Esempio n. 1
void nv_read_parameter_int(uint32_t* val)
	nvObj_t *nv = nv_reset_nv_list();
	for (uint16_t i = 0; i < nv_index_max(); i++)
		if (cfgArray[i].target == val)
			nv->index = i;
	strncpy_P(nv->token, cfgArray[nv->index].token, TOKEN_LEN);
Esempio n. 2
void nv_save_parameter_flt(float* val)
	nvObj_t *nv = nv_reset_nv_list();
	for (uint16_t i = 0; i < nv_index_max(); i++)
		if (cfgArray[i].target == val)
			nv->index = i;
	nv->value = *val;
	strncpy_P(nv->token, cfgArray[nv->index].token, TOKEN_LEN);
Esempio n. 3
static stat_t _probing_error_exit(int8_t axis)
	// Generate the warning message. Since the error exit returns via the probing callback
	// - and not the main controller - it requires its own display processing
	if (axis == -2) {
		nv_add_conditional_message((const char *)"Probing error - invalid probe destination");
	} else {
		char msg[NV_MESSAGE_LEN];
		sprintf_P(msg, PSTR("Probing error - %c axis cannot move during probing"), cm_get_axis_char(axis));

	// clean up and exit
Esempio n. 4
static stat_t _homing_error_exit(int8_t axis, stat_t status)
	// Generate the warning message. Since the error exit returns via the homing callback
	// - and not the main controller - it requires its own display processing

	if (axis == -2) {
		nv_add_conditional_message((const char_t *)"Homing error - Bad or no axis(es) specified");;
	} else {
		char message[NV_MESSAGE_LEN];
		sprintf_P(message, PSTR("Homing error - %c axis settings misconfigured"), cm_get_axis_char(axis));
		nv_add_conditional_message((char_t *)message);

	return (STAT_HOMING_CYCLE_FAILED);						// homing state remains HOMING_NOT_HOMED
Esempio n. 5
static stat_t _json_parser_kernal(char *str)
	stat_t status;
	int8_t depth;
	nvObj_t *nv = nv_reset_nv_list();				// get a fresh nvObj list
	char group[GROUP_LEN+1] = {""};				// group identifier - starts as NUL
	int8_t i = NV_BODY_LEN;

	ritorno(_normalize_json_string(str, JSON_OUTPUT_STRING_MAX));	// return if error

	// parse the JSON command into the nv body
	do {
		if (--i == 0) { return (STAT_JSON_TOO_MANY_PAIRS); } // length error
//		if ((status = _get_nv_pair_strict(nv, &str, &depth)) > STAT_EAGAIN) { // erred out
		if ((status = _get_nv_pair(nv, &str, &depth)) > STAT_EAGAIN) { // erred out
			return (status);
		// propagate the group from previous NV pair (if relevant)
		if (group[0] != NUL) {
			strncpy(nv->group, group, GROUP_LEN);	// copy the parent's group to this child
		// validate the token and get the index
		if ((nv->index = nv_get_index(nv->group, nv->token)) == NO_MATCH) {
			nv->valuetype = TYPE_NULL;
		if ((nv_index_is_group(nv->index)) && (nv_group_is_prefixed(nv->token))) {
			strncpy(group, nv->token, GROUP_LEN);	// record the group ID
		if ((nv = nv->nx) == NULL) return (STAT_JSON_TOO_MANY_PAIRS);// Not supposed to encounter a NULL
	} while (status != STAT_OK);					// breaks when parsing is complete

	// execute the command
	nv = nv_body;
	if (nv->valuetype == TYPE_NULL){				// means GET the value
		ritorno(nv_get(nv));						// ritorno returns w/status on any errors
	} else {
        cm_parse_clear(*nv->stringp);               // parse Gcode and clear alarms if M30 or M2 is found
        ritorno(cm_is_alarmed());                   // return error status if in alarm, shutdown or panic
		ritorno(nv_set(nv));						// set value or call a function (e.g. gcode)
	return (STAT_OK);								// only successful commands exit through this point
Esempio n. 6
 * text_parser() 		 - update a config setting from a text block (text mode)
 * _text_parser_kernal() - helper for above
 * Use cases handled:
 *	- $xfr=1200		set a parameter (strict separators))
 *	- $xfr 1200		set a parameter (relaxed separators)
 *	- $xfr			display a parameter
 *	- $x			display a group
 *	- ?				generate a status report (multiline format)
stat_t text_parser(char_t *str)
	nvObj_t *nv = nv_reset_nv_list();				// returns first object in the body
	stat_t status = STAT_OK;

	// trap special displays
	if (str[0] == '?') {							// handle status report case
		return (STAT_OK);
	if (str[0] == 'H') {							// print help screens
		help_general((nvObj_t *)NULL);
		return (STAT_OK);

	// pre-process the command
	if ((str[0] == '$') && (str[1] == NUL)) {		// treat a lone $ as a sys request

	// parse and execute the command (only processes 1 command per line)
	ritorno(_text_parser_kernal(str, nv));			// run the parser to decode the command
	if ((nv->valuetype == TYPE_NULL) || (nv->valuetype == TYPE_PARENT)) {
		if (nv_get(nv) == STAT_COMPLETE){			// populate value, group values, or run uber-group displays
			return (STAT_OK);						// return for uber-group displays so they don't print twice
	} else { 										// process SET and RUN commands
		if (cm.machine_state == MACHINE_ALARM)
            return (STAT_MACHINE_ALARMED);
		status = nv_set(nv);						// set (or run) single value
		if (status == STAT_OK) {
			nv_persist(nv);							// conditionally persist depending on flags in array
	nv_print_list(status, TEXT_MULTILINE_FORMATTED, JSON_RESPONSE_FORMAT); // print the results
	return (status);
Esempio n. 7
void json_print_response(uint8_t status)

	if (js.json_verbosity == JV_SILENT) {				    // silent means no responses
	if (js.json_verbosity == JV_EXCEPTIONS)	{				// cutout for JV_EXCEPTIONS mode
		if (status == STAT_OK) {
			if (cm.machine_state != MACHINE_INITIALIZING) {	// always do full echo during startup

	// Body processing
	nvObj_t *nv = nv_body;
	if (status == STAT_JSON_SYNTAX_ERROR) {
		nv_add_string((const char *)"err", escape_string(cs.bufp, cs.saved_buf));

	} else if (cm.machine_state != MACHINE_INITIALIZING) {	// always do full echo during startup
		uint8_t nv_type;
		do {
			if ((nv_type = nv_get_type(nv)) == NV_TYPE_NULL) break;

			if (nv_type == NV_TYPE_GCODE) {
				if (js.echo_json_gcode_block == false) {	// kill command echo if not enabled
					nv->valuetype = TYPE_EMPTY;

//++++		} else if (nv_type == NV_TYPE_CONFIG) {			// kill config echo if not enabled
//fix me		if (js.echo_json_configs == false) {
//					nv->valuetype = TYPE_EMPTY;
//				}

			} else if (nv_type == NV_TYPE_MESSAGE) {		// kill message echo if not enabled
				if (js.echo_json_messages == false) {
					nv->valuetype = TYPE_EMPTY;

			} else if (nv_type == NV_TYPE_LINENUM) {		// kill line number echo if not enabled
				if ((js.echo_json_linenum == false) || (fp_ZERO(nv->value))) { // do not report line# 0
					nv->valuetype = TYPE_EMPTY;
		} while ((nv = nv->nx) != NULL);

	// Footer processing
	while(nv->valuetype != TYPE_EMPTY) {					// find a free nvObj at end of the list...
		if ((nv = nv->nx) == NULL) {						// oops! No free nvObj!
			rpt_exception(STAT_JSON_TOO_LONG, "json_print"); // report this as an exception
	char footer_string[NV_FOOTER_LEN];

    // in xio.cpp:xio.readline the CR||LF read from the host is not appended to the string.
    // to ensure that the correct number of bytes are reported back to the host we add a +1 to
    // cs.linelen so that the number of bytes received matches the number of bytes reported
    sprintf((char *)footer_string, "%d,%d,%d", 1, status, cs.linelen + 1);
    cs.linelen = 0;										    // reset linelen so it's only reported once

//	if (xio.enable_window_mode) {							// 2 footer styles are supported...
//		sprintf((char *)footer_string, "%d,%d,%d", 2, status, xio_get_window_slots());	//...windowing
//	} else {
//		sprintf((char *)footer_string, "%d,%d,%d", 1, status, cs.linelen);				//...streaming
//		cs.linelen = 0;										// reset linelen so it's only reported once
//	}

	nv_copy_string(nv, footer_string);						// link string to nv object
	nv->depth = 0;											// footer 'f' is a peer to response 'r' (hard wired to 0)
	nv->valuetype = TYPE_ARRAY;								// declare it as an array
	strcpy(nv->token, "f");									// set it to Footer
	nv->nx = NULL;											// terminate the list

	// serialize the JSON response and print it if there were no errors
	if (json_serialize(nv_header, cs.out_buf, sizeof(cs.out_buf)) >= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s", cs.out_buf);
Esempio n. 8
 * config_init() - called once on hard reset
 * Performs one of 2 actions:
 *	(1) if persistence is set up or out-of-rev load RAM and NVM with settings.h defaults
 *	(2) if persistence is set up and at current config version use NVM data for config
 *	You can assume the cfg struct has been zeroed by a hard reset.
 *	Do not clear it as the version and build numbers have already been set by tg_init()
 * NOTE: Config assertions are handled from the controller
void config_init()
	nvObj_t *nv = nv_reset_nv_list();
	char *P_str_axis[3] = {"x","y", "z"};

#ifdef __ARM
// ++++ The following code is offered until persistence is implemented.
// ++++ Then you can use the AVR code (or something like it)
	cfg.comm_mode = JSON_MODE;					// initial value until EEPROM is read
#ifdef __AVR
	cm_set_units_mode(MILLIMETERS);				// must do inits in millimeter mode
	nv->index = 0;								// this will read the first record in NVM

	if (nv->value != cs.fw_build) {				// case (1) NVM is not setup or not in revision
//	if (fp_NE(nv->value, cs.fw_build)) {
	} else {									// case (2) NVM is setup and in revision
		for (nv->index=0; nv_index_is_single(nv->index); nv->index++) {
			if (GET_TABLE_BYTE(flags) & F_INITIALIZE) {
				strncpy_P(nv->token, cfgArray[nv->index].token, TOKEN_LEN);	// read the token from the array
#ifdef __RX
// ++++ The following code is offered until persistence is implemented.
// ++++ Then you can use the AVR code (or something like it)
	cm_set_units_mode(MILLIMETERS);				// must do inits in millimeter mode
	nv->index = 0;								// this will read the first record in NVM

	spiffs_DIR sf_dir;
	struct spiffs_dirent e;
	struct spiffs_dirent *pe = &e;

	spiffs_file *fd = &uspiffs[0].f;
	spiffs *fs = &uspiffs[0].gSPIFFS;

	checkifParFlashed = (char *)(0x00100000);
	if (SPIFFS_opendir(fs, "/", &sf_dir) == NULL)

	pe = SPIFFS_readdir(&sf_dir, pe);
	*fd = SPIFFS_open(fs, "config.met", SPIFFS_RDWR | SPIFFS_DIRECT, 0);
	SPIFFS_close(fs, *fd);
	if (*fd == SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_FOUND && strcmp(checkifParFlashed,checkParPhrase)) {				// case (1) NVM is not setup or not in revision
		*fd = SPIFFS_open(fs, "config.met", SPIFFS_CREAT | SPIFFS_RDWR | SPIFFS_DIRECT, 0);
		SPIFFS_close(fs, *fd);
		R_FlashWrite(0x00100000,(uint32_t)checkParPhrase, 0x20);
	} else {									// case (2) NVM is setup and in revision
		for (nv->index=0; nv_index_is_single(nv->index); nv->index++) {
			if (GET_TABLE_BYTE(flags) & F_INITIALIZE) {
				strncpy_P(nv->token, cfgArray[nv->index].token, TOKEN_LEN);	// read the token from the array

	z_step_pulse = (M1_TRAVEL_PER_REV*M1_STEP_ANGLE)/(360*M1_MICROSTEPS);