Esempio n. 1
static environment_t* except(environment_t* e,  cons_t* ids)
  assert_type(PAIR, ids);

  // build a new environment and return it
  environment_t *r = null_environment();

  for ( dict_t::const_iterator i = e->symbols.begin();
        i != e->symbols.end(); ++i )
    std::string name = (*i).first;

    // do not import specified name
    // TODO: Fix slow O(n^2) algo below
    for ( cons_t *id = ids; !nullp(id); id = cdr(id) ) {
      assert_type(SYMBOL, car(id));

      if ( symbol_name(car(id)) == name )
        goto DO_NOT_IMPORT;

    r->symbols[name] = (*i).second;


  return r;
Esempio n. 2
static environment_t* only(environment_t* e, cons_t* ids)
  assert_type(PAIR, ids);

  // build a new environment and return it
  environment_t *r = null_environment();

  for ( dict_t::const_iterator i = e->symbols.begin();
        i != e->symbols.end(); ++i )
    std::string name = (*i).first;

    // only import specified names
    // TODO: Fix slow O(n^2) algo below
    for ( cons_t *id = ids; !nullp(id); id = cdr(id) ) {
      assert_type(SYMBOL, car(id));

      if ( symbol_name(car(id)) == name ) {
        r->symbols[name] = (*i).second;

  return r;
Esempio n. 3
static environment_t* rename(environment_t* e, cons_t* ids)
  assert_type(PAIR, ids);

  // build a new environment and return it
  environment_t *r = null_environment();

  // TODO: Below code runs in slow O(n^2) time
  for ( dict_t::const_iterator i = e->symbols.begin();
        i != e->symbols.end(); ++i )
    std::string name = (*i).first;

    // find new name
    for ( cons_t *id = ids; !nullp(id); id = cdr(id) ) {
      assert_type(PAIR, car(id));
      assert_type(SYMBOL, caar(id));
      assert_type(SYMBOL, cadar(id));
      if ( symbol_name(caar(id)) == name ) {
        name = symbol_name(cadar(id));

    r->symbols[name] = (*i).second;

  return r;
Esempio n. 4
environment_t* import_library(const std::string& name)
  environment_t* r = null_environment();

   * This library needs special treatment; all other libraries depend on it
   * to load dynamic shared object files.
  if ( name == "(unix dlopen)" ) {
    return r;

   * TODO: This lookup is O(n^2)-slow, but it will run so seldomly that it really
   * doesn't matter.  Can be done in O(n log n) or O(1) time, but at a cost
   * of algorithmic complexity.
  for ( library_map_t* lib = library_map;
        lib->library_name != NULL; ++lib )
    if ( name == lib->library_name ) {
      import_scheme_file(r, lib->source_file);
      return r;

  raise(runtime_exception("Unknown library: " + name));
  return NULL;
Esempio n. 5
cons_t* proc_environment(cons_t* p, environment_t*)
  assert_length_min(p, 1);

  environment_t *out = null_environment(7);

  // Handle import sets
  for ( ; !nullp(p); p = cdr(p) ) {
    environment_t *impenv = import_set(car(p));
    merge(out, impenv);
    impenv->outer = out;

  return environment(out);
Esempio n. 6
static environment_t* prefix(environment_t* e, cons_t* identifier)
  assert_type(SYMBOL, identifier);

  // build a new environment and return it
  environment_t *r = null_environment();

  for ( dict_t::const_iterator i = e->symbols.begin();
        i != e->symbols.end(); ++i )
    const std::string prefix = symbol_name(identifier);
    const std::string name = (*i).first;
    r->symbols[prefix + name] = (*i).second;

  return r;
Esempio n. 7
 library_t() :
Esempio n. 8
void load_library_index()
  if ( library_map != NULL )

  std::string filename = library_file(library_index_file);
  environment_t *env = null_environment();
  program_t *p = parse(slurp(open_file(filename)), env);

  cons_t *index = p->root;

  if ( !pairp(index) || !symbolp(caar(index)) )
    invalid_index_format(filename + ": no list with symbols");

  for ( ; !nullp(index); index = cdr(index) ) {
    if ( symbol_name(caar(index)) == "define-library-index" ) {
      if ( library_map != NULL )
        invalid_index_format(filename + ": only one define-library-index allowed");

      if ( !listp(cdar(index)) ) {
          + ": define-library-index is not a list");

      size_t len = length(cdar(index));
      library_map = (library_map_t*) malloc((1+len)*sizeof(library_map_t));

      size_t i = 0;
      for ( cons_t *lib = cdar(index); !nullp(lib); lib = cdr(lib), ++i ) {
        cons_t *name = caar(lib);
        cons_t *file = cadar(lib);

        if ( !listp(name) || !stringp(file) )
          invalid_index_format(filename + ": not list/string pair");

        library_map[i].library_name = strdup(sprint(name).c_str());
        library_map[i].source_file = strdup(file->string);

      // important to signal end of list:
      library_map[i].library_name = NULL;
      library_map[i].source_file = NULL;

    } else if ( symbol_name(caar(index)) == "define-repl-imports" ) {
      if ( repl_libraries != NULL )
        invalid_index_format(filename + ": only one define-repl-imports allowed");

      if ( !listp(cdar(index)) ) {
          + ": define-repl-imports is not a list");

      size_t len = length(cdar(index));
      repl_libraries = (const char**) malloc((1+len)*sizeof(char*));

      const char **s = repl_libraries;
      for ( cons_t *lib = cdar(index); !nullp(lib); lib = cdr(lib), ++s ) {
        cons_t *name = car(lib);
        *s = strdup(sprint(name).c_str());
      *s = NULL;
    } else
      invalid_index_format(filename + ": unknown label "
        + sprint(caar(index)));