Esempio n. 1
main(int argc, char **argv)
	bool gen_i2s, gen_i2s_transtab, gen_s2i, uppercase, lowercase;
	char *prefix;
	size_t i;

	/* This is required by gen_tables.h */
	assert(NUM_VALUES <= (SSIZE_MAX / 2 + 1));

	/* To make sure GT_ISUPPER and GT_ISLOWER work. */
	assert('Z' == 'A' + 25 && 'z' == 'a' + 25);
	gen_i2s = false;
	gen_i2s_transtab = false;
	gen_s2i = false;
	uppercase = false;
	lowercase = false;
	prefix = NULL;
	assert (argc > 1);
	for (i = 1; i < (size_t)argc; i++) {
		if (strcmp(argv[i], "--i2s") == 0)
			gen_i2s = true;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--i2s-transtab") == 0)
			gen_i2s_transtab = true;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--s2i") == 0)
			gen_s2i = true;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--uppercase") == 0)
			uppercase = true;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--lowercase") == 0)
			lowercase = true;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--duplicate-ints") == 0)
			allow_duplicate_ints = true;
		else {
			assert(*argv[i] != '-');
			assert(prefix == NULL);
			prefix = argv[i];
	assert(prefix != NULL);
	assert(!(uppercase && lowercase));

	printf("/* This is a generated file, see for its "
	       "inputs. */\n");
	for (i = 0; i < NUM_VALUES; i++)
		values[i].orig_index = i;
	qsort(values, NUM_VALUES, sizeof(*values), cmp_value_strings);
	/* FIXME? if (gen_s2i), sort the strings in some other order
	   (e.g. "first 4 nodes in BFS of the bsearch tree first") to use the
	   cache better. */
	/* FIXME? If the only thing generated is a transtab, keep the strings
	   in the original order to use the cache better. */
	if (gen_s2i)
		output_s2i(prefix, uppercase, lowercase);
	if (gen_i2s) {
		qsort(values, NUM_VALUES, sizeof(*values), cmp_value_vals);
	if (gen_i2s_transtab) {
		qsort(values, NUM_VALUES, sizeof(*values),
Esempio n. 2
File: html.c Progetto: aabc/blists
int html_day_index(const char *list, unsigned int y, unsigned int m, unsigned int d)
	unsigned int aday;
	off_t idx_offset;
	off_t size, size_n;
	int fd, error, got;
	idx_msgnum_t mx[2]; /* today, next day */
	struct buffer dst;
	struct idx_message *mp;
	int prev; /* have prev message = 1 */
	int count; /* how many messages in this month */
	int next; /* flag & index to next message */

	if (y < MIN_YEAR || y > MAX_YEAR ||
	    m < 1 || m > 12 ||
	    d < 1 || d > 31)
		return html_error("Invalid date");
	aday = YMD2ADAY(y - MIN_YEAR, m, d);

	fd = idx_open(list);
	if (fd < 0)
		return html_error(errno == ENOENT ?
		    "No such mailing list" : NULL);
	/* read two consecutive aday entries
	 * will need them to determine message count for this day */
	error = !idx_read_aday_ok(fd, aday, &mx, sizeof(mx));
	if (error || mx[0] < 1 || mx[0] >= MAX_MAILBOX_MESSAGES) {
		return html_error((error || mx[0] > 0) ? NULL : "No messages"
		    " for this day");
	if (mx[1] > 0)
		count = mx[1] - mx[0];
		count = -mx[1];
	size = count * sizeof(struct idx_message);
	idx_offset = IDX2MSG(mx[0] - 1);
	if (mx[0] > 1) {
		/* read one more entry for Prev day quick link */
		size += sizeof(struct idx_message);
		idx_offset -= sizeof(struct idx_message);
		prev = 1;
	} else {
		prev = 0;

	/* read one more entry for Next day quick link */
	size_n = size + sizeof(struct idx_message);

	if (!(mp = malloc(size_n)) ||
	    (got = idx_read(fd, idx_offset, mp, size_n)) == -1 ||
	    (got != size && got != size_n)) {
		return html_error("Index error");
	next = (got == size_n) ? count + prev : 0;

	if (idx_close(fd) || error || buffer_init(&dst, 0)) {
		return html_error(NULL);

	buffer_appends(&dst, "\n");

	if (html_flags & HTML_HEADER) {
		buffer_appends(&dst, "<title>");
		buffer_appends_html(&dst, list);
		buffer_appendf(&dst, " mailing list - %u/%02u/%02u</title>\n", y, m, d);

	if (html_flags & HTML_BODY) {
		int i;
		if (prev) {
			buffer_appends(&dst, "<a href=\"");
			buffer_appendf(&dst, "../../../%u/%02u/%02u/\">[&lt;prev day]</a> ",
			    MIN_YEAR + mp[0].y, mp[0].m, mp[0].d);
		if (next) {
			buffer_appends(&dst, "<a href=\"");
			buffer_appendf(&dst, "../../../%u/%02u/%02u/\">[next day&gt;]</a> ",
			    MIN_YEAR + mp[next].y, mp[next].m, mp[next].d);
		    "<a href=\"..\">[month]</a>"
		    " <a href=\"../..\">[year]</a>"
		    " <a href=\"../../..\">[list]</a>\n");

		buffer_appends(&dst, "<p><h2>");
		buffer_appends_html(&dst, list);
		buffer_appendf(&dst, " mailing list - %u/%02u/%02u</h2>\n", y, m, d);

		if (count)
			buffer_appends(&dst, "<ul>\n");
		for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			struct idx_message *msg = mp + i + prev;

			buffer_appendf(&dst, "<li><a href=\"%u\">", i + 1);
			output_strings(&dst, msg, 1);
			buffer_appends(&dst, "\n");
		if (count)
			buffer_appends(&dst, "</ul>\n");

		buffer_appendf(&dst, "<p>%u message%s\n", count, count == 1 ? "" : "s");


	return html_send(&dst);
Esempio n. 3
File: html.c Progetto: aabc/blists
int html_month_index(const char *list, unsigned int y, unsigned int m)
	unsigned int d, n, aday, dp;
	int fd;
	idx_msgnum_t mn[32], mp, count, total;
	struct buffer dst;
	int first; /* first message of this month */
	off_t size, size_n;
	struct idx_message *msgp = NULL, *msg = NULL;
	int prev = 0, next = 0;

	if (y < MIN_YEAR || y > MAX_YEAR ||
	    m < 1 || m > 12)
		return html_error("Invalid date");
	aday = ((y - MIN_YEAR) * 12 + (m - 1)) * 31;

	fd = idx_open(list);
	if (fd < 0)
		return html_error(errno == ENOENT ?
		    "No such mailing list" : NULL);

	if (!idx_read_aday_ok(fd, aday, mn, sizeof(mn))) {
		return html_error("Index error");

	/* quickly calculate how many messages we have in this month */
	total = 0;
	first = 0;
	mp = mn[0];
	for (d = 1; d <= 31; d++) {
		if (!mn[d])
		if (mp > 0) {
			/* Remember index of first message */
			if (first == 0)
				first = mp;
			count = (mn[d] > 0) ? mn[d] - mp : -mn[d];
			if (count <= 0) {
				return html_error(NULL);
			total += count;
		mp = mn[d];
	/* have messages, allocate and read them */
	if (total && first) {
		off_t got;
		off_t idx_offset;

		size = total * sizeof(struct idx_message);
		idx_offset = IDX2MSG(first);
		/* we need to read prev and next messages too */
		if (first) {
			size += sizeof(struct idx_message);
			idx_offset -= sizeof(struct idx_message);
			prev = 1;
		size_n = size + sizeof(struct idx_message);

		if (!(msgp = malloc(size_n)) ||
		    (got = idx_read(fd, idx_offset, msgp, size_n)) == -1 ||
		    (got != size && got != size_n)) {
			return html_error("Index error");
		msg = msgp + prev;
		next = (got == size_n) ? total + prev : 0;

	if (idx_close(fd) || buffer_init(&dst, 0)) {
		return html_error(NULL);

	buffer_appends(&dst, "\n");

	if (html_flags & HTML_HEADER) {
		buffer_appends(&dst, "<title>");
		buffer_appends_html(&dst, list);
		buffer_appendf(&dst, " mailing list - %u/%02u</title>\n", y, m);

	if (html_flags & HTML_BODY) {
		if (prev) {
			buffer_appends(&dst, "<a href=\"");
			buffer_appendf(&dst, "../../%u/%02u/\">[&lt;prev month]</a> ",
			    MIN_YEAR + msgp[0].y, msgp[0].m);

		if (next) {
			buffer_appends(&dst, "<a href=\"");
			buffer_appendf(&dst, "../../%u/%02u/\">[next month&gt;]</a> ",
			    MIN_YEAR + msgp[next].y, msgp[next].m);

		    "<a href=\"..\">[year]</a>"
		    " <a href=\"../..\">[list]</a>\n");

		buffer_appends(&dst, "<p><h2>");
		buffer_appends_html(&dst, list);
		buffer_appendf(&dst, " mailing list - %u/%02u</h2>\n", y, m);

		if (!total || !msg) {
			return html_error("No messages for this month");

		html_output_month_cal(&dst, mn, y, m, L_DAILY);

		total = 0;
		dp = 0;
		mp = mn[0];
		for (d = 1; d <= 31; d++) {
			if (!mn[d])
			if (mp > 0) {
				if (mn[d] > 0)
					count = mn[d] - mp;
					count = -mn[d];
				if (count <= 0) {
					return html_error(NULL);
				if (!total)
					buffer_appends(&dst, "<p>Messages by day:\n<p>\n");
				total += count;

				buffer_appendf(&dst, "<b>%s %u</b> "
				    "(<a href=\"%02u/\">%u message%s</a>)<br>\n"
				    month_name[m - 1], dp + 1,
				    dp + 1, count, count == 1 ? "" : "s");

				int maxn = count;
				if (count >= MAX_SHORT_MSG_LIST)
					maxn = MAX_SHORT_MSG_LIST;
				if (count > MAX_SHORT_MSG_LIST)

				for (n = 1; n <= maxn; n++) {
					buffer_appendf(&dst, "<li><a href=\"%02u/%u\">", dp + 1, n);
					output_strings(&dst, msg++, 1);
					buffer_appends(&dst, "\n");
				msg += count - maxn;
				if (count > MAX_SHORT_MSG_LIST)
					buffer_appendf(&dst, "<li><a href=\"%02u/\">%u more messages</a>\n", d, count - maxn);
				buffer_appends(&dst, "</ul>\n");
			mp = mn[d];
			dp = d;

		if (total)
			buffer_appendf(&dst, "<p>%u message%s\n", total, total == 1 ? "" : "s");
			buffer_appends(&dst, "<p>No messages\n");


	return html_send(&dst);
Esempio n. 4
File: html.c Progetto: aabc/blists
int html_year_index(const char *list, unsigned int y)
	unsigned int min_y, max_y, m, d, aday, rday;
	int fd;
	idx_msgnum_t *mn, count;
	size_t mn_size;
	struct buffer dst;

	aday = 0;
	mn_size = (N_ADAY + 1) * sizeof(idx_msgnum_t);
	min_y = MIN_YEAR;
	max_y = MAX_YEAR;
	if (y) {
		if (y < min_y || y > max_y)
			return html_error("Invalid date");
		aday = (y - min_y) * (12 * 31);
		mn_size = (12 * 31 + 1) * sizeof(idx_msgnum_t);
		min_y = max_y = y;

	fd = idx_open(list);
	if (fd < 0)
		return html_error(errno == ENOENT ? "No such mailing list" : NULL);

	if (!(mn = malloc(mn_size)) ||
	    !idx_read_aday_ok(fd, aday, mn, mn_size)) {
		return html_error(NULL);

	/* find first and next index for Prev and Next year links */
	int first = 0;
	int lastn = 0;
	rday = YMD2ADAY(min_y - MIN_YEAR, 1, 1) - aday;
	unsigned int eday = YMD2ADAY(max_y - MIN_YEAR + 1, 1, 1) - aday;
	int sanity = 0;
	for (; rday < eday; rday++) {
		if (mn[rday] > 0) {
			if (!first)
				first = mn[rday];
			if (mn[rday + 1] <= 0)
				lastn = mn[rday] + -mn[rday + 1];
				lastn = mn[rday + 1];
			/* sanity check of index */
			if (lastn <= mn[rday] ||
			    ((mn[rday] != sanity) && sanity)) {
				return html_error("Index corrupt");
			sanity = lastn;
	int prev = 0;
	int next = 0;
	if (first || lastn) {
		struct idx_message msg;
		off_t size = sizeof(struct idx_message);
		if (first > 1) {
			if (!idx_read_msg_ok(fd, first - 2, &msg, size)) {
				return html_error("Index error");
			prev = MIN_YEAR + msg.y;
		if (lastn > 1) {
			if (idx_read_msg_ok(fd, lastn, &msg, size))
				next = MIN_YEAR + msg.y;

	/* read Recent messages */
	struct idx_message *msg = NULL;
	int recent_count = 0;
	int i;
	if (min_y != max_y && lastn > 1) {
		int recent_offset = 0;
		recent_count = MAX_RECENT_MSG_LIST;
		if ((lastn - 1) < recent_count)
			recent_count = lastn - 1;
		size_t size = recent_count * sizeof(struct idx_message);
		recent_offset = lastn - recent_count;
		if (!(msg = malloc(size)) ||
		    !idx_read_msg_ok(fd, recent_offset - 1, msg, size))
			recent_count = 0;

		/* resolve to message number in the day and cache in offset field */
		rday = YMD2ADAY(min_y - MIN_YEAR, 1, 1) - aday;
		i = 0;
		for (; rday < eday; rday++) {
			if (mn[rday] > 0 && recent_offset >= mn[rday]) {
				count = aday_count(&mn[rday]);
				while (recent_offset < (mn[rday] + count)) {
					msg[i].offset = recent_offset - mn[rday] + 1;
					if (i > recent_count)
	if (idx_close(fd) || buffer_init(&dst, 0)) {
		return html_error(NULL);

	buffer_appends(&dst, "\n");

	if (html_flags & HTML_HEADER) {
		buffer_appends(&dst, "<title>");
		buffer_appends_html(&dst, list);
		buffer_appends(&dst, " mailing list");
		if (min_y == max_y)
			buffer_appendf(&dst, " - %u", y);
		buffer_appends(&dst, "</title>\n");

	if (html_flags & HTML_BODY) {
		if (prev)
			buffer_appendf(&dst, "<a href=\"../%u/\">[prev year]</a>\n", prev);
		if (next)
			buffer_appendf(&dst, "<a href=\"../%u/\">[next year]</a>\n", next);
		if (min_y == max_y)
			buffer_appends(&dst, "<a href=\"..\">[list]</a>\n");

		buffer_appends(&dst, "<p><h2>");
		buffer_appends_html(&dst, list);
		buffer_appends(&dst, " mailing list");
		if (min_y == max_y)
			buffer_appendf(&dst, " - %u", y);
		buffer_appends(&dst, "</h2>\n");

		idx_msgnum_t total = 0, monthly_total[12];
		/* output short year-o-month index */
		int o_header = 0;
		int o_year = 0;
		int o_month = -1;
		for (y = max_y; y >= min_y; y--) {
			rday = YMD2ADAY(y - MIN_YEAR, 1, 1) - aday;
			for (m = 1; m <= 12; m++) {
				monthly_total[m - 1] = 0;
				for (d = 1; d <= 31; d++, rday++) {
					if (mn[rday] <= 0)
					if (mn[rday + 1] > 0)
						count = mn[rday + 1] - mn[rday];
						count = -mn[rday + 1];
					monthly_total[m - 1] += count;
				if (!monthly_total[m - 1])
				if (!o_header) {
					    "\n<table border=0 "
				if (o_year != y) {
					if (o_month >= 0) {
						for (o_month++; o_month <= 12; o_month++)
							buffer_appends(&dst, "<td>&nbsp;");
					buffer_appendf(&dst, "\n<tr><td>");
					if (min_y != max_y)
						buffer_appendf(&dst, "<a href=\"%u/\">", y);
					buffer_appendf(&dst, "<b>%4u</b>", y);
					if (min_y != max_y)
						buffer_appends(&dst, "</a>");
					o_year = y;
					o_month = 0;
				for (o_month++; o_month < m; o_month++)
					buffer_appends(&dst, "<td>&nbsp;");
				buffer_appendf(&dst, "<td><a href=\"");
				if (min_y != max_y)
					buffer_appendf(&dst, "%u/", y);
				buffer_appendf(&dst, "%02u/\">%u</a>", m, monthly_total[m - 1]);
				o_month = m;
				total += monthly_total[m - 1];
		if (o_header) {
			if (o_year) {
				for (o_month++; o_month <= 12; o_month++)
					buffer_appends(&dst, "<td>&nbsp;");
			buffer_appends(&dst, "\n</table>\n");

		/* output Recent messages */
		if (msg && recent_count) {
			buffer_appends(&dst, "<br>Recent messages:<br>\n<ul>\n");
			for (i = recent_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
				    "<li>%04u/%02u/%02u #%u: <a href=\"%04u/%02u/%02u/%u\">\n",
				    msg[i].y + MIN_YEAR, msg[i].m, msg[i].d, (int)msg[i].offset,
				    msg[i].y + MIN_YEAR, msg[i].m, msg[i].d, (int)msg[i].offset);
				output_strings(&dst, &msg[i], 1);
				buffer_appends(&dst, "\n");
			buffer_appends(&dst, "</ul>\n");

		free(msg); msg = NULL;

		/* output monthly calendars */
		if (min_y == max_y) {
			y = min_y;
			buffer_appends(&dst, "\n<p>\n<table border=0 class=cal_big>");
			for (m = 1; m <= 12; m++) {
				rday = YMD2ADAY(y - MIN_YEAR, m, 1) - aday;
				if (m % 3 == 1) {
					unsigned int n;
					buffer_appends(&dst, "\n<tr>");
					for (n = m; n < m + 3; n++) {
						if (monthly_total[n - 1])
							buffer_appendf(&dst, "<th><a href=\"%02u/\">%s</a>",
							    n, month_name[n - 1]);
							buffer_appendf(&dst, "<th>%s", month_name[n - 1]);
					buffer_appends(&dst, "\n<tr>");

				buffer_appends(&dst, "<td valign=\"top\">");
				html_output_month_cal(&dst, &mn[rday], y, m, L_MONTHLY);
			buffer_appends(&dst, "</table>");

		if (total)
			buffer_appendf(&dst, "<p>%u message%s\n", total, total == 1 ? "" : "s");
			buffer_appends(&dst, "<p>No messages\n");
	} /* HTML_BODY */


	return html_send(&dst);