Esempio n. 1

  Seek along the line defined by its equation, the two extremities of
  the line. This function is useful in case of translation of the

  \param I : Image in which the line appears.

  \exception vpTrackingException::initializationError : Moving edges not initialized.
vpMeLine::seekExtremities(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I)
  vpCDEBUG(1) <<"begin vpMeLine::sample() : "<<std::endl ;

  if (!me) {
    vpDERROR_TRACE(2, "Tracking error: Moving edges not initialized");
      "Moving edges not initialized")) ;

  int rows = (int)I.getHeight() ;
  int cols = (int)I.getWidth() ;
  double n_sample;

  //if (me->getSampleStep()==0)
  if (std::fabs(me->getSampleStep()) <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())

    vpERROR_TRACE("function called with sample step = 0") ;
                              "sample step = 0")) ;

  // i, j portions of the line_p
  double diffsi = PExt[0].ifloat-PExt[1].ifloat;
  double diffsj = PExt[0].jfloat-PExt[1].jfloat;

  double s = vpMath::sqr(diffsi)+vpMath::sqr(diffsj) ;

  double di = diffsi/sqrt(s) ; // pas de risque de /0 car d(P1,P2) >0
  double dj = diffsj/sqrt(s) ;

  double length_p = sqrt((vpMath::sqr(diffsi)+vpMath::sqr(diffsj)));

  // number of samples along line_p
  n_sample = length_p/(double)me->getSampleStep();
  double sample_step = (double)me->getSampleStep();

  vpMeSite P ;
  P.init((int) PExt[0].ifloat, (int)PExt[0].jfloat, delta_1, 0, sign) ;
  P.setDisplay(selectDisplay) ;

  unsigned int  memory_range = me->getRange() ;

  vpImagePoint ip;

  for (int i=0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
    P.ifloat = P.ifloat + di*sample_step ; P.i = (int)P.ifloat ;
    P.jfloat = P.jfloat + dj*sample_step ; P.j = (int)P.jfloat ;

    if(!outOfImage(P.i, P.j, 5, rows, cols))
      P.track(I,me,false) ;

      if (P.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
          ip.set_i( P.i );
          ip.set_j( P.j );

          vpDisplay::displayCross(I, ip, 5, vpColor::green) ;
      else {
        if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
          ip.set_i( P.i );
          ip.set_j( P.j );
          vpDisplay::displayCross(I, ip, 10, vpColor::blue) ;

  P.init((int) PExt[1].ifloat, (int)PExt[1].jfloat, delta_1, 0, sign) ;
  P.setDisplay(selectDisplay) ;
  for (int i=0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
    P.ifloat = P.ifloat - di*sample_step ; P.i = (int)P.ifloat ;
    P.jfloat = P.jfloat - dj*sample_step ; P.j = (int)P.jfloat ;

    if(!outOfImage(P.i, P.j, 5, rows, cols))
      P.track(I,me,false) ;

      if (P.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
          ip.set_i( P.i );
          ip.set_j( P.j );
          vpDisplay::displayCross(I, ip, 5, vpColor::green) ;
      else {
        if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
          ip.set_i( P.i );
          ip.set_j( P.j );
          vpDisplay::displayCross(I, ip, 10, vpColor::blue) ;


  vpCDEBUG(1) <<"end vpMeLine::sample() : " ;
  vpCDEBUG(1) << n_sample << " point inserted in the list " << std::endl  ;
Esempio n. 2
  Seek along the ellipse edge defined by its equation, the two extremities of
  the ellipse (ie the two points with the smallest and the biggest \f$ \alpha \f$ angle.

  \param I : Image in which the ellipse appears.

  \exception vpTrackingException::initializationError : Moving edges not initialized.

vpMeEllipse::seekExtremities(const vpImage<unsigned char>  &I)
  if (!me) {
    vpDERROR_TRACE(2, "Tracking error: Moving edges not initialized");
      "Moving edges not initialized")) ;

  int rows = (int)I.getHeight() ;
  int cols = (int)I.getWidth() ;

  vpImagePoint ip;

  unsigned int  memory_range = me->getRange() ;

  double  memory_mu1 = me->getMu1();

  double  memory_mu2 = me->getMu2();

  double incr = vpMath::rad(2.0) ;

  if (alpha2-alpha1 < 2*M_PI-vpMath::rad(6.0))
    vpMeSite P;
    double k = alpha1;
    double i1,j1;

    for (unsigned int i=0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
      k -= incr;
      //while ( k < -M_PI ) { k+=2*M_PI; }

      i1 = b *cos(k) ; // equation of an ellipse
      j1 = a *sin(k) ; // equation of an ellipse
      P.ifloat = iPc.get_i() - se *j1 + ce *i1 ; P.i = (int)P.ifloat ;
      P.jfloat = iPc.get_j() + ce *j1 + se *i1 ; P.j = (int)P.jfloat ;

      if(!outOfImage(P.i, P.j, 5, rows, cols))
        P.track(I,me,false) ;

        if (P.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
          if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
            ip.set_i( P.i );
            ip.set_j( P.j );

            vpDisplay::displayCross(I, ip, 5, vpColor::green) ;
        else {
	  if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
	    ip.set_i( P.i );
	    ip.set_j( P.j );
	    vpDisplay::displayCross(I, ip, 10, vpColor::blue) ;

    k = alpha2;

    for (unsigned int i=0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
      k += incr;
      //while ( k > M_PI ) { k-=2*M_PI; }

      i1 = b *cos(k) ; // equation of an ellipse
      j1 = a *sin(k) ; // equation of an ellipse
      P.ifloat = iPc.get_i() - se *j1 + ce *i1 ; P.i = (int)P.ifloat ;
      P.jfloat = iPc.get_j() + ce *j1 + se *i1 ; P.j = (int)P.jfloat ;

      if(!outOfImage(P.i, P.j, 5, rows, cols))
        P.track(I,me,false) ;

        if (P.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
          if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
            ip.set_i( P.i );
            ip.set_j( P.j );

            vpDisplay::displayCross(I, ip, 5, vpColor::green) ;
        else {
          if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
            ip.set_i( P.i );
            ip.set_j( P.j );
            vpDisplay::displayCross(I, ip, 10, vpColor::blue) ;

  suppressPoints() ;

Esempio n. 3

  Construct a list of vpMeSite moving edges at a particular sampling
  step between the two extremities of the line.

  \param I : Image in which the line appears.

  \exception vpTrackingException::initializationError : Moving edges not initialized.

vpMeLine::sample(const vpImage<unsigned char>& I)
  if (!me) {
    vpDERROR_TRACE(2, "Tracking error: Moving edges not initialized");
      "Moving edges not initialized")) ;

  int rows = (int)I.getHeight() ;
  int cols = (int)I.getWidth() ;
  double n_sample;

  if (std::fabs(me->getSampleStep()) <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
    vpERROR_TRACE("function called with sample step = 0") ;
                              "sample step = 0")) ;

  // i, j portions of the line_p
  double diffsi = PExt[0].ifloat-PExt[1].ifloat;
  double diffsj = PExt[0].jfloat-PExt[1].jfloat;

  double length_p = sqrt((vpMath::sqr(diffsi)+vpMath::sqr(diffsj)));
	  throw(vpTrackingException(vpTrackingException::fatalError,"points too close of each other to define a line")) ;
  // number of samples along line_p
  n_sample = length_p/(double)me->getSampleStep();  

  double stepi = diffsi/(double)n_sample;
  double stepj = diffsj/(double)n_sample;

  // Choose starting point
  double is = PExt[1].ifloat;
  double js = PExt[1].jfloat;

  // Delete old list

  // sample positions at i*me->getSampleStep() interval along the
  // line_p, starting at PSiteExt[0]

  vpImagePoint ip;
  for(int i=0; i<=vpMath::round(n_sample); i++)
    // If point is in the image, add to the sample list
    if(!outOfImage(vpMath::round(is), vpMath::round(js), 0, rows, cols))
      vpMeSite pix ; //= list.value();
      pix.init((int)is, (int)js, delta, 0, sign) ;
      pix.setDisplay(selectDisplay) ;

        ip.set_i( is );
        ip.set_j( js );
        vpDisplay::displayCross(I, ip, 2, vpColor::blue);

    is += stepi;
    js += stepj;

  vpCDEBUG(1) << "end vpMeLine::sample() : ";
  vpCDEBUG(1) << n_sample << " point inserted in the list " << std::endl  ;
Esempio n. 4
  Construct a list of vpMeSite moving edges at a particular sampling
  step between the two extremities. The two extremities are defined by
  the points with the smallest and the biggest \f$ alpha \f$ angle.

  \param I : Image in which the ellipse appears.

  \exception vpTrackingException::initializationError : Moving edges not initialized.

vpMeEllipse::sample(const vpImage<unsigned char> & I)
  vpCDEBUG(1) <<"begin vpMeEllipse::sample() : "<<std::endl ;

  if (!me) {
    vpDERROR_TRACE(2, "Tracking error: Moving edges not initialized");
      "Moving edges not initialized")) ;

  int height = (int)I.getHeight() ;
  int width = (int)I.getWidth() ;

  double n_sample;

  //if (me->getSampleStep()==0)
  if (std::fabs(me->getSampleStep()) <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
    std::cout << "In vpMeEllipse::sample: " ;
    std::cout << "function called with sample step = 0" ;
    //return fatalError ;

  double j, i;//, j11, i11;
  vpImagePoint iP11;
  j = i = 0.0 ;

  double incr = vpMath::rad(me->getSampleStep()) ; // angle increment en degree
  vpColor col = vpColor::red ;
  getParameters() ;

  // Delete old list


  // sample positions
  double k = alpha1 ;
  while (k<alpha2)
//     j = a *cos(k) ; // equation of an ellipse
//     i = b *sin(k) ; // equation of an ellipse

    j = a *sin(k) ; // equation of an ellipse
    i = b *cos(k) ; // equation of an ellipse

    // (i,j) are the coordinates on the origin centered ellipse ;
    // a rotation by "e" and a translation by (xci,jc) are done
    // to get the coordinates of the point on the shifted ellipse
//     iP11.set_j( iPc.get_j() + ce *j - se *i );
//     iP11.set_i( iPc.get_i() -( se *j + ce *i) );

    iP11.set_j( iPc.get_j() + ce *j + se *i );
    iP11.set_i( iPc.get_i() - se *j + ce *i );

    vpDisplay::displayCross(I, iP11,  5, col) ;

    double theta ;
    computeTheta(theta, K, iP11)  ;

    // If point is in the image, add to the sample list
    if(!outOfImage(vpMath::round(iP11.get_i()), vpMath::round(iP11.get_j()), 0, height, width))
      vpMeSite pix ;
      pix.init((int)iP11.get_i(), (int)iP11.get_j(), theta) ;
      pix.setDisplay(selectDisplay) ;

        vpDisplay::displayCross(I,iP11, 5, vpColor::blue);
    k += incr ;

  vpMeTracker::initTracking(I) ;

  n_sample = (unsigned int)list.size() ;

  vpCDEBUG(1) << "end vpMeEllipse::sample() : " ;
  vpCDEBUG(1) << n_sample << " point inserted in the list " << std::endl  ;