Esempio n. 1
static void openavbAdpMessageRxFrameReceive(U32 timeoutUsec)

	hdr_info_t hdrInfo;
	unsigned int offset, len;
	U8 *pBuf, *pFrame;

	memset(&hdrInfo, 0, sizeof(hdr_info_t));

	pBuf = (U8 *)openavbRawsockGetRxFrame(rxSock, timeoutUsec, &offset, &len);
	if (pBuf) {
		pFrame = pBuf + offset;

		offset = openavbRawsockRxParseHdr(rxSock, pBuf, &hdrInfo);
#ifndef UBUNTU
			if (hdrInfo.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_8021Q) {
				// Oh!  Need to look past the VLAN tag
				U16 vlan_bits = ntohs(*(U16 *)(pFrame + offset));
				hdrInfo.vlan = TRUE;
				hdrInfo.vlan_vid = vlan_bits & 0x0FFF;
				hdrInfo.vlan_pcp = (vlan_bits >> 13) & 0x0007;
				offset += 2;
				hdrInfo.ethertype = ntohs(*(U16 *)(pFrame + offset));
				offset += 2;

			// Make sure that this is an AVTP packet
			// (Should always be AVTP if it's to our AVTP-specific multicast address)
			if (hdrInfo.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_AVTP) {
				// parse the PDU only for ADP messages
				if (*(pFrame + offset) == (0x80 | OPENAVB_ADP_AVTP_SUBTYPE)) {
					if (memcmp(hdrInfo.shost, ADDR_PTR(&intfAddr), 6) != 0) { // Not from us!
						openavbAdpMessageRxFrameParse(pFrame + offset, len - offset, &hdrInfo);
			else {
				AVB_LOG_WARNING("Received non-AVTP frame!");
				AVB_LOGF_DEBUG("Unexpected packet data (length %d):", len);

		// Release the frame
		openavbRawsockRelRxFrame(rxSock, pBuf);
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	GError *error = NULL;
	GOptionContext *context;

	context = g_option_context_new("- rawsock listenr");
	g_option_context_add_main_entries(context, entries, NULL);
	if (!g_option_context_parse(context, &argc, &argv, &error))
		printf("error: %s\n", error->message);

	if (interface == NULL) {
		printf("error: must specify network interface\n");

	void* rs = openavbRawsockOpen(interface, TRUE, FALSE, ethertype, 0, MAX_NUM_FRAMES);
	if (!rs) {
		printf("error: failed to open raw socket (are you root?)\n");

	hdr_info_t hdr;
	U8 *pBuf, *pFrame, tmp8;
	U32 offset, len;
	U16 uid, i;

	long nTotal = 0, nRecv[NUM_STREAMS];
	for (i = 0; i < NUM_STREAMS; i++)
		nRecv[i] = 0;
	struct timespec now, report;
	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &report);
	report.tv_sec += REPORT_SECONDS;

	while (bRunning) {
		pBuf = openavbRawsockGetRxFrame(rs, 1000, &offset, &len);
		if (pBuf) {
			pFrame = pBuf + offset;

			offset = openavbRawsockRxParseHdr(rs, pBuf, &hdr);
			if ((int)offset < 0) {
				printf("error parsing frame header");
			else {
#ifndef UBUNTU
				if (hdr.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_8021Q) {
					// Oh!  Need to look past the VLAN tag
					U16 vlan_bits = ntohs(*(U16 *)(pFrame + offset));
					hdr.vlan = TRUE;
					hdr.vlan_vid = vlan_bits & 0x0FFF;
					hdr.vlan_pcp = (vlan_bits >> 13) & 0x0007;
					offset += 2;
					hdr.ethertype = ntohs(*(U16 *)(pFrame + offset));
					offset += 2;

				if (hdr.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_AVTP) {
					//dumpFrame(pFrame + offset, len - offset, &hdr);

					// Look for stream data frames
					// (ignore control frames, including MAAP)
					tmp8 = *(pFrame + offset);
					if ((tmp8 & 0x80) == 0) {
						// Find the unique ID in the streamID
						uid = htons(*(U16*)(pFrame + offset + 10));
						if (uid < NUM_STREAMS)

			openavbRawsockRelRxFrame(rs, pBuf);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
		if (timespec_cmp(&now, &report) >= 0) {
			printf("total=%ld\t", nTotal);
			nTotal = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < NUM_STREAMS-1; i++) {
				if (nRecv[i] > 0) {
					printf("%d=%ld\t", i, nRecv[i]);
					nRecv[i] = 0;
			report.tv_sec += REPORT_SECONDS;