Esempio n. 1
IntersectionData ofxIntersection::LinePlaneIntersection(IsLine& line, IsPlane& plane){
    IntersectionData idata;
    float dist1=PointPlaneDistance(line.p0, plane);
    float dist2=PointPlaneDistance(line.p1, plane);
    int pos1=ofSign(dist1);
    int pos2=ofSign(dist2);
        return idata;
    float u=0;
    float denom = plane.getNormal().dot(line.getVec());
    // check if ray is paralles to plane:
    if (fabs(denom) > EPS) {
        u= plane.getNormal().dot(plane.getP0()-line.getP0())/denom;
        // check if intersection is within line-segment:
        if(u>1.0 || u<0){
            return idata;
        return idata;
        return idata;
Esempio n. 2
//UPDATE -------------------------------------------------------------
void Screen_game::update(){
    if(robotFalling == true ){
        if(ofSign(prevRotation) == -1 && fabs(prevRotation) <= 90.0){
            prevRotation -= 1;
            fallPositionX -= 5;
            fallPositionY -= 2;
        }else if(ofSign(prevRotation) == 1 && fabs(prevRotation) <= 90.0){
            prevRotation += 1;
            fallPositionX += 5;
            fallPositionY -= 2;
        }else if(fabs(prevRotation) >= 90.0){
            robotFalling = false;
            new_num_lives = num_lives - 1;
        fallPositionX = 0;
        fallPositionY = 0;
Esempio n. 3
void testApp::mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button){
	prevMouse = currMouse;
	currMouse = ofPoint(x,y);
	float time = (float)(ofGetElapsedTimeMillis() - timeElapsed);
	timeElapsed = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis();
	float dist = ofDist(currMouse.x, currMouse.y, prevMouse.x, prevMouse.y);
	float speed = dist/time;
	//cout << "speed " << speed << endl;
	float newwidth = MAX(0.5,1/speed);
	if (ofDist(x, y, targetPos.x, targetPos.y)<80) //Hit the target!
		//change the sound randomly
		int i = (int)ofRandom(0,files.size());
		currentSound = files[i];
		//change the position of the target
		targetPos.x  =(int)ofRandom(0,ofGetWidth());
		targetPos.y = (int)ofRandom(0, ofGetHeight());
		blobColor.b = (int)ofRandom(0,255);
	if (speed > 0.1 && speed<1.5)
		float xacc = ofSign(x-prevMouse.x)*(pow(abs((int)(_x-lastBlobPosition.x)),0.3));
		float yacc = ofSign(y-prevMouse.y)*(pow(abs((int)(_y-lastBlobPosition.y)),0.3));
		blobs.push_back(blob(x,y,xacc,yacc,BLOB_SIZE, currentSound,blobColor));
Esempio n. 4
IntersectionData ofxIntersection::PlaneTriangleIntersection(IsPlane& plane, IsTriangle& triangle){
    IntersectionData idata;
    ofVec3f tp0=triangle.getP0();
    ofVec3f tp1=triangle.getP1();
    ofVec3f tp2=triangle.getP2();
    float dist1=PointPlaneDistance(tp0, plane);
    float dist2=PointPlaneDistance(tp1, plane);
    float dist3=PointPlaneDistance(tp2, plane);
    int pos1=ofSign(dist1);
    int pos2=ofSign(dist2);
    int pos3=ofSign(dist3);
    if(pos1==pos2 && pos1==pos3){
        return idata;

    bool bintersects=false;
    ofVec3f ip;
        ip=LinePlaneIntersectionFast(tp0, tp1, plane);
        if(!containsValue(&ispoints, ip)){
        ip=LinePlaneIntersectionFast(tp1, tp2, plane);
        if(!containsValue(&ispoints, ip)){
        ip=LinePlaneIntersectionFast(tp2, tp0, plane);
        if(!containsValue(&ispoints, ip)){
    return idata;

Esempio n. 5
void ofApp::draw(){
	ofBackground( 255, 255, 255 );	//Set the background color

	int w = 1024;	//Width of the sound visualization picture

	//Graph of the sound buffer
	ofSetColor( 0, 0, 0 );
	for (int x=0; x<w; x++) {
		int i = float(x) * N / w;   //Convert x to buffer's position        
		ofLine( x, 100, x, 100 - buffer[i] * 100 );

	//Stripe image
	for (int x=0; x<w; x++) {
		int i = float(x) * N / w;   //Convert x to buffer's position
		float v = buffer[i];		//Get buffer value

		//Apply square-root transformation
		//and also shift by 0.2 to make the picture brighter
		v = ofSign( v ) * sqrt( fabs( v ) ) + 0.2;

		//Convert v to range [0,255]
		float col = ofMap( v, -1, 1, 0, 255, true );

		//Set color and draw vertical line
		ofSetColor( col, col, col );	
		ofLine( x, 200, x, 300 );
Esempio n. 6
void testApp::updateTripno(float dt) {

	float signal = 0;

	double blockWidth = gameField.width / SEGMENTS_PER_VIEWPORT;
	tripno.position.x = gameField.width * 0.3;

	// pop max signal from the control data
	if (control.size() - lastSignalIndex > 1) {
		signal = (*max_element(control.begin() + lastSignalIndex, control.end())) * config.signalAmp;
		lastSignalIndex = control.size() - 1;
	signal = signal != signal ? 0 : signal;
	tripno.dbgSignal = signal ? signal : tripno.dbgSignal;

	tripno.elastic = - config.elasticKoeff * tripno.position.y;

	tripno.resistance = - ofSign(tripno.velocity) *  tripno.velocity * tripno.velocity * config.resistanceKoeff;

	double acceleration = (signal/* as control force */ + tripno.elastic + tripno.resistance) * tripno.mass;
	tripno.position.y +=  tripno.velocity * dt + acceleration * dt * dt;

	tripno.velocity += acceleration * dt;

	int blockIndex = tripno.position.x / blockWidth;

	int tripnoY = getTripnoAbsoluteY();
	if (tripnoY <= gameField.y + ceilHeights[blockIndex] ||
		tripnoY >= gameField.y + gameField.height - floorHeights[blockIndex]) {
		tripno.velocity *= -1;
Esempio n. 7
vector <double> ofxURDriver::getAchievablePosition(vector <double> position){
    float maxAccelDeg = 500.0;
    float maxSpeedPct = 1.0;
    if( !bMove && deccelCount > 0 ){
        maxSpeedPct = ofMap(deccelCount, 1, numDeccelSteps-1, 0.0, 1.0, true);
        if( maxSpeedPct < 0.9 ){
            acceleratePct = 0;
        //cout << " deccelCount " << deccelCount << " maxSpeedPct " << maxSpeedPct << endl;
    if( bMove ){
        acceleratePct += 0.02;
        if( acceleratePct > 1.0 ){
            acceleratePct = 1.0;
    maxSpeedPct *= acceleratePct;
    //this seeems to do much better with a hardcoded timedelta
    float timeDiff = 1.0/125.0;//timeNow-lastTimeSentMove;

    if( currentRobotPositionRadians.size() && position.size() ){
        bool bHasSpeed = true;
        vector <double> lastSpeed = calculatedSpeed;
        if( calculatedSpeed.size() != position.size() ){
            calculatedSpeed.assign(position.size(), 0);
            lastSpeed = calculatedSpeed;
            bHasSpeed = false;
        for(int d= 0; d < position.size(); d++){
            calculatedSpeed[d] = (position[d]-currentRobotPositionRadians[d])/timeDiff;
        vector <double> acceleration;
        acceleration.assign(calculatedSpeed.size(), 0);
        for(int d = 0; d < acceleration.size(); d++){
            acceleration[d] = (calculatedSpeed[d]-lastSpeed[d])/timeDiff;
            float accelDegPerSec = ofRadToDeg(acceleration[d]);
            //this is the max accel reccomended.
            //if we are over it we limit the new position to being the old position plus the current speed, plus the max acceleration
            //this seems to actually work - f**k yes!
            if( fabs( accelDegPerSec ) > maxAccelDeg ){
                //cout << d << " currentRobotPositionRadians is " << ofRadToDeg( currentRobotPositionRadians[d] ) << " request is " << ofRadToDeg(position[d]) <<  " speed is " << ofRadToDeg( calculatedSpeed[d] ) << " prev Speed is " << ofRadToDeg(lastSpeed[d])  << " accel is "  << accelDegPerSec << endl;

                float newAccel = ofDegToRad( maxAccelDeg ) * (float)ofSign(accelDegPerSec);
                float speedDiff = newAccel * timeDiff;
                float targetSpeed = lastSpeed[d] + speedDiff;
                position[d] = currentRobotPositionRadians[d] + ( targetSpeed * timeDiff * maxSpeedPct );
                //cout << "---- hit limit: accel is " << ofRadToDeg(newAccel) << " targetSpeed is now " << ofRadToDeg(targetSpeed) << " pos is now " << position[d] << endl;
            }else if( maxSpeedPct < 1.0 ){
                position[d] = currentRobotPositionRadians[d] + ( currentSpeed[d] * timeDiff * maxSpeedPct );
    return position;
Esempio n. 8
void testApp::update(){
	// update the sound playing system:
	//OpenCV stuff
	if (!usingMouseInput)
		bool bNewFrame = false;	
		bNewFrame = vidGrabber.isFrameNew();
		if (bNewFrame){

			colorImg.setFromPixels(vidGrabber.getPixels(), 320,240);
		 grayImage = colorImg;

		// take the abs value of the difference between background and incoming and then threshold:
		grayDiff.absDiff(grayBg, grayImage);
		// find contours which are between the size of 20 pixels and 1/3 the w*h pixels.
		// also, find holes is set to true so we will get interior contours as well....
		contourFinder.findContours(grayDiff, 20, 320*240/3, 10, true);	// find holes
		if (contourFinder.nBlobs>0)
			lastBlobPosition = blobPosition;
			if (_x<ofGetWidth()/2)
				_x = blobPosition.x = ofGetWidth()-contourFinder.blobs[0].boundingRect.x*ofGetWidth()/320;
				_x = blobPosition.x = ofGetWidth()-(contourFinder.blobs[0].boundingRect.x+contourFinder.blobs[0].boundingRect.width)*ofGetWidth()/320;
			_y = blobPosition.y = contourFinder.blobs[0].boundingRect.y*ofGetHeight()/240;
			indexSmoothPos = (indexSmoothPos+1)%LOWPASS;
			smoothPos[indexSmoothPos].x = _x;
			smoothPos[indexSmoothPos].y = _y;
			float tmp_x, tmp_y;
			tmp_x = tmp_y =0;
			for (int i = 0 ; i<LOWPASS ; i++)
			_x = tmp_x/LOWPASS;
			_y = tmp_y/LOWPASS;

	if (!explode && ofDist(_x, _y, targetPos.x, targetPos.y)<80) //Hit the target!
		explode = true;
		explosionTimer = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis();
		transparency = 180;
		//change the sound randomly
		int i = (int)ofRandom(0,files.size());
		currentSound = files[i];
		//cout <<numFiles<< " " << i << " sound changed to:" << currentSound << endl;
		//change the position of the target
		blobColor.b = (int)ofRandom(40,205);
	if (!usingMouseInput)
		float time = (float)(ofGetElapsedTimeMillis() - timeElapsed);
		timeElapsed = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis();
		ofPoint lastPos = smoothPos[(indexSmoothPos+LOWPASS+1)%LOWPASS];
		float dist  = ofDist(_x, _y, lastPos.x,lastPos.y);

		float speed = pow(dist/time,0.3);

		float newwidth = MAX(0.5,1/speed);

		if (speed > 0.1 && speed < 1.5)
			float xacc = ofSign(blobPosition.x-lastBlobPosition.x)*(pow(abs((int)(_x-lastBlobPosition.x)),0.3));
			float yacc = ofSign(blobPosition.y-lastBlobPosition.y)*(pow(abs((int)(_y-lastBlobPosition.y)),0.3));
		//	cout << "xacc, yacc " << xacc << " " << yacc << endl;
			blobs.push_back(blob(_x,_y,xacc,yacc,BLOB_SIZE+(int)(10/(speed)), currentSound, blobColor));
			cout << xacc << " " << yacc <<" speed "<< speed << endl;
	if (bLearnBakground == true){
		grayBg = grayImage;		// the = sign copys the pixels from grayImage into grayBg (operator overloading)
	//	bLearnBakground = false;