Esempio n. 1
 * store a name/value pair in Redis
static apr_byte_t oidc_cache_redis_set(request_rec *r, const char *section,
		const char *key, const char *value, apr_time_t expiry) {

	oidc_debug(r, "enter, section=\"%s\", key=\"%s\"", section, key);

	oidc_cfg *cfg = ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config,
	oidc_cache_cfg_redis_t *context = (oidc_cache_cfg_redis_t *) cfg->cache_cfg;
	redisReply *reply = NULL;

	/* grab the global lock */
	if (oidc_cache_mutex_lock(r, context->mutex) == FALSE)
		return FALSE;

	/* see if we should be clearing this entry */
	if (value == NULL) {

		/* delete it */
		reply = oidc_cache_redis_command(r, context, "DEL %s",
				oidc_cache_redis_get_key(r->pool, section, key));
		if (reply == NULL) {
			oidc_cache_mutex_unlock(r, context->mutex);
			return FALSE;


	} else {

		/* calculate the timeout from now */
		apr_uint32_t timeout = apr_time_sec(expiry - apr_time_now());

		/* store it */
		reply = oidc_cache_redis_command(r, context, "SETEX %s %d %s",
				oidc_cache_redis_get_key(r->pool, section, key), timeout,
		if (reply == NULL) {
			oidc_cache_mutex_unlock(r, context->mutex);
			return FALSE;



	/* release the global lock */
	oidc_cache_mutex_unlock(r, context->mutex);

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 2
 * get a name/value pair from Redis
static apr_byte_t oidc_cache_redis_get(request_rec *r, const char *section,
		const char *key, const char **value) {

	oidc_debug(r, "enter, section=\"%s\", key=\"%s\"", section, key);

	oidc_cfg *cfg = ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config,
	oidc_cache_cfg_redis_t *context = (oidc_cache_cfg_redis_t *) cfg->cache_cfg;
	redisReply *reply = NULL;

	/* grab the global lock */
	if (oidc_cache_mutex_lock(r, context->mutex) == FALSE)
		return FALSE;

	/* get */
	reply = oidc_cache_redis_command(r, context, "GET %s",
			oidc_cache_redis_get_key(r->pool, section, key));
	if (reply == NULL) {
		oidc_cache_mutex_unlock(r, context->mutex);
		return FALSE;

	/* check that we got a string back */
	if (reply->type != REDIS_REPLY_STRING) {
		/* this is a normal cache miss, so we'll return OK */
		oidc_cache_mutex_unlock(r, context->mutex);
		return TRUE;

	/* do a sanity check on the returned value */
	if (reply->len != strlen(reply->str)) {
		oidc_error(r, "redisCommand reply->len != strlen(reply->str): '%s'",
		oidc_cache_mutex_unlock(r, context->mutex);
		return FALSE;

	/* copy it in to the request memory pool */
	*value = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, reply->str);

	/* release the global lock */
	oidc_cache_mutex_unlock(r, context->mutex);

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 3
 * get a value from the shared memory cache
static apr_byte_t oidc_cache_shm_get(request_rec *r, const char *section,
		const char *key, const char **value) {

	oidc_debug(r, "enter, section=\"%s\", key=\"%s\"", section, key);

	oidc_cfg *cfg = ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config,
	oidc_cache_cfg_shm_t *context = (oidc_cache_cfg_shm_t *) cfg->cache_cfg;

	int i;
	const char *section_key = oidc_cache_shm_get_key(r->pool, section, key);

	*value = NULL;

	/* grab the global lock */
	if (oidc_cache_mutex_lock(r, context->mutex) == FALSE)
		return FALSE;

	/* get the pointer to the start of the shared memory block */
	oidc_cache_shm_entry_t *t = apr_shm_baseaddr_get(context->shm);

	/* loop over the block, looking for the key */
	for (i = 0; i < cfg->cache_shm_size_max; i++, OIDC_CACHE_SHM_ADD_OFFSET(t, cfg->cache_shm_entry_size_max)) {
		const char *tablekey = t->section_key;

		if ( (tablekey != NULL) && (apr_strnatcmp(tablekey, section_key) == 0) ) {

			/* found a match, check if it has expired */
			if (t->expires > apr_time_now()) {

				/* update access timestamp */
				t->access = apr_time_now();
				*value = t->value;

			} else {

				/* clear the expired entry */
				t->section_key[0] = '\0';
				t->access = 0;


			/* we safely can break now since we would not have found an expired match twice */

	/* release the global lock */
	oidc_cache_mutex_unlock(r, context->mutex);

	return (*value == NULL) ? FALSE : TRUE;
Esempio n. 4
 * store a value in the shared memory cache
static apr_byte_t oidc_cache_shm_set(request_rec *r, const char *section,
		const char *key, const char *value, apr_time_t expiry) {

	oidc_debug(r, "enter, section=\"%s\", key=\"%s\", value size=%llu", section,
			key, value ? (unsigned long long )strlen(value) : 0);

	oidc_cfg *cfg = ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config,
	oidc_cache_cfg_shm_t *context = (oidc_cache_cfg_shm_t *) cfg->cache_cfg;

	oidc_cache_shm_entry_t *match, *free, *lru;
	oidc_cache_shm_entry_t *t;
	apr_time_t current_time;
	int i;
	apr_time_t age;

	const char *section_key = oidc_cache_shm_get_key(r->pool, section, key);

	/* check that the passed in key is valid */
	if (strlen(section_key) > OIDC_CACHE_SHM_KEY_MAX) {
		oidc_error(r, "could not store value since key size is too large (%s)",
		return FALSE;

	/* check that the passed in value is valid */
	if ((value != NULL) && (strlen(value) > (cfg->cache_shm_entry_size_max - sizeof(oidc_cache_shm_entry_t)))) {
		oidc_error(r, "could not store value since value size is too large (%llu > %lu); consider increasing OIDCCacheShmEntrySizeMax",
				(unsigned long long)strlen(value), (unsigned long)(cfg->cache_shm_entry_size_max - sizeof(oidc_cache_shm_entry_t)));
		return FALSE;

	/* grab the global lock */
	if (oidc_cache_mutex_lock(r, context->mutex) == FALSE)
		return FALSE;

	/* get a pointer to the shared memory block */
	t = apr_shm_baseaddr_get(context->shm);

	/* get the current time */
	current_time = apr_time_now();

	/* loop over the block, looking for the key */
	match = NULL;
	free = NULL;
	lru = t;
	for (i = 0; i < cfg->cache_shm_size_max; i++, OIDC_CACHE_SHM_ADD_OFFSET(t, cfg->cache_shm_entry_size_max)) {

		/* see if this slot is free */
		if (t->section_key[0] == '\0') {
			if (free == NULL)
				free = t;

		/* see if a value already exists for this key */
		if (apr_strnatcmp(t->section_key, section_key) == 0) {
			match = t;

		/* see if this slot has expired */
		if (t->expires <= current_time) {
			if (free == NULL)
				free = t;

		/* see if this slot was less recently used than the current pointer */
		if (t->access < lru->access) {
			lru = t;


	/* if we have no free slots, issue a warning about the LRU entry */
	if (match == NULL && free == NULL) {
		age = (current_time - lru->access) / 1000000;
		if (age < 3600) {
					"dropping LRU entry with age = %" APR_TIME_T_FMT "s, which is less than one hour; consider increasing the shared memory caching space (which is %d now) with the (global) OIDCCacheShmMax setting.",
					age, cfg->cache_shm_size_max);

	/* pick the best slot: choose one with a matching key over a free slot, over a least-recently-used one */
	t = match ? match : (free ? free : lru);

	/* see if we need to clear or set the value */
	if (value != NULL) {

		/* fill out the entry with the provided data */
		strcpy(t->section_key, section_key);
		strcpy(t->value, value);
		t->expires = expiry;
		t->access = current_time;

	} else {

		t->section_key[0] = '\0';
		t->access = 0;


	/* release the global lock */
	oidc_cache_mutex_unlock(r, context->mutex);

	return TRUE;