Esempio n. 1
void CCTwirl::update(float time)
    int i, j;
    CCPoint    c = m_position;
    for (i = 0; i < (m_sGridSize.width+1); ++i)
        for (j = 0; j < (m_sGridSize.height+1); ++j)
            ccVertex3F v = originalVertex(ccp(i ,j));
            CCPoint    avg = ccp(i-(m_sGridSize.width/2.0f), j-(m_sGridSize.height/2.0f));
            float r = ccpLength(avg);
            float amp = 0.1f * m_fAmplitude * m_fAmplitudeRate;
            float a = r * cosf( (float)M_PI/2.0f + time * (float)M_PI * m_nTwirls * 2 ) * amp;
            CCPoint d = ccp(
                sinf(a) * (v.y-c.y) + cosf(a) * (v.x-c.x),
                cosf(a) * (v.y-c.y) - sinf(a) * (v.x-c.x));
            v.x = c.x + d.x;
            v.y = c.y + d.y;

            setVertex(ccp(i ,j), v);
Esempio n. 2
	void CCTwirl::update(ccTime time)
		int i, j;
		CCPoint	c = m_positionInPixels;
		for (i = 0; i < (m_sGridSize.x+1); ++i)
			for (j = 0; j < (m_sGridSize.y+1); ++j)
				ccVertex3F v = originalVertex(ccg(i ,j));
				CCPoint	avg = ccp(i-(m_sGridSize.x/2.0f), j-(m_sGridSize.y/2.0f));
				CGFloat r = ccpLength(avg);
				CGFloat amp = 0.1f * m_fAmplitude * m_fAmplitudeRate;
				CGFloat a = r * cosf( (CGFloat)M_PI/2.0f + time * (CGFloat)M_PI * m_nTwirls * 2 ) * amp;
				CCPoint	d;
				d.x = sinf(a) * (v.y-c.y) + cosf(a) * (v.x-c.x);
				d.y = cosf(a) * (v.y-c.y) - sinf(a) * (v.x-c.x);
				v.x = c.x + d.x;
				v.y = c.y + d.y;

				setVertex(ccg(i ,j), v);
Esempio n. 3
void LFTwirl::preCalculateDistance()

//	gridDistanceArray = new float[ (m_sGridSize.x + 1) * (m_sGridSize.y + 1) ];
// 原先类型为int   现在CCSize为float 墙砖为int
	gridDistanceArray = new float[ ((int)m_sGridSize.width + 1) * ((int)m_sGridSize.height + 1) ];
	int i, j;
	int index = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < m_sGridSize.width + 1; ++i)
		for (j = 0; j < m_sGridSize.height + 1; ++j)
			ccVertex3F v = originalVertex(ccp(i, j));
			CCPoint relativedPos = ccp(v.x - m_position.x,v.y - m_position.y);
			float dis = ccpLength(relativedPos) + 1.0f;
			gridDistanceArray[index] = dis;
			index ++;

//	setPosition(m_pTarget->getPosition());

Esempio n. 4
void CCShaky3D::update(float time)
#ifdef Hunter
	if(timerCounter % 10 != 0)
#endif // Hunter
    int i, j;

    for (i = 0; i < (m_sGridSize.width+1); ++i)
        for (j = 0; j < (m_sGridSize.height+1); ++j)
            ccVertex3F v = originalVertex(ccp(i ,j));
            v.x += (rand() % (m_nRandrange*2)) - m_nRandrange;
            v.y += (rand() % (m_nRandrange*2)) - m_nRandrange;
            if (m_bShakeZ)
                v.z += (rand() % (m_nRandrange*2)) - m_nRandrange;
            setVertex(ccp(i, j), v);
* Update each tick
* Time is the percentage of the way through the duration
void CCPageTurn3D::update(ccTime time)
	float tt = MAX(0, time - 0.25f);
	float deltaAy = (tt * tt * 500);
	float ay = -100 - deltaAy;

	float deltaTheta = - (float) M_PI_2 * sqrtf( time) ;
	float theta = /*0.01f */ + (float) M_PI_2 +deltaTheta;

	float sinTheta = sinf(theta);
	float cosTheta = cosf(theta);

	for (int i = 0; i <= m_sGridSize.width; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j <= m_sGridSize.height; ++j)
			// Get original vertex
			ccVertex3F p = originalVertex(ccp(i ,j));

			float R = sqrtf((p.x * p.x) + ((p.y - ay) * (p.y - ay)));
			float r = R * sinTheta;
			float alpha = asinf( p.x / R );
			float beta = alpha / sinTheta;
			float cosBeta = cosf( beta );

			// If beta > PI then we've wrapped around the cone
			// Reduce the radius to stop these points interfering with others
			if (beta <= M_PI)
				p.x = ( r * sinf(beta));
				// Force X = 0 to stop wrapped
				// points
				p.x = 0;

			p.y = ( R + ay - ( r * (1 - cosBeta) * sinTheta));

			// We scale z here to avoid the animation being
			// too much bigger than the screen due to perspectve transform
			p.z = (r * ( 1 - cosBeta ) * cosTheta) / 7;// "100" didn't work for

			//	Stop z coord from dropping beneath underlying page in a transition
			// issue #751
			if( p.z < 0.5f )
				p.z = 0.5f;

			// Set new coords
			setVertex(ccp(i, j), p);

Esempio n. 6
	void CCWaves3D::update(ccTime time)
		int i, j;
		for (i = 0; i < m_sGridSize.x + 1; ++i)
			for (j = 0; j < m_sGridSize.y + 1; ++j)
				ccVertex3F v = originalVertex(ccg(i ,j));
				v.z += (sinf((CGFloat)M_PI * time * m_nWaves * 2 + (v.y+v.x) * .01f) * m_fAmplitude * m_fAmplitudeRate);
				CCLog("v.z offset is %f\n", (sinf((CGFloat)M_PI * time * m_nWaves * 2 + (v.y+v.x) * .01f) * m_fAmplitude * m_fAmplitudeRate));
				setVertex(ccg(i, j), v);
Esempio n. 7
void CCWaves3D::update(float time)
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < m_sGridSize.width + 1; ++i)
        for (j = 0; j < m_sGridSize.height + 1; ++j)
            ccVertex3F v = originalVertex(ccp(i ,j));
            v.z += (sinf((float)M_PI * time * m_nWaves * 2 + (v.y+v.x) * 0.01f) * m_fAmplitude * m_fAmplitudeRate);
            //CCLOG("v.z offset is %f\n", (sinf((float)M_PI * time * m_nWaves * 2 + (v.y+v.x) * .01f) * m_fAmplitude * m_fAmplitudeRate));
            setVertex(ccp(i, j), v);
Esempio n. 8
	void CCLiquid::update(ccTime time)
		int i, j;

		for (i = 1; i < m_sGridSize.x; ++i)
			for (j = 1; j < m_sGridSize.y; ++j)
				ccVertex3F v = originalVertex(ccg(i, j));
				v.x = (v.x + (sinf(time * (CGFloat)M_PI * m_nWaves * 2 + v.x * .01f) * m_fAmplitude * m_fAmplitudeRate));
				v.y = (v.y + (sinf(time * (CGFloat)M_PI * m_nWaves * 2 + v.y * .01f) * m_fAmplitude * m_fAmplitudeRate));
				setVertex(ccg(i, j), v);
Esempio n. 9
void LFTwirl::update(float time)
	//// 优化部分
	//	flag ++;
	//	if (flag % 2 != 0)
	//		return;
	//	flag = 0;

	int i, j;
	int index = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < m_sGridSize.width + 1; ++i)
		for (j = 0; j < m_sGridSize.height + 1; ++j)
			ccVertex3F v = originalVertex(ccp(i, j));
			CCPoint relativedPos = ccp(v.x - m_position.x,v.y - m_position.y);
			CCPoint newPos;
            float dis = 0.0f;
            if (gridDistanceArray)
                dis = gridDistanceArray[index];index++;
                dis = ccpLength(relativedPos) + 1.0f;

			// 基于相对中心坐标计算
				float tempAngle = mAngle;
				tempAngle = tempAngle / dis * (mRadius*10);// 跟半径成反比,半径越大,转动角度越小
                newPos = ccpRotateByAngle(relativedPos,ccp(1,0),CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(tempAngle));
				newPos.x *= mScale;
				newPos.y *= mScale;
			v.x = newPos.x + m_position.x ;
			v.y = newPos.y + m_position.y;

			setVertex(ccp(i, j), v);

	mScale *= mScaleFactor;
	mAngle += mAngleFactor;
Esempio n. 10
void CCLens3D::update(float time)
    if (m_bDirty)
        int i, j;
        for (i = 0; i < m_sGridSize.width + 1; ++i)
            for (j = 0; j < m_sGridSize.height + 1; ++j)
                ccVertex3F v = originalVertex(ccp(i, j));
                CCPoint vect = ccpSub(m_tPoint, ccp(v.x, v.y));
                float r = ccpLength(vect);
                if (r < m_fRadius)
                    r = m_fRadius - r;
                    float pre_log = r / m_fRadius;
                    if ( pre_log == 0 ) 
                        pre_log = 0.001f;

                    float l = logf(pre_log) * m_fLensEffect;
                    float new_r = expf( l ) * m_fRadius;
                    if (ccpLength(vect) > 0)
                        vect = ccpNormalize(vect);
                        CCPoint new_vect = ccpMult(vect, new_r);
                        v.z += (m_bConcave ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * ccpLength(new_vect) * m_fLensEffect;
                setVertex(ccp(i, j), v);
        m_bDirty = false;
Esempio n. 11
	void CCLens3D::update(ccTime time)
		if (m_bDirty)
			int i, j;
			for (i = 0; i < m_sGridSize.x + 1; ++i)
				for (j = 0; j < m_sGridSize.y + 1; ++j)
					ccVertex3F v = originalVertex(ccg(i, j));
					CCPoint vect = ccpSub(m_positionInPixels, ccp(v.x, v.y));
					CGFloat r = ccpLength(vect);
					if (r < m_fRadius)
						r = m_fRadius - r;
						CGFloat pre_log = r / m_fRadius;
						if ( pre_log == 0 ) 
							pre_log = 0.001f;

						float l = logf(pre_log) * m_fLensEffect;
						float new_r = expf( l ) * m_fRadius;
						if (ccpLength(vect) > 0)
							vect = ccpNormalize(vect);
							CCPoint new_vect = ccpMult(vect, new_r);
							v.z += ccpLength(new_vect) * m_fLensEffect;
					setVertex(ccg(i, j), v);
			m_bDirty = false;
Esempio n. 12
	void CCShaky3D::update(cocos2d::ccTime time)
		int i, j;
		for (i = 0; i < (m_sGridSize.x+1); ++i)
			for (j = 0; j < (m_sGridSize.y+1); ++j)
				ccVertex3F v = originalVertex(ccg(i ,j));
				v.x += (rand() % (m_nRandrange*2)) - m_nRandrange;
				v.y += (rand() % (m_nRandrange*2)) - m_nRandrange;
				if (m_bShakeZ)
					v.z += (rand() % (m_nRandrange*2)) - m_nRandrange;
				setVertex(ccg(i, j), v);
void CCShaky3D::update(float time)
    int i, j;

    for (i = 0; i < (m_sGridSize.x+1); ++i)
        for (j = 0; j < (m_sGridSize.y+1); ++j)
            ccVertex3F v = originalVertex(ccg(i ,j));
            v.x += (rand() % (m_nRandrange*2)) - m_nRandrange;
            v.y += (rand() % (m_nRandrange*2)) - m_nRandrange;
            if (m_bShakeZ)
                v.z += (rand() % (m_nRandrange*2)) - m_nRandrange;
            setVertex(ccg(i, j), v);
Esempio n. 14
void CCRipple3D::update(float time)
    int i, j;

    for (i = 0; i < (m_sGridSize.width+1); ++i)
        for (j = 0; j < (m_sGridSize.height+1); ++j)
            ccVertex3F v = originalVertex(ccp(i, j));
            CCPoint vect = ccpSub(m_tPoint, ccp(v.x,v.y));
            float r = ccpLength(vect);
            if (r < m_fRadius)
                r = m_fRadius - r;
                float rate = powf(r / m_fRadius, 2);
                v.z += (sinf( time*(float)M_PI * m_nWaves * 2 + r * 0.1f) * m_fAmplitude * m_fAmplitudeRate * rate);
            setVertex(ccp(i, j), v);
Esempio n. 15
	void CCRipple3D::update(ccTime time)
		int i, j;
		for (i = 0; i < (m_sGridSize.x+1); ++i)
			for (j = 0; j < (m_sGridSize.y+1); ++j)
				ccVertex3F v = originalVertex(ccg(i, j));
				CCPoint vect = ccpSub(m_positionInPixels, ccp(v.x,v.y));
				CGFloat r = ccpLength(vect);
				if (r < m_fRadius)
					r = m_fRadius - r;
					CGFloat rate = powf(r / m_fRadius, 2);
					v.z += (sinf( time*(CGFloat)M_PI * m_nWaves * 2 + r * 0.1f) * m_fAmplitude * m_fAmplitudeRate * rate);
				setVertex(ccg(i, j), v);
Esempio n. 16
	void CCWaves::update(ccTime time)
		int i, j;

		for (i = 0; i < m_sGridSize.x + 1; ++i)
			for (j = 0; j < m_sGridSize.y + 1; ++j)
				ccVertex3F v = originalVertex(ccg(i, j));

				if (m_bVertical)
					v.x = (v.x + (sinf(time * (CGFloat)M_PI * m_nWaves * 2 + v.y * .01f) * m_fAmplitude * m_fAmplitudeRate));

				if (m_bHorizontal)
                    v.y = (v.y + (sinf(time * (CGFloat)M_PI * m_nWaves * 2 + v.x * .01f) * m_fAmplitude * m_fAmplitudeRate));

				setVertex(ccg(i, j), v);
Esempio n. 17
	void CCFlipX3D::update(ccTime time)
		CGFloat angle = (CGFloat)M_PI * time; // 180 degrees
		CGFloat mz = sinf(angle);
		angle = angle / 2.0f; // x calculates degrees from 0 to 90
		CGFloat mx = cosf(angle);

		ccVertex3F v0, v1, v, diff;

		v0 = originalVertex(ccg(1, 1));
		v1 = originalVertex(ccg(0, 0));

		CGFloat	x0 = v0.x;
		CGFloat	x1 = v1.x;
		CGFloat x;
		ccGridSize	a, b, c, d;

		if ( x0 > x1 )
			// Normal Grid
			a = ccg(0,0);
			b = ccg(0,1);
			c = ccg(1,0);
			d = ccg(1,1);
			x = x0;
			// Reversed Grid
			c = ccg(0,0);
			d = ccg(0,1);
			a = ccg(1,0);
			b = ccg(1,1);
			x = x1;
		diff.x = ( x - x * mx );
		diff.z = fabsf( floorf( (x * mz) / 4.0f ) );

		// bottom-left
		v = originalVertex(a);
		v.x = diff.x;
		v.z += diff.z;
		setVertex(a, v);
		// upper-left
		v = originalVertex(b);
		v.x = diff.x;
		v.z += diff.z;
		setVertex(b, v);
		// bottom-right
		v = originalVertex(c);
		v.x -= diff.x;
		v.z -= diff.z;
		setVertex(c, v);
		// upper-right
		v = originalVertex(d);
		v.x -= diff.x;
		v.z -= diff.z;
		setVertex(d, v);
Esempio n. 18
	void CCFlipY3D::update(ccTime time)
		CGFloat angle = (CGFloat)M_PI * time; // 180 degrees
		CGFloat mz = sinf( angle );
		angle = angle / 2.0f;     // x calculates degrees from 0 to 90
		CGFloat my = cosf(angle);
		ccVertex3F	v0, v1, v, diff;
		v0 = originalVertex(ccg(1, 1));
		v1 = originalVertex(ccg(0, 0));
		CGFloat	y0 = v0.y;
		CGFloat	y1 = v1.y;
		CGFloat y;
		ccGridSize	a, b, c, d;
		if (y0 > y1)
			// Normal Grid
			a = ccg(0,0);
			b = ccg(0,1);
			c = ccg(1,0);
			d = ccg(1,1);
			y = y0;
			// Reversed Grid
			b = ccg(0,0);
			a = ccg(0,1);
			d = ccg(1,0);
			c = ccg(1,1);
			y = y1;
		diff.y = y - y * my;
		diff.z = fabsf(floorf((y * mz) / 4.0f));
		// bottom-left
		v = originalVertex(a);
		v.y = diff.y;
		v.z += diff.z;
		setVertex(a, v);
		// upper-left
		v = originalVertex(b);
		v.y -= diff.y;
		v.z -= diff.z;
		setVertex(b, v);
		// bottom-right
		v = originalVertex(c);
		v.y = diff.y;
		v.z += diff.z;
		setVertex(c, v);
		// upper-right
		v = originalVertex(d);
		v.y -= diff.y;
		v.z -= diff.z;
		setVertex(d, v);