Esempio n. 1
int main ( int argc, char ** argv )
	glutInit ( &argc, argv );

	if ( argc == 1 ) {
		N = 64;
		dt = 0.1f;
		d = 5.f;
		fprintf ( stderr, "Using defaults : N=%d dt=%g d=%g\n",
			N, dt, d );
	} else {
		N = atoi(argv[1]);
		dt = atof(argv[2]);
		d = atof(argv[3]);

	printf ( "\n\nHow to use this application:\n\n" );
	printf ( "\t Toggle construction/simulation display with the spacebar key\n" );
	printf ( "\t Dump frames by pressing the 'd' key\n" );
	printf ( "\t Quit by pressing the 'q' key\n" );

	dsim = 0;
	dump_frames = 0;
	frame_number = 0;
	win_x = 512;
	win_y = 512;
	open_glut_window ();

	glutMainLoop ();

	exit ( 0 );
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    glutInit(&argc, argv);

    if (argc != 1 && argc != 7) {
        fprintf(stderr, "usage : %s N dt diff visc force source\n", argv[0]);
        fprintf(stderr, "where:\n");\
            fprintf(stderr, "\t N      : grid resolution\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "\t dt     : time step\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "\t diff   : diffusion rate of the density\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "\t visc   : viscosity of the fluid\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "\t force  : scales the mouse movement that generate a force\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "\t source : amount of density that will be deposited\n");

    if (argc == 1) {
        N = 64;
        dt = 0.1f;
        diff = 0.0f;
        visc = 0.0f;
        force = 5.0f;
        source = 100.0f;
        fprintf(stderr, "Using defaults : N=%d dt=%g diff=%g visc=%g force = %g source=%g\n",
                N, dt, diff, visc, force, source);
    } else {
        N = atoi(argv[1]);
        dt = atof(argv[2]);
        diff = atof(argv[3]);
        visc = atof(argv[4]);
        force = atof(argv[5]);
        source = atof(argv[6]);

    printf("\n\nHow to use this demo:\n\n");
    printf("\t Add densities with the right mouse button\n");
    printf("\t Add velocities with the left mouse button and dragging the mouse\n");
    printf("\t Toggle density/velocity display with the 'v' key\n");
    printf("\t Clear the simulation by pressing the 'c' key\n");
    printf("\t Toggle particle display with the 'p' key ('P' resets particles)\n");
    printf("\t 's' creates a new particle system connected by springs (cloth)\n");
    printf("\t 'S' creates a new particle system without springs\n");
    printf("\t '@' toggles vorticity confinement (It looks like a swirl :)\n");
    printf("\t Space pauses the simulation\n");
    printf("\t Quit by pressing the 'q' key\n");

    dvel = 0;
    dpar = 0;

    if (!allocate_data()) exit(1);

    win_x = 512;
    win_y = 512;


Esempio n. 3
int main ( int argc, char ** argv )
	glutInit ( &argc, argv );

	printf ( "\n\nHow to use this demo:\n\n" );
	printf ( "\t Start and Stop the demo with the 'p' key\n" );
	printf ( "\t Toggle density/velocity display with the 'x' key\n" );
	printf ( "\t Clear the simulation by pressing the 'c' key\n" );
	printf ( "\t Quit by pressing the 'q' key\n" );

	open_glut_window ();

	glutMainLoop ();

	exit ( 0 );
Esempio n. 4
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    glutInit(&argc, argv);

    if (argc == 1) {
        N = 64;
        dt = 0.1f;
        d = 5.f;
        fprintf(stderr, "Using defaults : N=%d dt=%g d=%g\n",
                N, dt, d);
    } else {
        N = atoi(argv[1]);
        dt = atof(argv[2]);
        d = atof(argv[3]);

    printf("\n\nHow to use this application:\n\n");
    printf("\t Toggle construction/simulation display with the spacebar key\n");
    printf("\t Dump frames by pressing the 'd' key\n");
    printf("\t Quit by pressing the 'q' key\n");
    printf("\t 'e' = Euler\n");
    printf("\t 'm' = Midpoint\n");
    printf("\t 'r' = Runge Kutta\n\n");
    printf("\t '+, >' = Increase dt with 0.01, 0.1\n");
    printf("\t '-, <' = Decrease dt with 0.01, 0.1\n");
    printf("\t 'a, z' = Increase, decrease mouse radius\n");

    dsim = 0;
    dump_frames = 0;
    frame_number = 0;


    win_x = 512;
    win_y = 512;


Esempio n. 5
/// Main routine of FFD
///\para coupled simulation Integer to identify the simulation type
///\return 0 if no error occurred
int ffd(int cosimulation) {
#ifndef _MSC_VER //Linux
  //Initialize glut library
  char fakeParam[] = "fake";
  char *fakeargv[] = { fakeParam, NULL };
  int fakeargc = 1;
  glutInit( &fakeargc, fakeargv );

  // Initialize the parameters
  para.geom = &geom;
  para.inpu = &inpu;
  para.outp = &outp1;
  para.prob = &prob;
  para.mytime = &mytime;
  para.bc     = &bc;
  para.solv   = &solv;
  para.sens   = &sens;
  para.init   = &init;
  // Stand alone simulation: 0; Cosimulaiton: 1
  para.solv->cosimulation = cosimulation; 

  if(initialize(&para)!=0) {
    ffd_log("ffd(): Could not initialize simulation parameters.", FFD_ERROR);
    return 1;

  // Overwrite the mesh and simulation data using SCI generated file
  if(para.inpu->parameter_file_format == SCI) {
    if(read_sci_max(&para, var)!=0) {
      ffd_log("ffd(): Could not read SCI data.", FFD_ERROR);
      return 1;
  // Allocate memory for the variables
  if(allocate_memory(&para)!=0) {
    ffd_log("ffd(): Could not allocate memory for the simulation.", FFD_ERROR);
    return 1;

  // Set the initial values for the simulation data
  if(set_initial_data(&para, var, BINDEX)) {
    ffd_log("ffd(): Could not set initial data.", FFD_ERROR);
    return 1;

  // Read previous simulation data as initial values
  if(para.inpu->read_old_ffd_file==1) read_ffd_data(&para, var);

  ffd_log("ffd.c: Start FFD solver.", FFD_NORMAL);
  //write_tecplot_data(&para, var, "initial");

  // Solve the problem
  if(para.outp->version==DEMO) {
    if(FFD_solver(&para, var, BINDEX)!=0) {
      ffd_log("ffd(): FFD solver failed.", FFD_ERROR);
      return 1;

  | Post Process
  // Calculate mean value
  if(para.outp->cal_mean == 1)
    average_time(&para, var);

  if(write_unsteady(&para, var, "unsteady")!=0) {
    ffd_log("FFD_solver(): Could not write the file unsteady.plt.", FFD_ERROR);
    return 1;

  if(write_tecplot_data(&para, var, "result")!=0) {
    ffd_log("FFD_solver(): Could not write the file result.plt.", FFD_ERROR);
    return 1;

  if(para.outp->version == DEBUG)
    write_tecplot_all_data(&para, var, "result_all");

  // Write the data in SCI format
  write_SCI(&para, var, "output");

  // Free the memory

  // End the simulation
  if(para.outp->version==DEBUG || para.outp->version==DEMO) {}//getchar();

  // Inform Modelica the stopping command has been received 
  if(para.solv->cosimulation==1) {
    para.cosim->para->flag = 2; 
    ffd_log("ffd(): Sent stopping signal to Modelica", FFD_NORMAL);

  return 0;
} // End of ffd( )
Esempio n. 6
int main ( int argc, char ** argv )
	//glutInit ( &argc, argv );

	if(!glfwInit()) {
    fprintf( stderr, "Failed to initialize GLFW\n" );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

// 	GLenum err = glewInit();
//   if (GLEW_OK != err) {
//     fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", glewGetErrorString(err));
//   }

	if ( argc != 1 && argc != 6 ) {
		fprintf ( stderr, "usage : %s N dt diff visc force source\n", argv[0] );
		fprintf ( stderr, "where:\n" );\
		fprintf ( stderr, "\t N      : grid resolution\n" );
		fprintf ( stderr, "\t dt     : time step\n" );
		fprintf ( stderr, "\t diff   : diffusion rate of the density\n" );
		fprintf ( stderr, "\t visc   : viscosity of the fluid\n" );
		fprintf ( stderr, "\t force  : scales the mouse movement that generate a force\n" );
		fprintf ( stderr, "\t source : amount of density that will be deposited\n" );
		exit ( 1 );

	if ( argc == 1 ) {
		N = 64;
		dt = 0.1f;
		diff = 0.0f;
		visc = 0.0f;
		force = 5.0f;
		source = 100.0f;
		fprintf ( stderr, "Using defaults : N=%d dt=%g diff=%g visc=%g force = %g source=%g\n",
			N, dt, diff, visc, force, source );
	} else {
		N = atoi(argv[1]);
		dt = atof(argv[2]);
		diff = atof(argv[3]);
		visc = atof(argv[4]);
		force = atof(argv[5]);
		source = atof(argv[6]);

	printf ( "\n\nHow to use this demo:\n\n" );
	printf ( "\t Add densities with the right mouse button\n" );
	printf ( "\t Add velocities with the left mouse button and dragging the mouse\n" );
	printf ( "\t Toggle density/velocity display with the 'v' key\n" );
	printf ( "\t Clear the simulation by pressing the 'c' key\n" );
	printf ( "\t Quit by pressing the 'q' key\n" );

	dvel = 2;

	if ( !allocate_data () ) exit ( 1 );
	clear_data ();

	win_x = 512;
	win_y = 512;
	open_glut_window ();

	while(1) {

    if (!glfwGetWindowParam(GLFW_OPENED)) {


	//glutMainLoop ();

	exit ( 0 );
Esempio n. 7
int main ( int argc, char ** argv )
	// Parse command line options
    int use_gpu = 1;
    int use_interop = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < argc && argv; i++)
        if(strstr(argv[i], "cpu"))
            use_gpu = 0;        

        else if(strstr(argv[i], "gpu"))
            use_gpu = 1;

        else if(strstr(argv[i], "interop"))
            use_interop = 1;

    printf("Parameter detect %s device (%s)\n",use_gpu==1?"GPU":"CPU",use_interop==1?"Share OpenGL":"Not Sharing OpenGL");


  	win_x = 512;
	win_y = 512;
	glutInit ( &argc, argv );
	open_glut_window ();
  dt = 0.1f;
  force = 10.0f;
  source = 10.0f;

	printf ( "\n\nHow to use this demo:\n\n" );
	printf ( "\t Add densities with the left mouse button\n" );
	printf ( "\t Add velocities with the left mouse button and dragging the mouse\n" );
	printf ( "\t Toggle density/velocity display with the 'v' key\n" );
	printf ( "\t Clear the simulation by pressing the 'x' key\n" );
  printf ( "\t switch poisson solvers from jacobi to conjugate gradient by pressing the 'c' key\n" );
  printf ( "\t switch advection scheme from RK2 to MacCormack by pressing the 'm' key\n" );
  printf ( "\t toggle vorticity confinement by pressing the 'o' key\n" );
	printf ( "\t Quit by pressing the 'q' key\n" );

	dvel = 0;

	step = 0;
	maccormack = 0;
	vorticity = 0;
  useCG = 0;
	if ( !allocate_data () ) exit ( 1 );
	clear_data ();


//	{
//		//if(i < NX - NX*0.4 && i > NX*0.4 
//		//	&&
//		//   j < NY - NY*0.4 && j > NY*0.4 )
//		{
//			g_u_prev[IX(i,j,0)] =  -0.01 * cosf(3.14159 * 2.0 * i/NX);
//			g_v_prev[IX(i,j,0)] =  0.01 * sinf(3.14159 * 2.0 * j/NY);
//		}
//	}

	copy_grid(g_u_prev, g_u);
	copy_grid(g_v_prev, g_v);
  g_dens_prev[IX(16,3,0)] = 10.0f;
  //g_u_prev[IX(16,3,0)] = 10.0f;
	calculate_divergence(g_divergence, g_u_prev, g_v_prev, g_w_prev, dt);
	pressure_solve(g_pressure,g_pressure_prev, g_divergence, dt);
	pressure_apply(g_u_prev, g_v_prev, g_w_prev, g_pressure, dt);
	//project(dt,g_u_prev,g_v_prev, g_w_prev, g_divergence, g_pressure, g_pressure_prev);

	if(!check_divergence(g_u_prev, g_v_prev, g_w_prev))
		printf("Initial field wasn't divergence free!\n");

//  run_opencl_test(use_gpu);
//	run_tests();

	glutMainLoop ();

	exit ( 0 );
Esempio n. 8
int main ( int argc, char ** argv )
	glutInit ( &argc, argv );

	if( argc < 2 ){
                printf("Usage: ./%s integrator=(1-euler, 2-RK2, 3-sympleticEuler, 4-RK4) [N dt d]", argv[0]);
        // decide which integrator to use
        switch ( argv[1][0] )
        case '1':
            integrator = new EulerIntegrator();

        case '2':
            integrator = new RK2Integrator();

        case '3':
            integrator = new SymplecticEulerIntegrator();

        case '4':
            integrator = new RK4Integrator();

            integrator = new RK4Integrator();
	if ( argc == 2 ) {
		N = 64;
                dt = 0.01f;
		d = 5.f;
		fprintf ( stderr, "Using defaults : N=%d dt=%g d=%g\n",
			N, dt, d );
	} else {
		N = atoi(argv[2]);
		dt = atof(argv[3]);
		d = atof(argv[4]);

	printf ( "\n\nHow to use this application:\n\n" );
	printf ( "\t Toggle construction/simulation display with the spacebar key\n" );
	printf ( "\t Dump frames by pressing the 'd' key\n" );
	printf ( "\t Quit by pressing the 'q' key\n" );

	dsim = 0;
	dump_frames = 0;
	frame_number = 0;
        win_x = 720;
        win_y = 720;
	open_glut_window ();

	glutMainLoop ();

	exit ( 0 );