int main(int argc, char **argv) { setlinebuf(stdout); set_sig_handlers(); srv_init(); option_parse(argc, argv); srv_serve(); srv_destroy(); exit(0); }
/* Sets a server option */ STATIC TEG_STATUS token_set( int fd, char *str ) { if( strlen(str)==0 ) goto error; if( option_parse(fd, str) == TEG_STATUS_SUCCESS ) return TEG_STATUS_SUCCESS; error: net_print(fd,TOKEN_ERROR"="TOKEN_SET"\n"); return TEG_STATUS_PARSEERROR; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int n; char **in; char *path; option_parse(argc, argv); agurim_init(); argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc == 0){ /* stdin supports re-aggregation format only. */ if (query.outfmt != REAGGREGATION) usage(); else read_stdin(); } again: n = argc; in = argv; while (n > 0) { path = *in; if (is_dir(path)) read_dir(path); else read_file(path); ++in; --n; } if (inparam.mode == HHH_MAIN_MODE){ hhh_run(); if (query.outfmt != REAGGREGATION) { /* reset internal parameters for text processing */ param_set_nextmode(); /* goto the second pass */ goto again; } } else { plot_run(); } agurim_finish(); return (0); }
void test_option_parse_1() { struct opt_style style1[] = { { OPTSTYLE_YES, "-a" }, OPT_STYLE_NULL }; struct opt_style style2[] = { { OPTSTYLE_NO, "-b" }, OPT_STYLE_NULL }; struct opt_style style3[] = { { OPTSTYLE_AFTER, "-c" }, OPT_STYLE_NULL }; struct opt_style style4[] = { { OPTSTYLE_NEXT, "-d" }, OPT_STYLE_NULL }; struct opt_style style5[] = { { OPTSTYLE_SHORT_YES, "e" }, OPT_STYLE_NULL }; struct opt_style style6[] = { { OPTSTYLE_SHORT_NO, "f" }, OPT_STYLE_NULL }; struct opt_type type[] = { { style1 }, { style2 }, { style3 }, { style4 }, { style5 }, { style6 }, OPT_TYPE_NULL }; struct opt_parsed parsed[6] = { -1 }; int argc = 6; const char *argv[] = { "-a", "-b", "-cXYZ", "-d", "ABC", "-ef" }; int res; res = option_parse(argc, argv, type, parsed); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, parsed[0].yesno); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, parsed[1].yesno); CU_ASSERT_PTR_EQUAL(argv[2] + 2, parsed[2].ptr); CU_ASSERT_PTR_EQUAL(argv[4], parsed[3].ptr); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, parsed[4].yesno); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, parsed[5].yesno); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(6, res); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { option_t opt; int arg_used = 0; const char *command = NULL; const char *argv0 = argv[0]; FILE *fpi = stdin, *fpo = stdout, *fpe = stderr; /* Show the copyright information. */ fprintf(fpe, APPLICATION_S " " VERSION_S " " COPYRIGHT_S "\n"); fprintf(fpe, "\n"); /* Parse the command-line option. */ option_init(&opt); arg_used = option_parse(++argv, --argc, parse_options, &opt); if (arg_used < 0) { return 1; } /* Show the help message if specified. */ if ( { show_usage(fpo, argv0); return 0; } /* Check whether a command is specified in the command-line. */ if (argc <= arg_used) { fprintf(fpe, "ERROR: No command specified. See help (-h) for the usage.\n"); return 1; } /* Execute the command. */ command = argv[arg_used]; if (strcmp(command, "learn") == 0) { return main_learn(argc-arg_used, argv+arg_used, argv0); } else if (strcmp(command, "tag") == 0) { return main_tag(argc-arg_used, argv+arg_used, argv0); } else if (strcmp(command, "dump") == 0) { return main_dump(argc-arg_used, argv+arg_used, argv0); } else { fprintf(fpe, "ERROR: Unrecognized command (%s) specified.\n", command); return 1; } return 0; }
int main_dump(int argc, char *argv[], const char *argv0) { int ret = 0, arg_used = 0; dump_option_t opt; const char *command = argv[0]; FILE *fpo = stdout, *fpe = stderr; crfsuite_model_t *model = NULL; /* Parse the command-line option. */ dump_option_init(&opt); arg_used = option_parse(++argv, --argc, parse_dump_options, &opt); if (arg_used < 0) { ret = 1; goto force_exit; } /* Show the help message for this command if specified. */ if ( { show_usage(fpo, argv0, command); goto force_exit; } /* Check for the existence of the model file. */ if (argc <= arg_used) { fprintf(fpe, "ERROR: No model specified.\n"); ret = 1; goto force_exit; } /* Create a model instance corresponding to the model file. */ if ((ret = crfsuite_create_instance_from_file(argv[arg_used], (void**)&model, FTYPE_NONE))) { goto force_exit; } /* Dump the model. */ if ((ret = model->dump(model, fpo))) { goto force_exit; } force_exit: SAFE_RELEASE(model); dump_option_finish(&opt); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ch, longindex, ret, port = SD_LISTEN_PORT, io_port = SD_LISTEN_PORT; int rc = 1; const char *dirp = DEFAULT_OBJECT_DIR, *short_options; char *dir, *p, *pid_file = NULL, *bindaddr = NULL, log_path[PATH_MAX], *argp = NULL; bool explicit_addr = false; bool daemonize = true; int32_t nr_vnodes = -1; int64_t zone = -1; struct cluster_driver *cdrv; struct option *long_options; const char *http_options = NULL; static struct logger_user_info sheep_info; struct stat logdir_st; enum log_dst_type log_dst_type; sys->cinfo.flags |= SD_CLUSTER_FLAG_AUTO_VNODES; sys->node_status = SD_NODE_STATUS_INITIALIZATION; sys->rthrottling.max_exec_count = 0; sys->rthrottling.queue_work_interval = 0; sys->rthrottling.throttling = false; install_crash_handler(crash_handler); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); install_sighandler(SIGHUP, sighup_handler, false); long_options = build_long_options(sheep_options); short_options = build_short_options(sheep_options); while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, &longindex)) >= 0) { switch (ch) { case 'p': port = strtol(optarg, &p, 10); if (optarg == p || port < 1 || UINT16_MAX < port || *p != '\0') { sd_err("Invalid port number '%s'", optarg); exit(1); } break; case 'P': pid_file = optarg; break; case 'r': http_options = optarg; break; case 'l': if (option_parse(optarg, ",", log_parsers) < 0) exit(1); break; case 'n': sys->nosync = true; break; case 'y': if (!str_to_addr(optarg, sys->this_node.nid.addr)) { sd_err("Invalid address: '%s'", optarg); exit(1); } explicit_addr = true; break; case 'D': sys->backend_dio = true; break; case 'f': daemonize = false; break; case 'g': if (nr_vnodes > 0) { sd_err("Options '-g' and '-V' can not be both specified"); exit(1); } nr_vnodes = 0; break; case 'z': zone = strtol(optarg, &p, 10); if (optarg == p || zone < 0 || UINT32_MAX < zone || *p != '\0') { sd_err("Invalid zone id '%s': must be " "an integer between 0 and %u", optarg, UINT32_MAX); exit(1); } sys-> = zone; break; case 'u': sys->upgrade = true; break; case 'c': sys->cdrv = find_cdrv(optarg); if (!sys->cdrv) { sd_err("Invalid cluster driver '%s'", optarg); fprintf(stderr, "Supported drivers:"); FOR_EACH_CLUSTER_DRIVER(cdrv) { fprintf(stderr, " %s", cdrv->name); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(1); } sys->cdrv_option = get_cdrv_option(sys->cdrv, optarg); break; case 'w': sys->enable_object_cache = true; sys->object_cache_size = 0; if (option_parse(optarg, ",", cache_parsers) < 0) exit(1); if (sys->object_cache_size == 0) { sd_err("object cache size is not set"); exit(1); } break; case 'i': if (option_parse(optarg, ",", ionic_parsers) < 0) exit(1); if (!str_to_addr(io_addr, sys->this_node.nid.io_addr)) { sd_err("Bad addr: '%s'", io_addr); exit(1); } if (io_pt) if (sscanf(io_pt, "%u", &io_port) != 1) { sd_err("Bad port '%s'", io_pt); exit(1); } sys->this_node.nid.io_port = io_port; break; case 'j': uatomic_set_true(&sys->use_journal); if (option_parse(optarg, ",", journal_parsers) < 0) exit(1); if (!jsize) { sd_err("you must specify size for journal"); exit(1); } break; case 'b': if (!inetaddr_is_valid(optarg)) exit(1); bindaddr = optarg; break; case 'h': usage(0); break; case 'R': if (option_parse(optarg, ",", recovery_parsers) < 0) exit(1); sys->rthrottling.max_exec_count = max_exec_count; sys->rthrottling.queue_work_interval = queue_work_interval; if (max_exec_count > 0 && queue_work_interval > 0) sys->rthrottling.throttling = true; break; case 'v': fprintf(stdout, "Sheepdog daemon version %s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); exit(0); break; case 'V': sys->cinfo.flags &= ~SD_CLUSTER_FLAG_AUTO_VNODES; if (nr_vnodes == 0) { sd_err("Options '-g' and '-V' can not be both specified"); exit(1); } nr_vnodes = strtol(optarg, &p, 10); if (optarg == p || nr_vnodes < 1 || UINT16_MAX < nr_vnodes || *p != '\0') { sd_err("Invalid number of vnodes '%s': must be " "an integer between 1 and %u", optarg, UINT16_MAX); exit(1); } break; case 'W': wildcard_recovery = true; break; default: usage(1); break; } }