int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Initialize basic libctru stuff gfxInitDefault(); cfguInit(); osSetSpeedupEnable(true); // consoleInit(GFX_TOP, NULL); g_system = new _3DS::OSystem_3DS(); assert(g_system); // Invoke the actual ScummVM main entry point // if (argc > 2) // res = scummvm_main(argc-2, &argv[2]); // else // res = scummvm_main(argc, argv); scummvm_main(0, nullptr); delete dynamic_cast<_3DS::OSystem_3DS*>(g_system); // Turn on both screen backlights before exiting. if (R_SUCCEEDED(gspLcdInit())) { GSPLCD_PowerOnBacklight(GSPLCD_SCREEN_BOTH); gspLcdExit(); } cfguExit(); gfxExit(); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { float time, oldtime; APT_CheckNew3DS(&isN3DS); if(isN3DS) osSetSpeedupEnable(true); gfxInit(GSP_RGB565_OES,GSP_RGB565_OES,false); gfxSetDoubleBuffering(GFX_TOP, false); gfxSetDoubleBuffering(GFX_BOTTOM, false); gfxSet3D(true); consoleInit(GFX_BOTTOM, NULL); #ifdef _3DS_CIA if(chdir("sdmc:/3ds/ctrQuake") != 0) Sys_Error("Could not find folder: sdmc:/3ds/ctrQuake"); #endif static quakeparms_t parms; parms.memsize = 24*1024*1024; parms.membase = malloc (parms.memsize); parms.basedir = "."; COM_InitArgv (argc, argv); parms.argc = com_argc; parms.argv = com_argv; Host_Init (&parms); Sys_Init(); oldtime = Sys_FloatTime() -0.1; while (aptMainLoop()) { time = Sys_FloatTime(); separation_distance = osGet3DSliderState(); Host_Frame (time - oldtime); oldtime = time; } gfxExit(); return 0; }
void Player::Init(int argc, char *argv[]) { static bool init = false; frames = 0; if (init) return; // Display a nice version string std::stringstream header; std::string addtl_ver(PLAYER_ADDTL); header << "EasyRPG Player " << PLAYER_VERSION; if (!addtl_ver.empty()) header << " " << addtl_ver; header << " started"; Output::Debug(header.str().c_str()); unsigned int header_width = header.str().length(); header.str(""); header << std::setfill('=') << std::setw(header_width) << "="; Output::Debug(header.str().c_str()); #ifdef GEKKO // Init libfat (Mount SD/USB) if (!fatInitDefault()) { Output::Error("Couldn't mount any storage medium!"); } #elif defined(_3DS) // Starting debug console gfxInitDefault(); consoleInit(GFX_BOTTOM, NULL); APT_SetAppCpuTimeLimit(30); if (osGetKernelVersion() < SYSTEM_VERSION(2, 48, 3)) khaxInit(); // Executing libkhax just to be sure... consoleClear(); // Check if we already have access to csnd:SND, if not, we will perform a kernel privilege escalation Handle csndHandle = 0; use_dsp = false; #ifndef FORCE_DSP srvGetServiceHandleDirect(&csndHandle, "csnd:SND"); if (csndHandle) { Output::Debug("csnd:SND has been selected as audio service."); svcCloseHandle(csndHandle); } else { Output::Debug("csnd:SND is unavailable..."); #endif srvGetServiceHandleDirect(&csndHandle, "dsp::DSP"); if (csndHandle) { Output::Debug("dsp::DSP has been selected as audio service."); use_dsp = true; svcCloseHandle(csndHandle); } else { Output::Error("dsp::DSP is unavailable. Please dump a DSP firmware to use EasyRPG Player. If the problem persists, please report us the issue."); } #ifndef FORCE_DSP } #endif fsInit(); sdmcInit(); #ifndef CITRA3DS_COMPATIBLE romfsInit(); #endif hidInit(); // Enable 804 Mhz mode if on N3DS bool isN3DS; APT_CheckNew3DS(&isN3DS); if (isN3DS) { osSetSpeedupEnable(true); } #endif #if (defined(_WIN32) && defined(NDEBUG) && defined(WINVER) && WINVER >= 0x0600) InitMiniDumpWriter(); #endif srand(time(NULL)); ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN Output::IgnorePause(true); // Create initial directory structure in our private area // Retrieve save directory from persistent storage EM_ASM( FS.mkdir("easyrpg"); FS.chdir("easyrpg"); var dirs = ['Backdrop', 'Battle', 'Battle2', 'BattleCharSet', 'BattleWeapon', 'CharSet', 'ChipSet', 'FaceSet', 'Frame', 'GameOver', 'Monster', 'Movie', 'Music', 'Panorama', 'Picture', 'Sound', 'System', 'System2', 'Title', 'Save']; dirs.forEach(function(dir) { FS.mkdir(dir) }); FS.mount(IDBFS, {}, 'Save'); FS.syncfs(true, function(err) { }); );
int main(int argc, char** argv) { #ifdef _3DS UNUSED(_mPerfShutdown); gfxInitDefault(); osSetSpeedupEnable(true); consoleInit(GFX_BOTTOM, NULL); if (!allocateRomBuffer()) { return 1; } #elif defined(__SWITCH__) UNUSED(_mPerfShutdown); gfxInitDefault(); consoleInit(NULL); #else signal(SIGINT, _mPerfShutdown); #endif int didFail = 0; struct mLogger logger = { .log = _log }; mLogSetDefaultLogger(&logger); struct PerfOpts perfOpts = { false, false, false, 0, 0, 0, false }; struct mSubParser subparser = { .usage = PERF_USAGE, .parse = _parsePerfOpts, .extraOptions = PERF_OPTIONS, .opts = &perfOpts }; struct mArguments args = {}; bool parsed = parseArguments(&args, argc, argv, &subparser); if (!args.fname) { parsed = false; } if (!parsed || args.showHelp) { usage(argv[0], PERF_USAGE); didFail = !parsed; goto cleanup; } if (args.showVersion) { version(argv[0]); goto cleanup; } if (perfOpts.savestate) { _savestate = VFileOpen(perfOpts.savestate, O_RDONLY); free(perfOpts.savestate); } _outputBuffer = malloc(256 * 256 * 4); if (perfOpts.csv) { puts("game_code,frames,duration,renderer"); } if (perfOpts.server) { didFail = !_mPerfRunServer(args.fname, &args, &perfOpts); } else { didFail = !_mPerfRunCore(args.fname, &args, &perfOpts); } free(_outputBuffer); if (_savestate) { _savestate->close(_savestate); } cleanup: freeArguments(&args); #ifdef _3DS gfxExit(); acExit(); #elif defined(__SWITCH__) gfxExit(); #endif return didFail; }
int main() { cfguInit(); CFGU_GetSystemModel(&MODEL_3DS); FILE * file; shouldRenderDebug = true; if ((file = fopen("settings.bin", "r"))) { fread(&shouldRenderDebug,sizeof(bool),1,file); fread(&shouldSpeedup,sizeof(bool),1,file); osSetSpeedupEnable(shouldSpeedup); fclose(file); } sf2d_init(); csndInit(); noItem = newItem(ITEM_NULL, 0); currentMenu = MENU_TITLE; currentSelection = 0; quitGame = false; icons = sfil_load_PNG_buffer(icons2_png, SF2D_PLACE_RAM); font = sfil_load_PNG_buffer(Font_png, SF2D_PLACE_RAM); bottombg = sfil_load_PNG_buffer(bottombg_png, SF2D_PLACE_RAM); dirtColor[0] = SWAP_UINT32(sf2d_get_pixel(icons, 16, 0)); dirtColor[1] = SWAP_UINT32(sf2d_get_pixel(icons, 16, 1)); dirtColor[2] = SWAP_UINT32(sf2d_get_pixel(icons, 16, 2)); dirtColor[3] = SWAP_UINT32(sf2d_get_pixel(icons, 16, 3)); dirtColor[4] = SWAP_UINT32(sf2d_get_pixel(icons, 16, 4)); loadSound(&snd_playerHurt, "resources/playerhurt.raw"); loadSound(&snd_playerDeath, "resources/playerdeath.raw"); loadSound(&snd_monsterHurt, "resources/monsterhurt.raw"); loadSound(&snd_test, "resources/test.raw"); loadSound(&snd_pickup, "resources/pickup.raw"); loadSound(&snd_bossdeath, "resources/bossdeath.raw"); loadSound(&snd_craft, "resources/craft.raw"); bakeLights(); int i; for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { minimap[i] = sf2d_create_texture(128, 128, TEXFMT_RGBA8, SF2D_PLACE_RAM); sf2d_texture_tile32(minimap[i]); } sf2d_set_vblank_wait(true); sf2d_set_clear_color(0xFF000000); k_up.input = KEY_DUP | KEY_CPAD_UP | KEY_CSTICK_UP; k_down.input = KEY_DDOWN | KEY_CPAD_DOWN | KEY_CSTICK_DOWN; k_left.input = KEY_DLEFT | KEY_CPAD_LEFT | KEY_CSTICK_LEFT; k_right.input = KEY_DRIGHT | KEY_CPAD_RIGHT | KEY_CSTICK_RIGHT; k_attack.input = KEY_A | KEY_B | KEY_L | KEY_ZR; k_menu.input = KEY_X | KEY_Y | KEY_R | KEY_ZL; k_pause.input = KEY_START; k_accept.input = KEY_A; k_decline.input = KEY_B; k_delete.input = KEY_X; k_menuNext.input = KEY_R; k_menuPrev.input = KEY_L; if ((file = fopen("btnSave.bin", "rb"))) { fread(&k_up.input, sizeof(int), 1, file); fread(&k_down.input, sizeof(int), 1, file); fread(&k_left.input, sizeof(int), 1, file); fread(&k_right.input, sizeof(int), 1, file); fread(&k_attack.input, sizeof(int), 1, file); fread(&k_menu.input, sizeof(int), 1, file); fread(&k_pause.input, sizeof(int), 1, file); fread(&k_accept.input, sizeof(int), 1, file); fread(&k_decline.input, sizeof(int), 1, file); fread(&k_delete.input, sizeof(int), 1, file); fread(&k_menuNext.input, sizeof(int), 1, file); fread(&k_menuPrev.input, sizeof(int), 1, file); fclose(file); } if ((file = fopen("lastTP.bin", "r"))) { char fnbuf[256]; fgets(fnbuf, 256, file); // get directory to texturepack loadTexturePack(fnbuf); fclose(file); } tickCount = 0; initRecipes(); defineTables(); while (aptMainLoop()) { ++tickCount; hidScanInput(); tickKeys(hidKeysHeld(), hidKeysDown()); if (quitGame) break; if (initGame > 0) setupGame(initGame == 1 ? true : false); if (currentMenu == 0) { tick(); sf2d_start_frame(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT); offsetX = xscr; offsetY = yscr; sf2d_draw_rectangle(0, 0, 400, 240, 0xFF0C0C0C); //RGBA8(12, 12, 12, 255)); //You might think "real" black would be better, but it actually looks better that way renderLightsToStencil(); renderBackground(xscr, yscr); renderEntities(player.x, player.y, &eManager); renderPlayer(); resetStencilStuff(); offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; if(shouldRenderDebug){ sprintf(fpsstr, " FPS: %.0f, X:%d, Y:%d, E:%d", sf2d_get_fps(), player.x, player.y, eManager.lastSlot[currentLevel]); drawText(fpsstr, 2, 225); } sf2d_end_frame(); sf2d_start_frame(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT); if(!shouldRenderMap){ sf2d_draw_texture(bottombg, 0, 0); renderGui(); } else { renderZoomedMap(); } sf2d_end_frame(); } else { tickMenu(currentMenu); renderMenu(currentMenu, xscr, yscr); } sf2d_swapbuffers(); } freeRecipes(); freeLightBakes(); sf2d_free_texture(icons); sf2d_free_texture(minimap[0]); sf2d_free_texture(minimap[1]); sf2d_free_texture(minimap[2]); sf2d_free_texture(minimap[3]); sf2d_free_texture(minimap[4]); freeSounds(); csndExit(); cfguExit(); sf2d_fini(); return 0; }
static int exec_3dsx_actual(const char* path, const char** args, bool appendPath){ struct stat sBuff; argData_s newProgramArgs; unsigned int argChars = 0; unsigned int argNum = 0; bool fileExists; bool inited; if(path == NULL || path[0] == '\0'){ errno = EINVAL; return -1; } fileExists = stat(path, &sBuff) == 0; if(!fileExists){ errno = ENOENT; return -1; } else if(S_ISDIR(sBuff.st_mode)){ errno = EINVAL; return -1; } //args the string functions write to the passed string, this will cause a write to read only memory sot the string must be cloned memset(newProgramArgs.buf, '\0', sizeof(newProgramArgs.buf)); newProgramArgs.dst = (char*)&newProgramArgs.buf[1]; if(appendPath){ strcpy(newProgramArgs.dst, path); newProgramArgs.dst += strlen(path) + 1; newProgramArgs.buf[0]++; } while(args[argNum] != NULL){ strcpy(newProgramArgs.dst, args[argNum]); newProgramArgs.dst += strlen(args[argNum]) + 1; newProgramArgs.buf[0]++; argNum++; } inited = loader_Rosalina.init(); launch_3dsx = loader_Rosalina.launchFile; if(!inited){ inited = loader_Ninjhax2.init(); launch_3dsx = loader_Ninjhax2.launchFile; } if(!inited){ inited = loader_Ninjhax1.init(); launch_3dsx = loader_Ninjhax1.launchFile; } if(inited){ osSetSpeedupEnable(false); launch_3dsx(path, &newProgramArgs, NULL); exit(0); } //should never be reached errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; }
int main() { L = luaL_newstate(); luaL_openlibs(L); luaL_requiref(L, "love", initLove, 1); sf2d_init(); // 2D Drawing lib. sftd_init(); // Text Drawing lib. cfguInit(); ptmuInit(); // consoleInit(GFX_BOTTOM, NULL); sf2d_set_clear_color(RGBA8(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xFF)); // Reset background color. osSetSpeedupEnable(true); // Enables CPU speedup for a free performance boost. // Detect if we are running on a .cia, because if we are // we load from RomFS rather than the SD Card. // TODO: Load RomFS from .3dsx's aswell. Result rc = romfsInit(); romfsExists = (rc) ? false : true; // Change working directory if (romfsExists) { chdir("romfs:/"); } else { char cwd[256]; getcwd(cwd, 256); char newCwd[261]; strcat(newCwd, cwd); strcat(newCwd, "game"); chdir(newCwd); } luaL_dobuffer(L, boot_lua, boot_lua_size, "boot"); // Do some setup Lua side. // If main.lua exists, execute it. // If not then just load the nogame screen. if (fileExists("main.lua")) { if (luaL_dofile(L, "main.lua")) displayError(); } else { if (luaL_dobuffer(L, nogame_lua, nogame_lua_size, "nogame")) displayError(); } if (luaL_dostring(L, "love.timer.step()")) displayError(); if (luaL_dostring(L, "if love.load then love.load() end")) displayError(); while (aptMainLoop()) { if (shouldQuit) { if (forceQuit) break; bool shouldAbort = false; // lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "love"); // lua_getfield(L, -1, "quit"); // lua_remove(L, -2); // if (!lua_isnil(L, -1)) { // lua_call(L, 0, 1); // shouldAbort = lua_toboolean(L, 1); // lua_pop(L, 1); // }; TODO: Do this properly. if (luaL_dostring(L, "if love.quit then love.quit() end")) displayError(); if (!shouldAbort && !errorOccured) break; } // Quit event if (!errorOccured) { if (luaL_dostring(L, "love.keyboard.scan()\n" "love.timer.step()\n" "if love.update then love.update(love.timer.getDelta()) end")) { displayError(); } // Top screen // Left side sf2d_start_frame(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT); if (luaL_dostring(L, "if love.draw then love.draw() end")) displayError(); sf2d_end_frame(); // Right side if (is3D) { sf2d_start_frame(GFX_TOP, GFX_RIGHT); if (luaL_dostring(L, "if love.draw then love.draw() end")) displayError(); sf2d_end_frame(); } // Bot screen sf2d_start_frame(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT); if (luaL_dostring(L, "if love.draw then love.draw() end")) displayError(); sf2d_end_frame(); luaL_dostring(L, ""); } else { hidScanInput(); u32 kTempDown = hidKeysDown(); if (kTempDown & KEY_START) { forceQuit = true; shouldQuit = true; } char *errMsg = lua_tostring(L, -1); sf2d_start_frame(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT); lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "love"); lua_getfield(L, -1, "errhand"); lua_remove(L, -2); if (!lua_isnil(L, -1)) { lua_pushstring(L, errMsg); lua_call(L, 1, 0); } sf2d_end_frame(); sf2d_start_frame(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT); lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "love"); lua_getfield(L, -1, "errhand"); lua_remove(L, -2); if (!lua_isnil(L, -1)) { lua_pushstring(L, errMsg); lua_call(L, 1, 0); } sf2d_end_frame(); luaL_dostring(L, ""); } } luaL_dostring(L, ""); lua_close(L); sftd_fini(); sf2d_fini(); cfguExit(); ptmuExit(); if (soundEnabled) ndspExit(); if (romfsExists) romfsExit(); return 0; }
int main() { static char load_filename[512]; char *romname = NULL; float audioStart; // this is a float to count the half sample per frame needed ho have precise timing u32 audioTarget, audioEnd; srvInit(); aptInit(); hidInit(); APT_CheckNew3DS(&isN3DS); if(isN3DS) osSetSpeedupEnable(true); get_config_path(); sprintf(savename, "%s/Handy3ds.cfg", config_base_path); // using savename char buffer to save memory do_config(savename); handy_3ds_video_init(); sprintf(bios_path_and_name, "%s/%s", config_bios_path, "lynxboot.img"); // Call filebrowser if(gui_LoadFile(load_filename)!= -1) { romname = (char *)&load_filename; do { hidScanInput(); } while (hidKeysHeld()); } else { handy_3ds_quit(); } // Primary initalise of Handy - should be called AFTER _Init() but BEFORE handy_3ds_video_setup() handy_3ds_core_init(romname); // Initialise Handy 3ds video handy_3ds_video_setup(1, 0, 0, 32, LynxScale, 0, 0); // Initialise Handy 3ds audio printf("\nInitialising 3DS Audio... "); gAudioEnabled = handy_3ds_audio_init(); printf("[DONE]\n"); // Setup of Handy Core video handy_3ds_video_reinit(32); printf("Starting Lynx Emulation...\n"); bool touched = false; audioStart = gAudioBufferPointer; // both should be 0 at this point // initialize timers u64 tickcurr, syncticknext,synctickres; u64 fpsticknext,fpstickres; int frameSyncPeriod; if(isN3DS) frameSyncPeriod = 1; else frameSyncPeriod = 12; fpstickres= TICKS_PER_SEC; synctickres = TICKS_PER_FRAME * frameSyncPeriod; // on o3ds the sync is every 12 frame, i.e. 5 times every sec tickcurr=svcGetSystemTick(); fpsticknext = tickcurr + fpstickres; syncticknext = tickcurr + synctickres; int fpscnt = 0, synccnt = 0; gThrottleMaxPercentage = isN3DS?100:50; // !! TO DO: check if 50 is the best value. while(!emulation) { // Initialise Handy button events int OldKeyMask, KeyMask = mpLynx->GetButtonData(); OldKeyMask = KeyMask; // Getting events for keyboard and/or joypad handling hidScanInput(); if (hidKeysHeld() & KEY_TOUCH) { touched = true; } else { if (touched) { handy_3ds_audio_pause(); gui_Run(); KeyMask = 0; touched = false; // audioStart = gAudioBufferPointer; do { hidScanInput(); } while (hidKeysHeld()); gThrottleMaxPercentage = isN3DS?100:50; // !! Loading a savestate overrides this value, so we force it again exiting menu fpscnt = 0; synccnt = 0; tickcurr=svcGetSystemTick(); fpsticknext = tickcurr + fpstickres; syncticknext = tickcurr + synctickres; } else { touched = false; } } KeyMask = handy_3ds_on_key_down(hidKeysHeld(), KeyMask); // Check if there are handling events and then update the Handy button events. if (OldKeyMask != KeyMask) mpLynx->SetButtonData(KeyMask); // Update TimerCount gTimerCount++; while( handy_3ds_update() ) { //!! hidScanInput(); u32 held = hidKeysHeld(); if (held & KEY_SELECT) { // handy_3ds_video_quit(); // handy_3ds_audio_quit(); // exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); //break; touched = true; // enter menu } //!! if(!gSystemHalt) { if (!handy_3ds_audio_getstate()) { audioStart=0.0; // reset counter gAudioBufferPointer = 0; // reset buffer. really not needed since we set it to 0 in handy_3ds_audio_pause(). } // increase sound samples counter - 367,5 samples per frame at 60 fps audioEnd = (int)(audioStart + 367.5) % HANDY_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE; // filling 1 half of the buffer, roughly enough for slow frames on o3DS without risk of buffer head to reach the tail during the 10 frames before resync. audioTarget = (int)(audioStart + HANDY_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE/2.1) % HANDY_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE; if (audioTarget>audioStart) while (gAudioBufferPointer<audioTarget) mpLynx->Update(); else while ((gAudioBufferPointer>audioStart)||(gAudioBufferPointer<audioTarget)) mpLynx->Update(); if(Handy_cfg_Throttle && Handy_cfg_Sound && gAudioEnabled) { if (handy_3ds_audio_getstate()) handy_3ds_audio_callback(audioStart, (int)(audioTarget-audioStart)); else handy_3ds_audio_start(22050, audioStart); } audioStart = audioEnd; } else { printf("gSystemHalt : %ld\n", gSystemHalt); gTimerCount++; } system_checkPolls(); } // Timing fpscnt++; synccnt++; if (Handy_cfg_Throttle) { if (synccnt==frameSyncPeriod){ svcSleepThread((syncticknext - svcGetSystemTick()) / TICKS_PER_NSEC); } } tickcurr=svcGetSystemTick(); if (tickcurr >= syncticknext) { syncticknext += synctickres; synccnt = 0; } if (tickcurr >= fpsticknext) { fpsticknext += fpstickres; fps_counter = fpscnt; fpscnt = 0; } } // while(!emulation) osSetSpeedupEnable(true); return 0; }