Esempio n. 1
static ttstr TVPParseCommandLineOne(const ttstr &i)
	// value is specified
	const tjs_char *p, *o;
	p = o = i.c_str();
	p = TJS_strchr(p, '=');

	if(p == NULL) { return i + TJS_W("=yes"); }


	ttstr optname(o, p - o);

	if(*p == TJS_W('\'') || *p == TJS_W('\"'))
		// as an escaped string
		tTJSVariant v;
		TJSParseString(v, &p);

		return optname + ttstr(v);
		// as a string
		return optname + p;
Esempio n. 2
int main( const int argc, const char * const argv[] )
  char verbose = 0;
  const struct ap_Option options[] =
    { 'H', "hidden",   ap_no    },
    { 'V', "version",  ap_no    },
    { 'a', "append",   ap_no    },
    { 'b', "block",    ap_yes   },
    { 'c', "casual",   ap_maybe },
    { 'h', "help",     ap_no    },
    { 'o', 0,          ap_yes   },
    { 'q', "quiet",    ap_no    },
    { 'u', "uncaught", ap_no    },
    { 'v', "verbose",  ap_no    },
    { 256, "orphan",   ap_no    },
    {   0, 0,          ap_no    } };

  struct Arg_parser parser;
  int argind;
  invocation_name = argv[0];

  if( !ap_init( &parser, argc, argv, options, 0 ) )
    { show_error( "Memory exhausted.", 0, 0 ); return 1; }
  if( ap_error( &parser ) )				/* bad option */
    { show_error( ap_error( &parser ), 0, 1 ); return 1; }

  for( argind = 0; argind < ap_arguments( &parser ); ++argind )
    const int code = ap_code( &parser, argind );
    if( !code ) break;				/* no more options */
    switch( code )
      case 'H': break;				/* example, do nothing */
      case 'V': show_version(); return 0;
      case 'a': break;				/* example, do nothing */
      case 'b': break;				/* example, do nothing */
      case 'c': break;				/* example, do nothing */
      case 'h': show_help( verbose ); return 0;
      case 'o': break;				/* example, do nothing */
      case 'q': verbose = 0; break;
      /* case 'u': break; */			/* intentionally not caught */
      case 'v': verbose = 1; break;
      case 256: break;				/* example, do nothing */
      default : internal_error( "uncaught option" );
    } /* end process options */

  for( argind = 0; argind < ap_arguments( &parser ); ++argind )
    const int code = ap_code( &parser, argind );
    const char * const arg = ap_argument( &parser, argind );
    if( code )	/* option */
      const char * const name = optname( code, options );
      if( !name[1] )
        printf( "option '-%c'", name[0] );
        printf( "option '--%s'", name );
      if( arg[0] )
        printf( " with argument '%s'", arg );
    else	/* non-option */
      printf( "non-option argument '%s'", arg );
    printf( "\n" );

  if( !ap_arguments( &parser ) ) printf( "Hello, world!\n" );

  return 0;
Esempio n. 3
// read input file from stream
ConfigSvcImplFile::readStream(std::istream& in, const std::string& name)
  // read all the lines from the file
  std::string line ;
  std::string section ;
  unsigned int nlines = 0 ;
  while ( std::getline ( in, line ) ) {
    nlines ++ ;

    // skip comments
    std::string::size_type fchar = line.find_first_not_of(" \t") ;
    if ( fchar == std::string::npos ) {
      // empty line
      //std::cout << "line " << nlines << ": empty\n" ;
      continue ;
    } else if ( line[fchar] == '#' ) {
      // comment
      //std::cout << "line " << nlines << ": comment\n" ;
      continue ;

    if ( line[fchar] == '[' ) {
      // must be section name, whole string ends with ']' and we take 
      // everything between as section name
      std::string::size_type lchar = line.find_last_not_of(" \t\r") ;
      if ( lchar == std::string::npos or line[lchar] != ']' ) {
        throw ExceptionSyntax(name, nlines, "illegal section name format");

      // don't need to keep whitespace
      fchar = line.find_first_not_of(" \t", fchar+1) ;
      lchar = line.find_last_not_of(" \t", lchar-1) ;
      section = line.substr( fchar, lchar-fchar+1 );
      //std::cout << "line " << nlines << ": section [" << section << "]\n" ;      
    // we get an option line, check that section name is defined
    if ( section.empty() ) {
      throw ExceptionSyntax(name, nlines, "parameter outside of section");
    // must be option name followed by equal sign
    std::string::size_type eqpos = line.find( "=", fchar ) ;
    if ( eqpos == std::string::npos ) {
      throw ExceptionSyntax(name, nlines, "equal sign missing after option name");
    if ( eqpos == fchar ) {
      throw ExceptionSyntax(name, nlines, "option name is missing");
    std::string::size_type optend = line.find_last_not_of( " \t", eqpos-1 ) ;
    std::string optname ( line, fchar, optend-fchar+1 ) ;

    //std::cout << "line " << nlines << ": option '" << optname << "'\n" ;

    // get option value
    std::string optval ;
    std::string::size_type pos1 = line.find_first_not_of(" \t",eqpos+1) ;
    //std::cout << "line " << nlines << ": pos1 = " << pos1 << "\n" ;
    if ( pos1 != std::string::npos ) {
      std::string::size_type pos2 = line.find_last_not_of( " \t" ) ;
      //std::cout << "line " << nlines << ": pos2 = " << pos2 << "\n" ;
      if ( pos2 != std::string::npos ) {
        optval = std::string ( line, pos1, pos2-pos1+1 ) ;
      } else {
        optval = std::string ( line, pos1 ) ;
      //std::cout << "line " << nlines << ": value '" << optval << "'\n" ;

    // set the option
    m_config[section][optname] = boost::shared_ptr<std::string>(new std::string(optval));
    //std::cout << "line " << nlines << ": '" << optname << "' = '" << optval << "'\n" ;


  // check the status of the file, must be at EOF
  if ( not in.eof() ) {
    throw ExceptionFileRead(name) ;
