Esempio n. 1
// Run a Lua command.
// This function is currently used by luaUqm_debug_interactive, but should
// also be suitable if we have some graphical console, when different
// callback functions than luaUqm_debug_outputCallback() and
// luaUqm_debug_errorCallback are used.
luaUqm_debug_runLine(const char *exprBuf,
		void (*outputCallback)(void *extra, const char *format, ...),
		void (*errorCallback)(void *extra, const char *format, ...),
		void *extra) {
	int resultType;
	const char *resultStr;
	const char *resultTypeStr;

	// Compile the string to a Lua function.
		if (luaL_loadstring (luaUqm_debugState, exprBuf) != LUA_OK) {
			// An error occurred during parsing.
			errorCallback(extra, "Syntax error: %s\n",
					lua_tostring (luaUqm_debugState, -1));
			lua_pop(luaUqm_debugState, 1);
					// Pop the error.

	// Call the Lua function.
	if (lua_pcall (luaUqm_debugState, 0, 1, 0) != 0) {
		// An error occurred during execution.
		errorCallback(extra, "Runtime error: %s\n",
				lua_tostring (luaUqm_debugState, -1));
		lua_pop(luaUqm_debugState, 1);
				// Pop the error.
	// Success. Result is on the stack.

	// Convert the result to a string.
	resultType = lua_type(luaUqm_debugState, -1);
	resultTypeStr = lua_typename(luaUqm_debugState, resultType);
	resultStr = lua_tolstring (luaUqm_debugState, -1, NULL);
			// Memory for 'resultStr' lasts until the lua_pop().
	if (resultStr == NULL) {
		// Not a string and not convertable to a string.
		// The command was executed ok though, and we treat this as such.
		outputCallback(extra, "(%s)\n", resultTypeStr);
	} else {
		outputCallback(extra, "(%s) %s\n", resultTypeStr, resultStr);

	// Pop the result from the stack.
	lua_pop (luaUqm_debugState, 1);
Esempio n. 2
bool Server::openNewPutty() {
	if(!this->isOn()) {
		emit error(tr("The machine is not connected. " \
		"It's not possible execute any command !"));
		return false;
	if(this->putty != NULL) {
		emit error(tr("A command has already been launched on this machine ! "\
			"Please wait !"));
		return false;

	this->putty = new Putty(this->getIp(), this->getUser(), this->getPassword(), this->os);

	QObject::connect(this->putty, SIGNAL(error(QString)), this, SLOT(errorCallback(QString)));
	QObject::connect(this->putty, SIGNAL(output(QString)), this, SLOT(outputCallback(QString)));
	QObject::connect(this->putty, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(deletePutty()));

	return true;
Esempio n. 3
void NuppelWriter::writeFrame(unsigned char *frameBuffer, 
			      csTicks& encodeTime, csTicks& writeTime) 
  rtframeheader frameh;
  lzo_uint lzoSize;
  unsigned char *currentBuffer;
  unsigned int currentBufferSize;

  writeTime = 0; encodeTime = 0;

  /* Do we need to write a keyframe? */
  if ((frameofgop % keyframeFreq) == 0) {
    writeTime = csGetTicks();
    memset(&frameh, 'j', sizeof(frameh));
    frameh.frametype = 'R';
    frameh.comptype = 'T';
    outputCallback(&frameh, sizeof(frameh), callbackExtra);
    memset(&frameh, 0, sizeof(frameh));
    frameofgop = 0;
    frameh.frametype = 'S';
    frameh.comptype = 'V';
    frameh.timecode = frameNumber;
    outputCallback(&frameh, sizeof(frameh), callbackExtra);
    writeTime = csGetTicks() - writeTime;
  encodeTime = csGetTicks();
  /* Set up a video frame with RTJpeg and LZO compression */
  memset(&frameh, 0, sizeof(frameh));
  frameh.frametype = 'V';
  frameh.keyframe = frameofgop;
  frameh.timecode = (int) (frameNumber / frameRate * 1000.0);

  if (rgb) {
    /* Nonstandard: uncompressed bottom-up RGB24 */
    frameh.comptype = 'R';
#if 0
    uint8 *rawRgb = frameBuffer;
    int bufPitch = width * 3;
    uint8 *destLine = rgbBuffer + (height - 1) * bufPitch;
    int x, y;
    y = height;
    while (y--)
      x = width;
      while (x--)
	*destLine++ = *rawRgb++;
	*destLine++ = *rawRgb++;
	*destLine++ = *rawRgb++;
      destLine -= bufPitch * 2;

    currentBuffer = rgbBuffer;
    currentBufferSize = bufferSize;
    currentBuffer = frameBuffer;
    currentBufferSize = bufferSize;
  else {
    /* Convert from RGB to YUV420. This routine has also
     * been modified to flip the video vertically.
    RGB2YUV420(width, height, frameBuffer, yuvBuffer);
    currentBuffer = yuvBuffer;
    currentBufferSize = width*height+(width*height/2);
    frameh.comptype = '0';

  if (rtjpeg) {
    /* Compress the frame using RTJpeg (lossy) */
    currentBufferSize = RTjpeg_mcompressYUV420((int8*) compressBuffer, yuvBuffer, 1, 1);
    currentBuffer = compressBuffer;
    frameh.comptype = '1';

  if (lzo) {
    /* Compress it again using LZO (lossless) */
    lzo1x_1_compress(currentBuffer, currentBufferSize, frameBuffer, &lzoSize, lzoTmp);
    currentBufferSize = lzoSize;
    currentBuffer = frameBuffer;
    if (rtjpeg)
      frameh.comptype = '2';
    else {
      if (rgb)
	frameh.comptype = 'r';   /* Nonstandard: LZO'ed bottom-up RGB24 */
	frameh.comptype = '3';
  csTicks ticks = csGetTicks();
  encodeTime = ticks - encodeTime;
  writeTime = ticks - writeTime;

  /* Write the frame */
  frameh.packetlength = currentBufferSize;
  outputCallback(&frameh, sizeof(frameh), callbackExtra);
  outputCallback(currentBuffer, currentBufferSize, callbackExtra);

  writeTime = csGetTicks() - writeTime;
