Esempio n. 1
void overmapbuffer::fix_npcs( overmap &new_overmap )
    // First step: move all npcs that are located outside of the given overmap
    // into a separate container. After that loop, new_overmap.npcs is no
    // accessed anymore!
    decltype( overmap::npcs ) to_relocate;
    for( auto it = new_overmap.npcs.begin(); it != new_overmap.npcs.end(); ) {
        npc &np = **it;
        const tripoint npc_omt_pos = np.global_omt_location();
        const point npc_om_pos = omt_to_om_copy( npc_omt_pos.x, npc_omt_pos.y );
        const point &loc = new_overmap.pos();
        if( npc_om_pos == loc ) {
            // Nothing to do
        to_relocate.push_back( *it );
        it = new_overmap.npcs.erase( it );
    // Second step: put them back where they belong. This step involves loading
    // new overmaps (via `get`), which does in turn call this function for the
    // newly loaded overmaps. This in turn may move NPCs from the second overmap
    // back into the first overmap. This messes up the iteration of it. The
    // iteration is therefore done in a separate step above (which does *not*
    // involve loading new overmaps).
    for( auto &ptr : to_relocate ) {
        npc &np = *ptr;
        const tripoint npc_omt_pos = np.global_omt_location();
        const point npc_om_pos = omt_to_om_copy( npc_omt_pos.x, npc_omt_pos.y );
        const point &loc = new_overmap.pos();
        if( !has( npc_om_pos.x, npc_om_pos.y ) ) {
            // This can't really happen without save editing
            // We have no sane option here, just place the NPC on the edge
            debugmsg( "NPC %s is out of bounds, on non-generated overmap %d,%d",
            , loc.x, loc.y );
            point npc_sm = om_to_sm_copy( npc_om_pos );
            point min = om_to_sm_copy( loc );
            point max = om_to_sm_copy( loc + point( 1, 1 ) ) - point( 1, 1 );
            npc_sm.x = clamp( npc_sm.x, min.x, max.x );
            npc_sm.y = clamp( npc_sm.y, min.y, max.y );
            np.spawn_at_sm( npc_sm.x, npc_sm.y, np.posz() );
            new_overmap.npcs.push_back( ptr );

        // Simplest case: just move the pointer
        get( npc_om_pos.x, npc_om_pos.y ).insert_npc( ptr );
Esempio n. 2
radio_tower_reference create_radio_tower_reference( overmap &om, radio_tower &t, const tripoint &center )
    // global submap coordinates, same as center is
    const point pos = point( t.x, t.y ) + om_to_sm_copy( om.pos() );
    const int strength = t.strength - rl_dist( tripoint( pos, 0 ), center );
    return radio_tower_reference{ &om, &t, pos, strength };
Esempio n. 3
void overmapbuffer::signal_hordes( const tripoint &center, const int sig_power )
    const auto radius = sig_power;
    for( auto &om : get_overmaps_near( center, radius ) ) {
        const point abs_pos_om = om_to_sm_copy( om->pos() );
        const tripoint rel_pos( center.x - abs_pos_om.x, center.y - abs_pos_om.y, center.z );
        // overmap::signal_hordes expects a coordinate relative to the overmap, this is easier
        // for processing as the monster group stores is location as relative coordinates, too.
        om->signal_hordes( rel_pos, sig_power );
Esempio n. 4
city_reference overmapbuffer::closest_city( const tripoint &center )
    // a whole overmap (because it's in submap coordinates, OMAPX is overmap terrain coordinates)
    auto const radius = OMAPX * 2;
    // Starting with distance = INT_MAX, so the first city is already closer
    city_reference result{ nullptr, nullptr, tripoint( 0, 0, 0 ), INT_MAX };
    for( auto &om : get_overmaps_near( center, radius ) ) {
        const auto abs_pos_om = om_to_sm_copy( om->pos() );
        for( auto &city : om->cities ) {
            const auto rel_pos_city = omt_to_sm_copy( point( city.x, city.y ) );
            // TODO: Z-level cities. This 0 has to be here until mapgen understands non-0 zlev cities
            const auto abs_pos_city = tripoint( abs_pos_om + rel_pos_city, 0 );
            const auto distance = rl_dist( abs_pos_city, center );
            const city_reference cr{ om, &city, abs_pos_city, distance };
            if( distance < result.distance ) {
                result = cr;
            } else if( distance == result.distance &&>s < city.s ) {
                result = cr;
    return result;
Esempio n. 5
std::vector<city_reference> overmapbuffer::get_cities_near( const tripoint &location, int radius )
    std::vector<city_reference> result;

    for( const auto om : get_overmaps_near( location, radius ) ) {
        const auto abs_pos_om = om_to_sm_copy( om->pos() );
        result.reserve( result.size() + om->cities.size() );
        std::transform( om->cities.begin(), om->cities.end(), std::back_inserter( result ),
        [&]( city & element ) {
            const auto rel_pos_city = omt_to_sm_copy( element.pos );
            const auto abs_pos_city = tripoint( rel_pos_city + abs_pos_om, 0 );
            const auto distance = rl_dist( abs_pos_city, location );

            return city_reference{ &element, abs_pos_city, distance };
        } );

    std::sort( result.begin(), result.end(), []( const city_reference & lhs,
    const city_reference & rhs ) {
        return lhs.get_distance_from_bounds() < rhs.get_distance_from_bounds();
    } );

    return result;