static void processDir(HttpQueue *q) { HttpConn *conn; HttpTx *tx; HttpRx *rx; MprList *list; MprDirEntry *dp; Dir *dir; uint nameSize; int next; conn = q->conn; rx = conn->rx; tx = conn->tx; dir = conn->data; mprLog(5, "processDir"); mprAssert(tx->filename); httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Cache-Control", "no-cache"); httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Last-Modified", conn->http->currentDate); parseQuery(conn); list = mprGetPathFiles(tx->filename, 1); if (list == 0) { httpWrite(q, "<h2>Can't get file list</h2>\r\n"); outputFooter(q); return; } if (dir->pattern) { filterDirList(conn, list); } sortList(conn, list); /* Get max filename */ nameSize = 0; for (next = 0; (dp = mprGetNextItem(list, &next)) != 0; ) { nameSize = max((int) strlen(dp->name), nameSize); } nameSize = max(nameSize, 22); outputHeader(q, rx->pathInfo, nameSize); for (next = 0; (dp = mprGetNextItem(list, &next)) != 0; ) { outputLine(q, dp, tx->filename, nameSize); } outputFooter(q); httpFinalize(conn); }
// Output the set to a file as a .ppm, if none is listed output to default file name void MandelSet::outputFilePPM(std::string file){ if (file == "NO_FILE_NAME"){ + ".ppm"); } else { + ".ppm"); } if (f.is_open()){ outputHeader(); for (RGBColor temp : pixelData){ f << << " " << << " " << << " "; } f.close(); } else { std::cout << "WARNING : file write failure for MandelSet object:" << this << std::endl; } }
void WekaClassifier::saveAsOutput(const std::string &filename) const { // convert to DT std::string tempfile = tempFilename(); outputDescriptionToFile(tempfile); int numInitialLinesToRemove = 3; std::ifstream in(tempfile.c_str()); std::ofstream out(filename.c_str()); std::string line; std::getline(in,line); outputHeader(out); out << std::endl; while (in.good()) { if (numInitialLinesToRemove > 0) numInitialLinesToRemove--; else out << line << std::endl; std::getline(in,line); } in.close(); out.close(); remove(tempfile.c_str()); }
void GenerateForm ( istream& input, const JString& formName, const JString& tagName, const JString& enclName, const JString& codePath, const JString& stringPath, const JString& codeSuffix, const JString& headerSuffix, JPtrArray<JString>* backupList ) { const JString codeFileName = codePath + formName + codeSuffix; const JString codeFileBakName = codeFileName + kBackupSuffix; const JString headerFileName = codePath + formName + headerSuffix; const JString headerFileBakName = headerFileName + kBackupSuffix; if (!JFileExists(codeFileName)) { cerr << codeFileName << " not found" << endl; return; } if (!JFileExists(headerFileName)) { cerr << headerFileName << " not found" << endl; return; } cout << "Generating: " << formName << ", " << tagName << endl; const JBoolean shouldBackup = ShouldBackupForm(formName, backupList); // copy code file contents before start delimiter JString tempCodeFileName; JError err = JCreateTempFile(codePath, NULL, &tempCodeFileName); if (!err.OK()) { cerr << "Unable to create temporary file in " << codePath << endl; cerr << " (" << err.GetMessage() << ')' << endl; return; } ifstream origCode(codeFileName); ofstream outputCode(tempCodeFileName); if (!outputCode.good()) { cerr << "Unable to open temporary file in " << codePath << endl; remove(tempCodeFileName); return; } if (!CopyBeforeCodeDelimiter(tagName, origCode, outputCode)) { cerr << "No starting delimiter in " << codeFileName << endl; outputCode.close(); remove(tempCodeFileName); return; } // generate code for each object in the form JPtrArray<JString> objTypes(JPtrArrayT::kDeleteAll), objNames(JPtrArrayT::kDeleteAll); GenerateCode(input, outputCode, stringPath, formName, tagName, enclName, &objTypes, &objNames); // copy code file contents after end delimiter JBoolean done = CopyAfterCodeDelimiter(tagName, origCode, outputCode); origCode.close(); outputCode.close(); if (!done) { cerr << "No ending delimiter in " << codeFileName << endl; remove(tempCodeFileName); return; } else if (shouldBackup && rename(codeFileName, codeFileBakName) != 0) { cerr << "Unable to rename original " << codeFileName << endl; remove(tempCodeFileName); return; } JEditVCS(codeFileName); rename(tempCodeFileName, codeFileName); // copy header file contents before start delimiter JString tempHeaderFileName; err = JCreateTempFile(codePath, NULL, &tempHeaderFileName); if (!err.OK()) { cerr << "Unable to create temporary file in " << codePath << endl; cerr << " (" << err.GetMessage() << ')' << endl; return; } ifstream origHeader(headerFileName); ofstream outputHeader(tempHeaderFileName); if (!outputHeader.good()) { cerr << "Unable to open temporary file in " << codePath << endl; remove(tempHeaderFileName); return; } if (!CopyBeforeCodeDelimiter(tagName, origHeader, outputHeader)) { cerr << "No starting delimiter in " << headerFileName << endl; outputHeader.close(); remove(tempHeaderFileName); return; } // generate instance variable for each object in the form GenerateHeader(outputHeader, objTypes, objNames); // copy header file contents after end delimiter done = CopyAfterCodeDelimiter(tagName, origHeader, outputHeader); origHeader.close(); outputHeader.close(); if (!done) { cerr << "No ending delimiter in " << headerFileName << endl; remove(tempHeaderFileName); return; } // check if header file actually changed JString origHeaderText, newHeaderText; JReadFile(headerFileName, &origHeaderText); JReadFile(tempHeaderFileName, &newHeaderText); if (newHeaderText != origHeaderText) { if (shouldBackup && rename(headerFileName, headerFileBakName) != 0) { cerr << "Unable to rename original " << headerFileName << endl; remove(tempHeaderFileName); return; } JEditVCS(headerFileName); rename(tempHeaderFileName, headerFileName); } else { remove(tempHeaderFileName); } }
void VJCascadeClassifier::run(const string& dataFileName, const string& shypFileName, int numIterations, const string& outResFileName ) { // loading data InputData* pData = loadInputData(dataFileName, shypFileName); const int numOfExamples = pData->getNumExamples(); //get the index of positive label const NameMap& namemap = pData->getClassMap(); _positiveLabelIndex = namemap.getIdxFromName( _positiveLabelName ); if (_verbose > 0) cout << "Loading strong hypothesis..." << flush; // The class that loads the weak hypotheses UnSerialization us; // Where to put the weak hypotheses vector<vector<BaseLearner*> > weakHypotheses; // For stagewise thresholds vector<AlphaReal> thresholds(0); // loads them //us.loadHypotheses(shypFileName, weakHypotheses, pData); us.loadCascadeHypotheses(shypFileName, weakHypotheses, thresholds, pData); // store result vector<CascadeOutputInformation> cascadeData(0); vector<CascadeOutputInformation>::iterator it; cascadeData.resize(numOfExamples); for( it=cascadeData.begin(); it != cascadeData.end(); ++it ) { it->active=true; } if (!_outputInfoFile.empty()) { outputHeader(); } for(int stagei=0; stagei < weakHypotheses.size(); ++stagei ) { // for posteriors vector<AlphaReal> posteriors(0); // calculate the posteriors after stage VJCascadeLearner::calculatePosteriors( pData, weakHypotheses[stagei], posteriors, _positiveLabelIndex ); // update the data (posteriors, active element index etc.) updateCascadeData(pData, weakHypotheses, stagei, posteriors, thresholds, _positiveLabelIndex, cascadeData); if (!_outputInfoFile.empty()) { _output << stagei + 1 << "\t"; _output << weakHypotheses[stagei].size() << "\t"; outputCascadeResult( pData, cascadeData ); } int numberOfActiveInstance = 0; for( int i = 0; i < numOfExamples; ++i ) if (cascadeData[i].active) numberOfActiveInstance++; if (_verbose > 0 ) cout << "Number of active instances: " << numberOfActiveInstance << "(" << numOfExamples << ")" << endl; } vector<vector<int> > confMatrix(2); confMatrix[0].resize(2); fill( confMatrix[0].begin(), confMatrix[0].end(), 0 ); confMatrix[1].resize(2); fill( confMatrix[1].begin(), confMatrix[1].end(), 0 ); // print accuracy for(int i=0; i<numOfExamples; ++i ) { vector<Label>& labels = pData->getLabels(i); if (labels[_positiveLabelIndex].y>0) // pos label if (cascadeData[i].forecast==1) confMatrix[1][1]++; else confMatrix[1][0]++; else // negative label if (cascadeData[i].forecast==0) confMatrix[0][0]++; else confMatrix[0][1]++; } double acc = 100.0 * (confMatrix[0][0] + confMatrix[1][1]) / ((double) numOfExamples); // output it cout << endl; cout << "Error Summary" << endl; cout << "=============" << endl; cout << "Accuracy: " << setprecision(4) << acc << endl; cout << setw(10) << "\t" << setw(10) << namemap.getNameFromIdx(1-_positiveLabelIndex) << setw(10) << namemap.getNameFromIdx(_positiveLabelIndex) << endl; cout << setw(10) << namemap.getNameFromIdx(1-_positiveLabelIndex) << setw(10) << confMatrix[0][0] << setw(10) << confMatrix[0][1] << endl; cout << setw(10) << namemap.getNameFromIdx(_positiveLabelIndex) << setw(10) << confMatrix[1][0] << setw(10) << confMatrix[1][1] << endl; // output forecast if (!outResFileName.empty() ) outputForecast(pData, outResFileName, cascadeData ); // free memory allocation vector<vector<BaseLearner*> >::iterator bvIt; for( bvIt = weakHypotheses.begin(); bvIt != weakHypotheses.end(); ++bvIt ) { vector<BaseLearner* >::iterator bIt; for( bIt = (*bvIt).begin(); bIt != (*bvIt).end(); ++bIt ) delete *bIt; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QCommandLineParser cmdline; cmdline.setApplicationDescription("C++ type placeholder generator."); cmdline.addHelpOption(); QCommandLineOption inputHeader("i", QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Input header file name."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "file name")); cmdline.addOption(inputHeader); QCommandLineOption dependencyInclude("d", QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Header included for depencencies."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "file name")); cmdline.addOption(dependencyInclude); QCommandLineOption buildInclude("b", QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Header included for build."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "file name[,file,...]")); cmdline.addOption(buildInclude); QCommandLineOption className("c", QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Input class name."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "class name")); cmdline.addOption(className); QCommandLineOption outputSource("source", QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Output source file name."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "file name")); cmdline.addOption(outputSource); QCommandLineOption outputHeader("header", QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Output header file name."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "file name")); cmdline.addOption(outputHeader); QCommandLineOption outputClass("class", QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Output class name."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "class name")); cmdline.addOption(outputClass); cmdline.process(a.arguments()); bool requiredGiven = true; if (!cmdline.isSet(inputHeader)) { requiredGiven = false; qWarning() << "Input header name must be given."; } if (!cmdline.isSet(className)) { requiredGiven = false; qWarning() << "Input class name must be given."; } if (!cmdline.isSet(outputSource)) { requiredGiven = false; qWarning() << "Output source file name must be given."; } if (!cmdline.isSet(outputHeader)) { requiredGiven = false; qWarning() << "Output header file name must be given."; } if (!cmdline.isSet(outputClass)) { requiredGiven = false; qWarning() << "Output class name must be given."; } if (!requiredGiven) return 5; QStringList listIn; QStringList listOut; listIn << "Q_OBJECT"; listOut << "Q_OBJECT;"; listIn << "Q_SLOTS"; listOut << "slots"; listIn << "Q_SIGNALS"; listOut << "signals"; ClassParser parser; parser.setPreDefines(listIn, listOut); SClassParserMacroBeginForMember sMacroBegin; sMacroBegin.m_bRequiresBrackets = true; sMacroBegin.m_strMacroBegin = "Q_REVISION"; parser.add(sMacroBegin); QString input = cmdline.value(inputHeader); QString inputClassName(cmdline.value(className)); ClassParserInformation *info = getClassInfo(input, inputClassName, parser); if (!info) { qWarning() << "No" << inputClassName << "info found in" << input; return 3; } QStringList buildIncludeList, dependencyIncludeList; if (cmdline.isSet(buildInclude)) buildIncludeList = cmdline.value(buildInclude).split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (cmdline.isSet(dependencyInclude)) dependencyIncludeList = cmdline.value(dependencyInclude).split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); QStringList header, source; QString headerName = cmdline.value(outputHeader); QString sourceName = cmdline.value(outputSource); QString outputClassName = cmdline.value(outputClass); if (!generateFileContents(header, source, inputClassName, outputClassName, dependencyIncludeList, buildIncludeList, headerName, *info)) { qWarning() << "Output files not generated."; return 4; } writeToFile(sourceName, source); writeToFile(headerName, header); return 0; }
// encode用のmain関数 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *target_filename = NULL; //char output_filename[1024]; char *output_filename = NULL; char *dict_filename = NULL; unsigned int codewordlength = 0; unsigned int shared_dictsize = 0; unsigned int chunk_size = 0; unsigned long int block_length = 0; unsigned int length; char *rest; FILE *input, *output, *dictfile; DICT *dict; EDICT *edict; USEDCHARTABLE ut; int result; unsigned int b; unsigned char *buf; unsigned int *buf2 = NULL; OBITFS seqout, dicout; int header_output = 0; uint i; /* オプションの解析 */ while ((result = getopt(argc, argv, "r:w:b:l:d:s:c:")) != -1) { switch (result) { case 'r': target_filename = optarg; break; case 'w': output_filename = optarg; break; case 'd': dict_filename = optarg; break; case 'b': block_length = strtoul(optarg, &rest, 10); if (*rest != '\0') { help(argv); } break; case 'c': chunk_size = strtol(optarg, &rest, 10); if (*rest != '\0') { help(argv); } break; case 'l': codewordlength = strtoul(optarg, &rest, 10); if (*rest != '\0') { help(argv); } break; case 's': shared_dictsize = strtoul(optarg, &rest, 10); if (*rest != '\0') { help(argv); } break; case '?': help(argv); break; } } // 必要なオプションがそろっているかを確認する if (!(target_filename && output_filename && dict_filename && block_length && codewordlength && chunk_size)) { help(argv); } if (chunk_size > block_length) { fprintf(stderr, "chunk length should not exceed block length.\n"); exit(1); } // 入力ファイルをオープンする input = fopen(target_filename, "r"); if (input == NULL) { puts("Input file open error at the beginning."); exit(1); } // 圧縮データファイルをオープンする output = fopen(output_filename, "wb"); if (output == NULL) { puts("Output file open error at the beginning."); exit(1); } // 辞書ファイルをオープンする dictfile = fopen(dict_filename, "wb"); if (!dictfile) { puts("Dictionary file open error at the beginning."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // if (NULL == (buf = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * block_length))) { // || NULL == (buf2 = (unsigned int*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * block_length))) { // puts("malloc fault."); // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // } chartable_init(&ut); fill_chartable(input, &ut); fseeko(input, 0, SEEK_END); dict = createDict(ftello(input)); fseeko(input, 0, SEEK_SET); b = 0; obitfs_init(&seqout, output); obitfs_init(&dicout, dictfile); if (shared_dictsize < ut.size) shared_dictsize = ut.size; printf("Generating CFG..."); fflush(stdout); outputHeader(&dicout, dict, (unsigned int) codewordlength, (unsigned int) block_length, &ut); dict = RunRepair(dict, input, block_length, shared_dictsize, codewordlength, &ut, chunk_size, 1); if (!dict) exit(1); edict = convertDict(dict, &ut); outputSharedDictionary(&dicout, edict, &ut, codewordlength, shared_dictsize, b); CleanEDict(edict); if (dict->num_rules < shared_dictsize + CHAR_SIZE - ut.size) shared_dictsize = dict->num_rules + ut.size - CHAR_SIZE; fseeko(input, 0, SEEK_SET); while (!feof(input)) { // printf("************ Block #%d ************\n", b); // length = fread(buf, sizeof(unsigned char), block_length, input); // if (!length) break; // for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { // buf2[i] = buf[i]; // } /* for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++) { */ /* printf("%u ", buf2[i]); */ /* } */ /* puts(""); */ dict = RunRepair(dict, input, block_length, shared_dictsize, codewordlength, &ut, chunk_size, 0); edict = convertDict(dict, &ut); outputLocalDictionary(&dicout, edict, &ut, codewordlength, shared_dictsize, b); EncodeCFG(edict, &seqout, codewordlength); CleanEDict(edict); b++; } printf("Finished!\n"); fflush(stdout); if (dict) { free(dict->rule); free(dict->comp_seq); free(dict); } obitfs_finalize(&seqout); obitfs_finalize(&dicout); fclose(input); fclose(output); fclose(dictfile); exit(0); }
void WekaClassifier::outputDescription(std::ostream &out) const { outputHeader(out); out << std::endl; comm->sendWait('p'); }