irq;
    dev->listener = KERNEL_PID_UNDEF;

    /* Init CE pin */
    gpio_init(dev->ce, GPIO_OUT);

    /* Init CS pin */
    spi_init_cs(dev->spi, dev->cs);

    /* Init IRQ pin */
    gpio_init_int(dev->irq, GPIO_IN_PU, GPIO_FALLING, nrf24l01p_rx_cb, dev);

    /* Test the SPI connection */
    if (spi_acquire(dev->spi, dev->cs, SPI_MODE, SPI_CLK) != SPI_OK) {
        DEBUG("error: unable to acquire SPI bus with given params\n");
        return -1;


    /* Flush TX FIFIO */
    status = nrf24l01p_flush_tx_fifo(dev);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Flush RX FIFIO */
    status = nrf24l01p_flush_rx_fifo(dev);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Setup adress width */
    status = nrf24l01p_set_address_width(dev, NRF24L01P_AW_5BYTE);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Setup payload width */
    status = nrf24l01p_set_payload_width(dev, NRF24L01P_PIPE0, NRF24L01P_MAX_DATA_LENGTH);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Set RF channel */
    status = nrf24l01p_set_channel(dev, INITIAL_RF_CHANNEL);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Set RF power */
    status = nrf24l01p_set_power(dev, INITIAL_RX_POWER_0dB);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Set RF datarate */
    status = nrf24l01p_set_datarate(dev, NRF24L01P_DR_250KBS);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Set TX Address */
    status = nrf24l01p_set_tx_address(dev, INITIAL_TX_ADDRESS, INITIAL_ADDRESS_WIDTH);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Set RX Adress */
    status = nrf24l01p_set_rx_address(dev, NRF24L01P_PIPE0, INITIAL_RX_ADDRESS, INITIAL_ADDRESS_WIDTH);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Reset auto ack for all pipes */
    status = nrf24l01p_disable_all_auto_ack(dev);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Setup Auto ACK and retransmission */
    status = nrf24l01p_setup_auto_ack(dev, NRF24L01P_PIPE0, NRF24L01P_RETR_750US, 15);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Setup CRC */
    status = nrf24l01p_enable_crc(dev, NRF24L01P_CRC_2BYTE);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Reset all interrupt flags */
    status = nrf24l01p_reset_all_interrupts(dev);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    return nrf24l01p_on(dev);
Esempio n. 3
int nrf24l01p_init(nrf24l01p_t *dev, spi_t spi, gpio_t ce, gpio_t cs, gpio_t irq)
    int status;
    char INITIAL_TX_ADDRESS[] =  {0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7,};
    char INITIAL_RX_ADDRESS[] =  {0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7,};

    dev->spi = spi;
    dev->ce = ce;
    dev->cs = cs;
    dev->irq = irq;
    dev->listener = KERNEL_PID_UNDEF;

    /* Init CE pin */
    gpio_init(dev->ce, GPIO_DIR_OUT, GPIO_NOPULL);

    /* Init CS pin */
    gpio_init(dev->cs, GPIO_DIR_OUT, GPIO_NOPULL);

    /* Init IRQ pin */
    gpio_init_int(dev->irq, GPIO_PULLUP, GPIO_FALLING, nrf24l01p_rx_cb, dev);

    /* Init SPI */
    status = spi_init_master(dev->spi, SPI_CONF_FIRST_RISING, SPI_SPEED_400KHZ);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;


    /* Flush TX FIFIO */
    status = nrf24l01p_flush_tx_fifo(dev);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Flush RX FIFIO */
    status = nrf24l01p_flush_rx_fifo(dev);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Setup adress width */
    status = nrf24l01p_set_address_width(dev, NRF24L01P_AW_5BYTE);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Setup payload width */
    status = nrf24l01p_set_payload_width(dev, NRF24L01P_PIPE0, NRF24L01P_MAX_DATA_LENGTH);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Set RF channel */
    status = nrf24l01p_set_channel(dev, INITIAL_RF_CHANNEL);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Set RF power */
    status = nrf24l01p_set_power(dev, INITIAL_RX_POWER_0dB);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Set RF datarate */
    status = nrf24l01p_set_datarate(dev, NRF24L01P_DR_250KBS);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Set TX Address */
    status = nrf24l01p_set_tx_address(dev, INITIAL_TX_ADDRESS, INITIAL_ADDRESS_WIDTH);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Set RX Adress */
    status = nrf24l01p_set_rx_address(dev, NRF24L01P_PIPE0, INITIAL_RX_ADDRESS, INITIAL_ADDRESS_WIDTH);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Reset auto ack for all pipes */
    status = nrf24l01p_disable_all_auto_ack(dev);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Setup Auto ACK and retransmission */
    status = nrf24l01p_setup_auto_ack(dev, NRF24L01P_PIPE0, NRF24L01P_RETR_750US, 15);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Setup CRC */
    status = nrf24l01p_enable_crc(dev, NRF24L01P_CRC_2BYTE);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    /* Reset all interrupt flags */
    status = nrf24l01p_reset_all_interrupts(dev);

    if (status < 0) {
        return status;

    return nrf24l01p_on(dev);