bool load_nvenc_lib(void) { if (sizeof(void*) == 8) { nvenc_lib = os_dlopen("nvEncodeAPI64.dll"); } else { nvenc_lib = os_dlopen("nvEncodeAPI.dll"); } return !!nvenc_lib; }
int gs_create(graphics_t *pgraphics, const char *module, struct gs_init_data *data) { int errcode = GS_ERROR_FAIL; graphics_t graphics = bmalloc(sizeof(struct graphics_subsystem)); memset(graphics, 0, sizeof(struct graphics_subsystem)); pthread_mutex_init_value(&graphics->mutex); graphics->module = os_dlopen(module); if (!graphics->module) { errcode = GS_ERROR_MODULENOTFOUND; goto error; } if (!load_graphics_imports(&graphics->exports, graphics->module, module)) goto error; graphics->device = graphics->exports.device_create(data); if (!graphics->device) goto error; if (!graphics_init(graphics)) goto error; *pgraphics = graphics; return GS_SUCCESS; error: gs_destroy(graphics); return errcode; }
int obs_open_module(obs_module_t *module, const char *path, const char *data_path) { struct obs_module mod = {0}; int errorcode; if (!module || !path || !obs) return MODULE_ERROR; mod.module = os_dlopen(path); if (!mod.module) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Module '%s' not found", path); return MODULE_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } errorcode = load_module_exports(&mod, path); if (errorcode != MODULE_SUCCESS) return errorcode; mod.bin_path = bstrdup(path); mod.file = strrchr(mod.bin_path, '/'); mod.file = (!mod.file) ? mod.bin_path : (mod.file + 1); mod.data_path = bstrdup(data_path); = obs->first_module; *module = bmemdup(&mod, sizeof(mod)); obs->first_module = (*module); mod.set_pointer(*module); if (mod.set_locale) mod.set_locale(obs->locale); return MODULE_SUCCESS; }
int obs_load_module(const char *path) { struct obs_module mod; bool (*module_load)(void) = NULL; mod.module = os_dlopen(path); if (!mod.module) return MODULE_FILENOTFOUND; module_load = os_dlsym(mod.module, "module_load"); if (module_load) { if (!module_load()) { os_dlclose(mod.module); return MODULE_ERROR; } } = bstrdup(path); module_load_exports(&mod, &obs->input_types.da, "inputs", sizeof(struct source_info), get_source_info); module_load_exports(&mod, &obs->filter_types.da, "filters", sizeof(struct source_info), get_source_info); module_load_exports(&mod, &obs->transition_types.da, "transitions", sizeof(struct source_info), get_source_info); module_load_exports(&mod, &obs->output_types.da, "outputs", sizeof(struct output_info), get_output_info); da_push_back(obs->modules, &mod); return MODULE_SUCCESS; }
static bool load_libvlc_module(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 char *path_utf8 = NULL; wchar_t path[1024]; LSTATUS status; DWORD size; HKEY key; memset(path, 0, 1024 * sizeof(wchar_t)); status = RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\VideoLAN\\VLC", &key); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) return false; size = 1024; status = RegQueryValueExW(key, L"InstallDir", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)path, &size); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { wcscat(path, L"\\libvlc.dll"); os_wcs_to_utf8_ptr(path, 0, &path_utf8); libvlc_module = os_dlopen(path_utf8); bfree(path_utf8); } RegCloseKey(key); #else #ifdef __APPLE__ #define LIBVLC_DIR "/Applications/" #define LIBVLC_FILE LIBVLC_DIR "lib/libvlc.5.dylib" setenv("VLC_PLUGIN_PATH", LIBVLC_DIR "plugins", false); #else #define LIBVLC_FILE "" #endif libvlc_module = os_dlopen(LIBVLC_FILE); #endif return libvlc_module != NULL; }
static inline QCef *obs_browser_init_panel(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 void *lib = os_dlopen("obs-browser"); #else void *lib = os_dlopen("../obs-plugins/obs-browser"); #endif QCef *(*create_qcef)(void) = nullptr; if (!lib) { return nullptr; } create_qcef = (decltype(create_qcef)) os_dlsym(lib, "obs_browser_create_qcef"); if (!create_qcef) return nullptr; return create_qcef(); }
bool obs_module_load(void) { obs_so = NULL; bool success; char *obs_browser_path = obs_module_file("obs-browser"); if (obs_browser_path) { obs_so = os_dlopen(obs_browser_path); if (obs_so) { obs_actual_load = os_dlsym(obs_so, "obs_module_load"); obs_actual_unload = os_dlsym(obs_so, "obs_module_unload"); obs_actual_module_set_pointer = os_dlsym(obs_so, "obs_actual_module_so"); if (obs_actual_load && obs_actual_unload && obs_actual_module_set_pointer) { obs_actual_module_set_pointer( obs_module_pointer); if (obs_actual_load()) { goto success; } } } } error: success = false; if (obs_so) os_dlclose(obs_so); success: if (obs_browser_path) bfree(obs_browser_path); return success; }
int obs_load_module(const char *path) { struct obs_module mod; char *plugin_path = find_plugin(path); int errorcode; mod.module = os_dlopen(plugin_path); bfree(plugin_path); if (!mod.module) { blog(LOG_DEBUG, "Module '%s' not found", path); return MODULE_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } errorcode = call_module_load(mod.module, path); if (errorcode != MODULE_SUCCESS) { os_dlclose(mod.module); return errorcode; } = bstrdup(path); da_push_back(obs->modules, &mod); return MODULE_SUCCESS; }
bool obs_module_load() { blog(LOG_INFO, "obs_module_load"); if(!is_python_on_path()){ blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s:l%i \"Warning could not detect python environment variables attempting to load shared library anyway\"", __func__, __LINE__ ); } // Manually force python to be loaded #if __GNUC__ if(!os_dlopen_global(PYTHON_SHARED_LIBRARY_NAME)){ #else if(!os_dlopen(PYTHON_SHARED_LIBRARY_NAME)){ #endif blog(LOG_ERROR, "%s:l%i \"Error Could not load python shared library %s aborting!\"", __func__, __LINE__, PYTHON_SHARED_LIBRARY_NAME ); return false; } Py_Initialize(); PyEval_InitThreads(); /*Must set arguments for guis to work*/ wchar_t* argv[] = { L"", NULL }; int argc = sizeof(argv) / sizeof(wchar_t*) - 1; PySys_SetArgv(argc, argv); /* Setup logs to a safe place can be changed by user in register function*/ PyRun_SimpleString("import os"); PyRun_SimpleString("import sys"); PyRun_SimpleString("os.environ['PYTHONUNBUFFERED'] = '1'"); /* TODO change to non platform specific */ PyRun_SimpleString("sys.stdout = open('./stdOut.txt','w',1)"); PyRun_SimpleString("sys.stderr = open('./stdErr.txt','w',1)"); PyRun_SimpleString("print(sys.version)"); /*Load manager from file*/ PyObject* pName = NULL; PyObject* pModule = NULL; PyObject* pFunc = NULL; PyObject* argList = NULL; bool ret = false; char script[] = "/scripts"; char arch[] = PLUGINARCH; const char *data_path = obs_get_module_data_path(obs_current_module()); char *scripts_path = bzalloc(strlen(data_path)+strlen(script)); strcpy(scripts_path,data_path); strcat(scripts_path,script); //Add the scripts path to env add_to_python_path(scripts_path); bfree(scripts_path); scripts_path = bzalloc(strlen(data_path)+strlen(arch)); strcpy(scripts_path,data_path); strcat(scripts_path,arch); //Add the plugin obspython arch path to env add_to_python_path(scripts_path); /* load the obspython library and extend with manually written functions/objects */ PyObject *py_libobs = PyImport_ImportModule("obspython"); ret = pyHasError(); if (ret){ blog(LOG_INFO, "%s:l%i \"Error importing '%s/' unloading obs-python\"", __func__, __LINE__, scripts_path ); goto out; } extend_swig_libobs(py_libobs); //Import the manager script pName = PyUnicode_FromString("OBSPythonManager"); pModule = PyImport_Import(pName); ret = pyHasError(); if (ret){ blog(LOG_INFO, "%s:l%i \"Error loading '%s/' unloading obs-python\"", __func__, __LINE__, scripts_path ); goto out; } //get the function by name if(pModule != NULL) { PyModule_AddObject(pModule,"obspython",py_libobs); pFunc = PyObject_GetAttr(pModule, PyUnicode_FromString("obs_module_load")); if(pFunc != NULL) { argList = Py_BuildValue("()"); PyObject_CallObject(pFunc,argList); ret = pyHasError(); if (ret){ blog(LOG_INFO, "%s:l%i \"Error running 'register' function in '%s/' unloading obs-python\"", __func__, __LINE__, scripts_path ); goto out; } }else{ ret = pyHasError(); blog(LOG_INFO, "%s:l%i \"Could not find register function in '%s/' unloading obs-python\"", __func__, __LINE__, scripts_path ); } goto out; } out: bfree(scripts_path); Py_XDECREF(pFunc); Py_XDECREF(argList); Py_XDECREF(pModule); Py_XDECREF(pName); //Release the thread GIL PyThreadState* pts = PyGILState_GetThisThreadState(); PyEval_ReleaseThread(pts); if(!ret){ return true; }else{ obs_module_unload(); return false; } } void obs_module_unload() { //Shutdown python and call shutdown functions blog(LOG_INFO, "obs_module_unload"); PyGILState_STATE gstate; gstate = PyGILState_Ensure(); UNUSED_PARAMETER(gstate); if (Py_IsInitialized()) { Py_Finalize(); } }