int OGRODBCDataSource::OpenMDB( const char * pszNewName, int bUpdate ) { const char* pszOptionName = "PGEO_DRIVER_TEMPLATE"; const char* pszDSNStringTemplate = CPLGetConfigOption( pszOptionName, nullptr ); if( pszDSNStringTemplate == nullptr ) { pszOptionName = "MDB_DRIVER_TEMPLATE"; pszDSNStringTemplate = CPLGetConfigOption( pszOptionName, nullptr ); if( pszDSNStringTemplate == nullptr ) { pszOptionName = ""; pszDSNStringTemplate = "DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=%s"; } } if (!CheckDSNStringTemplate(pszDSNStringTemplate)) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Illegal value for %s option", pszOptionName ); return FALSE; } char* pszDSN = (char *) CPLMalloc(strlen(pszNewName)+strlen(pszDSNStringTemplate)+100); /* coverity[tainted_string] */ snprintf( pszDSN, strlen(pszNewName)+strlen(pszDSNStringTemplate)+100, pszDSNStringTemplate, pszNewName ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Initialize based on the DSN. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLDebug( "ODBC", "EstablishSession(%s)", pszDSN ); if( !oSession.EstablishSession( pszDSN, nullptr, nullptr ) ) { int bError = TRUE; if( EQUAL(pszDSN, "") ) { // Trying with another template (#5594) pszDSNStringTemplate = "DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb);DBQ=%s"; CPLFree( pszDSN ); pszDSN = (char *) CPLMalloc(strlen(pszNewName)+strlen(pszDSNStringTemplate)+100); snprintf( pszDSN, strlen(pszNewName)+strlen(pszDSNStringTemplate)+100, pszDSNStringTemplate, pszNewName ); CPLDebug( "ODBC", "EstablishSession(%s)", pszDSN ); if( oSession.EstablishSession( pszDSN, nullptr, nullptr ) ) { bError = FALSE; } } if( bError ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Unable to initialize ODBC connection to DSN for %s,\n" "%s", pszDSN, oSession.GetLastError() ); CPLFree( pszDSN ); return FALSE; } } CPLFree( pszDSN ); pszName = CPLStrdup( pszNewName ); bDSUpdate = bUpdate; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check if it is a PGeo MDB. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ { CPLODBCStatement oStmt( &oSession ); oStmt.Append( "SELECT TableName, FieldName, ShapeType, ExtentLeft, ExtentRight, ExtentBottom, ExtentTop, SRID, HasZ FROM GDB_GeomColumns" ); if( oStmt.ExecuteSQL() ) { return FALSE; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check if it is a Geomedia MDB. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ { CPLODBCStatement oStmt( &oSession ); oStmt.Append( "SELECT TableName FROM GAliasTable WHERE TableType = 'INGRFeatures'" ); if( oStmt.ExecuteSQL() ) { return FALSE; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check if it is a Walk MDB. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ { CPLODBCStatement oStmt( &oSession ); oStmt.Append( "SELECT LayerID, LayerName, minE, maxE, minN, maxN, Memo FROM WalkLayers" ); if( oStmt.ExecuteSQL() ) { return FALSE; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Return all tables as non-spatial tables. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLODBCStatement oTableList( &oSession ); if( oTableList.GetTables() ) { while( oTableList.Fetch() ) { const char *pszSchema = oTableList.GetColData(1); const char* pszTableName = oTableList.GetColData(2); if( pszTableName != nullptr ) { CPLString osLayerName; if( pszSchema != nullptr && strlen(pszSchema) > 0 ) { osLayerName = pszSchema; osLayerName += "."; } osLayerName += pszTableName; OpenTable( osLayerName, nullptr, bUpdate ); } } return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
int OGRODBCDataSource::Open( const char * pszNewName, int bUpdate, CPL_UNUSED int bTestOpen ) { CPLAssert( nLayers == 0 ); if( !STARTS_WITH_CI(pszNewName, "ODBC:") && EQUAL(CPLGetExtension(pszNewName), "MDB") ) return OpenMDB(pszNewName, bUpdate); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Start parsing dataset name from the end of string, fetching */ /* the name of spatial reference table and names for SRID and */ /* SRTEXT columns first. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char *pszWrkName = CPLStrdup( pszNewName + 5 ); // Skip the 'ODBC:' part char **papszTables = nullptr; char **papszGeomCol = nullptr; char *pszSRSTableName = nullptr; char *pszSRIDCol = nullptr; char *pszSRTextCol = nullptr; char *pszDelimiter = nullptr; if ( (pszDelimiter = strrchr( pszWrkName, ':' )) != nullptr ) { char *pszOBracket = strchr( pszDelimiter + 1, '(' ); if( strchr(pszDelimiter,'\\') != nullptr || strchr(pszDelimiter,'/') != nullptr ) { /* ** if there are special tokens then this isn't really ** the srs table name, so avoid further processing. */ } else if( pszOBracket == nullptr ) { pszSRSTableName = CPLStrdup( pszDelimiter + 1 ); *pszDelimiter = '\0'; } else { char *pszCBracket = strchr( pszOBracket, ')' ); if( pszCBracket != nullptr ) *pszCBracket = '\0'; char *pszComma = strchr( pszOBracket, ',' ); if( pszComma != nullptr ) { *pszComma = '\0'; pszSRIDCol = CPLStrdup( pszComma + 1 ); } *pszOBracket = '\0'; pszSRSTableName = CPLStrdup( pszDelimiter + 1 ); pszSRTextCol = CPLStrdup( pszOBracket + 1 ); *pszDelimiter = '\0'; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Strip off any comma delimited set of tables names to access */ /* from the end of the string first. Also allow an optional */ /* bracketed geometry column name after the table name. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ while( (pszDelimiter = strrchr( pszWrkName, ',' )) != nullptr ) { char *pszOBracket = strstr( pszDelimiter + 1, "(" ); if( pszOBracket == nullptr ) { papszTables = CSLAddString( papszTables, pszDelimiter + 1 ); papszGeomCol = CSLAddString( papszGeomCol, "" ); } else { char *pszCBracket = strstr(pszOBracket,")"); if( pszCBracket != nullptr ) *pszCBracket = '\0'; *pszOBracket = '\0'; papszTables = CSLAddString( papszTables, pszDelimiter + 1 ); papszGeomCol = CSLAddString( papszGeomCol, pszOBracket+1 ); } *pszDelimiter = '\0'; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Split out userid, password and DSN. The general form is */ /* user/password@dsn. But if there are no @ characters the */ /* whole thing is assumed to be a DSN. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char *pszUserid = nullptr; char *pszPassword = nullptr; char *pszDSN = nullptr; if( strstr(pszWrkName,"@") == nullptr ) { pszDSN = CPLStrdup( pszWrkName ); } else { pszDSN = CPLStrdup(strstr(pszWrkName, "@") + 1); if( *pszWrkName == '/' ) { pszPassword = CPLStrdup(pszWrkName + 1); char *pszTarget = strstr(pszPassword,"@"); *pszTarget = '\0'; } else { pszUserid = CPLStrdup(pszWrkName); char *pszTarget = strstr(pszUserid,"@"); *pszTarget = '\0'; pszTarget = strstr(pszUserid,"/"); if( pszTarget != nullptr ) { *pszTarget = '\0'; pszPassword = CPLStrdup(pszTarget+1); } } } CPLFree( pszWrkName ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Initialize based on the DSN. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLDebug( "OGR_ODBC", "EstablishSession(DSN:\"%s\", userid:\"%s\", password:\"%s\")", pszDSN, pszUserid ? pszUserid : "", pszPassword ? pszPassword : "" ); if( !oSession.EstablishSession( pszDSN, pszUserid, pszPassword ) ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Unable to initialize ODBC connection to DSN for %s,\n" "%s", pszNewName+5, oSession.GetLastError() ); CSLDestroy( papszTables ); CSLDestroy( papszGeomCol ); CPLFree( pszDSN ); CPLFree( pszUserid ); CPLFree( pszPassword ); CPLFree( pszSRIDCol ); CPLFree( pszSRTextCol ); CPLFree( pszSRSTableName ); return FALSE; } CPLFree( pszDSN ); CPLFree( pszUserid ); CPLFree( pszPassword ); pszName = CPLStrdup( pszNewName ); bDSUpdate = bUpdate; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If no explicit list of tables was given, check for a list in */ /* a geometry_columns table. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( papszTables == nullptr ) { CPLODBCStatement oStmt( &oSession ); oStmt.Append( "SELECT f_table_name, f_geometry_column, geometry_type" " FROM geometry_columns" ); if( oStmt.ExecuteSQL() ) { while( oStmt.Fetch() ) { papszTables = CSLAddString( papszTables, oStmt.GetColData(0) ); papszGeomCol = CSLAddString( papszGeomCol, oStmt.GetColData(1) ); } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Otherwise our final resort is to return all tables as */ /* non-spatial tables. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( papszTables == nullptr ) { CPLODBCStatement oTableList( &oSession ); if( oTableList.GetTables() ) { while( oTableList.Fetch() ) { const char *pszSchema = oTableList.GetColData(1); CPLString osLayerName; if( pszSchema != nullptr && strlen(pszSchema) > 0 ) { osLayerName = pszSchema; osLayerName += "."; } osLayerName += oTableList.GetColData(2); papszTables = CSLAddString( papszTables, osLayerName ); papszGeomCol = CSLAddString(papszGeomCol,""); } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If we have an explicit list of requested tables, use them */ /* (non-spatial). */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for( int iTable = 0; papszTables != nullptr && papszTables[iTable] != nullptr; iTable++ ) { if( strlen(papszGeomCol[iTable]) > 0 ) OpenTable( papszTables[iTable], papszGeomCol[iTable], bUpdate ); else OpenTable( papszTables[iTable], nullptr, bUpdate ); } CSLDestroy( papszTables ); CSLDestroy( papszGeomCol ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If no explicit list of tables was given, check for a list in */ /* a geometry_columns table. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( pszSRSTableName ) { CPLODBCStatement oSRSList( &oSession ); if ( !pszSRTextCol ) pszSRTextCol = CPLStrdup( "srtext" ); if ( !pszSRIDCol ) pszSRIDCol = CPLStrdup( "srid" ); oSRSList.Append( "SELECT " ); oSRSList.Append( pszSRIDCol ); oSRSList.Append( "," ); oSRSList.Append( pszSRTextCol ); oSRSList.Append( " FROM " ); oSRSList.Append( pszSRSTableName ); CPLDebug( "OGR_ODBC", "ExecuteSQL(%s) to read SRS table", oSRSList.GetCommand() ); if ( oSRSList.ExecuteSQL() ) { int nRows = 256; // A reasonable number of SRIDs to start from panSRID = (int *)CPLMalloc( nRows * sizeof(int) ); papoSRS = (OGRSpatialReference **) CPLMalloc( nRows * sizeof(OGRSpatialReference*) ); while ( oSRSList.Fetch() ) { const char *pszSRID = oSRSList.GetColData( pszSRIDCol ); if ( !pszSRID ) continue; const char *pszSRText = oSRSList.GetColData( pszSRTextCol ); if ( pszSRText ) { if ( nKnownSRID > nRows ) { nRows *= 2; panSRID = (int *)CPLRealloc( panSRID, nRows * sizeof(int) ); papoSRS = (OGRSpatialReference **) CPLRealloc( papoSRS, nRows * sizeof(OGRSpatialReference*) ); } panSRID[nKnownSRID] = atoi( pszSRID ); papoSRS[nKnownSRID] = new OGRSpatialReference(); papoSRS[nKnownSRID]->SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER); if ( papoSRS[nKnownSRID]->importFromWkt( pszSRText ) != OGRERR_NONE ) { delete papoSRS[nKnownSRID]; continue; } nKnownSRID++; } } } } if ( pszSRIDCol ) CPLFree( pszSRIDCol ); if ( pszSRTextCol ) CPLFree( pszSRTextCol ); if ( pszSRSTableName ) CPLFree( pszSRSTableName ); return TRUE; }
int OGRODBCDataSource::OpenMDB( const char * pszNewName, int bUpdate ) { const char *pszDSNStringTemplate = "DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=%s"; char* pszDSN = (char *) CPLMalloc(strlen(pszNewName)+strlen(pszDSNStringTemplate)+100); sprintf( pszDSN, pszDSNStringTemplate, pszNewName ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Initialize based on the DSN. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLDebug( "ODBC", "EstablishSession(%s)", pszDSN ); if( !oSession.EstablishSession( pszDSN, NULL, NULL ) ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Unable to initialize ODBC connection to DSN for %s,\n" "%s", pszDSN, oSession.GetLastError() ); CPLFree( pszDSN ); return FALSE; } CPLFree( pszDSN ); pszName = CPLStrdup( pszNewName ); bDSUpdate = bUpdate; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check if it is a PGeo MDB. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ { CPLODBCStatement oStmt( &oSession ); oStmt.Append( "SELECT TableName, FieldName, ShapeType, ExtentLeft, ExtentRight, ExtentBottom, ExtentTop, SRID, HasZ FROM GDB_GeomColumns" ); if( oStmt.ExecuteSQL() ) { return FALSE; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check if it is a Geomedia MDB. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ { CPLODBCStatement oStmt( &oSession ); oStmt.Append( "SELECT TableName FROM GAliasTable WHERE TableType = 'INGRFeatures'" ); if( oStmt.ExecuteSQL() ) { return FALSE; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Return all tables as non-spatial tables. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLODBCStatement oTableList( &oSession ); if( oTableList.GetTables() ) { while( oTableList.Fetch() ) { const char *pszSchema = oTableList.GetColData(1); CPLString osLayerName; if( pszSchema != NULL && strlen(pszSchema) > 0 ) { osLayerName = pszSchema; osLayerName += "."; } osLayerName += oTableList.GetColData(2); OpenTable( osLayerName, NULL, bUpdate ); } return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }