int bfs(List nodes[], int startNode, int endNode, int numberOfNodes) { Queue queue; queue.front = 0; queue.rear = 0; int dist[numberOfNodes + 1]; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i <= numberOfNodes; i++) { dist[i] = -1; } dist[startNode] = 0; offer(&queue, startNode); int currentNode, childNode; int numOfChildNodes; while (!isEmpty(&queue)) { currentNode = poll(&queue); if (currentNode == endNode) return dist[currentNode]; numOfChildNodes = getSize(&nodes[currentNode]); struct Node *temp = nodes[currentNode].first; for(i = 1; i <= getSize(&nodes[currentNode]); i++) { if (dist[temp->value] >= 0) continue; offer(&queue, temp->value); dist[temp->value] = dist[currentNode] + 1; temp = temp->next; } } return -1; }
void ProfileWidget::populateTable() { ClearTable(); //TODO: maybe change this table to the following columns: //DOC Title //Asking Price //getPending().value(10) //Counter Offer //if (column named 'approved' == 1) counterOffer = getPending.value(11) else counterOffer = null //Accept //Decline QSqlQuery getPending = m_user->getPendingDocuments(); while( { int rowIndex = m_counterofferTable->rowCount(); m_counterofferTable->insertRow(rowIndex); QString Ask_price(getPending.value(MainDB::ASKINGPRICE).toString()); QString offer(getPending.value(MainDB::COUNTEROFFER).toString()); QString title(getPending.value(MainDB::TITLE).toString()); QString id(getPending.value(MainDB::UID).toString()); m_counterofferTable->setItem(rowIndex, UID, new QTableWidgetItem(id)); m_counterofferTable->setItem(rowIndex, TITLE, new QTableWidgetItem(title)); m_counterofferTable->setItem(rowIndex, ASKINGPRC, new QTableWidgetItem(Ask_price)); m_counterofferTable->setItem(rowIndex, CO, new QTableWidgetItem(offer)); m_counterofferTable->setCellWidget(rowIndex, ACCEPT, new QLabel(tr("Accept"))); m_counterofferTable->setCellWidget(rowIndex, DECLINE, new QLabel(tr("Decline"))); } }
map<int, offer> firms::set_supply() { map<int, offer> supply; for (map<int, firm>::iterator i = _firms.begin(); i != _firms.end(); ++i) { supply[i->first] = offer((i->second).getprice(), (i->second).getstock()); } return supply; }
// only for dev int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // call QStringList command; for(int i=1; i<argc; i++) { command.append(QString("%1").arg(argv[i])); } // command.append("function"); // command.append("my"); // command.append("arg_2"); // command.append("arg_3"); qDebug() << "Return: " << offer(command) << endl; return 0; }
static void onAccept(struct Event* event, void* arg) { assert(event != NULL && arg != NULL); #ifdef DEBUG printf("accept a connection.\n"); #endif Server* server = (Server*)event->arg; int sockfd = server->sockfd; assert(sockfd >= 0); int connfd = tcpAccept(sockfd); assert(connfd >= 0); int nextId = server->nextId % server->nthreads; server->nextId++; offer(server->threads[nextId]->queue, connfd); int efd = server->threads[nextId]->efd; uint64_t count = 1; int n = write(efd, &count, sizeof(count)); assert(n == sizeof(count)); }
void mst_krushkal(Graph *g) { int i, j, k, count = 1; PQ *pq; UnionFind *uf; datatype *d; pq = create_PQ(10); uf = UF_create(g->vertex, g->size); printf("**************\nKrushkals MST\n**************\n"); for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for(j = i + 1; j < 10; j++) { //count = get_edge_keys(g, edge_keys, i, j); if(g->edges[i][j] > 0) { d = (datatype *) malloc(sizeof(datatype)); d->key = g->edges[i][j]; d->v11 = i; d->v12 = j; d->v21 = j; d->v22 = i; offer(pq, d); free(d); } } } while(!is_empty(pq)){ d = (datatype *) malloc(sizeof(datatype)); count = take(pq, d); if(uf_is_connected(uf, d->v11, d->v12)) continue; Union(uf, d->v11, d->v12); printf("Edge %d, %d [%d]\n", d->v11, d->v12, d->key); free(d); } }
// Cron only removes an item when that item REQUESTS to be removed (by setting // the flag.) // Once this happens, Cron has full permission to remove it. Thus, this hook is // forceful. It // is cron saying, YOU ARE BEING REMOVED. Period. So cleanup whatever you have // to clean up. // // In this case, it removes the corresponding offer from the market. // void OTTrade::onRemovalFromCron() { OTCron* cron = GetCron(); OT_ASSERT(cron != nullptr); // If I don't already have an offer on the market, then I will have trouble // figuring out // my SCALE, which is stored on the Offer. Therefore I will instantiate an // offer (since I // store the original internally) and I will look up the scale. // int64_t scale = 1; // todo stop hardcoding. int64_t transactionNum = 0; if (offer_ != nullptr) { if (!marketOffer_.Exists()) { otErr << "OTTrade::onRemovalFromCron called with nullptr offer_ and " "empty marketOffer_.\n"; return; } std::unique_ptr<OTOffer> offer(new OTOffer()); // Trying to load the offer from the trader's original signed request // (So I can use it to lookup the Market ID, so I can see if the offer // is // already there on the market.) if (!offer->LoadContractFromString(marketOffer_)) { otErr << "Error loading offer from string in " "OTTrade::onRemovalFromCron\n"; return; } scale = offer->GetScale(); transactionNum = offer->GetTransactionNum(); } else { scale = offer_->GetScale(); transactionNum = offer_->GetTransactionNum(); } OTMarket* market = cron->GetOrCreateMarket(GetInstrumentDefinitionID(), GetCurrencyID(), scale); // Couldn't find (or create) the market. // if (market == nullptr) { otErr << "Unable to find market within requested parameters in " "OTTrade::onRemovalFromCron.\n"; return; } // // Let's see if the offer is ALREADY allocated and on this market! // OTOffer* marketOffer = market->GetOffer(transactionNum); // The Offer is already on the Market. // if (marketOffer != nullptr) { offer_ = marketOffer; offer_->SetTrade(*this); } market->RemoveOffer(transactionNum); }
int main(){ int i; int root_val; char command[20]; int insert_val; int insert_val_queue; int delete_val; queue* exp_queue; node* exp_node; node* root=new_node(); breadth_arr=(int*)malloc(2*sizeof(int)); breadth_arr_count=0; in_arr=(int*)malloc(2*sizeof(int)); in_count=0; pre_arr=(int*)malloc(2*sizeof(int)); pre_count=0; post_arr=(int*)malloc(2*sizeof(int)); post_count=0; printf("to make tree enter root \n"); scanf("%d",&root_val); root->val=root_val; printf("enter command, \"exit\" to exit \n"); while(true){ printf("$"); scanf("%s",command); if(strcmp(command,exit_command)==0){ printf("\n"); break; } else if(strcmp(command,insert_command)==0){ printf(">"); scanf("%d",&insert_val); insert(root,insert_val); } else if(strcmp(command,inorder_command)==0){ inorder(root); printf("\n"); for(i=0;i<in_count;i++){ printf("%d ",in_arr[i]); } printf("\n"); } else if(strcmp(command,preorder_command)==0){ preorder(root); printf("\n"); for(i=0;i<pre_count;i++){ printf("%d ",pre_arr[i]); } printf("\n"); } else if(strcmp(command,postorder_command)==0){ postorder(root); printf("\n"); for(i=0;i<post_count;i++){ printf("%d ",post_arr[i]); } printf("\n"); } else if(strcmp(command,breadth_first_command)==0){ breadth_first(root); //printf("count: %d\n",breadth_arr_count); for(i=0;i<breadth_arr_count;i++){ printf("%d ",breadth_arr[i]); } printf("\n"); } else if(strcmp(command,make_queue)==0){ exp_queue=new_queue(); } else if(strcmp(command,offer_command)==0){ printf(">"); scanf("%d",&insert_val_queue); exp_node=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); exp_node->val=insert_val_queue; exp_node->left=NULL; exp_node->right=NULL; offer(exp_node,exp_queue); } else if(strcmp(command,poll_command)==0){ exp_node=poll(exp_queue); if(exp_node!=NULL){ printf("polled %d\n",exp_node->val); free(exp_node); } } else if(strcmp(command,empty_queue_command)==0){ empty_queue(exp_queue)==true?printf("true\n"):printf("false\n"); } else if(strcmp(command,delete_command)==0){ printf(">"); scanf("%d",&delete_val); delete(delete_val,root); } else if(strcmp(command,pre_command)==0){ //printf("in_count=%d pre_count=%d\n",in_count,pre_count); node* root_traversal=inorder_preorder(in_arr,pre_arr); breadth_first_check(root_traversal); } } return 0; }