Esempio n. 1
******** nrrdCommentCopy()
** copies comments from one nrrd to another
** Existing comments in nout are blown away
** This does NOT use biff.
nrrdCommentCopy(Nrrd *nout, const Nrrd *nin) {
  /* static const char me[]="nrrdCommentCopy"; */
  size_t numc;
  int i, E;

  if (!(nout && nin)) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: got NULL pointer", me);
    biffMaybeAdd(NRRD, err, useBiff);
    return 1;
  if (nout == nin) {
    /* can't satisfy semantics of copying with nout==nin */
    return 2;
  numc = nin->cmtArr->len;
  E = 0;
  for (i=0; i<numc; i++) {
    if (!E) E |= nrrdCommentAdd(nout, nin->cmt[i]);
  if (E) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: couldn't add all comments", me);
    biffMaybeAdd(NRRD, err, useBiff);
    return 3;
  return 0;
_nrrdReadNrrdParse_comment (FILE *file, Nrrd *nrrd,
                            NrrdIoState *nio, int useBiff) { 
  char me[]="_nrrdReadNrrdParse_comment", err[BIFF_STRLEN];
  char *info;
  info = nio->line + nio->pos;
  /* this skips the '#' at nio->line[nio->pos] and any other ' ' and '#' */
  if (nrrdCommentAdd(nrrd, info)) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: trouble adding comment", me);
    biffMaybeAdd(NRRD, err, useBiff); return 1;
  return 0;
Esempio n. 3
nrrdHistoDraw(Nrrd *nout, const Nrrd *nin,
              size_t sy, int showLog, double max) {
  static const char me[]="nrrdHistoDraw", func[]="dhisto";
  char cmt[AIR_STRLEN_MED];
  unsigned int k, sx, x, y, maxhitidx, E,
    numticks, *Y, *logY, tick, *ticks;
  double hits, maxhits, usemaxhits;
  unsigned char *pgmData;
  airArray *mop;

  if (!(nin && nout && sy > 0)) {
    biffAddf(NRRD, "%s: invalid args", me);
    return 1;
  if (nout == nin) {
    biffAddf(NRRD, "%s: nout==nin disallowed", me);
    return 1;
  if (nrrdHistoCheck(nin)) {
    biffAddf(NRRD, "%s: input nrrd not a histogram", me);
    return 1;
  sx = AIR_CAST(unsigned int, nin->axis[0].size);
  nrrdBasicInfoInit(nout, NRRD_BASIC_INFO_DATA_BIT);
  if (nrrdPGM(nout, sx, sy)) {
    biffAddf(NRRD, "%s: failed to allocate histogram image", me);
    return 1;
  /* perhaps I should be using nrrdAxisInfoCopy */
  nout->axis[0].spacing = nout->axis[1].spacing = AIR_NAN;
  nout->axis[0].thickness = nout->axis[1].thickness = AIR_NAN;
  nout->axis[0].min = nin->axis[0].min;
  nout->axis[0].max = nin->axis[0].max;
  nout->axis[0].center = nout->axis[1].center = nrrdCenterCell;
  nout->axis[0].label = (char *)airStrdup(nin->axis[0].label);
  nout->axis[1].label = (char *)airFree(nout->axis[1].label);
  pgmData = (unsigned char *)nout->data;
  maxhits = maxhitidx = 0;
  for (x=0; x<sx; x++) {
    hits = nrrdDLookup[nin->type](nin->data, x);
    if (maxhits < hits) {
      maxhits = hits;
      maxhitidx = x;
  if (AIR_EXISTS(max) && max > 0) {
    usemaxhits = max;
  } else {
    usemaxhits = maxhits;
  nout->axis[1].min = usemaxhits;
  nout->axis[1].max = 0;
  numticks = (unsigned int)log10(usemaxhits + 1);
  mop = airMopNew();
  ticks = (unsigned int*)calloc(numticks, sizeof(unsigned int));
  airMopMem(mop, &ticks, airMopAlways);
  Y = (unsigned int*)calloc(sx, sizeof(unsigned int));
  airMopMem(mop, &Y, airMopAlways);
  logY = (unsigned int*)calloc(sx, sizeof(unsigned int));
  airMopMem(mop, &logY, airMopAlways);
  if (!(ticks && Y && logY)) {
    biffAddf(NRRD, "%s: failed to allocate temp arrays", me);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;
  for (k=0; k<numticks; k++) {
    ticks[k] = airIndex(0, log10(pow(10,k+1) + 1), log10(usemaxhits+1), AIR_CAST(unsigned int, sy));
  for (x=0; x<sx; x++) {
    hits = nrrdDLookup[nin->type](nin->data, x);
    Y[x] = airIndex(0, hits, usemaxhits, AIR_CAST(unsigned int, sy));
    logY[x] = airIndex(0, log10(hits+1), log10(usemaxhits+1), AIR_CAST(unsigned int, sy));
    /* printf("%d -> %d,%d", x, Y[x], logY[x]); */
  for (y=0; y<sy; y++) {
    tick = 0;
    for (k=0; k<numticks; k++)
      tick |= ticks[k] == y;
    for (x=0; x<sx; x++) {
      pgmData[x + sx*(sy-1-y)] = 
        (2 == showLog    /* HACK: draw log curve, but not log tick marks */
         ? (y >= logY[x]       
            ? 0                   /* above log curve                     */
            : (y >= Y[x]       
               ? 128              /* below log curve, above normal curve */
               : 255              /* below log curve, below normal curve */
         : (!showLog
            ? (y >= Y[x] ? 0 : 255)
            : (y >= logY[x]       /* above log curve                     */
               ? (!tick ? 0       /*                    not on tick mark */
                  : 255)          /*                    on tick mark     */
               : (y >= Y[x]       /* below log curve, above normal curve */
                  ? (!tick ? 128  /*                    not on tick mark */
                     : 0)         /*                    on tick mark     */
                  :255            /* below log curve, below normal curve */
  sprintf(cmt, "min value: %g\n", nout->axis[0].min);
  if (!E) E |= nrrdCommentAdd(nout, cmt);
  sprintf(cmt, "max value: %g\n", nout->axis[0].max);
  if (!E) E |= nrrdCommentAdd(nout, cmt);
  sprintf(cmt, "max hits: %g, in bin %d, around value %g\n",
          maxhits, maxhitidx, nrrdAxisInfoPos(nout, 0, maxhitidx));
  if (!E) E |= nrrdCommentAdd(nout, cmt);
  if (!E) E |= nrrdContentSet_va(nout, func, nin, "%d", sy);
  if (E) {
    biffAddf(NRRD, "%s:", me);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;
  /* bye */
  return 0;