int bcp_implementation::run() { // // check output path is OK: // if(!m_list_mode && !m_license_mode && !fs::exists(m_dest_path)) { std::string msg("Destination path does not exist: "); msg.append(m_dest_path.string()); std::runtime_error e(msg); boost::throw_exception(e); } // // Check Boost path is OK if it hasn't been checked already: // if(m_boost_path == "") { set_boost_path(""); } // start by building a list of permitted files // if m_cvs_mode is true: if(m_cvs_mode) { std::cerr << "CAUTION: Boost is no longer in CVS, cvs mode may not work anymore!!!" << std::endl; scan_cvs_path(fs::path()); } if(m_svn_mode) { scan_svn_path(fs::path()); } // // if in license mode, try to load more/blanket_permission.txt // fs::path blanket_permission(m_boost_path / "more" / "blanket-permission.txt"); if (fs::exists(blanket_permission)) { fs::ifstream in(blanket_permission); std::string line; while (std::getline(in, line)) { static const boost::regex e("([^(]+)\\("); boost::smatch result; if (boost::regex_search(line, result, e)) m_bsl_authors.insert(format_authors_name(result[1])); } } // // scan through modules looking for the equivalent // file to add to our list: // std::list<std::string>::const_iterator i = m_module_list.begin(); std::list<std::string>::const_iterator j = m_module_list.end(); while(i != j) { // // convert *i to a path - could be native or portable: // fs::path module; fs::path exmodule; module = fs::path(*i); exmodule = fs::path(*i + ".hpp"); if(m_scan_mode) { // in scan mode each module must be a real file: add_file_dependencies(module, true); } else { int count = 0; if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / "tools" / module)) { add_path(fs::path("tools") / module); ++count; } if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / "libs" / module)) { add_path(fs::path("libs") / module); ++count; } if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / "boost" / module)) { add_path(fs::path("boost") / module); ++count; } if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / "boost" / exmodule)) { add_path(fs::path("boost") / exmodule); ++count; } if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / module)) { add_path(module); ++count; } } ++i; } // // now perform output: // if(m_list_namespaces) { // List the namespaces, in two lists, headers and source files // first, then everything else afterwards: // boost::regex important_file("boost/.*|libs/[^/]*/(?:[^/]*/)?/src/.*"); std::map<std::string, fs::path>::const_iterator i, j; i = m_top_namespaces.begin(); j = m_top_namespaces.end(); std::cout << "\n\nThe top level namespaces found for header and source files were:\n"; while(i != j) { if(regex_match(i->second.string(), important_file)) std::cout << i->first << " (from " << i->second << ")" << std::endl; ++i; } i = m_top_namespaces.begin(); std::cout << "\n\nThe top level namespaces found for all other source files were:\n"; while(i != j) { if(!regex_match(i->second.string(), important_file)) std::cout << i->first << " (from " << i->second << ")" << std::endl; ++i; } return 0; } std::set<fs::path, path_less>::iterator m, n; std::set<fs::path, path_less> short_paths; m = m_copy_paths.begin(); n = m_copy_paths.end(); if(!m_license_mode) { while(m != n) { if(m_list_summary_mode) { fs::path p = get_short_path(*m); if(short_paths.find(p) == short_paths.end()) { short_paths.insert(p); std::cout << p.string() << "\n"; } } else if(m_list_mode) std::cout << m->string() << "\n"; else copy_path(*m); ++m; } } else output_license_info(); return 0; }
int bcp_implementation::run() { // // check output path is OK: // if(!m_list_mode && !m_license_mode && !fs::exists(m_dest_path)) { std::string msg("Destination path does not exist: "); msg.append(m_dest_path.native_file_string()); std::runtime_error e(msg); boost::throw_exception(e); } // start by building a list of permitted files // if m_cvs_mode is true: if(m_cvs_mode) { scan_cvs_path(fs::path()); } // // if in license mode, try to load more/blanket_permission.txt // fs::path blanket_permission(m_boost_path / "more" / "blanket-permission.txt"); if (fs::exists(blanket_permission)) { fs::ifstream in(blanket_permission); std::string line; while (std::getline(in, line)) { boost::regex e("([^(]+)\\("); boost::smatch result; if (boost::regex_search(line, result, e)) m_bsl_authors.insert(format_authors_name(result[1])); } } // // scan through modules looking for the equivalent // file to add to our list: // std::list<std::string>::const_iterator i = m_module_list.begin(); std::list<std::string>::const_iterator j = m_module_list.end(); while(i != j) { // // convert *i to a path - could be native or portable: // fs::path module; fs::path exmodule; try{ module = fs::path(*i); exmodule = fs::path(*i + ".hpp"); } catch(...) { module = fs::path(*i, fs::native); exmodule = fs::path(*i + ".hpp", fs::native); } if(m_scan_mode) { // in scan mode each module must be a real file: add_file_dependencies(module, true); } else { int count = 0; if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / "tools" / module)) { add_path(fs::path("tools") / module); ++count; } if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / "libs" / module)) { add_path(fs::path("libs") / module); ++count; } if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / "boost" / module)) { add_path(fs::path("boost") / module); ++count; } if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / "boost" / exmodule)) { add_path(fs::path("boost") / exmodule); ++count; } if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / module)) { add_path(module); ++count; } } ++i; } // // now perform output: // std::set<fs::path, path_less>::iterator m, n; std::set<fs::path, path_less> short_paths; m = m_copy_paths.begin(); n = m_copy_paths.end(); if(!m_license_mode) { while(m != n) { if(m_list_summary_mode) { fs::path p = get_short_path(*m); if(short_paths.find(p) == short_paths.end()) { short_paths.insert(p); std::cout << p.string() << "\n"; } } else if(m_list_mode) std::cout << m->string() << "\n"; else copy_path(*m); ++m; } } else output_license_info(); return 0; }