Esempio n. 1
int SRTMHGTDataset::Identify( GDALOpenInfo * poOpenInfo )

  const char* fileName = CPLGetFilename(poOpenInfo->pszFilename);
  if( strlen(fileName) < 11 || fileName[7] != '.' )
    return FALSE;
  CPLString osLCFilename(CPLString(fileName).tolower());
  if( (osLCFilename[0] != 'n' && osLCFilename[0] != 's') ||
      (osLCFilename[3] != 'e' && osLCFilename[3] != 'w') )
      return FALSE;
  if( !STARTS_WITH(fileName, "/vsizip/") &&
      osLCFilename.endsWith("") )
    CPLString osNewName("/vsizip/");
    osNewName += poOpenInfo->pszFilename;
    osNewName += "/";
    osNewName += CPLString(fileName).substr(0, 7);
    osNewName += ".hgt";
    GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(osNewName, GA_ReadOnly);
    return Identify(&oOpenInfo);

  if( !STARTS_WITH(fileName, "/vsizip/") &&
      osLCFilename.endsWith("") )
    CPLString osNewName("/vsizip/");
    osNewName += poOpenInfo->pszFilename;
    osNewName += "/";
    osNewName += CPLString(fileName).substr(0, 7);
    osNewName += ".raw";
    GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(osNewName, GA_ReadOnly);
    return Identify(&oOpenInfo);

  if( !osLCFilename.endsWith(".hgt") &&
      !osLCFilename.endsWith(".raw") &&
      !osLCFilename.endsWith(".hgt.gz") )
    return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We check the file size to see if it is                          */
/*      SRTM1 (below or above lat 50) or SRTM 3                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  VSIStatBufL fileStat;

  if(VSIStatL(poOpenInfo->pszFilename, &fileStat) != 0)
      return FALSE;
  if(fileStat.st_size != 3601 * 3601 &&
     fileStat.st_size != 3601 * 3601 * 2 &&
     fileStat.st_size != 1801 * 3601 * 2 &&
     fileStat.st_size != 1201 * 1201 * 2 )
      return FALSE;

  return TRUE;
Esempio n. 2
static CPLErr OGRTABDriverDelete( const char *pszDataSource )

    GDALDataset* poDS = NULL;
        // Make sure that the file opened by GDALOpenInfo is closed
        // when the object goes out of scope
        GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(pszDataSource, GA_ReadOnly);
        poDS = OGRTABDriverOpen(&oOpenInfo);
    if( poDS == NULL )
        return CE_Failure;
    char** papszFileList = poDS->GetFileList();
    delete poDS;

    char** papszIter = papszFileList;
    while( papszIter && *papszIter )
        VSIUnlink( *papszIter );
        papszIter ++;

    VSIStatBufL sStatBuf;
    if( VSIStatL( pszDataSource, &sStatBuf ) == 0 &&
        VSI_ISDIR(sStatBuf.st_mode) )
        VSIRmdir( pszDataSource );

    return CE_None;
Esempio n. 3
GDALDataset *GDALWMSDataset::CreateCopy( const char * pszFilename,
                                         GDALDataset *poSrcDS,
                                         int bStrict, char ** papszOptions,
                                         GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
                                         void * pProgressData )
    if (poSrcDS->GetDriver() == NULL ||
        !EQUAL(poSrcDS->GetDriver()->GetDescription(), "WMS"))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                 "Source dataset must be a WMS dataset");
        return NULL;

    const char* pszXML = poSrcDS->GetMetadataItem("XML", "WMS");
    if (pszXML == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Cannot get XML definition of source WMS dataset");
        return NULL;

    VSILFILE* fp = VSIFOpenL(pszFilename, "wb");
    if (fp == NULL)
        return NULL;

    VSIFWriteL(pszXML, 1, strlen(pszXML), fp);

    GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(pszFilename, GA_ReadOnly);
    return Open(&oOpenInfo);
Esempio n. 4
static CPLErr GNMDBDriverDelete( const char *pszDataSource )

    GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(pszDataSource, GA_Update);
    GNMDatabaseNetwork* poFN = new GNMDatabaseNetwork();

    if( poFN->Open( &oOpenInfo ) != CE_None)
        delete poFN;
        poFN = nullptr;

        return CE_Failure;

    return poFN->Delete();
Esempio n. 5
int SAFEDataset::Identify( GDALOpenInfo *poOpenInfo )
    /* Check for the case where we're trying to read the calibrated data: */
    if (STARTS_WITH_CI(poOpenInfo->pszFilename, "SENTINEL1_CALIB:")) {
        return TRUE;

    /* Check for the case where we're trying to read the subdatasets: */
    if (STARTS_WITH_CI(poOpenInfo->pszFilename, "SENTINEL1_DS:")) {
        return TRUE;

    /* Check for directory access when there is a file in the
       directory. */
    if( poOpenInfo->bIsDirectory )
        VSIStatBufL sStat;

        CPLString osMDFilename =
            CPLFormCIFilename( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, "", nullptr );

        if( VSIStatL( osMDFilename, &sStat ) == 0 && VSI_ISREG(sStat.st_mode) )
            GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo( osMDFilename, GA_ReadOnly, nullptr );
            return Identify(&oOpenInfo);

        return FALSE;

    /* otherwise, do our normal stuff */
    if( !EQUAL(CPLGetFilename(poOpenInfo->pszFilename), "") )
        return FALSE;

    if( poOpenInfo->nHeaderBytes < 100 )
        return FALSE;

    if( strstr((const char *) poOpenInfo->pabyHeader, "<xfdu:XFDU" ) == nullptr)
        return FALSE;

    // This driver doesn't handle Sentinel-2 data
    if( strstr((const char *) poOpenInfo->pabyHeader, "sentinel-2" ) != nullptr)
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 6
int OGRESRIFeatureServiceDataset::LoadPage()
    CPLString osNewURL = CPLURLAddKVP(osURL, "resultOffset",
                                        CPLSPrintf(CPL_FRMT_GIB, nLastOffset));
    OGRGeoJSONDataSource* poDS = NULL;
    poDS = new OGRGeoJSONDataSource();
    GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(osNewURL, GA_ReadOnly);
    if( !poDS->Open( &oOpenInfo, GeoJSONGetSourceType( &oOpenInfo ) ) ||
        poDS->GetLayerCount() == 0 )
        delete poDS;
        poDS= NULL;
        return FALSE;
    delete poCurrent;
    poCurrent = poDS;
    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 7
static GDALDataset *OGRTABDriverOpen( GDALOpenInfo* poOpenInfo )

    OGRTABDataSource    *poDS;

    if( OGRTABDriverIdentify(poOpenInfo) == FALSE )
        return NULL;

    if (EQUAL(CPLGetExtension(poOpenInfo->pszFilename), "MIF") ||
        EQUAL(CPLGetExtension(poOpenInfo->pszFilename), "MID") )
        if( poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update )
            return NULL;

#ifdef DEBUG
    /* For AFL, so that .cur_input is detected as the archive filename */
    if( poOpenInfo->fpL != NULL &&
        !STARTS_WITH(poOpenInfo->pszFilename, "/vsitar/") &&
        EQUAL(CPLGetFilename(poOpenInfo->pszFilename), ".cur_input") )
        GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo( (CPLString("/vsitar/") + poOpenInfo->pszFilename).c_str(),
                                poOpenInfo->nOpenFlags );
        oOpenInfo.papszOpenOptions = poOpenInfo->papszOpenOptions;
        return OGRTABDriverOpen(&oOpenInfo);

    poDS = new OGRTABDataSource();
    if( poDS->Open( poOpenInfo, TRUE ) )
        return poDS;
        delete poDS;
        return NULL;
Esempio n. 8
GDALDataset *
WEBPDataset::CreateCopy( const char * pszFilename, GDALDataset *poSrcDS,
                        int bStrict, char ** papszOptions,
                        GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void * pProgressData )

    int  nBands = poSrcDS->GetRasterCount();
    int  nXSize = poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize();
    int  nYSize = poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize();

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      WEBP library initialization                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    WebPPicture sPicture;
    if (!WebPPictureInit(&sPicture))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPPictureInit() failed");
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Some some rudimentary checks                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( nXSize > 16383 || nYSize > 16383 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "WEBP maximum image dimensions are 16383 x 16383.");

        return NULL;

    if( nBands != 3
        && nBands != 4
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "WEBP driver doesn't support %d bands. Must be 3 (RGB) "
                  "or 4 (RGBA) "
                  nBands );

        return NULL;

    GDALDataType eDT = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType();

    if( eDT != GDT_Byte )
        CPLError( (bStrict) ? CE_Failure : CE_Warning, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "WEBP driver doesn't support data type %s. "
                  "Only eight bit byte bands supported.",
                      poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType()) );

        if (bStrict)
            return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      What options has the user selected?                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    float fQuality = 75.0f;
    const char* pszQUALITY = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "QUALITY"); 
    if( pszQUALITY != NULL )
        fQuality = (float) CPLAtof(pszQUALITY);
        if( fQuality < 0.0f || fQuality > 100.0f )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                      "%s=%s is not a legal value.", "QUALITY", pszQUALITY);
            return NULL;

    WebPPreset nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_DEFAULT;
    const char* pszPRESET = CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "PRESET", "DEFAULT");
    if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "DEFAULT"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_DEFAULT;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "PICTURE"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_PICTURE;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "PHOTO"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_PHOTO;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "PICTURE"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_PICTURE;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "DRAWING"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_DRAWING;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "ICON"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_ICON;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "TEXT"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_TEXT;
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "%s=%s is not a legal value.", "PRESET", pszPRESET );
        return NULL;

    WebPConfig sConfig;
    if (!WebPConfigInitInternal(&sConfig, nPreset, fQuality, WEBP_ENCODER_ABI_VERSION))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPConfigInit() failed");
        return NULL;

#define FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT(name, fieldname, minval, maxval) \
{ \
    const char* pszVal = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, name); \
    if (pszVal != NULL) \
    { \
        sConfig.fieldname = atoi(pszVal); \
        if (sConfig.fieldname < minval || sConfig.fieldname > maxval) \
        { \
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, \
                      "%s=%s is not a legal value.", name, pszVal ); \
            return NULL; \
        } \
    } \


    const char* pszPSNR = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "PSNR");
    if (pszPSNR)
        sConfig.target_PSNR = CPLAtof(pszPSNR);
        if (sConfig.target_PSNR < 0)
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                      "PSNR=%s is not a legal value.", pszPSNR );
            return NULL;

    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("METHOD", method, 0, 6);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("SEGMENTS", segments, 1, 4);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("SNS_STRENGTH", sns_strength, 0, 100);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("FILTER_STRENGTH", filter_strength, 0, 100);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("FILTER_SHARPNESS", filter_sharpness, 0, 7);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("FILTER_TYPE", filter_type, 0, 1);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("AUTOFILTER", autofilter, 0, 1);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("PASS", pass, 1, 10);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("PREPROCESSING", preprocessing, 0, 1);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("PARTITIONS", partitions, 0, 3);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("PARTITION_LIMIT", partition_limit, 0, 100);
    sConfig.lossless = CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions, "LOSSLESS", FALSE);
    if (sConfig.lossless)
        sPicture.use_argb = 1;

    if (!WebPValidateConfig(&sConfig))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPValidateConfig() failed");
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate memory                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GByte   *pabyBuffer;

    pabyBuffer = (GByte *) VSIMalloc( nBands * nXSize * nYSize );
    if (pabyBuffer == NULL)
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the dataset.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VSILFILE    *fpImage;

    fpImage = VSIFOpenL( pszFilename, "wb" );
    if( fpImage == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "Unable to create WEBP file %s.\n",
                  pszFilename );
        return NULL;

    WebPUserData sUserData;
    sUserData.fp = fpImage;
    sUserData.pfnProgress = pfnProgress ? pfnProgress : GDALDummyProgress;
    sUserData.pProgressData = pProgressData;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      WEBP library settings                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    sPicture.width = nXSize;
    sPicture.height = nYSize;
    sPicture.writer = WEBPDatasetWriter;
    sPicture.custom_ptr = &sUserData;
    sPicture.progress_hook = WEBPDatasetProgressHook;
    if (!WebPPictureAlloc(&sPicture))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPPictureAlloc() failed");
        VSIFCloseL( fpImage );
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Acquire source imagery.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLErr      eErr = CE_None;

    eErr = poSrcDS->RasterIO( GF_Read, 0, 0, nXSize, nYSize,
                              pabyBuffer, nXSize, nYSize, GDT_Byte,
                              nBands, NULL,
                              nBands, nBands * nXSize, 1, NULL );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Import and write to file                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (eErr == CE_None && nBands == 4)
        if (!WebPPictureImportRGBA(&sPicture, pabyBuffer, nBands * nXSize))
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPPictureImportRGBA() failed");
            eErr = CE_Failure;
    if (eErr == CE_None &&
        !WebPPictureImportRGB(&sPicture, pabyBuffer, nBands * nXSize))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPPictureImportRGB() failed");
        eErr = CE_Failure;

    if (eErr == CE_None && !WebPEncode(&sConfig, &sPicture))
        const char* pszErrorMsg = NULL;
            case VP8_ENC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: pszErrorMsg = "Out of memory"; break;
            case VP8_ENC_ERROR_BITSTREAM_OUT_OF_MEMORY: pszErrorMsg = "Out of memory while flushing bits"; break;
            case VP8_ENC_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER: pszErrorMsg = "A pointer parameter is NULL"; break;
            case VP8_ENC_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION: pszErrorMsg = "Configuration is invalid"; break;
            case VP8_ENC_ERROR_BAD_DIMENSION: pszErrorMsg = "Picture has invalid width/height"; break;
            case VP8_ENC_ERROR_PARTITION0_OVERFLOW: pszErrorMsg = "Partition is bigger than 512k. Try using less SEGMENTS, or increase PARTITION_LIMIT value"; break;
            case VP8_ENC_ERROR_PARTITION_OVERFLOW: pszErrorMsg = "Partition is bigger than 16M"; break;
            case VP8_ENC_ERROR_BAD_WRITE: pszErrorMsg = "Error while flusing bytes"; break;
            case VP8_ENC_ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG: pszErrorMsg = "File is bigger than 4G"; break;
            case VP8_ENC_ERROR_USER_ABORT: pszErrorMsg = "User interrupted"; break;
            default: break;
        if (pszErrorMsg)
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPEncode() failed : %s", pszErrorMsg);
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPEncode() failed");
        eErr = CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup and close.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLFree( pabyBuffer );


    VSIFCloseL( fpImage );

    if( eErr != CE_None )
        VSIUnlink( pszFilename );
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Re-open dataset, and copy any auxiliary pam information.         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(pszFilename, GA_ReadOnly);

    /* If outputing to stdout, we can't reopen it, so we'll return */
    /* a fake dataset to make the caller happy */
    WEBPDataset *poDS = (WEBPDataset*) WEBPDataset::Open( &oOpenInfo );
    if( poDS )
        poDS->CloneInfo( poSrcDS, GCIF_PAM_DEFAULT );
        return poDS;

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 9
GDALDataset *
WEBPDataset::CreateCopy( const char * pszFilename, GDALDataset *poSrcDS,
                        int bStrict, char ** papszOptions,
                        GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void * pProgressData )

    int  nBands = poSrcDS->GetRasterCount();
    int  nXSize = poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize();
    int  nYSize = poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize();

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      WEBP library initialization                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    WebPPicture sPicture;
    if (!WebPPictureInit(&sPicture))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPPictureInit() failed");
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Some some rudimentary checks                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( nXSize > 16383 || nYSize > 16383 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "WEBP maximum image dimensions are 16383 x 16383.");

        return NULL;

    if( nBands != 3 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "WEBP driver doesn't support %d bands. Must be 3 (RGB) bands.",
                  nBands );

        return NULL;

    GDALDataType eDT = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType();

    if( eDT != GDT_Byte )
        CPLError( (bStrict) ? CE_Failure : CE_Warning, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "WEBP driver doesn't support data type %s. "
                  "Only eight bit byte bands supported.",
                      poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType()) );

        if (bStrict)
            return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      What options has the user selected?                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    float fQuality = 75.0f;
    const char* pszQUALITY = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "QUALITY"); 
    if( pszQUALITY != NULL )
        fQuality = (float) atof(pszQUALITY);
        if( fQuality < 0.0f || fQuality > 100.0f )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                      "%s=%s is not a legal value.", "QUALITY", pszQUALITY);
            return NULL;

    WebPPreset nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_DEFAULT;
    const char* pszPRESET = CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "PRESET", "DEFAULT");
    if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "DEFAULT"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_DEFAULT;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "PICTURE"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_PICTURE;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "PHOTO"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_PHOTO;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "PICTURE"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_PICTURE;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "DRAWING"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_DRAWING;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "ICON"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_ICON;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "TEXT"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_TEXT;
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "%s=%s is not a legal value.", "PRESET", pszPRESET );
        return NULL;

    WebPConfig sConfig;
    if (!WebPConfigInitInternal(&sConfig, nPreset, fQuality, WEBP_ENCODER_ABI_VERSION))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPConfigInit() failed");
        return NULL;

#define FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT(name, fieldname, minval, maxval) \
{ \
    const char* pszVal = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, name); \
    if (pszVal != NULL) \
    { \
        sConfig.fieldname = atoi(pszVal); \
        if (sConfig.fieldname < minval || sConfig.fieldname > maxval) \
        { \
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, \
                      "%s=%s is not a legal value.", name, pszVal ); \
            return NULL; \
        } \
    } \


    const char* pszPSNR = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "PSNR");
    if (pszPSNR)
        sConfig.target_PSNR = atof(pszPSNR);
        if (sConfig.target_PSNR < 0)
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                      "PSNR=%s is not a legal value.", pszPSNR );
            return NULL;

    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("METHOD", method, 0, 6);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("SEGMENTS", segments, 1, 4);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("SNS_STRENGTH", sns_strength, 0, 100);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("FILTER_STRENGTH", filter_strength, 0, 100);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("FILTER_SHARPNESS", filter_sharpness, 0, 7);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("FILTER_TYPE", filter_type, 0, 1);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("AUTOFILTER", autofilter, 0, 1);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("PASS", pass, 1, 10);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("PREPROCESSING", preprocessing, 0, 1);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("PARTITIONS", partitions, 0, 3);

    if (!WebPValidateConfig(&sConfig))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPValidateConfig() failed");
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate memory                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GByte   *pabyBuffer;

    pabyBuffer = (GByte *) VSIMalloc( 3 * nXSize * nYSize );
    if (pabyBuffer == NULL)
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the dataset.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VSILFILE    *fpImage;

    fpImage = VSIFOpenL( pszFilename, "wb" );
    if( fpImage == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "Unable to create WEBP file %s.\n",
                  pszFilename );
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      WEBP library settings                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    sPicture.colorspace = 0;
    sPicture.width = nXSize;
    sPicture.height = nYSize;
    sPicture.writer = WEBPDatasetWriter;
    sPicture.custom_ptr = fpImage;
    if (!WebPPictureAlloc(&sPicture))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPPictureAlloc() failed");
        VSIFCloseL( fpImage );
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Acquire source imagery.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLErr      eErr = CE_None;

    eErr = poSrcDS->RasterIO( GF_Read, 0, 0, nXSize, nYSize,
                              pabyBuffer, nXSize, nYSize, GDT_Byte,
                              3, NULL,
                              3, 3 * nXSize, 1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Import and write to file                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (eErr == CE_None &&
        !WebPPictureImportRGB(&sPicture, pabyBuffer, 3 * nXSize))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPPictureImportRGB() failed");
        eErr = CE_Failure;

    if (eErr == CE_None && !WebPEncode(&sConfig, &sPicture))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPEncode() failed");
        eErr = CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup and close.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLFree( pabyBuffer );


    VSIFCloseL( fpImage );

    if( eErr != CE_None )
        VSIUnlink( pszFilename );
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Re-open dataset, and copy any auxilary pam information.         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(pszFilename, GA_ReadOnly);

    /* If outputing to stdout, we can't reopen it, so we'll return */
    /* a fake dataset to make the caller happy */
    WEBPDataset *poDS = (WEBPDataset*) WEBPDataset::Open( &oOpenInfo );
    if( poDS )
        poDS->CloneInfo( poSrcDS, GCIF_PAM_DEFAULT );
        return poDS;

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 10
GDALDataset* SRTMHGTDataset::Open(GDALOpenInfo* poOpenInfo)
  if (!Identify(poOpenInfo))
      return nullptr;

  const char* fileName = CPLGetFilename(poOpenInfo->pszFilename);
  CPLString osLCFilename(CPLString(fileName).tolower());
  if( !STARTS_WITH(fileName, "/vsizip/") &&
      osLCFilename.endsWith("") )
      CPLString osFilename ("/vsizip/");
      osFilename += poOpenInfo->pszFilename;
      osFilename += "/";
      osFilename += CPLString(fileName).substr(0, 7);
      osFilename += ".hgt";
      GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(osFilename, poOpenInfo->eAccess);
      GDALDataset* poDS = Open(&oOpenInfo);
      if( poDS != nullptr )
          // override description with the main one
      return poDS;

  if( !STARTS_WITH(fileName, "/vsizip/") &&
      osLCFilename.endsWith("") )
      CPLString osFilename("/vsizip/");
      osFilename += poOpenInfo->pszFilename;
      osFilename += "/";
      osFilename += CPLString(fileName).substr(0, 7);
      osFilename += ".raw";
      GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(osFilename, poOpenInfo->eAccess);
      GDALDataset* poDS = Open(&oOpenInfo);
      if( poDS != nullptr )
          // override description with the main one
      return poDS;

  char latLonValueString[4];
  memset(latLonValueString, 0, 4);
  strncpy(latLonValueString, &fileName[1], 2);
  int southWestLat = atoi(latLonValueString);
  memset(latLonValueString, 0, 4);
  // cppcheck-suppress redundantCopy
  strncpy(latLonValueString, &fileName[4], 3);
  int southWestLon = atoi(latLonValueString);

  if(fileName[0] == 'N' || fileName[0] == 'n')
    /*southWestLat = southWestLat */;
  else if(fileName[0] == 'S' || fileName[0] == 's')
    southWestLat = southWestLat * -1;
    return nullptr;

  if(fileName[3] == 'E' || fileName[3] == 'e')
    /*southWestLon = southWestLon */;
  else if(fileName[3] == 'W' || fileName[3] == 'w')
    southWestLon = southWestLon * -1;
    return nullptr;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a corresponding GDALDataset.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  SRTMHGTDataset* poDS  = new SRTMHGTDataset();

  poDS->fpImage = poOpenInfo->fpL;
  poOpenInfo->fpL = nullptr;

  VSIStatBufL fileStat;
  if(VSIStatL(poOpenInfo->pszFilename, &fileStat) != 0)
      delete poDS;
      return nullptr;

  int numPixels_x, numPixels_y;

  GDALDataType eDT = GDT_Int16;
  switch (fileStat.st_size) {
  case 3601 * 3601:
    numPixels_x = numPixels_y = 3601;
    eDT = GDT_Byte;
  case 3601 * 3601 * 2:
    numPixels_x = numPixels_y = 3601;
  case 1801 * 3601 * 2:
    numPixels_x = 1801;
    numPixels_y = 3601;
  case 1201 * 1201 * 2:
    numPixels_x = numPixels_y = 1201;
    numPixels_x = numPixels_y = 0;

  poDS->eAccess = poOpenInfo->eAccess;
#ifdef CPL_LSB
  if(poDS->eAccess == GA_Update && eDT == GDT_Int16)
          = reinterpret_cast<GInt16 *>( CPLMalloc(numPixels_x * sizeof(GInt16)) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Capture some information from the file that is of interest.     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  poDS->nRasterXSize = numPixels_x;
  poDS->nRasterYSize = numPixels_y;
  poDS->nBands = 1;

  poDS->adfGeoTransform[0] = southWestLon - 0.5 / (numPixels_x - 1);
  poDS->adfGeoTransform[1] = 1.0 / (numPixels_x-1);
  poDS->adfGeoTransform[2] = 0.0;
  poDS->adfGeoTransform[3] = southWestLat + 1 + 0.5 / (numPixels_y - 1);
  poDS->adfGeoTransform[4] = 0.0;
  poDS->adfGeoTransform[5] = -1.0 / (numPixels_y-1);


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create band information object.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  SRTMHGTRasterBand* tmpBand = new SRTMHGTRasterBand(poDS, 1, eDT);
  poDS->SetBand(1, tmpBand);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize any PAM information.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Support overviews.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  poDS->oOvManager.Initialize( poDS, poOpenInfo->pszFilename );

  return poDS;
Esempio n. 11
GDALDataset* ECRGTOCDataset::Build(const char* pszTOCFilename,
                                   CPLXMLNode* psXML,
                                   CPLString osProduct,
                                   CPLString osDiscId,
                                   const char* pszOpenInfoFilename)
    CPLXMLNode* psTOC = CPLGetXMLNode(psXML, "=Table_of_Contents");
    if (psTOC == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Cannot find Table_of_Contents element");
        return NULL;

    double dfGlobalMinX = 0, dfGlobalMinY = 0, dfGlobalMaxX = 0, dfGlobalMaxY= 0;
    double dfGlobalPixelXSize = 0, dfGlobalPixelYSize = 0;
    int bGlobalExtentValid = FALSE;

    ECRGTOCDataset* poDS = new ECRGTOCDataset();
    int nSubDatasets = 0;

    int bLookForSubDataset = osProduct.size() != 0 && osDiscId.size() != 0;

    int nCountSubDataset = 0;

    poDS->SetDescription( pszOpenInfoFilename );
    poDS->papszFileList = poDS->GDALDataset::GetFileList();

    for(CPLXMLNode* psIter1 = psTOC->psChild;
                    psIter1 != NULL;
                    psIter1 = psIter1->psNext)
        if (!(psIter1->eType == CXT_Element && psIter1->pszValue != NULL &&
              strcmp(psIter1->pszValue, "product") == 0))

        const char* pszProductTitle =
            CPLGetXMLValue(psIter1, "product_title", NULL);
        if (pszProductTitle == NULL)
            CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                        "Cannot find product_title attribute");

        if (bLookForSubDataset && strcmp(pszProductTitle, osProduct.c_str()) != 0)

        for(CPLXMLNode* psIter2 = psIter1->psChild;
                        psIter2 != NULL;
                        psIter2 = psIter2->psNext)
            if (!(psIter2->eType == CXT_Element && psIter2->pszValue != NULL &&
                  strcmp(psIter2->pszValue, "disc") == 0))

            const char* pszDiscId = CPLGetXMLValue(psIter2, "id", NULL);
            if (pszDiscId == NULL)
                CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                            "Cannot find id attribute");

            if (bLookForSubDataset && strcmp(pszDiscId, osDiscId.c_str()) != 0)

            nCountSubDataset ++;

            CPLXMLNode* psFrameList = CPLGetXMLNode(psIter2, "frame_list");
            if (psFrameList == NULL)
                CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                            "Cannot find frame_list element");

            int nValidFrames = 0;

            std::vector<FrameDesc> aosFrameDesc;

            int nSubDatasetScale = -1;

            for(CPLXMLNode* psIter3 = psFrameList->psChild;
                            psIter3 != NULL;
                            psIter3 = psIter3->psNext)
                if (!(psIter3->eType == CXT_Element &&
                      psIter3->pszValue != NULL &&
                      strcmp(psIter3->pszValue, "scale") == 0))

                const char* pszSize = CPLGetXMLValue(psIter3, "size", NULL);
                if (pszSize == NULL)
                    CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                                "Cannot find size attribute");

                int nScale = GetScaleFromString(pszSize);
                if (nScale <= 0)
                    CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                             "Invalid scale %s", pszSize);

                if (nValidFrames == 0)
                    nSubDatasetScale = nScale;
                    nSubDatasetScale = -1;

                for(CPLXMLNode* psIter4 = psIter3->psChild;
                                psIter4 != NULL;
                                psIter4 = psIter4->psNext)
                    if (!(psIter4->eType == CXT_Element &&
                          psIter4->pszValue != NULL &&
                          strcmp(psIter4->pszValue, "frame") == 0))

                    const char* pszFrameName =
                        CPLGetXMLValue(psIter4, "name", NULL);
                    if (pszFrameName == NULL)
                        CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                                 "Cannot find name element");

                    if (strlen(pszFrameName) != 18)
                        CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                                 "Invalid value for name element : %s",

                    const char* pszFramePath =
                        CPLGetXMLValue(psIter4, "frame_path", NULL);
                    if (pszFramePath == NULL)
                        CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                                 "Cannot find frame_path element");

                    const char* pszFrameZone =
                        CPLGetXMLValue(psIter4, "frame_zone", NULL);
                    if (pszFrameZone == NULL)
                        CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                                 "Cannot find frame_zone element");
                    if (strlen(pszFrameZone) != 1)
                        CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                                 "Invalid value for frame_zone element : %s",
                    char chZone = pszFrameZone[0];
                    int nZone = 0;
                    if (chZone >= '1' && chZone <= '9')
                        nZone = chZone - '0';
                    else if (chZone >= 'a' && chZone <= 'h')
                        nZone = -(chZone - 'a' + 1);
                    else if (chZone >= 'A' && chZone <= 'H')
                        nZone = -(chZone - 'A' + 1);
                    else if (chZone == 'j' || chZone == 'J')
                        nZone = -9;
                        CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                                 "Invalid value for frame_zone element : %s",
                    if (nZone == 9 || nZone == -9)
                        CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                                 "Polar zones unhandled by current implementation");

                    double dfMinX = 0, dfMaxX = 0,
                           dfMinY = 0, dfMaxY = 0,
                           dfPixelXSize = 0, dfPixelYSize = 0;
                    if (!GetExtent(pszFrameName, nScale, nZone,
                                   dfMinX, dfMaxX, dfMinY, dfMaxY,
                                   dfPixelXSize, dfPixelYSize))

                    nValidFrames ++;

                    const char* pszFullName = BuildFullName(pszTOCFilename,
                    poDS->papszFileList = CSLAddString(poDS->papszFileList, pszFullName);

                    if (!bGlobalExtentValid)
                        dfGlobalMinX = dfMinX;
                        dfGlobalMinY = dfMinY;
                        dfGlobalMaxX = dfMaxX;
                        dfGlobalMaxY = dfMaxY;
                        dfGlobalPixelXSize = dfPixelXSize;
                        dfGlobalPixelYSize = dfPixelYSize;
                        bGlobalExtentValid = TRUE;
                        if (dfMinX < dfGlobalMinX) dfGlobalMinX = dfMinX;
                        if (dfMinY < dfGlobalMinY) dfGlobalMinY = dfMinY;
                        if (dfMaxX > dfGlobalMaxX) dfGlobalMaxX = dfMaxX;
                        if (dfMaxY > dfGlobalMaxY) dfGlobalMaxY = dfMaxY;
                        if (dfPixelXSize < dfGlobalPixelXSize)
                            dfGlobalPixelXSize = dfPixelXSize;
                        if (dfPixelYSize < dfGlobalPixelYSize)
                            dfGlobalPixelYSize = dfPixelYSize;

                    if (bLookForSubDataset)
                        FrameDesc frameDesc;
                        frameDesc.pszName = pszFrameName;
                        frameDesc.pszPath = pszFramePath;
                        frameDesc.nScale = nScale;
                        frameDesc.nZone = nZone;

            if (bLookForSubDataset)
                delete poDS;
                if (nValidFrames == 0)
                    return NULL;
                return ECRGTOCSubDataset::Build(pszProductTitle,

            if (nValidFrames)
                                    pszProductTitle, pszDiscId);
                nSubDatasets ++;

    if (!bGlobalExtentValid)
        delete poDS;
        return NULL;

    if (nSubDatasets == 1)
        const char* pszSubDatasetName = CSLFetchNameValue(
            poDS->GetMetadata("SUBDATASETS"), "SUBDATASET_1_NAME");
        GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(pszSubDatasetName, GA_ReadOnly);
        delete poDS;
        GDALDataset* poRetDS = Open(&oOpenInfo);
        if (poRetDS)
        return poRetDS;

    poDS->adfGeoTransform[0] = dfGlobalMinX;
    poDS->adfGeoTransform[1] = dfGlobalPixelXSize;
    poDS->adfGeoTransform[2] = 0.0;
    poDS->adfGeoTransform[3] = dfGlobalMaxY;
    poDS->adfGeoTransform[4] = 0.0;
    poDS->adfGeoTransform[5] = - dfGlobalPixelYSize;

    poDS->nRasterXSize = (int)(0.5 + (dfGlobalMaxX - dfGlobalMinX) / dfGlobalPixelXSize);
    poDS->nRasterYSize = (int)(0.5 + (dfGlobalMaxY - dfGlobalMinY) / dfGlobalPixelYSize);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize any PAM information.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    return poDS;
Esempio n. 12
int GDALDefaultOverviews::HaveMaskFile( char ** papszSiblingFiles,
                                        const char *pszBasename )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Have we already checked for masks?                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( bCheckedForMask )
        return poMaskDS != NULL;

    if( papszSiblingFiles == NULL )
        papszSiblingFiles = papszInitSiblingFiles;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Are we an overview?  If so we need to find the corresponding    */
/*      overview in the base files mask file (if there is one).         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poBaseDS != NULL && poBaseDS->oOvManager.HaveMaskFile() )
        int iOver, nOverviewCount = 0;
        GDALRasterBand *poBaseBand = poBaseDS->GetRasterBand(1);
        GDALRasterBand *poBaseMask = NULL;

        if( poBaseBand != NULL )
            poBaseMask = poBaseBand->GetMaskBand();
        if( poBaseMask )
            nOverviewCount = poBaseMask->GetOverviewCount();

        for( iOver = 0; iOver < nOverviewCount; iOver++ )
            GDALRasterBand *poOverBand = poBaseMask->GetOverview( iOver );
            if (poOverBand == NULL)
            if( poOverBand->GetXSize() == poDS->GetRasterXSize() 
                && poOverBand->GetYSize() == poDS->GetRasterYSize() )
                poMaskDS = poOverBand->GetDataset();

        bCheckedForMask = TRUE;
        bOwnMaskDS = FALSE;
        CPLAssert( poMaskDS != poDS );

        return poMaskDS != NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Are we even initialized?  If not, we apparently don't want      */
/*      to support overviews and masks.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poDS == NULL )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for .msk file.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLString osMskFilename;
    bCheckedForMask = TRUE;

    if( pszBasename == NULL )
        pszBasename = poDS->GetDescription();

    // Don't bother checking for masks of masks. 
    if( EQUAL(CPLGetExtension(pszBasename),"msk") )
        return FALSE;

    osMskFilename.Printf( "%s.msk", pszBasename );

    int bExists = CPLCheckForFile( (char *) osMskFilename.c_str(), 
                                   papszSiblingFiles );

#if !defined(WIN32)
    if( !bExists && !papszSiblingFiles )
        osMskFilename.Printf( "%s.MSK", pszBasename );
        bExists = CPLCheckForFile( (char *) osMskFilename.c_str(), 
                                   papszSiblingFiles );

    if( !bExists )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open the file.                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(osMskFilename, poDS->GetAccess(),
    poMaskDS = (GDALDataset *) GDALOpenInternal( oOpenInfo, NULL );
    CPLAssert( poMaskDS != poDS );

    if( poMaskDS == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    bOwnMaskDS = TRUE;
    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 13
void GDALDefaultOverviews::OverviewScan()

    if( bCheckedForOverviews || poDS == NULL )

    bCheckedForOverviews = true;

    CPLDebug( "GDAL", "GDALDefaultOverviews::OverviewScan()" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open overview dataset if it exists.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int bExists;

    if( pszInitName == NULL )
        pszInitName = CPLStrdup(poDS->GetDescription());

    if( !EQUAL(pszInitName,":::VIRTUAL:::") )
        if( bInitNameIsOVR )
            osOvrFilename = pszInitName;
            osOvrFilename.Printf( "%s.ovr", pszInitName );

        bExists = CPLCheckForFile( (char *) osOvrFilename.c_str(), 
                                   papszInitSiblingFiles );

#if !defined(WIN32)
        if( !bInitNameIsOVR && !bExists && !papszInitSiblingFiles )
            osOvrFilename.Printf( "%s.OVR", pszInitName );
            bExists = CPLCheckForFile( (char *) osOvrFilename.c_str(), 
                                       papszInitSiblingFiles );
            if( !bExists )
                osOvrFilename.Printf( "%s.ovr", pszInitName );

        if( bExists )
            GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(osOvrFilename, poDS->GetAccess(),
            poODS = (GDALDataset*) GDALOpenInternal( oOpenInfo, NULL );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We didn't find that, so try and find a corresponding aux        */
/*      file.  Check that we are the dependent file of the aux          */
/*      file.                                                           */
/*                                                                      */
/*      We only use the .aux file for overviews if they already have    */
/*      overviews existing, or if USE_RRD is set true.                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !poODS && !EQUAL(pszInitName,":::VIRTUAL:::") )
        int bTryFindAssociatedAuxFile = TRUE;
        if( papszInitSiblingFiles )
            CPLString osAuxFilename = CPLResetExtension( pszInitName, "aux");
            int iSibling = CSLFindString( papszInitSiblingFiles,
                                        CPLGetFilename(osAuxFilename) );
            if( iSibling < 0 )
                osAuxFilename = pszInitName;
                osAuxFilename += ".aux";
                iSibling = CSLFindString( papszInitSiblingFiles,
                                        CPLGetFilename(osAuxFilename) );
                if( iSibling < 0 )
                    bTryFindAssociatedAuxFile = FALSE;

        if (bTryFindAssociatedAuxFile)
            poODS = GDALFindAssociatedAuxFile( pszInitName, poDS->GetAccess(),
                                            poDS );

        if( poODS )
            int bUseRRD = CSLTestBoolean(CPLGetConfigOption("USE_RRD","NO"));
            bOvrIsAux = TRUE;
            if( GetOverviewCount(1) == 0 && !bUseRRD )
                bOvrIsAux = FALSE;
                GDALClose( poODS );
                poODS = NULL;
                osOvrFilename = poODS->GetDescription();

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If we still don't have an overview, check to see if we have     */
/*      overview metadata referencing a remote (ie. proxy) or local     */
/*      subdataset overview dataset.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poODS == NULL )
        const char *pszProxyOvrFilename = 
            poDS->GetMetadataItem( "OVERVIEW_FILE", "OVERVIEWS" );

        if( pszProxyOvrFilename != NULL )
            if( EQUALN(pszProxyOvrFilename,":::BASE:::",10) )
                CPLString osPath = CPLGetPath(poDS->GetDescription());

                osOvrFilename =
                    CPLFormFilename( osPath, pszProxyOvrFilename+10, NULL );
                osOvrFilename = pszProxyOvrFilename;

            poODS = (GDALDataset *) GDALOpen(osOvrFilename,poDS->GetAccess());

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If we have an overview dataset, then mark all the overviews     */
/*      with the base dataset  Used later for finding overviews         */
/*      masks.  Uggg.                                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poODS )
        int nOverviewCount = GetOverviewCount(1);
        int iOver;

        for( iOver = 0; iOver < nOverviewCount; iOver++ )
            GDALRasterBand *poBand = GetOverview( 1, iOver );
            GDALDataset    *poOverDS = NULL;

            if( poBand != NULL )
                poOverDS = poBand->GetDataset();
            if( poOverDS != NULL )
                poOverDS->oOvManager.poBaseDS = poDS;
                poOverDS->oOvManager.poDS = poOverDS;
Esempio n. 14
GDALDataset* SIGDEMDataset::CreateCopy(
    const char * pszFilename,
    GDALDataset * poSrcDS,
    int /*bStrict*/,
    char ** /*papszOptions*/,
    GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
    void * pProgressData) {
    const int nBands = poSrcDS->GetRasterCount();
    double adfGeoTransform[6] = { };
    if (poSrcDS->GetGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform) != CE_None) {
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                "SIGDEM driver requires a valid GeoTransform.");
        return nullptr;

    if (nBands != 1) {
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                "SIGDEM driver doesn't support %d bands.  Must be 1 band.",
        return nullptr;

    VSILFILE *fp = VSIFOpenL(pszFilename, "wb");
    if (fp == nullptr) {
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                "Attempt to create file `%s' failed.", pszFilename);
        return nullptr;

    GDALRasterBand* band = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1);
    const char* pszProjection = poSrcDS->GetProjectionRef();

    int32_t nCols = poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize();
    int32_t nRows = poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize();
    int32_t nCoordinateSystemId = GetCoordinateSystemId(pszProjection);

    SIGDEMHeader sHeader;
    sHeader.nCoordinateSystemId = nCoordinateSystemId;
    sHeader.dfMinX = adfGeoTransform[0];
    const char* pszMin = band->GetMetadataItem("STATISTICS_MINIMUM");
    if (pszMin == nullptr) {
        sHeader.dfMinZ = -10000;
    } else {
        sHeader.dfMinZ = CPLAtof(pszMin);
    sHeader.dfMaxY = adfGeoTransform[3];
    const char* pszMax = band->GetMetadataItem("STATISTICS_MAXIMUM");
    if (pszMax == nullptr) {
        sHeader.dfMaxZ = 10000;
    } else {
        sHeader.dfMaxZ = CPLAtof(pszMax);
    sHeader.nCols = poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize();
    sHeader.nRows = poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize();
    sHeader.dfXDim = adfGeoTransform[1];
    sHeader.dfYDim = -adfGeoTransform[5];
    sHeader.dfMaxX = sHeader.dfMinX + sHeader.nCols * sHeader.dfXDim;
    sHeader.dfMinY = sHeader.dfMaxY - sHeader.nRows * sHeader.dfYDim;
    sHeader.dfOffsetX = sHeader.dfMinX;
    sHeader.dfOffsetY = sHeader.dfMinY;

    if( !sHeader.Write(fp) )
        return nullptr;

    // Write fill with all NO_DATA values
    int32_t* row = static_cast<int32_t*>(VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE(nCols, sizeof(int32_t)));
    if( !row ) {
        return nullptr;
    std::fill(row, row + nCols, CPL_MSBWORD32(NO_DATA));
    for (int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) {
        if( VSIFWriteL(row, CELL_SIZE_FILE, nCols, fp) !=
                                            static_cast<size_t>(nCols) )
            return nullptr;

    if (VSIFCloseL(fp) != 0) {
        return nullptr;

    if (nCoordinateSystemId <= 0) {
        if (!EQUAL(pszProjection, "")) {
            CPLString osPrjFilename = CPLResetExtension(pszFilename, "prj");
            VSILFILE *fpProj = VSIFOpenL(osPrjFilename, "wt");
            if (fpProj != nullptr) {
                OGRSpatialReference oSRS;
                char *pszESRIProjection = nullptr;
                        VSIFWriteL(pszESRIProjection, 1,
                                strlen(pszESRIProjection), fpProj));

            } else {
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "Unable to create file %s.",
    GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(pszFilename, GA_Update);
    GDALDataset * poDstDS = Open(&oOpenInfo);
    if (poDstDS != nullptr &&
        GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster(poSrcDS, poDstDS, nullptr, pfnProgress,
            pProgressData) == OGRERR_NONE) {
        return poDstDS;
    } else {
        return nullptr;
Esempio n. 15
GDALDataset *CALSDataset::CreateCopy( const char *pszFilename,
                                      GDALDataset *poSrcDS,
                                      int bStrict,
                                      char ** /* papszOptionsUnused */,
                                      GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
                                      void *pProgressData )
    if( poSrcDS->GetRasterCount() == 0 ||
        (bStrict && poSrcDS->GetRasterCount() != 1) )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "CALS driver only supports single band raster.");
        return NULL;
    if( poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->
            GetMetadataItem("NBITS", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE") == NULL ||
                   GetMetadataItem("NBITS", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE"), "1") )
        CPLError( bStrict ? CE_Failure : CE_Warning, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "CALS driver only supports 1-bit.");
        if( bStrict )
            return NULL;

    if( poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize() > 999999 ||
        poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize() > 999999 )
            CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
            "CALS driver only supports datasets with dimension <= 999999.");
        return NULL;

    GDALDriver* poGTiffDrv =
        static_cast<GDALDriver *>(GDALGetDriverByName("GTiff"));
    if( poGTiffDrv == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "CALS driver needs GTiff driver." );
        return NULL;

    // Write a in-memory TIFF with just the TIFF header to figure out
    // how large it will be.
    CPLString osTmpFilename(CPLSPrintf("/vsimem/cals/tmp_%p", poSrcDS));
    char** papszOptions = NULL;
    papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "COMPRESS", "CCITTFAX4");
    papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "NBITS", "1");
    papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "BLOCKYSIZE",
                                   CPLSPrintf("%d", poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize()));
    papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "SPARSE_OK", "YES");
    GDALDataset* poDS = poGTiffDrv->Create(osTmpFilename,
                                           1, GDT_Byte,
    if( poDS == NULL )
        // Should not happen normally (except if CCITTFAX4 not available).
        return NULL;
    const char INITIAL_PADDING[] = "12345";
     // To adjust padding.
    VSIStatBufL sStat;
    if( VSIStatL(osTmpFilename, &sStat) != 0 )
        // Shoudln't happen really. Just to make Coverity happy.
        return NULL;
    int nTIFFHeaderSize = static_cast<int>(sStat.st_size);

    // Redo the same thing, but this time write it to the output file
    // and use a variable TIFF tag (TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME) to enlarge the
    // header + the variable TIFF tag so that they are 2048 bytes large.
    char szBuffer[2048+1] = {};
    memset(szBuffer, 'X', 2048 - nTIFFHeaderSize + strlen(INITIAL_PADDING));
    szBuffer[2048 - nTIFFHeaderSize + strlen(INITIAL_PADDING)] = 0;
    GDALDataset* poTmpDS = new CALSWrapperSrcDataset(poSrcDS, szBuffer);
    poDS = poGTiffDrv->CreateCopy(pszFilename, poTmpDS, FALSE, papszOptions,
                                  pfnProgress, pProgressData );
    delete poTmpDS;
    if( poDS == NULL )
        return NULL;
    delete poDS;

    // Now replace the TIFF header by the CALS header.
    VSILFILE* fp = VSIFOpenL(pszFilename, "rb+");
    if( fp == NULL )
        return NULL; // Shoudln't happen normally.
    memset(szBuffer, ' ', 2048);
    CPLString osField;
    osField = "srcdocid: NONE";
    memcpy(szBuffer, osField, osField.size());

    osField = "dstdocid: NONE";
    memcpy(szBuffer + 128, osField, osField.size());

    osField = "txtfilid: NONE";
    memcpy(szBuffer + 128*2, osField, osField.size());

    osField = "figid: NONE";
    memcpy(szBuffer + 128*3, osField, osField.size());

    osField = "srcgph: NONE";
    memcpy(szBuffer + 128*4, osField, osField.size());

    osField = "doccls: NONE";
    memcpy(szBuffer + 128*5, osField, osField.size());

    osField = "rtype: 1";
    memcpy(szBuffer + 128*6, osField, osField.size());

    int nAngle1 = 0;
    int nAngle2 = 270;
    const char* pszPixelPath = poSrcDS->GetMetadataItem("PIXEL_PATH");
    const char* pszLineProgression = poSrcDS->GetMetadataItem("LINE_PROGRESSION");
    if( pszPixelPath && pszLineProgression )
        nAngle1 = atoi(pszPixelPath);
        nAngle2 = atoi(pszLineProgression);
    osField = CPLSPrintf("rorient: %03d,%03d", nAngle1, nAngle2);
    memcpy(szBuffer + 128*7, osField, osField.size());

    osField = CPLSPrintf("rpelcnt: %06d,%06d",
    memcpy(szBuffer + 128*8, osField, osField.size());

    int nDensity = 200;
    const char* pszXRes = poSrcDS->GetMetadataItem("TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION");
    const char* pszYRes = poSrcDS->GetMetadataItem("TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION");
    const char* pszResUnit = poSrcDS->GetMetadataItem("TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT");
    if( pszXRes && pszYRes && pszResUnit && EQUAL(pszXRes, pszYRes) &&
        atoi(pszResUnit) == 2 )
        nDensity = atoi(pszXRes);
        if( nDensity < 1 || nDensity > 9999 )
            nDensity = 200;
    osField = CPLSPrintf("rdensty: %04d", nDensity);
    memcpy(szBuffer + 128*9, osField, osField.size());

    osField = "notes: NONE";
    memcpy(szBuffer + 128*10, osField, osField.size());
    VSIFWriteL(szBuffer, 1, 2048, fp);

    GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(pszFilename, GA_ReadOnly, NULL);
    return Open(&oOpenInfo);
Esempio n. 16
GDALDataset *OZIDataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo * poOpenInfo )

    if (!Identify(poOpenInfo))
        return NULL;

    GByte abyHeader[14];
    CPLString osImgFilename = poOpenInfo->pszFilename;
    int bIsMap = FALSE;
    if (EQUALN((const char*)poOpenInfo->pabyHeader,
        "OziExplorer Map Data File Version ", 34) )
        char** papszLines = CSLLoad2( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, 1000, 200, NULL );
        if ( !papszLines || CSLCount(papszLines) < 5)
            return FALSE;

        bIsMap = TRUE;

        osImgFilename = papszLines[2];
        VSIStatBufL sStat;
        if (VSIStatL(osImgFilename, &sStat) != 0)
            if (CPLIsFilenameRelative(osImgFilename))
                CPLString osPath = CPLGetPath(poOpenInfo->pszFilename);
                osImgFilename = CPLFormFilename(osPath, osImgFilename, NULL);
                CPLString osPath = CPLGetPath(poOpenInfo->pszFilename);
                osImgFilename = CPLGetFilename(osImgFilename);
                osImgFilename = CPLFormFilename(osPath, osImgFilename, NULL);


        GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(osImgFilename, GA_ReadOnly);
        if (!Identify(&oOpenInfo))
            return NULL;
        memcpy(abyHeader, oOpenInfo.pabyHeader, 14);
        memcpy(abyHeader, poOpenInfo->pabyHeader, 14);

    int bOzi3 = (abyHeader[0] == 0x80 &&
                 abyHeader[1] == 0x77);

    VSILFILE* fp = VSIFOpenL(osImgFilename.c_str(), "rb");
    if (fp == NULL)
        return NULL;

    OZIDataset* poDS = new OZIDataset();
    poDS->fp = fp;

    if (bIsMap)
        poDS->bReadMapFileSuccess =
            GDALLoadOziMapFile( poOpenInfo->pszFilename,
                                &poDS->pasGCPs );

    GByte nRandomNumber = 0;
    GByte nKeyInit = 0;
    if (bOzi3)
        VSIFSeekL(fp, 14, SEEK_SET);
        VSIFReadL(&nRandomNumber, 1, 1, fp);
        //printf("nRandomNumber = %d\n", nRandomNumber);
        if (nRandomNumber < 0x94)
            delete poDS;
            return NULL;
        VSIFSeekL(fp, 0x93, SEEK_CUR);
        VSIFReadL(&nKeyInit, 1, 1, fp);

        VSIFSeekL(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
        VSIFReadL(abyHeader, 1, 14, fp);
        OZIDecrypt(abyHeader, 14, nKeyInit);
        if (!(abyHeader[6] == 0x40 &&
           abyHeader[7] == 0x00 &&
           abyHeader[8] == 0x01 &&
           abyHeader[9] == 0x00 &&
           abyHeader[10] == 0x36 &&
           abyHeader[11] == 0x04 &&
           abyHeader[12] == 0x00 &&
           abyHeader[13] == 0x00))
            delete poDS;
            return NULL;

        VSIFSeekL(fp, 14 + 1 + nRandomNumber, SEEK_SET);
        int nMagic = ReadInt(fp, bOzi3, nKeyInit);
        CPLDebug("OZI", "OZI version code : 0x%08X", nMagic);

        poDS->bOzi3 = bOzi3;
        VSIFSeekL(fp, 14, SEEK_SET);

    GByte abyHeader2[40], abyHeader2_Backup[40];
    VSIFReadL(abyHeader2, 40, 1, fp);
    memcpy(abyHeader2_Backup, abyHeader2, 40);

    /* There's apparently a relationship between the nMagic number */
    /* and the nKeyInit, but I'm too lazy to add switch/cases that might */
    /* be not exhaustive, so let's try the 'brute force' attack !!! */
    /* It is much so funny to be able to run one in a few microseconds :-) */
    for(nKeyInit = 0; nKeyInit < 256; nKeyInit ++)
        GByte* pabyHeader2 = abyHeader2;
        if (bOzi3)
            OZIDecrypt(abyHeader2, 40, nKeyInit);

        int nHeaderSize = ReadInt(&pabyHeader2); /* should be 40 */
        poDS->nRasterXSize = ReadInt(&pabyHeader2);
        poDS->nRasterYSize = ReadInt(&pabyHeader2);
        int nDepth = ReadShort(&pabyHeader2); /* should be 1 */
        int nBPP = ReadShort(&pabyHeader2); /* should be 8 */
        ReadInt(&pabyHeader2); /* reserved */
        ReadInt(&pabyHeader2); /* pixel number (height * width) : unused */
        ReadInt(&pabyHeader2); /* reserved */
        ReadInt(&pabyHeader2); /* reserved */
        ReadInt(&pabyHeader2); /* ?? 0x100 */
        ReadInt(&pabyHeader2); /* ?? 0x100 */

        if (nHeaderSize != 40 || nDepth != 1 || nBPP != 8)
            if (bOzi3)
                if (nKeyInit != 255)
                    memcpy(abyHeader2, abyHeader2_Backup,40);
                    CPLDebug("OZI", "Cannot decypher 2nd header. Sorry...");
                    delete poDS;
                    return NULL;
                CPLDebug("OZI", "nHeaderSize = %d, nDepth = %d, nBPP = %d",
                        nHeaderSize, nDepth, nBPP);
                delete poDS;
                return NULL;
    poDS->nKeyInit = nKeyInit;

    int nSeparator = ReadInt(fp);
    if (!bOzi3 && nSeparator != 0x77777777)
        CPLDebug("OZI", "didn't get end of header2 marker");
        delete poDS;
        return NULL;

    poDS->nZoomLevelCount = ReadShort(fp);
    //CPLDebug("OZI", "nZoomLevelCount = %d", poDS->nZoomLevelCount);
    if (poDS->nZoomLevelCount < 0 || poDS->nZoomLevelCount >= 256)
        CPLDebug("OZI", "nZoomLevelCount = %d", poDS->nZoomLevelCount);
        delete poDS;
        return NULL;

    /* Skip array of zoom level percentage. We don't need it for GDAL */
    VSIFSeekL(fp, sizeof(float) * poDS->nZoomLevelCount, SEEK_CUR);

    nSeparator = ReadInt(fp);
    if (!bOzi3 && nSeparator != 0x77777777)
        /* Some files have 8 extra bytes before the marker. I'm not sure */
        /* what they are used for. So just skeep them and hope that */
        /* we'll find the marker */
        nSeparator = ReadInt(fp);
        nSeparator = ReadInt(fp);
        if (nSeparator != 0x77777777)
            CPLDebug("OZI", "didn't get end of zoom levels marker");
            delete poDS;
            return NULL;

    VSIFSeekL(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
    vsi_l_offset nFileSize = VSIFTellL(fp);
    poDS->nFileSize = nFileSize;
    VSIFSeekL(fp, nFileSize - 4, SEEK_SET);
    int nZoomLevelTableOffset = ReadInt(fp, bOzi3, nKeyInit);
    if (nZoomLevelTableOffset < 0 ||
        (vsi_l_offset)nZoomLevelTableOffset >= nFileSize)
        CPLDebug("OZI", "nZoomLevelTableOffset = %d",
        delete poDS;
        return NULL;

    VSIFSeekL(fp, nZoomLevelTableOffset, SEEK_SET);

    poDS->panZoomLevelOffsets =
        (int*)CPLMalloc(sizeof(int) * poDS->nZoomLevelCount);
    int i;
        poDS->panZoomLevelOffsets[i] = ReadInt(fp, bOzi3, nKeyInit);
        if (poDS->panZoomLevelOffsets[i] < 0 ||
            (vsi_l_offset)poDS->panZoomLevelOffsets[i] >= nFileSize)
            CPLDebug("OZI", "panZoomLevelOffsets[%d] = %d",
                     i, poDS->panZoomLevelOffsets[i]);
            delete poDS;
            return NULL;

    poDS->papoBands =
        (OZIRasterBand**)CPLCalloc(sizeof(OZIRasterBand*), poDS->nZoomLevelCount);

        VSIFSeekL(fp, poDS->panZoomLevelOffsets[i], SEEK_SET);
        int nW = ReadInt(fp, bOzi3, nKeyInit);
        int nH = ReadInt(fp, bOzi3, nKeyInit);
        short nTileX = ReadShort(fp, bOzi3, nKeyInit);
        short nTileY = ReadShort(fp, bOzi3, nKeyInit);
        if (i == 0 && (nW != poDS->nRasterXSize || nH != poDS->nRasterYSize))
            CPLDebug("OZI", "zoom[%d] inconsistant dimensions for zoom level 0 : nW=%d, nH=%d, nTileX=%d, nTileY=%d, nRasterXSize=%d, nRasterYSize=%d",
                     i, nW, nH, nTileX, nTileY, poDS->nRasterXSize, poDS->nRasterYSize);
            delete poDS;
            return NULL;
        /* Note (#3895): some files such as world.ozf2 provided with OziExplorer */
        /* expose nTileY=33, but have nH=2048, so only require 32 tiles in vertical dimension. */
        /* So there's apparently one extra and useless tile that will be ignored */
        /* without causing apparent issues */
        /* Some other files have more tile in horizontal direction than needed, so let's */
        /* accept that. But in that case we really need to keep the nTileX value for IReadBlock() */
        /* to work properly */
        if ((nW + 63) / 64 > nTileX || (nH + 63) / 64 > nTileY)
            CPLDebug("OZI", "zoom[%d] unexpected number of tiles : nW=%d, nH=%d, nTileX=%d, nTileY=%d",
                     i, nW, nH, nTileX, nTileY);
            delete poDS;
            return NULL;

        GDALColorTable* poColorTable = new GDALColorTable();
        GByte abyColorTable[256*4];
        VSIFReadL(abyColorTable, 1, 1024, fp);
        if (bOzi3)
            OZIDecrypt(abyColorTable, 1024, nKeyInit);
        int j;
            GDALColorEntry sEntry;
            sEntry.c1 = abyColorTable[4*j + 2];
            sEntry.c2 = abyColorTable[4*j + 1];
            sEntry.c3 = abyColorTable[4*j + 0];
            sEntry.c4 = 255;
            poColorTable->SetColorEntry(j, &sEntry);

        poDS->papoBands[i] = new OZIRasterBand(poDS, i, nW, nH, nTileX, poColorTable);

        if (i > 0)
            GByte* pabyTranslationTable =
                poDS->papoBands[i]->GetIndexColorTranslationTo(poDS->papoBands[0], NULL, NULL);

            delete poDS->papoBands[i]->poColorTable;
            poDS->papoBands[i]->poColorTable = poDS->papoBands[0]->poColorTable->Clone();
            poDS->papoBands[i]->pabyTranslationTable = pabyTranslationTable;


    poDS->SetBand(1, poDS->papoBands[0]);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize any PAM information.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->SetDescription( poOpenInfo->pszFilename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Support overviews.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->oOvManager.Initialize( poDS, poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
    return( poDS );