void displayMepEntries(void) { OFDPA_ERROR_t rc; uint32_t lmepId; ofdpaOamMepConfig_t config; ofdpaOamMepStatus_t status; lmepId = 0; if ((rc = ofdpaOamMepGet(lmepId, NULL, NULL)) != OFDPA_E_NONE) { if ((rc = ofdpaOamMepNextGet(lmepId, &lmepId)) != OFDPA_E_NONE) { printf("No MEP entries found.\n"); return; } } if (rc == OFDPA_E_NONE) { /* found an entry, display and iterate */ do { if ((rc = ofdpaOamMepGet(lmepId, &config, &status)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { displayMep(lmepId, &config, &status); } else { printf("Error retrieving data for MEP entry. (lmepId = %x, rc = %d)\n", lmepId, rc); } } while (ofdpaOamMepNextGet(lmepId, &lmepId) == OFDPA_E_NONE); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char client_name[] = "ofdpa purge client"; OFDPA_ERROR_t rc; uint32_t count; uint32_t atLeastOneGroupEntryDeleted; uint32_t tableId; ofdpaGroupEntry_t group; uint32_t tunnelPortId; uint32_t ecmpNextHopId; uint32_t nextHopId; uint32_t tunnelId; uint32_t megIndex; uint32_t lmepId; uint32_t localMpId; uint32_t rmpId; uint32_t mlpIndex; ofdpaPortEvent_t portEventData; ofdpaRemarkActionEntry_t remarkEntry; ofdpaDropStatusEntry_t dropEntry; ofdpaMplsQosEntry_t mplsQosEntry; uint32_t meterId; rc = ofdpaClientInitialize(client_name); if (rc != OFDPA_E_NONE) { printf("\nFailure calling ofdpaClientInitialize(). rc = %d", rc); return rc; } printf("Purging flow tables.\n"); /* flow tables purged in phases to manage cross dependencies - egress flows first, then ingress flows except Ingress Port, last Ingress Port Flow table */ for (tableId = OFDPA_FLOW_TABLE_ID_EGRESS_VLAN; tableId < 256; tableId++) { flowTablePurge(tableId); } for (tableId = (OFDPA_FLOW_TABLE_ID_INGRESS_PORT + 1); tableId < OFDPA_FLOW_TABLE_ID_EGRESS_VLAN; tableId++) { flowTablePurge(tableId); } flowTablePurge(OFDPA_FLOW_TABLE_ID_INGRESS_PORT); printf("Purging logical tunnel port to tenant associations.\n"); tunnelPortId = 0; ofdpaPortTypeSet(&tunnelPortId, OFDPA_PORT_TYPE_LOGICAL_TUNNEL); while (ofdpaTunnelPortNextGet(tunnelPortId, &tunnelPortId) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { count = 0; tunnelId = 0; while (ofdpaTunnelPortTenantNextGet(tunnelPortId, tunnelId, &tunnelId) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { if ((rc = ofdpaTunnelPortTenantDelete(tunnelPortId, tunnelId)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { count++; } else { printf("\tError returned from ofdpaTunnelPortTenantDelete: rc = %d, tunnelPortId = 0x%08x, tunnelId = %d\n", rc, tunnelPortId, tunnelId); } } if (count != 0) { printf("\tDeleted %d tunnel logical port to tenant associations for port 0x%08x.\n", count, tunnelPortId); } else { printf("\tNo entries found for port 0x%08x.\n", tunnelPortId); } } printf("Purging logical tunnel ports.\n"); tunnelPortId = 0; ofdpaPortTypeSet(&tunnelPortId, OFDPA_PORT_TYPE_LOGICAL_TUNNEL); count = 0; while (ofdpaTunnelPortNextGet(tunnelPortId, &tunnelPortId) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { if ((rc = ofdpaTunnelPortDelete(tunnelPortId)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { count++; } else { printf("\tError returned from ofdpaTunnelPortDelete: rc = %d, tunnelPortId = 0x%08x\n", rc, tunnelPortId); } } if (count != 0) { printf("\tDeleted %d tunnel logical ports.\n", count); } else { printf("\tNo entries found\n"); } printf("Purging tunnel ECMP next hop groups.\n"); ecmpNextHopId = 0; count = 0; while (ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupNextGet(ecmpNextHopId, &ecmpNextHopId) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { /* remove any member next hops from this group */ nextHopId = 0; while ((rc = ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupMemberNextGet(ecmpNextHopId, nextHopId, &nextHopId)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { if ((rc = ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupMemberDelete(ecmpNextHopId, nextHopId)) != OFDPA_E_NONE) { printf("\tError returned from ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupMemberDelete: rc = %d, ecmpNextHopId = %d, nextHopId = %d\n", rc, ecmpNextHopId, nextHopId); } } if ((rc = ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupDelete(ecmpNextHopId)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { count++; } else { printf("\tError returned from ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupDelete: rc = %d, nextHopId = 0x%08x\n", rc, nextHopId); } } if (count != 0) { printf("\tDeleted %d ECMP next hop groups.\n", count); } else { printf("\tNo entries found\n"); } printf("Purging tenants.\n"); tunnelId = 0; count = 0; while (ofdpaTunnelTenantNextGet(tunnelId, &tunnelId) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { if ((rc = ofdpaTunnelTenantDelete(tunnelId)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { count++; } else { printf("\tError returned from ofdpaTunnelTenantDelete: rc = %d, tunnelId = %d\n", rc, tunnelId); } } if (count != 0) { printf("\tDeleted %d tenants.\n", count); } else { printf("\tNo entries found\n"); } printf("Purging tunnel next hops.\n"); nextHopId = 0; count = 0; while (ofdpaTunnelNextHopNextGet(nextHopId, &nextHopId) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { if ((rc = ofdpaTunnelNextHopDelete(nextHopId)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { count++; } else { printf("\tError returned from ofdpaTunnelNextHopDelete: rc = %d, nextHopId = %d\n", rc, nextHopId); } } if (count != 0) { printf("\tDeleted %d next hops.\n", count); } else { printf("\tNo entries found\n"); } printf("Purging OAM Remote MP table.\n"); rmpId = 0; count = 0; while (ofdpaOamRemoteMpNextGet(rmpId, &rmpId) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { if ((rc = ofdpaOamRemoteMpDelete(rmpId)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { count++; } else { printf("\tError returned from ofdpaOamRemoteMpDelete: rc = %d, rmpId = %d\n", rc, rmpId); } } if (count != 0) { printf("\tDeleted %d Remote MP entries.\n", count); } else { printf("\tNo entries found\n"); } printf("Purging MLP Group table.\n"); mlpIndex = 0; count = 0; while (ofdpaOamMLPGroupNextGet(mlpIndex, &mlpIndex) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { lmepId = 0; while (ofdpaOamMepProtectionNextGet(mlpIndex, lmepId, &lmepId) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { if ((rc = ofdpaOamMepProtectionRemove(mlpIndex, lmepId)) != OFDPA_E_NONE) { printf("\tError returned from ofdpaOamMepProtectionRemove: rc = %d, mlpIndex = %d, lmepId = %d\n", rc, mlpIndex, lmepId); } } if ((rc = ofdpaOamMLPGroupDelete(mlpIndex)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { count++; } else { printf("\tError returned from ofdpaOamMLPGroupDelete: rc = %d, mlpIndex = %d\n", rc, mlpIndex); } } if (count != 0) { printf("\tDeleted %d MLP Group entries.\n", count); } else { printf("\tNo entries found\n"); } printf("Purging OAM MEP table.\n"); lmepId = 0; count = 0; while (ofdpaOamMepNextGet(lmepId, &lmepId) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { if ((rc = ofdpaOamMepDelete(lmepId)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { count++; } else { printf("\tError returned from ofdpaOamMepDelete: rc = %d, lmepId = %d\n", rc, lmepId); } } if (count != 0) { printf("\tDeleted %d MEP entries.\n", count); } else { printf("\tNo entries found\n"); } printf("Purging OAM MIP table.\n"); localMpId = 0; count = 0; while (ofdpaOamMipNextGet(localMpId, &localMpId) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { if ((rc = ofdpaOamMipDelete(localMpId)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { count++; } else { printf("\tError returned from ofdpaOamMipDelete: rc = %d, localMpId = %d\n", rc, localMpId); } } if (count != 0) { printf("\tDeleted %d MIP entries.\n", count); } else { printf("\tNo entries found\n"); } printf("Purging OAM MEG table.\n"); megIndex = 0; count = 0; while (ofdpaOamMegNextGet(megIndex, &megIndex) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { if ((rc = ofdpaOamMegDelete(megIndex)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { count++; } else { printf("\tError returned from ofdpaOamMegDelete: rc = %d, megIndex = %d\n", rc, megIndex); } } if (count != 0) { printf("\tDeleted %d MEG entries.\n", count); } else { printf("\tNo entries found\n"); } printf("Purging Remark table.\n"); memset(&remarkEntry, 0, sizeof(remarkEntry)); count = 0; while (ofdpaRemarkEntryNextGet(&remarkEntry, &remarkEntry) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { if ((rc = ofdpaRemarkActionDelete(&remarkEntry)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { count++; } else { printf("\tError returned from ofdpaRemarkActionDelete: rc = %d\n", rc); } } if (count != 0) { printf("\tDeleted %d Remark entries.\n", count); } else { printf("\tNo entries found\n"); } printf("Purging Drop Status table.\n"); memset(&dropEntry, 0, sizeof(dropEntry)); count = 0; while (ofdpaDropStatusNextGet(0, &dropEntry) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { if ((rc = ofdpaDropStatusDelete(dropEntry.lmepId)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { count++; } else { printf("\tError returned from ofdpaDropStatusDelete: rc = %d\n", rc); } } if (count != 0) { printf("\tDeleted %d Drop entries.\n", count); } else { printf("\tNo entries found\n"); } printf("Purging MPLS QoS table.\n"); memset(&mplsQosEntry, 0, sizeof(mplsQosEntry)); count = 0; while (ofdpaMplsQosEntryNextGet(&mplsQosEntry, &mplsQosEntry) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { if ((rc = ofdpaMplsQosActionDelete(&mplsQosEntry)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { count++; } else { printf("\tError returned from ofdpaMplsQosActionDelete: rc = %d\n", rc); } } if (count != 0) { printf("\tDeleted %d MPLS QoS entries.\n", count); } else { printf("\tNo entries found\n"); } printf("Purging Meter table.\n"); meterId = 0; count = 0; while (ofdpaMeterNextGet(meterId, &meterId) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { if ((rc = ofdpaMeterDelete(meterId)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { count++; } else { printf("\tError returned from ofdpaMeterDelete: rc = %d\n", rc); } } if (count != 0) { printf("\tDeleted %d Meter entries.\n", count); } else { printf("\tNo entries found\n"); } printf("Purging group table.\n"); count = 0; do { memset(&group, 0, sizeof(group)); atLeastOneGroupEntryDeleted = 0; while (ofdpaGroupNextGet(group.groupId, &group) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { if ((rc = ofdpaGroupDelete(group.groupId)) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { count++; atLeastOneGroupEntryDeleted = 1; } } } while (atLeastOneGroupEntryDeleted == 1); if (count != 0) { printf("\tDeleted %d groups.\n", count); } else { printf("\tNo entries found\n"); } /* retrieve all port events to allow logical ports to actually be deleted from database */ printf("Retrieving pending logical port delete events.\n"); memset(&portEventData, 0, sizeof(portEventData)); count = 0; while (ofdpaPortEventNextGet(&portEventData) == OFDPA_E_NONE) { if (portEventData.eventMask & OFDPA_EVENT_PORT_DELETE) { count++; } } if (count != 0) { printf("\tRetrieved %d port delete events.\n", count); } else { printf("\tNo events found\n"); } return(0); }