int ChainIkSolverVel_pinv_nso::CartToJnt(const JntArray& q_in, const Twist& v_in, JntArray& qdot_out)
        if (nj != chain.getNrOfJoints())
            return (error = E_NOT_UP_TO_DATE);

        if (nj != q_in.rows() || nj != qdot_out.rows() || nj != opt_pos.rows() || nj != weights.rows())
            return (error = E_SIZE_MISMATCH);
        //Let the ChainJntToJacSolver calculate the jacobian "jac" for
        //the current joint positions "q_in" 
        error = jnt2jac.JntToJac(q_in,jac);
        if (error < E_NOERROR) return error;

        //Do a singular value decomposition of "jac" with maximum
        //iterations "maxiter", put the results in "U", "S" and "V"
        //jac = U*S*Vt
        svdResult = svd_eigen_HH(,U,S,V,tmp,maxiter);
        if (0 != svdResult)
            return error = E_SVD_FAILED;

        unsigned int i;

        // We have to calculate qdot_out = jac_pinv*v_in
        // Using the svd decomposition this becomes(jac_pinv=V*S_pinv*Ut):
        // qdot_out = V*S_pinv*Ut*v_in

        // S^-1
        for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
            Sinv(i) = fabs(S(i))<eps ? 0.0 : 1.0/S(i);
        for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
            tmp(i) = v_in(i);
        } = V * Sinv.asDiagonal() * U.transpose() * tmp.head(6);

        // Now onto NULL space
        // Given the cost function g, and the current joints q, desired joints qd, and weights w:
        // t = g(q) = 1/2 * Sum( w_i * (q_i - qd_i)^2 )
        // The jacobian Jc is:
        //  t_dot = Jc(q) * q_dot
        //  Jc = dt/dq = w_j * (q_i - qd_i) [1 x nj vector]
        // The pseudo inverse (^-1) is
        // Jc^-1 = w_j * (q_i - qd_i) / A [nj x 1 vector]
        // A = Sum( w_i^2 * (q_i - qd_i)^2 )
        // We can set the change as the step needed to remove the error times a value alpha:
        // t_dot = -2 * alpha * t
        // When we put it together and project into the nullspace, the final result is
        // q'_out += (I_n - J^-1 * J) * Jc^-1 * (-2 * alpha * g(q))

        double g = 0; // g(q)
        double A = 0; // normalizing term
        for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
            double qd = q_in(i) - opt_pos(i);
            g += 0.5 * qd*qd * weights(i);
            A += qd*qd * weights(i)*weights(i);

        if (A > 1e-9) {
          // Calculate inverse Jacobian Jc^-1
          for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
              tmp(i) = weights(i)*(q_in(i) - opt_pos(i)) / A;

          // Calculate J^-1 * J * Jc^-1 = V*S^-1*U' * U*S*V' * tmp
          tmp2 = V * Sinv.asDiagonal() * U.transpose() * U * S.asDiagonal() * V.transpose() * tmp;

          for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
              //std::cerr << i <<": "<< qdot_out(i) <<", "<< -2*alpha*g * (tmp(i) - tmp2(i)) << std::endl;
              qdot_out(i) += -2*alpha*g * (tmp(i) - tmp2(i));
        //return the return value of the svd decomposition
        return (error = E_NOERROR);
    int ChainIkSolverVel_pinv_nso::CartToJnt(const JntArray& q_in, const Twist& v_in, JntArray& qdot_out)
        //Let the ChainJntToJacSolver calculate the jacobian "jac" for
        //the current joint positions "q_in" 

        //Do a singular value decomposition of "jac" with maximum
        //iterations "maxiter", put the results in "U", "S" and "V"
        //jac = U*S*Vt
        int ret = svd.calculate(jac,U,S,V,maxiter);

        double sum;
        unsigned int i,j;

        // We have to calculate qdot_out = jac_pinv*v_in
        // Using the svd decomposition this becomes(jac_pinv=V*S_pinv*Ut):
        // qdot_out = V*S_pinv*Ut*v_in

        //first we calculate Ut*v_in
        for (i=0;i<jac.columns();i++) {
            sum = 0.0;
            for (j=0;j<jac.rows();j++) {
                sum+= U[j](i)*v_in(j);
            //If the singular value is too small (<eps), don't invert it but
            //set the inverted singular value to zero (truncated svd)
            tmp(i) = sum*(fabs(S(i))<eps?0.0:1.0/S(i));
        //tmp is now: tmp=S_pinv*Ut*v_in, we still have to premultiply
        //it with V to get qdot_out
        for (i=0;i<jac.columns();i++) {
            sum = 0.0;
            for (j=0;j<jac.columns();j++) {
            //Put the result in qdot_out
        //Now onto NULL space
        for(i = 0; i < jac.columns(); i++)
            tmp(i) = weights(i)*(opt_pos(i) - q_in(i));
        for (i=jac.rows()+1;i<jac.columns();i++) {
            tmp2(i-(jac.rows()+1)) = 0.0;
            for (j=0;j<jac.columns();j++) {
                tmp2(i-(jac.rows()+1)) +=V[j](i)*tmp(j);
        for (i=0;i<jac.columns();i++) {
            sum = 0.0;
            for (j=jac.rows()+1;j<jac.columns();j++) {
                sum +=V[i](j)*tmp2(j);
            qdot_out(i) += alpha*sum;
        //return the return value of the svd decomposition
        return ret;