void ConnectionAutomaton::onError(folly::exception_wrapper ex) {
Esempio n. 2
// ProcessCurrentNode returns a boolean telling whether to traverse children nodes or not.
// If the return value is false, then the caller should read in the output "nextSiblingPosition"
// to find out the address of the next sibling node and pass it to a new call of processCurrentNode.
// It is worthy to note that when false is returned, the output values other than
// nextSiblingPosition are undefined.
// If the return value is true, then the caller must proceed to traverse the children of this
// node. processCurrentNode will output the information about the children: their count in
// newCount, their position in newChildrenPosition, the traverseAllNodes flag in
// newTraverseAllNodes, the match weight into newMatchRate, the input index into newInputIndex, the
// diffs into newDiffs, the sibling position in nextSiblingPosition, and the output index into
// newOutputIndex. Please also note the following caveat: processCurrentNode does not know when
// there aren't any more nodes at this level, it merely returns the address of the first byte after
// the current node in nextSiblingPosition. Thus, the caller must keep count of the nodes at any
// given level, as output into newCount when traversing this level's parent.
inline bool UnigramDictionary::processCurrentNode(const int initialPos,
        const std::map<int, int> *bigramMap, const uint8_t *bigramFilter, Correction *correction,
        int *newCount, int *newChildrenPosition, int *nextSiblingPosition,
        WordsPriorityQueuePool *queuePool, const int currentWordIndex) {
    if (DEBUG_DICT) {
    int pos = initialPos;

    // Flags contain the following information:
    // - Address type (MASK_GROUP_ADDRESS_TYPE) on two bits:
    //   - FLAG_GROUP_ADDRESS_TYPE_{ONE,TWO,THREE}_BYTES means there are children and their address
    //     is on the specified number of bytes.
    //   - FLAG_GROUP_ADDRESS_TYPE_NOADDRESS means there are no children, and therefore no address.
    // - FLAG_HAS_MULTIPLE_CHARS: whether this node has multiple char or not.
    // - FLAG_IS_TERMINAL: whether this node is a terminal or not (it may still have children)
    // - FLAG_HAS_BIGRAMS: whether this node has bigrams or not
    const uint8_t flags = BinaryFormat::getFlagsAndForwardPointer(DICT_ROOT, &pos);
    const bool hasMultipleChars = (0 != (FLAG_HAS_MULTIPLE_CHARS & flags));
    const bool isTerminalNode = (0 != (FLAG_IS_TERMINAL & flags));

    bool needsToInvokeOnTerminal = false;

    // This gets only ONE character from the stream. Next there will be:
    // if FLAG_HAS_MULTIPLE CHARS: the other characters of the same node
    // else if FLAG_IS_TERMINAL: the frequency
    // else if MASK_GROUP_ADDRESS_TYPE is not NONE: the children address
    // Note that you can't have a node that both is not a terminal and has no children.
    int32_t c = BinaryFormat::getCharCodeAndForwardPointer(DICT_ROOT, &pos);
    assert(NOT_A_CHARACTER != c);

    // We are going to loop through each character and make it look like it's a different
    // node each time. To do that, we will process characters in this node in order until
    // we find the character terminator. This is signalled by getCharCode* returning
    // As a special case, if there is only one character in this node, we must not read the
    // next bytes so we will simulate the NOT_A_CHARACTER return by testing the flags.
    // This way, each loop run will look like a "virtual node".
    do {
        // We prefetch the next char. If 'c' is the last char of this node, we will have
        // NOT_A_CHARACTER in the next char. From this we can decide whether this virtual node
        // should behave as a terminal or not and whether we have children.
        const int32_t nextc = hasMultipleChars
                ? BinaryFormat::getCharCodeAndForwardPointer(DICT_ROOT, &pos) : NOT_A_CHARACTER;
        const bool isLastChar = (NOT_A_CHARACTER == nextc);
        // If there are more chars in this nodes, then this virtual node is not a terminal.
        // If we are on the last char, this virtual node is a terminal if this node is.
        const bool isTerminal = isLastChar && isTerminalNode;

        Correction::CorrectionType stateType = correction->processCharAndCalcState(
                c, isTerminal);
        if (stateType == Correction::TRAVERSE_ALL_ON_TERMINAL
                || stateType == Correction::ON_TERMINAL) {
            needsToInvokeOnTerminal = true;
        } else if (stateType == Correction::UNRELATED || correction->needsToPrune()) {
            // We found that this is an unrelated character, so we should give up traversing
            // this node and its children entirely.
            // However we may not be on the last virtual node yet so we skip the remaining
            // characters in this node, the frequency if it's there, read the next sibling
            // position to output it, then return false.
            // We don't have to output other values because we return false, as in
            // "don't traverse children".
            if (!isLastChar) {
                pos = BinaryFormat::skipOtherCharacters(DICT_ROOT, pos);
            pos = BinaryFormat::skipFrequency(flags, pos);
            *nextSiblingPosition =
                    BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(DICT_ROOT, flags, pos);
            return false;

        // Prepare for the next character. Promote the prefetched char to current char - the loop
        // will take care of prefetching the next. If we finally found our last char, nextc will
        // contain NOT_A_CHARACTER.
        c = nextc;
    } while (NOT_A_CHARACTER != c);

    if (isTerminalNode) {
        // The frequency should be here, because we come here only if this is actually
        // a terminal node, and we are on its last char.
        const int unigramFreq = BinaryFormat::readFrequencyWithoutMovingPointer(DICT_ROOT, pos);
        const int childrenAddressPos = BinaryFormat::skipFrequency(flags, pos);
        const int attributesPos = BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosition(flags, childrenAddressPos);
        TerminalAttributes terminalAttributes(DICT_ROOT, flags, attributesPos);
        // bigramMap contains the bigram frequencies indexed by addresses for fast lookup.
        // bigramFilter is a bloom filter of said frequencies for even faster rejection.
        const int probability = BinaryFormat::getProbability(initialPos, bigramMap, bigramFilter,
        onTerminal(probability, terminalAttributes, correction, queuePool, needsToInvokeOnTerminal,

        // If there are more chars in this node, then this virtual node has children.
        // If we are on the last char, this virtual node has children if this node has.
        const bool hasChildren = BinaryFormat::hasChildrenInFlags(flags);

        // This character matched the typed character (enough to traverse the node at least)
        // so we just evaluated it. Now we should evaluate this virtual node's children - that
        // is, if it has any. If it has no children, we're done here - so we skip the end of
        // the node, output the siblings position, and return false "don't traverse children".
        // Note that !hasChildren implies isLastChar, so we know we don't have to skip any
        // remaining char in this group for there can't be any.
        if (!hasChildren) {
            pos = BinaryFormat::skipFrequency(flags, pos);
            *nextSiblingPosition =
                    BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(DICT_ROOT, flags, pos);
            return false;

        // Optimization: Prune out words that are too long compared to how much was typed.
        if (correction->needsToPrune()) {
            pos = BinaryFormat::skipFrequency(flags, pos);
            *nextSiblingPosition =
                    BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(DICT_ROOT, flags, pos);
            if (DEBUG_DICT_FULL) {
                AKLOGI("Traversing was pruned.");
            return false;

    // Now we finished processing this node, and we want to traverse children. If there are no
    // children, we can't come here.

    // If this node was a terminal it still has the frequency under the pointer (it may have been
    // read, but not skipped - see readFrequencyWithoutMovingPointer).
    // Next come the children position, then possibly attributes (attributes are bigrams only for
    // now, maybe something related to shortcuts in the future).
    // Once this is read, we still need to output the number of nodes in the immediate children of
    // this node, so we read and output it before returning true, as in "please traverse children".
    pos = BinaryFormat::skipFrequency(flags, pos);
    int childrenPos = BinaryFormat::readChildrenPosition(DICT_ROOT, flags, pos);
    *nextSiblingPosition = BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(DICT_ROOT, flags, pos);
    *newCount = BinaryFormat::getGroupCountAndForwardPointer(DICT_ROOT, &childrenPos);
    *newChildrenPosition = childrenPos;
    return true;
void ConnectionAutomaton::onComplete() {