Esempio n. 1
aodv_packet_queue_all_pkts_to_dest_get (AodvT_Packet_Queue* pkt_queue_ptr, InetT_Address dest_addr, 
											Boolean remove, Boolean update_discovery_time_stat)
	AodvT_Packet_Entry*		pkt_entry_ptr;
	List*					pkt_lptr;
	List*					data_pkt_lptr;
	int						num_pkts, count;
	/** Based on the input flag either access or	**/
	/** remove packets from the queue 				**/
	FIN (aodv_packet_queue_all_pkts_to_dest_get (<args>));
	/* Based on the input flag either just access	*/
	/* or remove the packets from the packet queue	*/
	if (remove)
		/* Remove the packets from the queue	*/
		data_pkt_lptr = (List *) inet_addr_hash_table_item_remove (pkt_queue_ptr->pkt_queue_table, &dest_addr);
		/* Return if there's no packet to remove */
		if (data_pkt_lptr == OPC_NIL)
		if (update_discovery_time_stat)
			/* Write the statistic for the route discovery	*/
			/* time for this destination.					*/
			aodv_packet_queue_route_discovery_time_stat_update (pkt_queue_ptr, data_pkt_lptr);
		if (op_prg_list_size (data_pkt_lptr) > 0)
			/* Update the packet queue size statistic	*/
			aodv_packet_queue_size_stat_update (pkt_queue_ptr);
		pkt_queue_ptr->current_queue_size -= op_prg_list_size (data_pkt_lptr);
		/* Only access the packets in the queue	*/
		pkt_lptr = (List *) inet_addr_hash_table_item_get (pkt_queue_ptr->pkt_queue_table, &dest_addr);

		/* Create a list to return the packets	*/
		data_pkt_lptr = op_prg_list_create ();

		num_pkts = op_prg_list_size (pkt_lptr);
		for (count = 0; count < num_pkts; count++)
			pkt_entry_ptr = (AodvT_Packet_Entry*) op_prg_list_access (pkt_lptr, count);
			op_prg_list_insert (data_pkt_lptr, pkt_entry_ptr->pkptr, OPC_LISTPOS_TAIL);
	FRET (data_pkt_lptr);
Esempio n. 2
static void
aodv_packet_queue_route_discovery_time_stat_update (AodvT_Packet_Queue* pkt_queue_ptr, List* pkt_queue_lptr)
	int							num_pkts, count;
	AodvT_Packet_Entry*			pkt_entry_ptr = OPC_NIL;
	AodvT_Global_Stathandles*	global_stathandle_ptr = OPC_NIL;
	double						first_enqueue_time = OPC_DBL_INFINITY;
	double						route_discovery_time;
	/** Updates the statistic for the route discovery time	**/
	FIN (aodv_packet_queue_route_discovery_time_stat_update (<args>));
	/* Get the number of packets for the	*/
	/* destination whose route has just 	*/
	/* been discovered						*/
	num_pkts = op_prg_list_size (pkt_queue_lptr);
	for (count = 0; count < num_pkts; count++)
		/* Access each packet information	*/
		/* and determine the first packet	*/
		/* that was enqueued.				*/
		pkt_entry_ptr = (AodvT_Packet_Entry*) op_prg_list_access (pkt_queue_lptr, count);
		if (pkt_entry_ptr->insert_time < first_enqueue_time)
			/* This entry is earlier than 	*/
			/* any other so far				*/
			first_enqueue_time = pkt_entry_ptr->insert_time;
	/* The route discovery time is the time	*/
	/* difference between the first packet 	*/
	/* enqueued to this destination and the	*/
	/* current simulation time when the 	*/
	/* route was discovered					*/
	route_discovery_time = op_sim_time () - first_enqueue_time;
	/* Get a handle to the global statistics	*/
	global_stathandle_ptr = aodv_support_global_stat_handles_obtain ();
	/* Update the route discovery time for	*/
	/* a specific destination				*/
	op_stat_write (pkt_queue_ptr->stat_handle_ptr->route_discovery_time_shandle, route_discovery_time);
	/* Update the global route discovery time statistic	*/
	op_stat_write (global_stathandle_ptr->route_discovery_time_global_shandle, route_discovery_time);
Esempio n. 3
aodv_route_request_forward_entry_exists (AodvT_Request_Table* req_table_ptr, int req_id,
	InetT_Address originator_addr)
    AodvT_Forward_Request_Entry*    req_entry_ptr;
    List*                           req_entry_lptr;
    int                             size, count;
    /** Checks if a specific request ID exists  **/
    /** in the route request table              **/
    FIN (aodv_route_request_forward_entry_exists (<args>));
    /* Check if there exists an entry for this address  */
    req_entry_lptr = (List*) inet_addr_hash_table_item_get (req_table_ptr->forward_request_table, &originator_addr);

    /* Error Check  */
    if ((req_entry_lptr == OPC_NIL))
        FRET (OPC_FALSE);

    size = op_prg_list_size (req_entry_lptr);

    for (count = 0; count < size; count++)
        req_entry_ptr = (AodvT_Forward_Request_Entry*) op_prg_list_access (req_entry_lptr, count);

        if (req_entry_ptr->request_id == req_id)
            FRET (OPC_TRUE);
	if (prg_list_size (req_entry_lptr) == 0)
		inet_addr_hash_table_item_remove (req_table_ptr->forward_request_table, &originator_addr);
		prg_mem_free (req_entry_lptr);

Esempio n. 4
aodv_route_table_precursor_add (AodvT_Route_Entry* route_entry_ptr, InetT_Address precursor_addr)
	InetT_Address*				precursor_addr_ptr;
	InetT_Address*				pre_addr_ptr;
	InetT_Address				existing_precursor_addr;
	int 						num, size;
	Boolean						FOUND = OPC_FALSE;
	/** Adds a percursor node to the entry in	**/
	/** the route table for a destination		**/
	FIN (aodv_route_table_precursor_add (<args>));
	if (route_entry_ptr == OPC_NIL)
	/* Insert this precursor node in the list					*/
	/* Here we need to check and insert the precursor addr		*/
	/* First check if the precursor addr is already in the list,*/
	/* if yes, then don't insert, if no then insert.			*/	
	size = op_prg_list_size (route_entry_ptr->precursor_lptr);
	for(num = 0; num < size; num++)
		pre_addr_ptr = (InetT_Address*) op_prg_list_access (route_entry_ptr->precursor_lptr, num);
		existing_precursor_addr = *pre_addr_ptr;
		if(inet_address_equal (precursor_addr, existing_precursor_addr))
		precursor_addr_ptr = inet_address_create_dynamic (precursor_addr);
		op_prg_list_insert (route_entry_ptr->precursor_lptr, precursor_addr_ptr, OPC_LISTPOS_TAIL);
Esempio n. 5
aodv_route_request_orig_entry_delete (AodvT_Request_Table* req_table_ptr, InetT_Address dest_addr)
	AodvT_Orig_Request_Entry*	req_entry_ptr;
	int							num_requests, count;
	List*						requests_lptr;
	/** Deletes all route requests that have the target address	**/
	FIN (aodv_route_request_orig_entry_delete (<args>));
	/* Get the keys	*/
	requests_lptr = (List *) prg_bin_hash_table_item_list_get (req_table_ptr->orig_request_table);	
	num_requests = op_prg_list_size (requests_lptr);
	for (count = 0; count < num_requests; count++)
		/* Check if there exists an entry for this address	*/
		req_entry_ptr = (AodvT_Orig_Request_Entry *) op_prg_list_access (requests_lptr, count);
		if (inet_address_equal (req_entry_ptr->target_address, dest_addr))
			req_entry_ptr = (AodvT_Orig_Request_Entry *) prg_bin_hash_table_item_remove (req_table_ptr->orig_request_table, 
								(void *) &(req_entry_ptr->request_id));
			/* Cancel the previously scheduled event	*/
			op_ev_cancel (req_entry_ptr->rreq_expiry_evhandle);
			/* Free the request entry	*/
			aodv_request_table_orig_entry_mem_free (req_entry_ptr);
	/* Destroy the list.	*/
	prg_list_destroy (requests_lptr, OPC_FALSE);
Esempio n. 6
aodv_request_table_orig_rreq_exists (AodvT_Request_Table* req_table_ptr, InetT_Address dest_address)
	AodvT_Orig_Request_Entry*	req_entry_ptr;
	List*						requests_lptr;
	int							num_requests, count;
	Boolean						retval = OPC_FALSE;
	/** Checks if an entry exists in the originating	**/
	/** table with the specified target address			**/
	FIN (aodv_request_table_orig_rreq_exists (<args>));
	/* Get the keys	*/
	requests_lptr = (List *) prg_bin_hash_table_item_list_get (req_table_ptr->orig_request_table);
	num_requests = op_prg_list_size (requests_lptr);
	if (requests_lptr == OPC_NIL)
	for (count = 0; count < num_requests; count++)
		/* Get the current request.	*/
		req_entry_ptr = (AodvT_Orig_Request_Entry *) op_prg_list_access (requests_lptr, count);
		if (inet_address_equal (req_entry_ptr->target_address, dest_address))
			/* An entry exists for this target address	**/
			retval = OPC_TRUE;
	/* Destroy the list.	*/
	prg_list_destroy (requests_lptr, OPC_FALSE);
	FRET (retval);
coexist_bt_error (Packet * pkptr)
	double		pe, r, p_accum, p_exact;
	double		data_rate, elap_time;
	double		log_p1, log_p2, log_arrange;
	int			seg_size, num_errs, prev_num_errs;
	int			invert_errors = OPC_FALSE;
	/* Coexist added */
	List*		error_list;
	double		rx_start_time;
	int			first_bit;
	int			i, j, new_loc;
	int*		error_location;
	int*		prev_error_loc;
	char        pk_type[30];
	Format_Information*		format_info;
	extern Initialize_Formats;
	extern Format_List;
	extern Read_Formats();
	extern Get_Format_Info(char*);

	/** Compute the number of errors assigned to a segment of bits within	**/
	/** a packet based on its length and the bit error probability.			**/
	FIN (coexist_btr_error (pkptr));
	/* Obtain the expected Bit-Error-Rate 'pe' */
	pe = op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, OPC_TDA_RA_BER);
	/* Calculate time elapsed since last BER change */
	elap_time = op_sim_time () - op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, OPC_TDA_RA_SNR_CALC_TIME);
	/* Use datarate to determine how many bits in the segment. */
	data_rate = op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, OPC_TDA_RA_RX_DRATE);
	seg_size = elap_time * data_rate;

	/* Coexist - Calculate the first bit location of this segment */
	rx_start_time = op_td_get_dbl(pkptr, OPC_TDA_RA_START_RX);
	first_bit = (int) floor((op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, OPC_TDA_RA_SNR_CALC_TIME) - rx_start_time) * data_rate);

	/* Case 1: if the bit error rate is zero, so is the number of errors. 	*/
    if (pe == 0.0 || seg_size == 0)
		num_errs = 0;

	/* Case 2: if the bit error rate is 1.0, then all the bits are in error.	*/
	/* (note however, that bit error rates should not normally exceed 0.5).		*/
	else if (pe >= 1.0)
		num_errs = seg_size;

	/* Case 3: The bit error rate is not zero or one. */
		/* If the bit error rate is greater than 0.5 and less than 1.0, invert	*/
		/* the problem to find instead the number of bits that are not in error	*/
		/* in order to accelerate the performance of the algorithm.  Set a flag	*/
		/* to indicate that the result will then have to be inverted.			*/
		if (pe > 0.5)
			pe = 1.0 - pe;
			invert_errors = OPC_TRUE;	
		/* The error count can be obtained by mapping a uniform random number 	*/
		/* in [0, 1[ via the inverse of the cumulative mass function (CMF) 		*/
		/* for the bit error count distribution. 								*/
		/* Obtain a uniform random number in [0, 1[ to represent 		*/
		/* the value of the CDF at the outcome that will be produced. 	*/
		r = op_dist_uniform (1.0);

		/* Integrate probability mass over possible outcomes until r is exceeded. 	*/
		/* The loop iteratively corresponds to "inverting" the CMF since it finds	*/
		/* the bit error count at which the CMF first meets or exceeds the value r.	*/
		for (p_accum = 0.0, num_errs = 0; num_errs <= seg_size; num_errs++)
			/* Compute the probability of exactly 'num_errs' bit errors occurring.	*/
			/* The probability that the first 'num_errs' bits will be in error 		*/
			/* is given by pow (pe, num_errs). Here it is obtained in logarithmic	*/
			/* form to avoid underflow for small 'pe' or large 'num_errs'.			*/
			log_p1 = (double) num_errs * log (pe);
			/* Similarly, obtain the probability that the remaining bits will not 	*/
			/* be in error. The combination of these two events represents one 		*/
			/* possible configuration of bits yielding a total of 'num_errs' errors.*/
			log_p2 = (double) (seg_size - num_errs) * log (1.0 - pe);
			/* Compute the number of arrangements that are possible with the same 	*/
			/* number of bits in error as the particular case above. Again obtain 	*/
			/* this number in logarithmic form (to avoid overflow in this case).	*/
			/* This result is expressed as the logarithmic form of the formula for	*/
			/* the number N of combinations of k items from n:  N = n!/(n-k)!k!		*/
			log_arrange = 	log_factorial (seg_size) -
							log_factorial (num_errs) - 
							log_factorial (seg_size - num_errs);
			/* Compure the probability that exactly 'num_errs' are present 	*/
			/* in the segment of bits, in any arrangement.					*/
			p_exact = exp (log_arrange + log_p1 + log_p2);
			/* Add this to the probability mass accumulated so far for previously 	*/
			/* tested outcomes to obtain the value of the CMF at outcome = num_errs.*/
			p_accum += p_exact;
			/*'num_errs' is the outcome for this trial if the CMF meets or exceeds 	*/
			/* the uniform random value selected earlier. 							*/
			if (p_accum >= r)

		/* If the bit error rate was inverted to compute correct bits instead, then */
		/* Reinvert the result to obtain the number of bits in error. 				*/
		if (invert_errors == OPC_TRUE)
			num_errs = seg_size - num_errs;

	/* Increase number of bit errors in packet transmission data attribute. */
	prev_num_errs = op_td_get_int (pkptr, OPC_TDA_RA_NUM_ERRORS);
	op_td_set_int (pkptr, OPC_TDA_RA_NUM_ERRORS, num_errs + prev_num_errs);
    op_pk_format (pkptr, pk_type);
	/* Coexist - If there are errors in this segment allocate thier location */
	if (num_errs > 0 && (pk_type[0] != 'w' && pk_type[1] != 'l'))

		/* Initialize the format list if this is the first invocation */
		if (Initialize_Formats == OPC_TRUE)
			Format_List = Read_Formats();
			Initialize_Formats = OPC_FALSE;

		/* Get the format information */
		/* We'll use this info to bail on the first bit found in the */
		/*  payload of a Bluetooth DH(1|3|5) packet to increase performance */
		format_info = Get_Format_Info(pk_type);

		/* There are some errors */
		if (prev_num_errs == 0)
			/* We not gotten any errors yet so we need to create the list */
			error_list = op_prg_list_create();
			/* We have previous errors so we need to retrive that list */
			error_list = (List*) op_td_get_ptr(pkptr, OPC_TDA_RA_MAX_INDEX + COEXIST_FIELD_LIST_OF_ERRORS);

		/* Allocate each error */
		for (i = 0; num_errs > i; i++)
			error_location = (int*) op_prg_mem_alloc(sizeof(int));
			/* Set up the new location while loop */
			new_loc = OPC_FALSE;
			while (new_loc == OPC_FALSE)
				new_loc = OPC_TRUE;
				/* Roll the dice on the location in the segment */			
				*error_location = ((int) floor(op_dist_uniform(seg_size))) + first_bit;
				/* Check to see if this is a Bluetooth DH(1|3|5) packet */
				if (format_info->crc == OPC_TRUE && format_info->ecc_type == FEC_NONE)
					/* check to see if the error falls in the payload */
					if (*error_location >= (format_info->preamble_bits + format_info->header_bits))
						/*  discontinue further error allocations, since a single */
						/*  error to the payload of this packet will cause it to fail. */
						i = num_errs;
						prev_num_errs = num_errs;
				/* Make sure this error is not in the same place as a prevous selection */
				for (j = prev_num_errs; j < i; j++)
					prev_error_loc = (int*) op_prg_list_access(error_list, j);
					if (*prev_error_loc == *error_location)
						/* This was already determined to be an error location */
						new_loc = OPC_FALSE;
						break; /* j loop */
					} /* j loop */
				} /* while loop */
			/* This location is unique */
			op_prg_list_insert(error_list, error_location, OPC_LISTPOS_TAIL);
			} /* i loop */

		/* Set the list back into the TD attributes */
		op_td_set_ptr(pkptr, OPC_TDA_RA_MAX_INDEX + COEXIST_FIELD_LIST_OF_ERRORS, error_list);

	/* Assign actual (allocated) bit-error rate over tested segment. */
	if (seg_size != 0)
		op_td_set_dbl (pkptr, OPC_TDA_RA_ACTUAL_BER, (double) num_errs / seg_size);
	else op_td_set_dbl (pkptr, OPC_TDA_RA_ACTUAL_BER, pe);