Esempio n. 1
static void handle_sum_call(struct ns_connection *nc, struct http_message *hm) {
  char n1[100], n2[100];

  /* Get form variables */
  ns_get_http_var(&hm->body, "n1", n1, sizeof(n1));
  ns_get_http_var(&hm->body, "n2", n2, sizeof(n2));

  ns_printf(nc, "%s", "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n\n");
  ns_printf(nc, "{ \"result\": %lf }", strtod(n1, NULL) + strtod(n2, NULL));
static void handle_sum_call(struct ns_connection *nc, struct http_message *hm) {
  char n1[100], n2[100];
  double result;

  /* Get form variables */
  ns_get_http_var(&hm->body, "n1", n1, sizeof(n1));
  ns_get_http_var(&hm->body, "n2", n2, sizeof(n2));

  /* Send headers */
  ns_printf(nc, "%s", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n");

  /* Compute the result and send it back as a JSON object */
  result = strtod(n1, NULL) + strtod(n2, NULL);
  ns_printf_http_chunk(nc, "{ \"result\": %lf }", result);
  ns_send_http_chunk(nc, "", 0);  /* Send empty chunk, the end of response */
Esempio n. 3
static void op_set(struct ns_connection *nc, const struct http_message *hm,
                   const struct ns_str *key, void *db) {
  sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
  char value[200];
  const struct ns_str *body = hm->query_string.len > 0 ?
    &hm->query_string : &hm->body;

  ns_get_http_var(body, "value", value, sizeof(value));
  if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO kv VALUES (?, ?);",
      -1, &stmt, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) {
    sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, key->p, key->len, SQLITE_STATIC);
    sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 2, value, strlen(value), SQLITE_STATIC);
  ns_printf(nc, "%s", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n");
Esempio n. 4
static const char *test_get_http_var(void) {
  char buf[256];
  struct ns_str body;
  body.p = "key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value%203&key4=value+4";
  body.len = strlen(body.p);

  ASSERT(ns_get_http_var(&body, "key1", buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0);
  ASSERT(strcmp(buf, "value1") == 0);
  ASSERT(ns_get_http_var(&body, "KEY1", buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0);
  ASSERT(strcmp(buf, "value1") == 0);
  ASSERT(ns_get_http_var(&body, "key2", buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0);
  ASSERT(strcmp(buf, "value2") == 0);
  ASSERT(ns_get_http_var(&body, "key3", buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0);
  ASSERT(strcmp(buf, "value 3") == 0);
  ASSERT(ns_get_http_var(&body, "key4", buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0);
  ASSERT(strcmp(buf, "value 4") == 0);

  ASSERT(ns_get_http_var(&body, "key", NULL, sizeof(buf)) == -2);
  ASSERT(ns_get_http_var(&body, "key", buf, 0) == -2);
  ASSERT(ns_get_http_var(&body, NULL, buf, sizeof(buf)) == -1);

  return NULL;