* @brief Moves particles forward based on 2nd order Runge-Kutta method
* @param[in] endTime Final time of the simulation
void Runge_Kutta2::moveParticles(const double endTime) {
	while (currentTime < endTime) {
		const double dt = modifyTimeStep(1.0e-4f, init_dt); // implement dynamic timstep (if necessary):
		const doubleV vdt = set1_pd(dt); // store timestep as vector const
		const cloud_index numParticles = cloud->n;
		force1(currentTime); // compute net force1
		BEGIN_PARALLEL_FOR(i, e, numParticles, DOUBLE_STRIDE, static) // calculate k1 and l1 for entire cloud
			const doubleV vmass = load_pd(cloud->mass + i); // load ith and (i+1)th mass into vector
			// assign force pointers for stylistic purposes:
			double * const pFx = cloud->forceX + i;
			double * const pFy = cloud->forceY + i;

			store_pd(cloud->k1 + i, div_pd(mul_pd(vdt, load_pd(pFx)), vmass)); // velocityX tidbit
			store_pd(cloud->l1 + i, mul_pd(vdt, cloud->getVx1_pd(i))); // positionX tidbit
			store_pd(cloud->m1 + i, div_pd(mul_pd(vdt, load_pd(pFy)), vmass)); // velocityY tidbit
			store_pd(cloud->n1 + i, mul_pd(vdt, cloud->getVy1_pd(i))); // positionY tidbit
			// reset forces to zero:
			store_pd(pFx, set0_pd());
			store_pd(pFy, set0_pd());
		operate2(currentTime + dt/2.0);
		force2(currentTime + dt/2.0); // compute net force2
		BEGIN_PARALLEL_FOR(i, e, numParticles, DOUBLE_STRIDE, static) // calculate k2 and l for entire cloud
			const doubleV vmass = load_pd(cloud->mass + i);
			// assign force pointers:
			double * const pFx = cloud->forceX + i;
			double * const pFy = cloud->forceY + i;

			store_pd(cloud->k2 + i, div_pd(mul_pd(vdt, load_pd(pFx)), vmass)); // velocityX tidbit
			store_pd(cloud->l2 + i, mul_pd(vdt, cloud->getVx2_pd(i))); // positionX tidbit
			store_pd(cloud->m2 + i, div_pd(mul_pd(vdt, load_pd(pFy)), vmass)); // velocityY tidbit
			store_pd(cloud->n2 + i, mul_pd(vdt, cloud->getVy2_pd(i))); // positionY tidbit
			// reset forces to zero:
			store_pd(pFx, set0_pd());
			store_pd(pFy, set0_pd());
        // Calculate next position and next velocity for entire cloud.
		BEGIN_PARALLEL_FOR(i, e, numParticles, DOUBLE_STRIDE, static)
			plusEqual_pd(cloud->Vx + i, load_pd(cloud->k2 + i));
			plusEqual_pd(cloud->x + i, load_pd(cloud->l2 + i));
			plusEqual_pd(cloud->Vy + i, load_pd(cloud->m2 + i));
			plusEqual_pd(cloud->y + i, load_pd(cloud->n2 + i));
		currentTime += dt;
   art::AssertHandler ah;

   std::vector<fhicl::ParameterSet> pss;
      fhicl::ParameterSet ps;
      std::string typeName("DummyService");
      ps.addParameter("service_type", typeName);
      int value = 1;
      ps.addParameter("value", value);
   art::ServiceToken token1(art::ServiceRegistry::createSet(pss));

      fhicl::ParameterSet ps;
      std::string typeName("DummyService");
      ps.addParameter("service_type", typeName);
      int value = 2;
      ps.addParameter("value", value);
   art::ServiceToken token2(art::ServiceRegistry::createSet(pss));

   art::ServiceRegistry::Operate operate1(token1);
      art::ServiceHandle<testserviceregistry::DummyService> dummy;
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT(dummy->value() == 1);
      art::ServiceRegistry::Operate operate2(token2);
      art::ServiceHandle<testserviceregistry::DummyService> dummy;
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT(dummy->value() == 2);
      art::ServiceHandle<testserviceregistry::DummyService> dummy;
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT(dummy->value() == 1);