Esempio n. 1
static void nxbe_clipmoveobscured(FAR struct nxbe_clipops_s *cops,
                                  FAR struct nxbe_plane_s *plane,
                                  FAR const struct nxgl_rect_s *rect)
  struct nxbe_move_s *info = (struct nxbe_move_s *)cops;
  struct nxgl_rect_s dst;

  nxgl_rectoffset(&dst, rect, info->offset.x, info->offset.y);
  nxfe_redrawreq(info->wnd, &dst);
Esempio n. 2
void nxfe_redrawreq(FAR struct nxbe_window_s *wnd, FAR const struct nxgl_rect_s *rect)
  struct nxclimsg_redraw_s outmsg;

  outmsg.msgid = NX_CLIMSG_REDRAW;
  outmsg.wnd   = wnd;
  outmsg.more  = false;
  nxgl_rectoffset(&outmsg.rect, rect, -wnd->bounds.pt1.x, -wnd->bounds.pt1.y);

  (void)nxmu_sendclientwindow(wnd, &outmsg, sizeof(struct nxclimsg_redraw_s));
Esempio n. 3
void nxtk_subwindowclip(FAR struct nxtk_framedwindow_s *fwnd,
                        FAR struct nxgl_rect_s *dest,
                        FAR const struct nxgl_rect_s *src,
                        FAR const struct nxgl_rect_s *bounds)
  struct nxgl_rect_s tmp;

  /* Temporarily, position the src rectangle in absolute screen coordinates */

  nxgl_rectoffset(&tmp, src, bounds->pt1.x, bounds->pt1.y);

  /* Clip the src rectangle to lie within the client window region */

  nxgl_rectintersect(&tmp, &tmp, bounds);

  /* Then move the rectangle so that is relative to the containing window, not the
   * client subwindow

  nxgl_rectoffset(dest, &tmp, -fwnd->wnd.bounds.pt1.x, -fwnd->wnd.bounds.pt1.y);
Esempio n. 4
void nxbe_setposition(FAR struct nxbe_window_s *wnd,
                      FAR const struct nxgl_point_s *pos)
  struct nxgl_rect_s before;
  struct nxgl_rect_s rect;

  if (!wnd)

  /* Back out the old window origin position from the bounding box */

  nxgl_rectoffset(&rect, &wnd->bounds, -wnd->bounds.pt1.x, -wnd->bounds.pt1.y);

  /* Add the new window origin into the bounding box */

  nxgl_rectcopy(&before, &wnd->bounds);
  nxgl_rectoffset(&wnd->bounds, &rect, pos->x, pos->y);

  /* Get the union of the 'before' bounding box and the 'after' bounding
   * this union is the region of the display that must be updated.

  nxgl_rectunion(&rect, &before, &wnd->bounds);
  nxgl_rectintersect(&rect, &rect, &wnd->be->bkgd.bounds);

  /* Report the new size/position */


  /* Then redraw this window AND all windows below it. Having moved the
   * window, we may have exposed previoulsy obscured portions of windows
   * below this one.

  nxbe_redrawbelow(wnd->be, wnd, &rect);
Esempio n. 5
void nxbe_fill(FAR struct nxbe_window_s *wnd,
               FAR const struct nxgl_rect_s *rect,
               nxgl_mxpixel_t color[CONFIG_NX_NPLANES])
  struct nxbe_fill_s info;
  struct nxgl_rect_s remaining;
  int i;

  if (!wnd || !rect)

  /* Offset the rectangle by the window origin to convert it into a
   * bounding box

  nxgl_rectoffset(&remaining, rect, wnd->bounds.pt1.x, wnd->bounds.pt1.y);

  /* Clip to the bounding box to the limits of the window and of the
   * background screen

  nxgl_rectintersect(&remaining, &remaining, &wnd->bounds);
  nxgl_rectintersect(&remaining, &remaining, &wnd->be->bkgd.bounds);

  /* Then clip the bounding box due to other windows above this one.
   * Render the portions of the trapezoid exposed in visible regions.

  if (!nxgl_nullrect(&remaining))
      for (i = 0; i < wnd->be->vinfo.nplanes; i++)
      i = 0;
          info.cops.visible  = nxbe_clipfill;
          info.cops.obscured = nxbe_clipnull;
          info.color         = color[i];

          nxbe_clipper(wnd->above, &remaining, NX_CLIPORDER_DEFAULT,
                       &info.cops, &wnd->be->plane[i]);
Esempio n. 6
static void nxbe_clipmovedest(FAR struct nxbe_clipops_s *cops,
                              FAR struct nxbe_plane_s *plane,
                              FAR const struct nxgl_rect_s *rect)
  struct nxbe_move_s *dstdata = (struct nxbe_move_s *)cops;
  struct nxbe_window_s *wnd = dstdata->wnd;
  struct nxgl_point_s offset = dstdata->offset;
  struct nxgl_rect_s src;
  struct nxgl_rect_s tmprect1;
  struct nxgl_rect_s tmprect2;
  struct nxgl_rect_s nonintersecting[4];
  int i;

  /* Redraw dest regions where the source is outside of the bounds of the
   * background window

  nxgl_rectoffset(&tmprect1, &dstdata->srcrect, offset.x, offset.y);
  nxgl_rectintersect(&tmprect2, &tmprect1, &wnd->be->bkgd.bounds);
  nxgl_nonintersecting(nonintersecting, rect, &tmprect2);

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      if (!nxgl_nullrect(&nonintersecting[i]))
          nxfe_redrawreq(dstdata->wnd, &nonintersecting[i]);

  /* Clip to determine what is inside the bounds */

  nxgl_rectintersect(&src, rect, &dstdata->srcrect);

  if (!nxgl_nullrect(&src))
      struct nxbe_move_s srcinfo;

      srcinfo.cops.visible  = nxbe_clipmovesrc;
      srcinfo.cops.obscured = nxbe_clipmoveobscured;
      srcinfo.offset        = offset;
      srcinfo.wnd           = wnd;

      nxbe_clipper(dstdata->wnd->above, &src, dstdata->order,
                   &srcinfo.cops, plane);
Esempio n. 7
int nxtk_filltraptoolbar(NXTKWINDOW hfwnd, FAR const struct nxgl_trapezoid_s *trap,
                        nxgl_mxpixel_t color[CONFIG_NX_NPLANES])
  FAR struct nxtk_framedwindow_s *fwnd = (FAR struct nxtk_framedwindow_s *)hfwnd;
  struct nxgl_rect_s relclip;

  if (!hfwnd || !trap || !color)
      errno = EINVAL;
      return ERROR;

  /* Perform the fill, clipping to the client window */

  nxgl_rectoffset(&relclip, &fwnd->tbrect, -fwnd->wnd.bounds.pt1.x, -fwnd->wnd.bounds.pt1.y);
  return nx_filltrapezoid((NXWINDOW)hfwnd, &relclip, trap, color);
Esempio n. 8
void nxbe_getrectangle(FAR struct nxbe_window_s *wnd,
                       FAR const struct nxgl_rect_s *rect, unsigned int plane,
                       FAR uint8_t *dest, unsigned int deststride)
  struct nxgl_rect_s remaining;

  if (!wnd || !rect || !dest || plane >= wnd->be->vinfo.nplanes)
      ginfo("Invalid parameters\n");

  /* Offset the rectangle by the window origin to convert it into a
   * bounding box

  nxgl_rectoffset(&remaining, rect, wnd->bounds.pt1.x, wnd->bounds.pt1.y);

  /* Clip to the bounding box to the limits of the window and of the
   * background screen

  nxgl_rectintersect(&remaining, &remaining, &wnd->bounds);
  nxgl_rectintersect(&remaining, &remaining, &wnd->be->bkgd.bounds);

  /* The return the graphics memory at this location.  NOTE: Since raw
   * graphic memory is returned, the returned memory content may be
   * the memory of windows above this one and may not necessarily belong
   * to this window.

  if (!nxgl_nullrect(&remaining))
      FAR struct nxbe_plane_s *pplane = &wnd->be->plane[plane];
      pplane->getrectangle(&pplane->pinfo, &remaining, dest, deststride);
Esempio n. 9
void nxbe_filltrapezoid(FAR struct nxbe_window_s *wnd,
                        FAR const struct nxgl_rect_s *clip,
                        FAR const struct nxgl_trapezoid_s *trap,
                        nxgl_mxpixel_t color[CONFIG_NX_NPLANES])
  struct nxbe_filltrap_s info;
  struct nxgl_rect_s remaining;
  int i;

  if (!wnd || !trap)

  /* Offset the trapezoid by the window origin to position it within
   * the framebuffer region

  nxgl_trapoffset(&info.trap, trap, wnd->bounds.pt1.x, wnd->bounds.pt1.y);

  /* Create a bounding box that contains the trapezoid */

  remaining.pt1.x = b16toi(ngl_min(,;
  remaining.pt1.y =;
  remaining.pt2.x = b16toi(ngl_max(,;
  remaining.pt2.y =;

  /* Clip to any user specified clipping window */

  if (clip)
      struct nxgl_rect_s tmp;
      nxgl_rectoffset(&tmp, clip, wnd->bounds.pt1.x, wnd->bounds.pt1.y);
      nxgl_rectintersect(&remaining, &remaining, &tmp);

  /* Clip to the limits of the window and of the background screen */

  nxgl_rectintersect(&remaining, &remaining, &wnd->bounds);
  nxgl_rectintersect(&remaining, &remaining, &wnd->be->bkgd.bounds);

  if (!nxgl_nullrect(&remaining))
      info.cops.visible  = nxbe_clipfilltrapezoid;
      info.cops.obscured = nxbe_clipnull;

      /* Then process each color plane */

      for (i = 0; i < wnd->be->vinfo.nplanes; i++)
      i = 0;
          info.color = color[i];
          nxbe_clipper(wnd->above, &remaining, NX_CLIPORDER_DEFAULT,
                       &info.cops, &wnd->be->plane[i]);
Esempio n. 10
void nxbe_move(FAR struct nxbe_window_s *wnd, FAR const struct nxgl_rect_s *rect,
               FAR const struct nxgl_point_s *offset)
  struct nxbe_move_s info;
  int i;

  if (!wnd || !rect)

  /* Offset the rectangle by the window origin to create a bounding box */

  nxgl_rectoffset(&info.srcrect, rect, wnd->bounds.pt1.x, wnd->bounds.pt1.y);

  /* Clip to the limits of the window and of the background screen */

  nxgl_rectintersect(&info.srcrect, &info.srcrect, &wnd->bounds);
  nxgl_rectintersect(&info.srcrect, &info.srcrect, &wnd->be->bkgd.bounds);

  if (nxgl_nullrect(&info.srcrect))

  info.cops.visible  = nxbe_clipmovedest;
  info.cops.obscured = nxbe_clipnull;
  info.offset.x      = offset->x;
  info.offset.y      = offset->y;
  info.wnd           = wnd;

  /* The clip order depends up the direction that the rectangle is being
   * moved.

  if (offset->y < 0)
      /* Moving rectangle up */

      if (offset->x < 0)
          /* Moving to upper-left */

          info.order = NX_CLIPORDER_TLRB; /* Top-left-right-bottom */
          /* Moving to upper-right (or just up) */

          info.order = NX_CLIPORDER_TRLB;  /* Top-right-left-bottom */
      /* Moving rectangle down (or just left/right) */

      if (offset->x < 0)
          /* Moving to lower-left */

          info.order = NX_CLIPORDER_BLRT; /* Bottom-left-right-top */
          /* Moving to lower-right */

          info.order = NX_CLIPORDER_BRLT; /* Bottom-right-left-top */

  /* Then perform the move */

  for (i = 0; i < wnd->be->vinfo.nplanes; i++)
  i = 0;
      nxbe_clipper(wnd->above, &info.srcrect, info.order,
                   &info.cops, &wnd->be->plane[i]);