Esempio n. 1
void decode_reg_options(struct opt_odb_t * odb, struct core_knobs_t * knobs)

  /* decode pipe */
  opt_reg_int(odb, "-decode:depth","decode pipeline depth (stages) [DS]",
      &knobs->decode.depth, /*default*/ knobs->decode.depth, /*print*/true,/*format*/NULL);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-decode:width","decode pipeline width (Macro-ops) [DS]",
      &knobs->decode.width, /*default*/ knobs->decode.width, /*print*/true,/*format*/NULL);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-decode:targetstage","decode pipeline stage of branch address calculator [DS]",
      &knobs->decode.target_stage, /*default*/ knobs->decode.target_stage, /*print*/true,/*format*/NULL);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-decode:branches","maximum branches decoded per cycle [D]",
      &knobs->decode.branch_decode_limit, /*default*/ knobs->decode.branch_decode_limit, /*print*/true,/*format*/NULL);

  /* actual decoders */
  opt_reg_int_list(odb, "-decoders", "maximum uops generated for each decoder (e.g., 4 1 1) [D]",
      knobs->decode.decoders, MAX_DECODE_WIDTH, &knobs->decode.num_decoder_specs, knobs->decode.decoders, /* print */true, /* format */NULL, /* !accrue */false);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-MS:latency","additional latency for accessing ucode sequencer (cycles) [D]",
      &knobs->decode.MS_latency, /*default*/ knobs->decode.MS_latency, /*print*/true,/*format*/NULL);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-uopQ:size","number of entries in uopQ [D]",
      &knobs->decode.uopQ_size, /*default*/ knobs->decode.uopQ_size, /*print*/true,/*format*/NULL);

  /* fusion options */
  opt_reg_flag(odb, "-fuse:none","disable all uop fusion rules [DS]",
      &knobs->decode.fusion_none, /*default*/ false, /*print*/true,/*format*/NULL);
  opt_reg_flag(odb, "-fuse:all","enable all uop fusion rules [D]",
      &knobs->decode.fusion_all, /*default*/ false, /*print*/true,/*format*/NULL);
  opt_reg_flag(odb, "-fuse:loadop","enable load-op uop fusion [D]",
      &knobs->decode.fusion_load_op, /*default*/ false, /*print*/true,/*format*/NULL);
  opt_reg_flag(odb, "-fuse:stastd","enable sta-std uop fusion [D]",
      &knobs->decode.fusion_sta_std, /*default*/ false, /*print*/true,/*format*/NULL);
  opt_reg_flag(odb, "-fuse:partial","enable uop-fusion of partial register write combining uops [D]",
      &knobs->decode.fusion_partial, /*default*/ false, /*print*/true,/*format*/NULL);
/* register simulator-specific options */
sim_reg_options(struct opt_odb_t *odb)
"sim-bpred: This simulator implements a branch predictor analyzer.\n"

  /* branch predictor options */
"  Branch predictor configuration examples for 2-level predictor:\n"
"    Configurations:   N, M, W, X\n"
"      N   # entries in first level (# of shift register(s))\n"
"      W   width of shift register(s)\n"
"      M   # entries in 2nd level (# of counters, or other FSM)\n"
"      X   (yes-1/no-0) xor history and address for 2nd level index\n"
"    Sample predictors:\n"
"      GAg     : 1, W, 2^W, 0\n"
"      GAp     : 1, W, M (M > 2^W), 0\n"
"      PAg     : N, W, 2^W, 0\n"
"      PAp     : N, W, M (M == 2^(N+W)), 0\n"
"      gshare  : 1, W, 2^W, 1\n"
"  Predictor `comb' combines a bimodal and a 2-level predictor.\n"

  /* instruction limit */
  opt_reg_uint(odb, "-max:inst", "maximum number of inst's to execute",
         &max_insts, /* default */0,
         /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  opt_reg_string(odb, "-bpred",
     "branch predictor type {nottaken|taken|smartstatic|bimod|2lev|comb}",
                 &pred_type, /* default */"bimod",
                 /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

      "bimodal predictor config (<num bits> <table size>)",
      bimod_config,  // default
      TRUE,          // print
      NULL,          // format
      FALSE);        // !accrue

      "2-level predictor config "
      "(<num bits> <l1size> <l2size> <hist_size> <xor>)",
      twolev_config,  // default
      TRUE,           // print
      NULL,           // format
      FALSE);         // !accrue

  opt_reg_int_list(odb, "-bpred:comb",
       "combining predictor config (<meta_table_size>)",
       comb_config, comb_nelt, &comb_nelt,
       /* default */comb_config,
       /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL, /* !accrue */FALSE);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-bpred:ras",
              "return address stack size (0 for no return stack)",
              &ras_size, /* default */ras_size,
              /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  opt_reg_int_list(odb, "-bpred:btb",
       "BTB config (<num_sets> <associativity>) (-1 -1 to disable)",
       btb_config, btb_nelt, &btb_nelt,
       /* default */btb_config,
       /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL, /* !accrue */FALSE);
Esempio n. 3
/* register simulator-specific options */
static void
sim_reg_options(struct opt_odb_t *odb)

  /* ifetch options */

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-fetch:ifqsize", "instruction fetch queue size (in insts)",
	      &ruu_ifq_size, /* default */4,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-fetch:mplat", "extra branch mis-prediction latency",
	      &ruu_branch_penalty, /* default */5,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-fetch:speed", "speed of front-end of machine relative to execution core",
	      &fetch_speed, /* default */1,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  /* branch predictor options */

  opt_reg_string(odb, "-bpred",
		 "branch predictor type {nottaken|taken|perfect|bimod|2lev|comb}",
                 &pred_type, /* default */"perfect",
                 /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  opt_reg_int_list(odb, "-bpred:bimod",
		   "bimodal predictor config (<table size>)",
		   bimod_config, bimod_nelt, &bimod_nelt,
		   /* default */bimod_config,
		   /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL, /* !accrue */FALSE);

  opt_reg_int_list(odb, "-bpred:2lev",
                   "2-level predictor config "
		   "(<l1size> <l2size> <hist_size> <xor>)",
                   twolev_config, twolev_nelt, &twolev_nelt,
		   /* default */twolev_config,
                   /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL, /* !accrue */FALSE);

  opt_reg_int_list(odb, "-bpred:comb",
		   "combining predictor config (<meta_table_size>)",
		   comb_config, comb_nelt, &comb_nelt,
		   /* default */comb_config,
		   /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL, /* !accrue */FALSE);

  opt_reg_int_list(odb, "-bpred:btb",
		   "BTB config (<num_sets> <associativity>)",
		   btb_config, btb_nelt, &btb_nelt,
		   /* default */btb_config,
		   /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL, /* !accrue */FALSE);

  /* decode options */

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-decode:width",
	      "instruction decode B/W (insts/cycle)",
	      &ruu_decode_width, /* default */1,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  /* issue options */

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-issue:width",
	      "instruction issue B/W (insts/cycle)",
	      &ruu_issue_width, /* default */1,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  opt_reg_flag(odb, "-issue:inorder", "run pipeline with in-order issue",
	       &ruu_inorder_issue, /* default */TRUE,
	       /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  opt_reg_flag(odb, "-issue:wrongpath",
	       "issue instructions down wrong execution paths",
	       &ruu_include_spec, /* default */TRUE,
	       /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  /* commit options */

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-commit:width",
	      "instruction commit B/W (insts/cycle)",
	      &ruu_commit_width, /* default */1,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  /* register scheduler options */

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-ruu:size",
	      "register update unit (RUU) size",
	      &RUU_size, /* default */2,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  /* memory scheduler options  */

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-lsq:size",
	      "load/store queue (LSQ) size",
	      &LSQ_size, /* default */1,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  /* cache options */

  opt_reg_string(odb, "-cache:dl1",
		 "l1 data cache config, i.e., {<config>|none}",
		 &cache_dl1_opt, "dl1:128:32:1:l",
		 /* print */TRUE, NULL);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-cache:dl1lat",
	      "l1 data cache hit latency (in cycles)",
	      &cache_dl1_lat, /* default */1,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  opt_reg_string(odb, "-cache:dl2",
		 "l2 data cache config, i.e., {<config>|none}",
		 &cache_dl2_opt, "none", //"ul2:128:32:1:l",
		 /* print */TRUE, NULL);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-cache:dl2lat",
	      "l2 data cache hit latency (in cycles)",
	      &cache_dl2_lat, /* default */25,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  opt_reg_string(odb, "-cache:il1",
		 "l1 inst cache config, i.e., {<config>|dl1|dl2|none}",
		 &cache_il1_opt, "il1:128:32:1:l",
		 /* print */TRUE, NULL);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-cache:il1lat",
	      "l1 instruction cache hit latency (in cycles)",
	      &cache_il1_lat, /* default */1,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  opt_reg_string(odb, "-cache:il2",
		 "l2 instruction cache config, i.e., {<config>|dl2|none}",
		 &cache_il2_opt, "none", //"dl2", //"ul2:256:64:8:l",
		 /* print */TRUE, NULL);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-cache:il2lat",
	      "l2 instruction cache hit latency (in cycles)",
	      &cache_il2_lat, /* default */25,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  /* mem options */
  opt_reg_int_list(odb, "-mem:lat",
		   "memory access latency (<first_chunk> <inter_chunk>)",
		   mem_lat, mem_nelt, &mem_nelt, mem_lat,
		   /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL, /* !accrue */FALSE);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-mem:width", "memory access bus width (in bytes)",
	      &mem_bus_width, /* default */64,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  /* TLB options */

  opt_reg_string(odb, "-tlb:itlb",
		 "instruction TLB config, i.e., {<config>|none}",
		 &itlb_opt, "none", /* print */TRUE, NULL);

  opt_reg_string(odb, "-tlb:dtlb",
		 "data TLB config, i.e., {<config>|none}",
		 &dtlb_opt, "none", /* print */TRUE, NULL);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-tlb:lat",
	      "inst/data TLB miss latency (in cycles)",
	      &tlb_miss_lat, /* default */30,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  /* resource configuration */

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-res:ialu",
	      "total number of integer ALU's available",
	      &res_ialu, /* default */fu_config[FU_IALU_INDEX].quantity,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-res:imult",
	      "total number of integer multiplier/dividers available",
	      &res_imult, /* default */fu_config[FU_IMULT_INDEX].quantity,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-res:memport",
	      "total number of memory system ports available (to CPU)",
	      &res_memport, /* default */fu_config[FU_MEMPORT_INDEX].quantity,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-res:fpalu",
	      "total number of floating point ALU's available",
	      &res_fpalu, /* default */fu_config[FU_FPALU_INDEX].quantity,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-res:fpmult",
	      "total number of floating point multiplier/dividers available",
	      &res_fpmult, /* default */fu_config[FU_FPMULT_INDEX].quantity,
	      /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-recursive",
              "maximum occurance of a function in the call string",
              &max_recursive_calls, 2, TRUE, NULL);

  // register my options
  opt_reg_string(odb, "-run",
		 "functionality {CFG EST}",
                 &run_opt, /* default */"EST",
                 /* print */TRUE, /* format */NULL);

Esempio n. 4
main(int argc, char **argv)
  struct opt_odb_t *odb;

  int n_int_vars, n_uint_vars, n_float_vars, n_double_vars;
  int n_enum_vars, n_enum_eval_vars, n_flag_vars, n_string_vars;
  int int_var, int_vars[MAX_VARS];
  unsigned int uint_var, uint_vars[MAX_VARS];
  float float_var, float_vars[MAX_VARS];
  double double_var, double_vars[MAX_VARS];
  int flag_var, flag_vars[MAX_VARS];
  char *string_var, *string_vars[MAX_VARS];

  enum etest_t { enum_a, enum_b, enum_c, enum_d, enum_NUM };
  static char *enum_emap[enum_NUM] =
    { "enum_a", "enum_b", "enum_c", "enum_d" };
  static int enum_eval[enum_NUM] =
    { enum_d, enum_c, enum_b, enum_a };
  int enum_var, enum_vars[MAX_VARS];
  int enum_eval_var, enum_eval_vars[MAX_VARS];

  /* get an options processor */
  odb = opt_new(f_orphan_fn);

  opt_reg_int(odb, "-opt:int", "This is an integer option.",
	      &int_var, 1, /* print */TRUE, /* default format */NULL);
  opt_reg_int_list(odb, "-opt:int:list", "This is an integer list option.",
		   int_vars, MAX_VARS, &n_int_vars, 2,
		   /* print */TRUE, /* default format */NULL);
  opt_reg_uint(odb, "-opt:uint", "This is an unsigned integer option.",
	       &uint_var, 3, /* print */TRUE, /* default format */NULL);
  opt_reg_uint_list(odb, "-opt:uint:list",
		    "This is an unsigned integer list option.",
		    uint_vars, MAX_VARS, &n_uint_vars, 4,
		    /* print */TRUE, /* default format */NULL);
  opt_reg_float(odb, "-opt:float", "This is a float option.",
		&float_var, 5.0, /* print */TRUE, /* default format */NULL);
  opt_reg_float_list(odb, "-opt:float:list", "This is a float list option.",
		     float_vars, MAX_VARS, &n_float_vars, 6.0,
		     /* print */TRUE, /* default format */NULL);
  opt_reg_double(odb, "-opt:double", "This is a double option.",
		 &double_var, 7.0, /* print */TRUE, /* default format */NULL);
  opt_reg_double_list(odb, "-opt:double:list", "This is a double list option.",
		      double_vars, MAX_VARS, &n_double_vars, 8.0,
		      /* print */TRUE, /* default format */NULL);
  opt_reg_enum(odb, "-opt:enum", "This is an enumeration option.",
	       &enum_var, "enum_a", enum_emap, /* index map */NULL, enum_NUM,
	       /* print */TRUE, /* default format */NULL);
  opt_reg_enum_list(odb, "-opt:enum:list", "This is a enum list option.",
		    enum_vars, MAX_VARS, &n_enum_vars, "enum_b",
		    enum_emap, /* index map */NULL, enum_NUM,
		    /* print */TRUE, /* default format */NULL);
  opt_reg_enum(odb, "-opt:enum:eval", "This is an enumeration option w/eval.",
	       &enum_eval_var, "enum_b", enum_emap, enum_eval, enum_NUM,
	       /* print */TRUE, /* default format */NULL);
  opt_reg_enum_list(odb, "-opt:enum:eval:list",
		    "This is a enum list option w/eval.",
		    enum_eval_vars, MAX_VARS, &n_enum_eval_vars, "enum_a",
		    enum_emap, enum_eval, enum_NUM,
		    /* print */TRUE, /* default format */NULL);
  opt_reg_flag(odb, "-opt:flag", "This is a boolean flag option.",
	       &flag_var, FALSE, /* print */TRUE, /* default format */NULL);
  opt_reg_flag_list(odb, "-opt:flag:list",
		    "This is a boolean flag list option.",
		    flag_vars, MAX_VARS, &n_flag_vars, TRUE,
		    /* print */TRUE, /* default format */NULL);
  opt_reg_string(odb, "-opt:string", "This is a string option.",
		 &string_var, "a:string",
		 /* print */TRUE, /* default format */NULL);
  opt_reg_string_list(odb, "-opt:string:list", "This is a string list option.",
		    string_vars, MAX_VARS, &n_string_vars, "another:string",
		    /* print */TRUE, /* default format */NULL);

  /* parse options */
  opt_process_options(odb, argc, argv);

  /* print options */
  fprintf(stdout, "## Current Option Values ##\n");
  opt_print_options(odb, stdout, /* long */FALSE, /* notes */TRUE);

  /* all done */