Esempio n. 1
void ImageLoader::onReplyFinished()
    QNetworkReply* reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply*>(sender());

    QString response;
    if (reply) {
        if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) {
            const int available = reply->bytesAvailable();
            if (available > 0) {
                const QByteArray data(reply->readAll());

                // Setup the image processing thread
                ImageProcessor *imageProcessor = new ImageProcessor(data);
                m_thread = new QThread(this);

                // Move the image processor to the worker thread

                // Invoke ImageProcessor's start() slot as soon as the worker thread has started
                connect(m_thread, SIGNAL(started()), imageProcessor, SLOT(start()));

                // Delete the worker thread automatically after it has finished
                connect(m_thread, SIGNAL(finished()), m_thread, SLOT(deleteLater()));

                 * Invoke our onProcessingFinished slot after the processing has finished.
                 * Since imageProcessor and 'this' are located in different threads we use 'QueuedConnection' to
                 * allow a cross-thread boundary invocation. In this case the QImage parameter is copied in a thread-safe way
                 * from the worker thread to the main thread.
                connect(imageProcessor, SIGNAL(finished(QImage)), this, SLOT(onImageProcessingFinished(QImage)), Qt::QueuedConnection);

                // Terminate the thread after the processing has finished
                connect(imageProcessor, SIGNAL(finished(QImage)), m_thread, SLOT(quit()));

        } else {
            m_label = tr("Error: %1 status: %2").arg(reply->errorString(), reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toString());
            emit labelChanged();

            m_loading = false;
            emit loadingChanged();

    } else {
        m_label = tr("Download failed. Check internet connection");
        emit labelChanged();

        m_loading = false;
        emit loadingChanged();
Esempio n. 2
void ImageLoader::onReplyFinished()
    QNetworkReply* reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply*>(sender());

    QString response;
    if (reply)
        if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError)
            const int available = reply->bytesAvailable();
            if (available > 0)
                const QByteArray data(reply->readAll());

                // Setup the image processing thread
                ImageProcessor *imageProcessor = new ImageProcessor(data);

                QFuture<QImage> future = QtConcurrent::run(imageProcessor, &ImageProcessor::start);

                // Invoke our onProcessingFinished slot after the processing has finished.
                connect(&m_watcher, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(onImageProcessingFinished()));

                // starts watching the given future
            m_loading = false;
            emit loadingChanged();

        m_loading = false;
        emit loadingChanged();